package org.intellimate.izou.addon; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Level; import org.intellimate.izou.identification.AddOnInformationManager; import org.intellimate.izou.main.Main; import; import; import org.intellimate.izou.system.Context; import org.intellimate.izou.system.context.ContextImplementation; import org.intellimate.izou.util.AddonThreadPoolUser; import org.intellimate.izou.util.IdentifiableSet; import org.intellimate.izou.util.IzouModule; import ro.fortsoft.pf4j.*; import javax.crypto.SecretKey; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.*; import java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture; import; /** * Manages all the AddOns. */ //TODO isolate pf4j calls & catch errors accordingly public class AddOnManager extends IzouModule implements AddonThreadPoolUser { private IdentifiableSet<AddOnModel> addOns = new IdentifiableSet<>(); private HashMap<AddOnModel, PluginWrapper> pluginWrappers = new HashMap<>(); private Set<AspectOrAffected> aspectOrAffectedSet = new HashSet<>(); private List<Runnable> initializedCallback = new ArrayList<>(); private AddOnInformationManager addOnInformationManager; /** * Creates a new instance of the AddOnManager * * @param main The main instance */ public AddOnManager(Main main) { super(main); addOnInformationManager = main.getAddOnInformationManager(); } /** * Retrieves and registers all AddOns. */ public void retrieveAndRegisterAddOns() { addOns.addAll(loadAddOns()); registerAllAddOns(addOns); initialized(); } /** * Adds AddOns without registering them. * * @param addOns a List containing all the AddOns */ public void addAddOnsWithoutRegistering(List<AddOnModel> addOns) { this.addOns.addAll(addOns); } /** * Registers all AddOns. * * @param addOns a List containing all the AddOns */ public void addAndRegisterAddOns(List<AddOnModel> addOns) { this.addOns.addAll(addOns); registerAllAddOns(this.addOns); initialized(); } /** * TODO: Missing doc * * @param addOns */ public void registerAllAddOns(IdentifiableSet<AddOnModel> addOns) { initAddOns(addOns); createAddOnInfos(addOns); List<CompletableFuture<Void>> futures = .map(addOn -> submit((Runnable) addOn::register)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); try { timeOut(futures, 30000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { debug("interrupted while trying to time out the addOns", e); } } /** * Checks that addOns have all required properties and creating the addOn information list if they do */ private void createAddOnInfos(IdentifiableSet<AddOnModel> addOns) { -> addOnInformationManager.registerAddOn(addOn)); } /** * TODO: Missing doc * * @param addOns */ private void initAddOns(IdentifiableSet<AddOnModel> addOns) { List<CompletableFuture<Void>> futures = .map(addOn -> { Context context = new ContextImplementation(addOn, main,; return submit(() -> addOn.initAddOn(context)); }) .collect(Collectors.toList()); try { timeOut(futures, 30000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { debug("interrupted while trying to time out the addOns", e); } } /** * This method searches all the "/lib"-directory for AddOns and adds them to the addOnList * * @return the retrieved addOns */ private List<AddOnModel> loadAddOns() { debug("searching for addons in: " + getMain().getFileSystemManager().getLibLocation()); PluginManager pluginManager = new DefaultPluginManager(getMain().getFileSystemManager().getLibLocation(), new ArrayList<>(aspectOrAffectedSet)); // load the plugins debug("loading plugins"); pluginManager.loadPlugins(); debug("loaded: " + pluginManager.getPlugins().toString()); // start (active/resolved) the plugins try { debug("starting plugins"); pluginManager.startPlugins(); } catch (Exception | NoClassDefFoundError e) { error("Error while trying to start the PF4J-Plugins", e); } try { debug("retrieving addons from the plugins"); List<AddOnModel> addOns = pluginManager.getExtensions(AddOnModel.class); debug("retrieved: " + addOns.toString()); KeyManager keyManager = new KeyManager(); .filter(addOn -> addOn.getClass().getClassLoader() instanceof IzouPluginClassLoader) .forEach(addOn -> { IzouPluginClassLoader izouPluginClassLoader = (IzouPluginClassLoader) addOn.getClass() .getClassLoader(); PluginWrapper plugin = pluginManager.getPlugin(izouPluginClassLoader.getPluginDescriptor() .getPluginId()); keyManager.manageAddOnKey(plugin.getDescriptor()); pluginWrappers.put(addOn, plugin); addOn.setPlugin(plugin); }); keyManager.saveAddOnKeys(); return addOns; } catch (Exception e) { log.fatal("Error while trying to start the AddOns", e); return new ArrayList<>(); } } /** * Returns the (optional) PluginWrapper for the AddonModel. * If the return is empty, it means that the AddOn was not loaded through pf4j * * @param addOnModel the AddOnModel * @return the PluginWrapper if loaded through pf4j or empty if added as an argument */ public Optional<PluginWrapper> getPluginWrapper(AddOnModel addOnModel) { return Optional.of(pluginWrappers.get(addOnModel)); } /** * Checks whether the AddOn was loaded through pf4j * * @param addOnModel the AddOnModel to check * @return true if loaded, false if not */ public boolean loadedThroughPF4J (AddOnModel addOnModel) { return pluginWrappers.get(addOnModel) != null; } /** * Adds an aspect-class url to the list. Must be done before loading of the addons! * * @param aspectOrAffected the aspect or affected to add */ public void addAspectOrAffected(AspectOrAffected aspectOrAffected) { if (!aspectOrAffectedSet.add(aspectOrAffected)) { error("set is already containing an instance of " + aspectOrAffected); } } /** * adds an listener to the initialized state (all addons registered). * @param runnable the runnable to add */ public void addInitializedListener(Runnable runnable) { initializedCallback.add(runnable); } /** * Called after the addons were initialized */ private void initialized() { initializedCallback.forEach(this::submit); initializedCallback = new LinkedList<>(); } /** * The KeyManager in the AddOnManager loads or creates a {@link SecretKey} for each AddOn at addOn load time, * depending if one already exists. It then distributes them to each addOn being loaded, and then finaly saves them * again. * <p> * This is necessary for the {@link SecureStorageImpl} in order to save * data matching to each addOn. This secret key serves as key to the data of an addOn being saved. In other * words, each addOn data is matched with the secret key instead of the plugin descriptor itself in order to * avoid serialization of the addon descriptor, which would entail a huge mess. So the secret key of each addOn * is pretty much a "signature" of each addOn, easily identifying it. * </p> */ private class KeyManager { private HashMap<String, SecretKey> addOnKeys; boolean changed; /** * Creates a new KeyManager object */ private KeyManager() { addOnKeys = new HashMap<>(); retrieveAddonKeys(); } /** * Check if a SecretKey already exists for the plugin descriptor, if not creates a new one, and then gives it to * the plugin descriptor. * @param descriptor The plugin descriptor to give a SecretKey */ private void manageAddOnKey(PluginDescriptor descriptor) { SecretKey secretKey = addOnKeys.get(descriptor.getPluginId()); if (secretKey == null) { SecurityFunctions module = new SecurityFunctions(); secretKey = module.generateKey(); addOnKeys.put(descriptor.getPluginId(), secretKey); changed = true; } descriptor.setSecureID(secretKey); } /** * Retrieves all saved addOnKeys (they cannot change, since there are dependencies on them, so they are saved * and retrieved) */ private void retrieveAddonKeys() { changed = false; try { final String keyStoreFile = getMain().getFileSystemManager().getSystemDataLocation() + File.separator + "addon_keys.keystore"; KeyStore keyStore = createKeyStore(keyStoreFile, "4b[X:+H4CS&avY<)"); KeyStore.PasswordProtection keyPassword = new KeyStore.PasswordProtection("Ev45j>eP}QTR?K9_" .toCharArray()); Enumeration<String> aliases = keyStore.aliases(); while (aliases.hasMoreElements()) { String alias = aliases.nextElement(); KeyStore.Entry entry = keyStore.getEntry(alias, keyPassword); SecretKey key = ((KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry) entry).getSecretKey(); addOnKeys.put(alias, key); } } catch(NullPointerException e) { return; } catch (UnrecoverableEntryException | NoSuchAlgorithmException | KeyStoreException e) { error("Unable to retrieve key", e); } } /** * Save all addOnKeys in the instance variable {@code addOnKeys} in a keystore */ private void saveAddOnKeys() { if (!changed) { return; } final String keyStoreFile = getMain().getFileSystemManager().getSystemDataLocation() + File.separator + "addon_keys.keystore"; KeyStore keyStore = createKeyStore(keyStoreFile, "4b[X:+H4CS&avY<)"); for (String mapKey : addOnKeys.keySet()) { try { KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry keyStoreEntry = new KeyStore.SecretKeyEntry(addOnKeys.get(mapKey)); KeyStore.PasswordProtection keyPassword = new KeyStore.PasswordProtection("Ev45j>eP}QTR?K9_" .toCharArray()); keyStore.setEntry(mapKey, keyStoreEntry, keyPassword); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { error("Unable to store key", e); } } try { FileOutputStream(keyStoreFile), "4b[X:+H4CS&avY<)".toCharArray()); } catch (KeyStoreException | IOException | CertificateException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { error("Unable to store key", e); } } /** * Creates a new keystore for addOn secret keys * * @param fileName the path to the keystore * @param password the password to use with the keystore * @return the newly created keystore */ private KeyStore createKeyStore(String fileName, String password) { File file = new File(fileName); KeyStore keyStore = null; try { keyStore = KeyStore.getInstance("JCEKS"); if (file.exists()) { keyStore.load(new FileInputStream(file), password.toCharArray()); } else { keyStore.load(null, null); FileOutputStream(fileName), password.toCharArray()); } } catch (CertificateException | IOException | KeyStoreException | NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { error("Unable to create key store", e); } return keyStore; } } }