package; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.SortedMap; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import junit.framework.TestSuite; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.PropertyUtils; import org.apache.commons.betwixt.PatchedXMLIntrospector; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.digester.Digester; import org.jpos.iso.ISOException; import org.jpos.iso.ISOMsg; import org.jpos.iso.ISOPackager; import org.jpos.iso.ISOUtil; import org.jpos.iso.packager.XMLPackager; import; import org.jpos.jposext.isomsgaction.helper.ISOMsgHelper; import org.jpos.jposext.isomsgaction.helper.IsoMsgActionHelper; import org.jpos.jposext.isomsgaction.model.validation.ValidationErrorTypeEnum; import org.jpos.jposext.isomsgaction.service.IISOMsgAction; import org.jpos.jposext.isomsgaction.testing.service.ITestSuiteFactory; /** * @author dgrandemange * */ public class TestSuiteFactoryImpl implements ITestSuiteFactory { private static final String DEFAULT_PATH_SEPARATOR = "."; private static final String CHECK_REGEXP = "^<check:(.*)>.*$"; private static final String DEFAULT_MAPPINGS_DIR = "mappings"; private Boolean manualCheck = null; private boolean interactive = Boolean.TRUE; private String mappingsDirPath = DEFAULT_MAPPINGS_DIR; private ISOPackager xmlPackager; private String mappingTestsDirPath = ""; public TestSuiteFactoryImpl() { super(); } public TestSuiteFactoryImpl(String mappingsDirPath, String mappingTestsDirPath) { super(); this.mappingsDirPath = mappingsDirPath; this.mappingTestsDirPath = mappingTestsDirPath; try { xmlPackager = new XMLPackager(); } catch (ISOException e) { // Safe to ignore } } public TestSuite core(String mappingId) { try { List<File> mappingCfgFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); InputStream bais = IsoMsgActionHelper .getMainISOActionConfigInputStream(mappingsDirPath, mappingId, mappingCfgFiles); ISOMsgActionsConfigDigesterFactoryImpl digesterFactory = new ISOMsgActionsConfigDigesterFactoryImpl(); Digester digester = digesterFactory.createDigester(); Map<String, IISOMsgAction> mapActions = (Map<String, IISOMsgAction>) digester .parse(bais); TestSuite rootTestSuite = new TestSuite(); rootTestSuite.setName("testMapping"); for (File mappingCfgFile : mappingCfgFiles) { String mappingCfgName = mappingCfgFile.getName().replaceFirst( "(^.*)\\.xml$", "$1"); String mappingCfgTestsDirPath = String.format("%s/%s", (!("".equals(mappingTestsDirPath))) ? mappingTestsDirPath : mappingsDirPath, mappingCfgName); File mappingCfgTestsDir = new File(mappingCfgTestsDirPath); if (mappingCfgTestsDir.isDirectory()) { TestSuite mappingTestSuite = new TestSuite(); mappingTestSuite.setName(String .format("%s", mappingCfgName)); final String testSetRegExp = "^test.*$"; File[] testSetDirs = mappingCfgTestsDir .listFiles(new FileFilter() { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see */ public boolean accept(File file) { boolean res = false; if (file.isDirectory()) { res = file.getName().matches( testSetRegExp); } return res; } }); for (File testSetDir : testSetDirs) { MappingTest mappingTest = new MappingTest(); mappingTest.setName(String.format("%s.%s", mappingCfgName, testSetDir.getName())); IISOMsgAction action = mapActions.get(mappingCfgName); if (null == action) { throw new Exception( String.format( "No iso action found with id '%s'. Please check mapping config '%s/%s' : attribute 'id', in the <iso-action> element, should be set to '%s'", mappingCfgName, mappingsDirPath, mappingCfgFile.getName(), mappingCfgName)); } mappingTest.setAction(action); // Constitution des messages ISO sources // et injection dans le test de mapping final String sourceMsgRegExp = "^isomsg\\.source\\.([0-9]{1,9})\\.(properties|xml)$"; File[] sourceMsgDefsFiles = testSetDir .listFiles(new FileFilter() { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * */ public boolean accept(File file) { boolean res = false; if (file.isFile()) { res = (file.getName() .matches(sourceMsgRegExp)); } return res; } }); SortedMap<Integer, ISOMsg> mapSrcMsg = new TreeMap<Integer, ISOMsg>(); for (File sourceMsgDefsFile : sourceMsgDefsFiles) { int indexMsg = Integer.parseInt(sourceMsgDefsFile .getName().replaceFirst(sourceMsgRegExp, "$1")); String msgFileExt = sourceMsgDefsFile.getName() .replaceFirst(sourceMsgRegExp, "$2"); ISOMsg currentSourceMsg = null; if ("properties".equalsIgnoreCase(msgFileExt)) { Properties props = new Properties(); props.load(new FileInputStream( sourceMsgDefsFile)); currentSourceMsg = getISOMsgFromProps(props, mappingTest); } else if ("xml".equalsIgnoreCase(msgFileExt)) { BufferedReader xmlMsgReader = null; try { currentSourceMsg = new ISOMsg(); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); xmlMsgReader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(sourceMsgDefsFile)); String xmlLine = ""; while (null != xmlLine) { bos.write(xmlLine.getBytes()); xmlLine = xmlMsgReader.readLine(); } currentSourceMsg.setPackager(xmlPackager); currentSourceMsg.unpack(bos.toByteArray()); } catch (Exception e) { if (null != xmlMsgReader) { xmlMsgReader.close(); } } } if (null != currentSourceMsg) { mapSrcMsg.put(new Integer(indexMsg), currentSourceMsg); } } for (ISOMsg srcIsoMsg : mapSrcMsg.values()) { mappingTest.addSrcISOMsg(srcIsoMsg); } // Constitution du contexte de mapping // et injection dans le test de mapping Properties contextProps = new Properties(); File[] mappingContextDefsFiles = testSetDir .listFiles(new FileFilter() { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * */ public boolean accept(File file) { boolean res = false; if (file.isFile()) { res = "" .equals(file.getName()); } return res; } }); for (File mappingContextDefsFile : mappingContextDefsFiles) { contextProps.load(new FileInputStream( mappingContextDefsFile)); resolveContextMappedBeans(testSetDir, contextProps); mappingTest.setContext(new HashMap<String, Object>( (Map) contextProps)); } // Constitution du contexte ATTENDU de mapping // et injection dans le test de mapping Properties expectedContextProps = new Properties(); File[] mappingExpectedContextDefsFiles = testSetDir .listFiles(new FileFilter() { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * */ public boolean accept(File file) { boolean res = false; if (file.isFile()) { res = "" .equals(file.getName()); } return res; } }); for (File mappingExpectedContextDefsFile : mappingExpectedContextDefsFiles) { expectedContextProps.load(new FileInputStream( mappingExpectedContextDefsFile)); resolveContextMappedBeans(testSetDir, expectedContextProps); HashMap<String, Object> expectedContextMap = new HashMap<String, Object>( (Map) expectedContextProps); HashMap<String, Object> finalExpectedContextMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); List<String> binaryAttrs = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> nullAttrs = new ArrayList<String>(); Pattern patternHexa = Pattern .compile("^<hexa:(.*)>.*$"); Pattern patternNull = Pattern .compile("^<null:(.*)>.*$"); Pattern patternCheck = Pattern .compile(CHECK_REGEXP); for (Entry<String, Object> entry : expectedContextMap .entrySet()) { String entryKey = (String) entry.getKey(); String entryValue = (String) entry.getValue(); boolean matches; Matcher hexaMatcher = patternHexa .matcher(entryValue); matches = hexaMatcher.matches(); if (matches) { String hexWithSpace = hexaMatcher .replaceFirst("$1"); String hexNoSpace = hexWithSpace.replace( " ", ""); entry.setValue(hexNoSpace); binaryAttrs.add(entryKey); } Matcher nullMatcher = patternNull .matcher(entryValue); matches = nullMatcher.matches(); if (matches) { nullAttrs.add(entryKey); } Matcher checkMatcher = patternCheck .matcher(entryValue); matches = checkMatcher.matches(); if (matches) { manageManualChecks(entryValue, "context entry [" + entryKey + "]", mappingTest, CHECK_REGEXP); } else { finalExpectedContextMap.put(entryKey, entryValue); } } mappingTest .setExpectedContext(finalExpectedContextMap); mappingTest .setExpectedContextBinaryAttrs(binaryAttrs); mappingTest.setExpectedContextNullAttrs(nullAttrs); } // Constitution du message ISO attendu // et injection dans le test de mapping final String expectedMsgRegExp = "^isomsg\\.expected\\.(properties|xml)$"; File[] expectedMsgDefsFiles = testSetDir .listFiles(new FileFilter() { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * */ public boolean accept(File file) { boolean res = false; if (file.isFile()) { res = (file.getName() .matches(expectedMsgRegExp)); } return res; } }); for (File expectedMsgDefsFile : expectedMsgDefsFiles) { String msgFileExt = expectedMsgDefsFile.getName() .replaceFirst(expectedMsgRegExp, "$1"); ISOMsg expectedMsg = null; if ("properties".equalsIgnoreCase(msgFileExt)) { Properties expectedMsgProps = new Properties(); expectedMsgProps.load(new FileInputStream( expectedMsgDefsFile)); expectedMsg = getISOMsgFromProps( expectedMsgProps, mappingTest); } else if ("xml".equalsIgnoreCase(msgFileExt)) { BufferedReader xmlMsgReader = null; try { expectedMsg = new ISOMsg(); ByteArrayOutputStream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); xmlMsgReader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(expectedMsgDefsFile)); String xmlLine = ""; while (null != xmlLine) { bos.write(xmlLine.getBytes()); xmlLine = xmlMsgReader.readLine(); } expectedMsg.setPackager(xmlPackager); expectedMsg.unpack(bos.toByteArray()); } catch (Exception e) { if (null != xmlMsgReader) { xmlMsgReader.close(); } } } mappingTest.setExpectedISOMsg(expectedMsg); } // Constitution de la liste des erreurs attendues // de validation, et injection dans le test de mapping Properties validationErrorsProps = new Properties(); File[] validationErrorsDefsFiles = testSetDir .listFiles(new FileFilter() { /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * */ public boolean accept(File file) { boolean res = false; if (file.isFile()) { res = "" .equals(file.getName()); } return res; } }); Map<String, List<ValidationErrorTypeEnum>> mapExpectedErrsByIdPath = new HashMap<String, List<ValidationErrorTypeEnum>>(); for (File validationErrorsDefsFile : validationErrorsDefsFiles) { validationErrorsProps.load(new FileInputStream( validationErrorsDefsFile)); for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : validationErrorsProps .entrySet()) { String sTypeErreurValidation = (String) entry .getKey(); String idPathSepList = (String) entry .getValue(); ValidationErrorTypeEnum validationErrorTypeEnum = ValidationErrorTypeEnum .valueOf(sTypeErreurValidation); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer( idPathSepList, ","); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String currentIdPath = tokenizer .nextToken().trim(); if (!("".equals(currentIdPath))) { List<ValidationErrorTypeEnum> listErrsForIdPath = mapExpectedErrsByIdPath .get(currentIdPath); if (null == listErrsForIdPath) { listErrsForIdPath = new ArrayList<ValidationErrorTypeEnum>(); mapExpectedErrsByIdPath.put( currentIdPath, listErrsForIdPath); } listErrsForIdPath .add(validationErrorTypeEnum); } } } } mappingTest .setMapExpectedErrsByIdPath(mapExpectedErrsByIdPath); mappingTestSuite.addTest(mappingTest); } rootTestSuite.addTest(mappingTestSuite); } } return rootTestSuite; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected void resolveContextMappedBeans(File testSetDir, Properties contextProps) { String xmlBeanRegExp = "^<xmlbean:(xmlpath=.*)(.*=.*[ ]*)*[ ]*>$"; String refBeanRegExp = "^<refbean:(.*)[ ]*>$"; Map<String, String> mapRefBean = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Entry<Object, Object> entry : contextProps.entrySet()) { String key = (String) entry.getKey(); String value = (String) entry.getValue(); if (value.matches(xmlBeanRegExp)) { String mappingInfos = value.replaceFirst(xmlBeanRegExp, "$1"); String xmlBeanMappingFilePath = null; Map<String, String> eltClassMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(mappingInfos, " "); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String keyValuePair = tokenizer.nextToken(); String keyValuePairRegExp = "^(.*)=(.*)$"; if (keyValuePair.matches(keyValuePairRegExp)) { String xmlElt = keyValuePair.replaceFirst( keyValuePairRegExp, "$1"); String beanClassname = keyValuePair.replaceFirst( keyValuePairRegExp, "$2"); if ("xmlpath".equalsIgnoreCase(xmlElt)) { xmlBeanMappingFilePath = beanClassname; } else { eltClassMap.put(xmlElt, beanClassname); } } } try { File xmlBeanMappingFile = new File( testSetDir.getAbsolutePath() + System.getProperty("file.separator") + xmlBeanMappingFilePath); BeanReader beanReader = new BeanReader(); PatchedXMLIntrospector patchedXmlIntrospector = new PatchedXMLIntrospector(); beanReader.setXMLIntrospector(patchedXmlIntrospector); patchedXmlIntrospector.getConfiguration() .setAttributesForPrimitives(false); beanReader.getBindingConfiguration().setMapIDs(false); ChainedBeanCreator chainedBeanCreator = new ChainedBeanCreator() { public Object create(ElementMapping mapping, ReadContext context, BeanCreationChain chain) { if (byte.class.equals(mapping.getType())) { String hexByteValue = mapping.getAttributes() .getValue("hexa"); return new Byte( ISOUtil.hex2byte(hexByteValue)[0]); } return chain.create(mapping, context); } }; BeanCreationList chain = BeanCreationList .createStandardChain(); chain.insertBeanCreator(1, chainedBeanCreator); beanReader.getReadConfiguration().setBeanCreationChain( chain); for (Entry<String, String> eltClassEntry : eltClassMap .entrySet()) { beanReader.registerBeanClass(eltClassEntry.getKey(), Class.forName(eltClassEntry.getValue())); } Object obj = (Object) beanReader.parse(xmlBeanMappingFile); contextProps.put(key, obj); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } } else if (value.matches(refBeanRegExp)) { mapRefBean.put(key, value); } } for (Entry<String, String> entry : mapRefBean.entrySet()) { String beanPath = entry.getValue() .replaceFirst(refBeanRegExp, "$1"); String[] splitStr = beanPath.split("\\.", 2); try { Object obj = PropertyUtils.getProperty( contextProps.get(splitStr[0]), splitStr[1]); contextProps.put(entry.getKey(), obj); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } protected ISOMsg getISOMsgFromProps(Properties props, MappingTest mappingTest) { ISOMsg res = new ISOMsg(); // D�terminer les champs composites et les cr�er for (Entry entry : props.entrySet()) { String rawIdPath = (String) entry.getKey(); String idPath = hexPathToDecPath(rawIdPath, DEFAULT_PATH_SEPARATOR); String strLastAtomicId = ISOMsgHelper.findLastAtomicId(idPath); int lastAtomicId = ISOMsgHelper .getIntIdFromStringId(strLastAtomicId); ISOMsg inter = res; if (!(strLastAtomicId.equals(idPath))) { int lastSepIndex = idPath.lastIndexOf(DEFAULT_PATH_SEPARATOR); String pathOnly; if (lastSepIndex > 0) { pathOnly = idPath.substring(0, lastSepIndex); } else { pathOnly = idPath; } StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(pathOnly, DEFAULT_PATH_SEPARATOR); while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); int currentId = ISOMsgHelper.getIntIdFromStringId(token); boolean cmpFieldExists = inter.hasField(currentId); if (!cmpFieldExists) { ISOMsg cmpField = new ISOMsg(currentId); try { inter.set(cmpField); } catch (ISOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } inter = (ISOMsg) inter.getComponent(currentId); } } boolean setted = false; String entryValue = (String) entry.getValue(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^<hexa:(.*)>.*$"); Matcher m = pattern.matcher(entryValue); boolean matches = m.matches(); if (matches) { String hexWithSpace = m.replaceFirst("$1"); String hexNoSpace = hexWithSpace.replace(" ", ""); byte[] hex2byte = ISOUtil.hex2byte(hexNoSpace); try { inter.set(lastAtomicId, hex2byte); setted = true; } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } if (!setted) { setFieldValue(inter, lastAtomicId, (String) entry.getValue(), idPath, mappingTest); } } return res; } protected String hexPathToDecPath(String rawIdPath, String defaultPathSeparator) { StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer(); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(rawIdPath, defaultPathSeparator); String sep = ""; while (tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = tokenizer.nextToken(); int currentId = ISOMsgHelper.getIntIdFromStringId(token); res.append(sep); res.append(currentId); sep = defaultPathSeparator; } return res.toString(); } protected void setFieldValue(ISOMsg msg, int id, String value, String idPath, MappingTest mappingTest) { try { String checkRegExp = CHECK_REGEXP; if (value.matches(checkRegExp)) { manageManualChecks(value, idPath, mappingTest, checkRegExp); } else { msg.set(id, value); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } protected void manageManualChecks(String value, String idPath, MappingTest mappingTest, String checkRegExp) { if (interactive) { if (null == manualCheck) { Object[] options = { "Yes", "No" }; int n = JOptionPane .showOptionDialog( null, "Some tests require manual checks.\n" + "Do you want a pop reminder per test to check ?", "Manual checks", JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION, JOptionPane.QUESTION_MESSAGE, null, options, options[1]); manualCheck = new Boolean(n == 0 ? true : false); } } mappingTest.setShowManualCheckReminder((null == manualCheck) ? false : manualCheck.booleanValue()); mappingTest.addManualCheck(idPath, value.replaceFirst(checkRegExp, "$1")); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.jpos.jposext.isomsgaction.testing.service.ITestSuiteFactory#create() */ public TestSuite create() { return core(null); } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see org.jpos.jposext.isomsgaction.testing.service.ITestSuiteFactory# * createByMappingId(java.lang.String) */ public TestSuite createByMappingId(String id) { return core(id); } public String getMappingsDirPath() { return mappingsDirPath; } public void setMappingsDirPath(String mappingsDirPath) { this.mappingsDirPath = mappingsDirPath; } public String getMappingTestsDirPath() { return mappingTestsDirPath; } public void setMappingTestsDirPath(String mappingTestsDirPath) { this.mappingTestsDirPath = mappingTestsDirPath; } public boolean isInteractive() { return interactive; } public void setInteractive(boolean interactive) { this.interactive = interactive; } }