package com.ingotpowered; import com.ingotpowered.api.Orientation; import com.ingotpowered.api.Player; import com.ingotpowered.api.Position; import com.ingotpowered.api.definitions.Difficulty; import com.ingotpowered.api.definitions.Dimension; import com.ingotpowered.api.definitions.GameMode; import com.ingotpowered.api.definitions.LevelType; import com.ingotpowered.api.entity.EntityTickManager; import*; import com.ingotpowered.entity.IngotEntity; import com.ingotpowered.api.entity.EntityAnimation; import com.ingotpowered.api.entity.Rideable; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import*; import; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; public class IngotPlayer extends IngotEntity implements Player { public static final String JSON_CHAT_MESSAGE_BASE = "{\"text\":\"${message}\"}"; public SocketChannel channel; public PacketHandler packetHandler; public PacketCodec packetCodec; public String uuid; public String username; public String hostname; public int port; public String base64Skin; public Position compassSpawnPosition = new Position(0, 0, 0); public String locale = "en_US"; public int viewDistance = 10; public byte chatFlags = 0; public boolean showingColors = true; public byte displaySkinParts; public long ping = 0; public boolean onGround = false; public boolean crouched = false; public boolean sprinting = false; public IngotPlayer(SocketChannel channel) { = channel; this.packetHandler = new PacketHandler(this); this.packetCodec = new PacketCodec(this.packetHandler); } public void playerAuthenticated() { synchronized (IngotServer.server.playerMap) { IngotServer.server.playerMap.put(username, this); } Packet2LoginSuccess response = new Packet2LoginSuccess(); response.username = username; response.uuid = uuid; channel.pipeline().write(response); packetCodec.protoState = ProtoState.PLAY; IngotChunk testChunk = new IngotChunk(new ChunkPosition(0, 0)); // channel.pipeline().write(new PacketPluginMessage("MC|Brand", "Ingot".getBytes(Charset.forName("UTF-8")))); channel.pipeline().write(new Packet5Spawn(new Position(0, 6, 0))); channel.pipeline().write(new Packet57ClientAbilities(false, true, true, false, 2F, 2F)); channel.pipeline().write(new Packet1JoinGame(89, GameMode.SURVIVAL, Dimension.OVERWORLD, Difficulty.EASY, 80, LevelType.DEFAULT, true)); channel.pipeline().writeAndFlush(new PacketPlayerPosLook(0, 16, 0, 20, 20, (byte) 0)); // We're ready to spawn! channel.pipeline().writeAndFlush(new Packet38ChunkBulk(true, 1, 0, 0, (short) (testChunk.getChunkData().length & 0xFFFFFF), testChunk.getChunkData())); // IngotServer Event final PlayerLoginEvent event = new PlayerLoginEvent(this); IngotServer.server.eventFactory.callEvent(event, null); } public void playerDisconnected() { synchronized (IngotServer.server.playerMap) { IngotServer.server.playerMap.remove(username); } System.out.println(username + " disconnected from the server"); } public void groundStateChange(boolean onGround) { // IngotServer Event PlayerGroundStateEvent event = new PlayerGroundStateEvent(this, this.onGround, onGround); IngotServer.server.eventFactory.callEvent(event, null); this.onGround = onGround; } public void updatePositionAndOrientation(final double x, final double y, final double z, final float yaw, final float pitch) { final PlayerMoveEvent event = new PlayerMoveEvent(this, new Position(this.x, this.y, this.z), new Orientation(this.yaw, this.pitch), new Position(x, y, z), new Orientation(yaw, pitch)); IngotServer.server.eventFactory.callEvent(event, new Runnable() { public void run() { if (event.isCancelled()) { channel.pipeline().writeAndFlush(new PacketPlayerPosLook(IngotPlayer.this.x, IngotPlayer.this.y, IngotPlayer.this.z, IngotPlayer.this.yaw, IngotPlayer.this.pitch, (byte) 0)); } else { IngotPlayer.this.x = x; IngotPlayer.this.y = y; IngotPlayer.this.z = z; IngotPlayer.this.yaw = yaw; IngotPlayer.this.pitch = pitch; } } }); } public void playerChat(String message) { if (message.trim().equals("")) { return; } if (message.startsWith("/")) { String[] split = message.split(" "); final String command = split[0].substring(1); final String[] args = new String[split.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(split, 1, args, 0, args.length); final PlayerCommandEvent event = new PlayerCommandEvent(this, command, args); IngotServer.server.eventFactory.callEvent(event, new Runnable() { public void run() { if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } IngotServer.server.commandRegistry.runPlayerCommand(IngotPlayer.this, command, args); } }); return; } final PlayerChatEvent event = new PlayerChatEvent(this, message); IngotServer.server.eventFactory.callEvent(event, new Runnable() { public void run() { if (event.isCancelled()) { return; } String finalMessage = JSON_CHAT_MESSAGE_BASE.replace("${message}", event.getFormat().replace("${0}", username).replace("${1}", event.getMessage())); IngotServer.server.sendGlobalPacket(new PacketChat(finalMessage)); } }); } public void sendMessage(String message) { sendJSONMessage(JSON_CHAT_MESSAGE_BASE.replace("${message}", message)); } public void sendJSONMessage(String json) { channel.pipeline().writeAndFlush(new PacketChat(json)); } public void setCompassSpawn(Position compassSpawnPosition) { this.compassSpawnPosition = compassSpawnPosition; channel.pipeline().writeAndFlush(new Packet5Spawn(compassSpawnPosition)); } public String getUsername() { return username; } public String getUUID() { return null; } public String getBase64EncodedSkin() { return base64Skin; } public void kick() { this.kick("You have been kicked from the server!"); } public void kick(String reason) { if (packetCodec.protoState == ProtoState.LOGIN) { channel.pipeline().writeAndFlush(new Packet0Disconnect(reason)); } else if (packetCodec.protoState == ProtoState.PLAY) { // IngotServer event final PlayerKickEvent event = new PlayerKickEvent(this, reason); IngotServer.server.eventFactory.callEvent(event, new Runnable() { public void run() { if (!event.isCancelled()) { channel.pipeline().writeAndFlush(new Packet64Disconnect(event.getKickMessage())); channel.close(); } } }); return; } channel.close(); } public void teleport(Position position) { } public void teleport(Position position, World world) { } public void teleport(Position position, Orientation orientation) { } public void teleport(Position position, World world, Orientation orientation) { } public void mount(Rideable rideable) { } public void dismount() { } public void moveRelative(double x, double y, double z) { } public void setOrientation(Orientation orientation) { } public void moveRelative(double x, double y, double z, Orientation orientation) { } public void sendStatus(EntityAnimation animation) { } public int getId() { return -1; } public boolean isOnGround() { return onGround; } public boolean isSprinting() { return sprinting; } public boolean isCrouching() { return crouched; } public long getPing() { return ping; } public String getLocale() { return locale; } public String getHostname() { return hostname; } public int getPort() { return port; } public Position getCompassSpawnPosition() { return compassSpawnPosition; } @Override public EntityTickManager getTickManager() { return null; } @Override public void setTickManager(EntityTickManager manager) { //DO NOTHING! } public boolean isAlive() { return true; } public Position getPosition() { return new Position(x, y, z); } public Orientation getOrientation() { return new Orientation(yaw, pitch); } }