/* * AddressDao.java * * Copyright 2006 Sun Microsystems, Inc. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Use of * this software is authorized pursuant to the terms of the license * found at http://developers.sun.com/berkeley_license.html . */ package com.sun.demo.addressbook.db; import com.sun.demo.addressbook.Address; import com.sun.demo.addressbook.ListEntry; import java.io.File; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.InputStream; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; /** * * @author John O'Conner */ public class AddressDao { /** Creates a new instance of AddressDao */ public AddressDao() { this("DefaultAddressBook"); } public AddressDao(String addressBookName) { this.dbName = addressBookName; setDBSystemDir(); dbProperties = loadDBProperties(); String driverName = dbProperties.getProperty("derby.driver"); loadDatabaseDriver(driverName); if (!dbExists()) { createDatabase(); } } private boolean dbExists() { boolean bExists = false; String dbLocation = getDatabaseLocation(); File dbFileDir = new File(dbLocation); if (dbFileDir.exists()) { bExists = true; } return bExists; } private void setDBSystemDir() { // decide on the db system directory String userHomeDir = System.getProperty("user.home", "."); String systemDir = userHomeDir + "/.addressbook"; System.setProperty("derby.system.home", systemDir); // create the db system directory File fileSystemDir = new File(systemDir); fileSystemDir.mkdir(); } private void loadDatabaseDriver(String driverName) { // load Derby driver try { Class.forName(driverName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } private Properties loadDBProperties() { InputStream dbPropInputStream = null; dbPropInputStream = AddressDao.class .getResourceAsStream("Configuration.properties"); dbProperties = new Properties(); try { dbProperties.load(dbPropInputStream); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return dbProperties; } private boolean createTables(Connection dbConnection) { boolean bCreatedTables = false; Statement statement = null; try { statement = dbConnection.createStatement(); statement.execute(strCreateAddressTable); bCreatedTables = true; } catch (SQLException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } return bCreatedTables; } private boolean createDatabase() { boolean bCreated = false; Connection dbConnection = null; String dbUrl = getDatabaseUrl(); dbProperties.put("create", "true"); try { dbConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, dbProperties); bCreated = createTables(dbConnection); } catch (SQLException ex) { } dbProperties.remove("create"); return bCreated; } public boolean connect() { String dbUrl = getDatabaseUrl(); try { dbConnection = DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, dbProperties); stmtSaveNewRecord = dbConnection.prepareStatement(strSaveAddress, Statement.RETURN_GENERATED_KEYS); stmtUpdateExistingRecord = dbConnection .prepareStatement(strUpdateAddress); stmtGetAddress = dbConnection.prepareStatement(strGetAddress); stmtDeleteAddress = dbConnection.prepareStatement(strDeleteAddress); isConnected = dbConnection != null; } catch (SQLException ex) { isConnected = false; } return isConnected; } private String getHomeDir() { return System.getProperty("user.home"); } public void disconnect() { if (isConnected) { String dbUrl = getDatabaseUrl(); dbProperties.put("shutdown", "true"); try { DriverManager.getConnection(dbUrl, dbProperties); } catch (SQLException ex) { } isConnected = false; } } public String getDatabaseLocation() { String dbLocation = System.getProperty("derby.system.home") + "/" + dbName; return dbLocation; } public String getDatabaseUrl() { String dbUrl = dbProperties.getProperty("derby.url") + dbName; return dbUrl; } public int saveRecord(Address record) { int id = -1; try { if (exists(record) || empty(record)) { return id; } stmtSaveNewRecord.clearParameters(); stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(1, record.getLastName()); stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(2, record.getFirstName()); stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(3, record.getMiddleName()); stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(4, record.getPhone()); stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(5, record.getEmail()); stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(6, record.getAddress1()); stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(7, record.getAddress2()); stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(8, record.getCity()); stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(9, record.getState()); stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(10, record.getPostalCode()); stmtSaveNewRecord.setString(11, record.getCountry()); int rowCount = stmtSaveNewRecord.executeUpdate(); ResultSet results = stmtSaveNewRecord.getGeneratedKeys(); if (results.next()) { id = results.getInt(1); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); } return id; } private boolean empty(Address rec) { return rec.isEmpty(); } private boolean exists(Address rec) { for (Address db : getListAddress()) { if (db.getFirstName().equals(rec.getFirstName()) && db.getLastName().equals(rec.getLastName()) && db.getMiddleName().equals(rec.getMiddleName()) && db.getEmail().equals(rec.getEmail())) { return true; } } return false; } public boolean editRecord(Address record) { boolean bEdited = false; try { stmtUpdateExistingRecord.clearParameters(); stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setString(1, record.getLastName()); stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setString(2, record.getFirstName()); stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setString(3, record.getMiddleName()); stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setString(4, record.getPhone()); stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setString(5, record.getEmail()); stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setString(6, record.getAddress1()); stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setString(7, record.getAddress2()); stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setString(8, record.getCity()); stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setString(9, record.getState()); stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setString(10, record.getPostalCode()); stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setString(11, record.getCountry()); stmtUpdateExistingRecord.setInt(12, record.getId()); stmtUpdateExistingRecord.executeUpdate(); bEdited = true; } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); } return bEdited; } public boolean deleteRecord(int id) { boolean bDeleted = false; try { stmtDeleteAddress.clearParameters(); stmtDeleteAddress.setInt(1, id); stmtDeleteAddress.executeUpdate(); bDeleted = true; } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); } return bDeleted; } public boolean deleteRecord(Address record) { int id = record.getId(); return deleteRecord(id); } public List<ListEntry> getListEntries() { List<ListEntry> listEntries = new ArrayList<ListEntry>(); Statement queryStatement = null; ResultSet results = null; try { queryStatement = dbConnection.createStatement(); results = queryStatement.executeQuery(strGetListEntries); while (results.next()) { int id = results.getInt(1); String lName = results.getString(2); String fName = results.getString(3); String mName = results.getString(4); ListEntry entry = new ListEntry(lName, fName, mName, id); listEntries.add(entry); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); } return listEntries; } public List<Address> getListAddress() { List<Address> listAddress = new ArrayList<Address>(); Statement queryStatement = null; ResultSet results = null; try { queryStatement = dbConnection.createStatement(); results = queryStatement.executeQuery(strGetListAddress); while (results.next()) { int id = results.getInt(1); String lName = results.getString(2); String fName = results.getString(3); String mName = results.getString(4); String eMail = results.getString(5); Address addr = new Address(lName, fName, mName, eMail); listAddress.add(addr); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); } return listAddress; } public Address getAddress(int index) { Address address = null; try { stmtGetAddress.clearParameters(); stmtGetAddress.setInt(1, index); ResultSet result = stmtGetAddress.executeQuery(); if (result.next()) { String lastName = result.getString("LASTNAME"); String firstName = result.getString("FIRSTNAME"); String middleName = result.getString("MIDDLENAME"); String phone = result.getString("PHONE"); String email = result.getString("EMAIL"); String add1 = result.getString("ADDRESS1"); String add2 = result.getString("ADDRESS2"); String city = result.getString("CITY"); String state = result.getString("STATE"); String postalCode = result.getString("POSTALCODE"); String country = result.getString("COUNTRY"); int id = result.getInt("ID"); address = new Address(lastName, firstName, middleName, phone, email, add1, add2, city, state, postalCode, country, id); } } catch (SQLException sqle) { sqle.printStackTrace(); } return address; } public static void main(String[] args) { AddressDao db = new AddressDao(); System.out.println(db.getDatabaseLocation()); System.out.println(db.getDatabaseUrl()); db.connect(); db.disconnect(); } private Connection dbConnection; private Properties dbProperties; private boolean isConnected; private String dbName; private PreparedStatement stmtSaveNewRecord; private PreparedStatement stmtUpdateExistingRecord; private PreparedStatement stmtGetListEntries; private PreparedStatement stmtGetAddress; private PreparedStatement stmtDeleteAddress; private static final String strCreateAddressTable = "create table APP.ADDRESS (" + " ID INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY GENERATED ALWAYS AS IDENTITY (START WITH 1, INCREMENT BY 1)," + " LASTNAME VARCHAR(30), " + " FIRSTNAME VARCHAR(30), " + " MIDDLENAME VARCHAR(30), " + " PHONE VARCHAR(20), " + " EMAIL VARCHAR(100), " + " ADDRESS1 VARCHAR(30), " + " ADDRESS2 VARCHAR(30), " + " CITY VARCHAR(30), " + " STATE VARCHAR(30), " + " POSTALCODE VARCHAR(20), " + " COUNTRY VARCHAR(30) " + ")"; private static final String strGetAddress = "SELECT * FROM APP.ADDRESS " + "WHERE ID = ?"; private static final String strSaveAddress = "INSERT INTO APP.ADDRESS " + " (LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, MIDDLENAME, PHONE, EMAIL, ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, " + " CITY, STATE, POSTALCODE, COUNTRY) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)"; private static final String strGetListEntries = "SELECT ID, LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, MIDDLENAME FROM APP.ADDRESS " + "ORDER BY LASTNAME ASC"; private static final String strGetListAddress = "SELECT ID, LASTNAME, FIRSTNAME, MIDDLENAME, EMAIL FROM APP.ADDRESS " + "ORDER BY LASTNAME ASC"; private static final String strUpdateAddress = "UPDATE APP.ADDRESS " + "SET LASTNAME = ?, " + " FIRSTNAME = ?, " + " MIDDLENAME = ?, " + " PHONE = ?, " + " EMAIL = ?, " + " ADDRESS1 = ?, " + " ADDRESS2 = ?, " + " CITY = ?, " + " STATE = ?, " + " POSTALCODE = ?, " + " COUNTRY = ? " + "WHERE ID = ?"; private static final String strDeleteAddress = "DELETE FROM APP.ADDRESS " + "WHERE ID = ?"; private static final String strCount = "select count(ID) from APP.ADDRESS"; }