package org.hotswap.agent.plugin.javabeans; import org.hotswap.agent.annotation.LoadEvent; import org.hotswap.agent.annotation.OnClassLoadEvent; import org.hotswap.agent.annotation.Plugin; import org.hotswap.agent.javassist.CtClass; import org.hotswap.agent.logging.AgentLogger; import org.hotswap.agent.util.ReflectionHelper; /** * JavaBeans plugin - flush java.beans.Introspector caches * * @author Vladimir Dvorak */ @Plugin(name = "JavaBeans", description = "", testedVersions = {"openjdk, 1.8.0_74"}, expectedVersions = {"All between openjdk 1.7 - 1.8"} ) public class JavaBeansPlugin { private static AgentLogger LOGGER = AgentLogger.getLogger(JavaBeansPlugin.class); /** * Flag to check reload status. In unit test we need to wait for reload * finish before the test can continue. Set flag to true in the test class * and wait until the flag is false again. */ public static boolean reloadFlag; @OnClassLoadEvent(classNameRegexp = ".*", events = LoadEvent.REDEFINE, skipSynthetic=false) public static void flushBeanIntrospectorsCaches(ClassLoader classLoader, CtClass ctClass) { try { LOGGER.debug("Flushing {}", ctClass.getName()); Class<?> clazz = classLoader.loadClass(ctClass.getName()); Class<?> threadGroupCtxClass = classLoader.loadClass("java.beans.ThreadGroupContext"); Class<?> introspectorClass = classLoader.loadClass("java.beans.Introspector"); Object declaredMethodCache = ReflectionHelper.get(null, introspectorClass, "declaredMethodCache"); synchronized (declaredMethodCache) { Object contexts = ReflectionHelper.get(null, threadGroupCtxClass, "contexts"); Object table[] = (Object[]) ReflectionHelper.get(contexts, "table"); if (table != null) { for (Object o: table) { if (o != null) { Object threadGroupContext = ReflectionHelper.get(o, "value"); if (threadGroupContext != null) { LOGGER.trace("Removing from threadGroupContext"); ReflectionHelper.invoke(threadGroupContext, threadGroupCtxClass, "removeBeanInfo", new Class[] { Class.class }, clazz); } } } } LOGGER.trace("Removing class from declaredMethodCache."); ReflectionHelper.invoke(declaredMethodCache, declaredMethodCache.getClass(), "put", new Class[] { Object.class, Object.class }, clazz, null); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("classReload() exception {}.", e.getMessage()); } finally { reloadFlag = false; } } }