package; import; import java.util.List; import; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.ServiceConnection; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.IBinder; import android.util.Log; import com.adgsoftware.mydomo.engine.controller.Controller; import com.adgsoftware.mydomo.engine.controller.Status; import com.adgsoftware.mydomo.engine.controller.automation.Automation; import com.adgsoftware.mydomo.engine.controller.heating.HeatingZone; import com.adgsoftware.mydomo.engine.controller.outlet.Outlet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Common class of MyDomo screens. */ public abstract class AbstractActivity extends Activity { protected static MyDomoService myDomoService; public House getHouse() { try { if (myDomoService != null) { return myDomoService.retrieve(); } else { return new House(); } } catch (Exception e) { return new House(); // TODO manage better } } @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); bindService(); } @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); bindService(); } protected void bindService() { if (myDomoService == null) { ServiceConnection sc = new ServiceConnection() { @Override public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) { myDomoService=null; } @Override public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) { myDomoService=(MyDomoService) service; refreshLayoutAfterServiceConnection(); } }; getApplicationContext().bindService(new Intent(this, MyDomoServiceImpl.class), sc, BIND_AUTO_CREATE); } else { myDomoService.connect(); } } protected void refreshLayoutAfterServiceConnection() { } /** * Create a room. * @param room * @param applicationContext * @return */ protected RoomComponent createRoom(Group room, Context applicationContext) { final RoomComponent roomComponent = new RoomComponent(applicationContext); roomComponent.setTitle(room.getTitle()); return roomComponent; } /** * Create an automation controller and set its title. * @param automation * @param context * @return */ protected AutomationComponent createAutomation(final Automation automation, Context context) { AutomationComponent automationComponent = new AutomationComponent(context, automation); automationComponent.setTitle(automation.getTitle()); return automationComponent; } /** * Create a heating controller and set its title. * @param heating * @param context * @return */ protected HeatingComponent createHeating(final HeatingZone heating, Context context) { HeatingComponent heatingComponent = new HeatingComponent(context, heating); heatingComponent.setTitle(heating.getTitle()); return heatingComponent; } /** * Create an outlet controller and set its title. * @param outlet * @param context * @return */ protected OutletComponent createOutlet(final Outlet outlet, Context context) { OutletComponent outletComponent = new OutletComponent(context, outlet); outletComponent.setTitle(outlet.getTitle()); return outletComponent; } protected Group getGroup(House house, String selectedGroupId, boolean createGroup) { for (Group group : house.getGroups()) { if (group.getId().equals(selectedGroupId)) { return group; } } if (createGroup) { Group g = new Group(); g.setId(selectedGroupId); house.getGroups().add(g); return g; } return null; } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Controller<Status> getController(House house, String where) { for (Group group : house.getGroups()) { for (Controller<? extends Status> controller : group.getControllerList()) { if (controller.getWhere().equals(where)) { return (Controller<Status>) controller; } } } return null; } public Label getLabel(House house, String id) { for (Label label : house.getLabels()) { if (label.getId().equals(id)) { return label; } } return null; } @Override protected void onPause() { super.onPause(); } public String computeGroupFromAddress(String where) { if (where == null) return ""; else if (where.length() <= 1) return "0"; return where.substring(0, 1); } protected void showSettingsScreen() { startActivity(new Intent(AbstractActivity.this, SettingsActivity.class)); } protected void saveHouse() { try {; } catch (IOException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } protected void showLabelsScreen() { startActivity(new Intent(AbstractActivity.this, SelectLabelsActivity.class)); } protected void showEditControllerScreen(String where) { Intent intent = new Intent(AbstractActivity.this, EditControllerActivity.class); if (where != null) { Log.i("Edit controller", where); intent.putExtra("selectedControllerId", where); } startActivity(intent); } protected ControllerAdapter createControllerAdapter(List<Controller<? extends Status>> controllers) { // fill in the grid_item layout ControllerAdapter adapter = new ControllerAdapter(this, controllers); return adapter; } }