package com.heyzap.sdk; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import org.json.JSONArray; import org.json.JSONException; import org.json.JSONObject; import; import; import android.content.BroadcastReceiver; import android.content.ComponentName; import android.content.Context; import android.content.Intent; import android.content.IntentFilter; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import android.content.SharedPreferences.Editor; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import android.text.TextUtils; import android.util.Log; import com.heyzap.http.RequestParams; import com.heyzap.sdk.AdOverlay.AdState; public class HeyzapLib { public static final String HEYZAP_PACKAGE = ""; private static final String HEYZAP_INTENT_CLASS = ".CheckinForm"; public static final String IMAGE_FILE_NAME = "hzSdkImage.png"; public static final String FIRST_RUN_KEY = "HeyzapFirstRun"; public static final String OVERLAY_PREF = "HeyzapLeaderboardOverlay"; public static final String LAST_PB_NOTIF = "HeyzapPBNotif"; public static final Handler handler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); private static String packageName; private static String newLevel; private static WeakReference<BroadcastReceiver> playWithFriendsReceiverRef; /* Disable the Heyzap checkin prompt */ public static int FLAG_NO_HEYZAP_INSTALL_SPLASH = 1 << 1; /* Disable the Heyzap install prompt notification */ public static int FLAG_NO_NOTIFICATION = 1 << 23; /* Only show the Heyzap install notification to returning users */ public static int FLAG_SUBTLE_NOTIFICATION = 1 << 24; private static int flags = 0; private static ActivityResultListener activityResultListener; static boolean ssoTestPassed = false; static Context applicationContext; private static ProgressDialog progressDialog; private static Object progressDialogLock = new Object(); private static LevelRequestListener levelRequestListener; private static String pendingLevelId; private static boolean gameLaunchRegistered; private static boolean adsEnabled = false; static { Log.d("heyzap-sdk", "HeyzapLib loading (static)"); } // // API methods exposed to developers // // Load the heyzap API, this call must be called first, this also: // - sends the android level "get heyzap" local notification // - shows the "checkin" popup over the game public static void load(final Context context, boolean showHeyzapInstallSplash) { applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); packageName = context.getPackageName(); HeyzapAnalytics.trackEvent(context, "heyzap-start"); SDKRestClient.init(context); Logger.init(context); Utils.load(context); final String appName = Utils.getAppLabel(context); if (appName == null) return; final SharedPreferences overlayPrefs = context.getSharedPreferences(OVERLAY_PREF, 0); // Show overlay if they don't have heyzap and haven't seen the overlay // yet if (!Utils.heyzapIsInstalled(context) && !overlayPrefs.getBoolean(packageName, false) && showHeyzapInstallSplash) { ((Activity) context).runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final SharedPreferences.Editor overlayEditor = overlayPrefs.edit(); overlayEditor.putBoolean(packageName, true); overlayEditor.commit(); showFullOverlay(applicationContext); } }); } if (context instanceof Activity) { Intent i = ((Activity) context).getIntent(); if (i.hasExtra("level")) { pendingLevelId = ((Activity) context).getIntent().getStringExtra("level"); Logger.log("received level id", pendingLevelId); } } if (!gameLaunchRegistered) { IntentFilter filter = new IntentFilter(""); applicationContext.registerReceiver(new BroadcastReceiver() { @Override public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) { Logger.log("received broadcast", intent, intent.getStringExtra("level")); String packageName = intent.getStringExtra("package"); if (packageName == null || !packageName.equals(context.getPackageName())) return; Logger.log("passed package test"); String levelId = intent.getStringExtra("level"); if (levelId == null) return; Logger.log("passed package and level tests"); if (levelRequestListener != null) { levelRequestListener.onLevelRequested(levelId); pendingLevelId = null; } else { pendingLevelId = levelId; } } }, filter); gameLaunchRegistered = true; } } public static void enableAds(final Context context) { if (adsEnabled) { return; } applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); adsEnabled = true; final SharedPreferences prefs = context.getSharedPreferences(FIRST_RUN_KEY, 0); final boolean firstRun = !prefs.getBoolean("ran_once", false); // If this is our first run then we need to get a list of all the // installed packages on the system if (firstRun) { List<PackageInfo> packages = context.getPackageManager() .getInstalledPackages(0); final List<String> packageNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (PackageInfo packageInfo : packages) { packageNames.add(packageInfo.packageName); } addInitialPackages(context, packageNames); } fetchAd(context); } public static Context getApplicationContext() { return applicationContext; } // Show the checkin form for this game, or show the "get heyzap" dialog public static void checkin(final Context context) { checkin(context, null); } public static void checkin(final Context context, final String prefillMessage) { applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); ((Activity) context).runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { rawCheckin(context, prefillMessage); } }); } public static void showFullOverlay(final Context context) { applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); new LeaderboardFullOverlay(context).show(); } public static void showInGameOverlay(final Context context, final String displayName, final String source) { ((Activity) context).runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run(){ applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); LeaderboardInGameOverlay overlay = new LeaderboardInGameOverlay(context, source); overlay.setDisplayName(displayName);; } }); } public static void showLeaderboards(final Context context) { showLeaderboards(context, null); } public static void showLeaderboards(final Context context, final String levelId) { ((Activity) context).runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run(){ applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); if (Utils.hasHeyzapLeaderboards(context)) { Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); i.setAction(HEYZAP_PACKAGE); i.putExtra("game_context_package", context.getPackageName()); if (levelId != null) { i.putExtra("level", levelId); } i.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); i.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK); i.setComponent(new ComponentName(HEYZAP_PACKAGE, HEYZAP_PACKAGE + ".activity.Leaderboards")); context.startActivity(i); } else { new LeaderboardDialog(context, context.getPackageName(), levelId).show(); } } }); } public static String getLevel(Activity context) { if (context == null) return null; Intent intent = context.getIntent(); if (intent == null) return null; return intent.getStringExtra("levelId"); } public static void setLevelRequestListener(LevelRequestListener listener) { Logger.log("setLevelRequestListener called", pendingLevelId); levelRequestListener = listener; if (pendingLevelId != null) { levelRequestListener.onLevelRequested(pendingLevelId); pendingLevelId = null; } } public static void submitScore(final Context context, final String score, final String displayScore, final String levelId) { submitScore(context, score, displayScore, levelId, false); } public static void submitScore(final Context context, final String score, final String displayScore, final String levelId, final boolean skipModalDialog) { applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); HeyzapAnalytics.trackEvent(context, "score-received"); if (Utils.hasHeyzapLeaderboards(context)) { Intent i = new Intent(); i.setAction(""); i.putExtra("leaderboard_action", "show_score_overlay"); i.putExtra("score", score); i.putExtra("display_score", displayScore); i.putExtra("level", levelId); i.putExtra("game_context_package", context.getPackageName()); i.setFlags(32); // Intent.FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES); if (skipModalDialog) { i.putExtra("skip_modal_dialog", true); } context.sendBroadcast(i); } else { ((Activity) context).runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Drawable gameIcon = null; try { gameIcon = applicationContext.getPackageManager().getApplicationIcon(packageName); } catch (NameNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } LeaderboardScoreLauncher.launchScoreDialog(context, score, displayScore, levelId, gameIcon, context.getPackageName(), true, skipModalDialog); } }); } } public static void launchLeaderboardActivityOrShowInGameOverlay(Context context, String levelId, String gamePackage, String displayName, String source) { if (Utils.hasHeyzapLeaderboards(context)) { // i.setAction(""); // i.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK); // context.startActivity(i); Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); i.setAction(HEYZAP_PACKAGE); i.putExtra("level", levelId); i.putExtra("game_context_package", gamePackage); i.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); i.putExtra("packageName", context.getPackageName()); i.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK); i.setComponent(new ComponentName(HEYZAP_PACKAGE, HEYZAP_PACKAGE + ".activity.Leaderboards")); context.startActivity(i); } else { showInGameOverlay(context, displayName, source); } } /** * Post achievement. Show Achievement dialog on success. * * @param context * @param achievementIds */ public static void unlockAchievement(final Context context, final List<String> achievementIds){ unlockAchievement(context, TextUtils.join(",", achievementIds)); } /** * Post achievement. Show Achievement dialog on success. * * @param context * @param achievementIds * A comma-separated list of achievement ids */ public static void unlockAchievement(final Context context, final String achievementIds) { applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); final String gameContextPackage = context.getPackageName(); if (Utils.hasHeyzapAchievements(context)) { Intent i = new Intent(); i.setAction(""); i.putExtra("leaderboard_action", "unlock_achievements"); i.putExtra("unlock_achievements", achievementIds); i.putExtra("game_context_package", gameContextPackage); i.setFlags(32); //Intent.FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES); context.sendBroadcast(i); } else { ((Activity) context).runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); // param "game_package" is automatically added: RequestParams requestParams = new RequestParams(); requestParams.put("achievement_ids", achievementIds); requestParams.put("game_context_package", gameContextPackage); requestParams.put("key", Utils.md5Hex(achievementIds + gameContextPackage));, "/in_game_api/achievements/unlock", requestParams, new SDKResponseHandler() { @Override public void onSuccess(JSONObject response) { if (response.has("achievements")) { JSONArray stream; try { stream = response.getJSONArray("achievements"); int unlockedAchievements = stream.length(); if (unlockedAchievements > 0) { AchievementDialogFull dialog = new AchievementDialogFull(context, false, response); dialog.setTitle("New Achievement Unlocked!"); HeyzapAnalytics.trackEvent(context, "achievement-dialog-unlocked-shown");; } } catch (org.json.JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable e) { } }); } }); } } /** * View all achievements. * * @param context * @param includeLocked */ public static void showAchievements(final Context context) { applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); String gameContextPackage = context.getPackageName(); // param "game_package" is automatically added: final RequestParams requestParams = new RequestParams(); // only show unlocked achievements? // if (!viewAllAchievements) { // requestParams.put("unlocked", "true"); // } requestParams.put("game_context_package", gameContextPackage); // if they have the Heyzap app with a version that includes Achievements if (Utils.hasHeyzapAchievements(context)) { Intent i = new Intent(); i.setAction(""); i.putExtra("leaderboard_action", "show_achievements"); i.putExtra("game_context_package", gameContextPackage); i.setFlags(32); //Intent.FLAG_INCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES); context.sendBroadcast(i); } else { if(context instanceof Activity){ ((Activity) context).runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run(){ AchievementDialogFull dialog = new AchievementDialogFull(context, true, null); HeyzapAnalytics.trackEvent(context, "achievement-dialog-all-shown");; } }); } } } public static void clearScorePrefs(Context context) { LeaderboardScoreLauncher.removeLeaderboardInfoFromPhone(context); final SharedPreferences overlayPrefs = context.getSharedPreferences(OVERLAY_PREF, 0); final SharedPreferences.Editor overlayEditor = overlayPrefs.edit(); overlayEditor.clear(); overlayEditor.commit(); } // Check if Heyzap is supported on this device public static boolean isSupported(Context context) { return Utils.marketInstalled(context) && Utils.androidVersionSupported(); } // Set sdk flags to do stuff like disable the phone notification public static void setFlags(int newFlags) { flags = newFlags; } public static int getFlags(){ return flags; } // // PRIVATE: Not exposed to game developers // static void rawCheckin(final Context context, final String prefillMessage) { packageName = context.getPackageName(); applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); Log.v(HeyzapAnalytics.LOG_TAG, "checkin-called"); if (Utils.packageIsInstalled(HEYZAP_PACKAGE, context)) { launchCheckinForm(context, prefillMessage); } else { // Show the "pre-market" dialog HeyzapAnalytics.trackEvent(context, "checkin-button-clicked"); new PreMarketCheckinDialog(context.getApplicationContext(), packageName, prefillMessage).show(); } } static boolean subtleNotifications() { return (FLAG_SUBTLE_NOTIFICATION & flags) > 0; } static void broadcastEnableSDK(Context context) { // Tell the heyzap app this is an SDK game, so the popup does not show // up Intent broadcast = new Intent(""); broadcast.putExtra("packageName", context.getPackageName()); context.sendBroadcast(broadcast); } static void sendPBNotification(final Context context, String displayScore) { if((flags & FLAG_NO_NOTIFICATION) > 0) return; final String appName = Utils.getAppLabel(context); if (appName == null) { return; } if (Utils.packageIsInstalled(HEYZAP_PACKAGE, context) || !Utils.marketInstalled(context) || !Utils.androidVersionSupported()) { return; } long now = System.nanoTime() / 1000000000; long last = context.getSharedPreferences(LAST_PB_NOTIF, 0).getLong("seconds", 0l); // only once every 24 hours if (last == 0 || (now - last) < 60 * 60 * 24) { // save the time Editor editor = context.getSharedPreferences(LAST_PB_NOTIF, 0).edit(); editor.putLong("seconds", now); editor.commit(); // actually create the notification HeyzapNotification.sendPB(context, appName, displayScore); } } static void sendNotification(final Context context) { if ((FLAG_NO_NOTIFICATION & flags) > 0) return; final String appName = Utils.getAppLabel(context); if (appName == null) return; // Send the "get heyzap" android local notification, unless they // already have heyzap or their phone doesn't support Heyzap if (!Utils.packageIsInstalled(HEYZAP_PACKAGE, context) && Utils.marketInstalled(context) && Utils.androidVersionSupported()) { try { Date today = new Date(); if ((FLAG_SUBTLE_NOTIFICATION & flags) > 0) { SharedPreferences prefs = context.getSharedPreferences(FIRST_RUN_KEY, 0); long firstRun = prefs.getLong("firstRunAt", 0); if (firstRun == 0) { Editor editor = prefs.edit(); editor.putLong("firstRunAt", today.getTime()); editor.commit(); return; } else if (Utils.daysBetween(today, new Date(firstRun)) < 1) { return; } } Date lastNotification = new Date(context.getSharedPreferences(FIRST_RUN_KEY, 0).getLong("notificationLastShown", 0l)); int numberOfNotifications = context.getSharedPreferences(FIRST_RUN_KEY, 0).getInt("numberNotificationsShown", 0); switch (numberOfNotifications) { case 0: HeyzapNotification.send(context, appName); break; case 1: if (Utils.daysBetween(lastNotification, today) >= 5) { HeyzapNotification.send(context, appName); } break; case 2: if (Utils.daysBetween(lastNotification, today) >= 14) { HeyzapNotification.send(context, appName); } break; default: return; } // Store when we last showed the notification to avoid over // notification Editor editor = context.getSharedPreferences(FIRST_RUN_KEY, 0).edit(); editor.putInt("numberNotificationsShown", numberOfNotifications + 1); editor.putLong("notificationLastShown", today.getTime()); editor.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.d(HeyzapAnalytics.LOG_TAG, "Exception while sending notification"); e.printStackTrace(); } } } static void launchCheckinForm(final Context context, String prefillMessage) { String packageName = HEYZAP_PACKAGE; Intent popup = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_MAIN); popup.putExtra("message", prefillMessage); popup.setAction(packageName); popup.addCategory(Intent.CATEGORY_LAUNCHER); popup.putExtra("packageName", context.getPackageName()); popup.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_MULTIPLE_TASK); popup.setComponent(new ComponentName(packageName, HEYZAP_PACKAGE + HEYZAP_INTENT_CLASS)); context.startActivity(popup); } static interface ActivityResultListener { public void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data); } public static interface LevelRequestListener { public void onLevelRequested(String levelId); } public static void showAd(final Context context) { applicationContext = context.getApplicationContext(); if(!adsEnabled){ throw new RuntimeException("enableAds() must be called before showAd()"); } if( !(context instanceof Activity) ) { Log.e("heyzap-heyzap-sdk-ads", "showAd not passed Activity as context! Unable to display ad. ERROR."); return; } final Activity activity = (Activity) context; Log.d("heyzap-sdk-ads", "showAd called with state " + adState); // Only show an ad if we're actually online (no point if we have no // connectivity.. they can't install it) if (Utils.isOnline(context)) { if (adState == AdState.LOADING) { activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { progressDialog =, "", "Loading..", true); handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { final ProgressDialog currentDialog = progressDialog; @Override public void run() { synchronized (currentDialog) { if (progressDialog != null && currentDialog == progressDialog && currentDialog.isShowing()) { try{ currentDialog.dismiss(); }catch(IllegalArgumentException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } progressDialog = null; } } } }, 2000); } }); } else if (adState == AdState.LOADED) { activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (adState == AdState.LOADED) { currentOverlay.setImpressionId(currentImpressionId); currentOverlay.setContext(context);; } else { Log.e("heyzap-sdk-ads", "Did not set ad to shown because adstate was: " + adState); } } }); } else { // Somehow adstate is none (probably an error) fetchAd(context); } } } static volatile AdState adState = AdState.NONE; static volatile AdOverlay currentOverlay = null; static volatile String currentImpressionId = null; public static void fetchAd(final Context context) { final Activity activity = (Activity) context; // Only do this if we haven't already got an ad preloading or loading if (adState != AdState.NONE){ return; } setAdStateToLoading(); activity.runOnUiThread(new Runnable(){ @Override public void run(){ currentOverlay = new AdOverlay(context); SDKRestClient.get(context, "", new SDKResponseHandler() { @Override public void onSuccess(final JSONObject response) { if (adState != AdState.LOADING) { Log.e("heyzap-sdk-ads", "dropped response because ad state was: " + adState); return; } try { if (response.isNull("ad_html")) { // Go no ad to show setAdStateToNone(); return; } // Get the ad to display // from the server String adHTML = (String) response.get("ad_html"); String strategy = (String) response.get("ad_strategy"); String promotedGamePackage = ((String) response.get("promoted_game_package")); currentImpressionId = (String) response.get("impression_id"); currentOverlay.update(strategy, promotedGamePackage, adHTML); currentOverlay.setClickUrl(response.optString("click_url")); if(safeDismissProgressDialog()){; } setAdStateToLoaded(); } catch (JSONException e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (adState == AdState.LOADING) { safeDismissProgressDialog(); setAdStateToNone(); } } } @Override public void onFailure(final Throwable e) { e.printStackTrace(); if (adState == AdState.LOADING) { safeDismissProgressDialog(); setAdStateToNone(); } } }); } }); } static boolean safeDismissProgressDialog(){ synchronized (progressDialogLock) { if (progressDialog != null) { try{ progressDialog.dismiss(); }catch(IllegalArgumentException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } progressDialog = null; return true; } } return false; } static void addInitialPackages(final Context context, final List<String> packageNames) { RequestParams reqParameters = new RequestParams(); String packages = ""; if (packageNames.size() > 0) { for (String packageName : packageNames) { packages += packageName + ","; } packages = packages.substring(0, packages.length() - 1); } reqParameters.put("packages", packages); final RequestParams finalParams = reqParameters; new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() {, "", finalParams); } }).start(); } static void registerInstall(final Context context, final String packageName) { Log.v("heyzap-sdk-ads", "registerInstall called with package name: " + packageName); new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { RequestParams reqParameters = new RequestParams(); reqParameters.put("for_game_package", packageName); reqParameters.put("platform", "android");, "", reqParameters); } }).start(); } static long lastClicked = 0; static void logAdClickAndGoToMarket(final Context context, final String promotedGamePackage, final String strategy, final String impressionId, final String clickUrl) { // Just check we haven't received this event twice in close proximity if (System.currentTimeMillis() - lastClicked > 1000) { (new Thread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { RequestParams params = new RequestParams(); params.put("ad_strategy", strategy); params.put("promoted_game_package", promotedGamePackage); params.put("impression_id", impressionId);, "", params); } })).start(); closeAd(context); // Before we trundle off to the market, set the new ad fetching in // the // background fetchAd(context); String clickUrlLocal = clickUrl; if(clickUrlLocal == null){ clickUrlLocal = "market://details?id=" + promotedGamePackage + "&referrer=utm_source%3Dheyzap%26utm_medium%3Dmobile%26utm_campaign%3D" + "heyzap_ad_network"; } Intent intent = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW, Uri.parse(clickUrlLocal)); intent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_REORDER_TO_FRONT); final ProgressDialog marketSpinner =, "", "Loading..", true); handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try{ marketSpinner.dismiss(); }catch(IllegalArgumentException e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } }, 2000); context.startActivity(intent); lastClicked = System.currentTimeMillis(); } } static void closeAd(Context context) { closeAd(context, true); } // hideOverlay will be false when this gets called from AdOverlay.hide(), // e.g. when closing the ad with the back button. static void closeAd(Context context, boolean hideOverlay) { if (hideOverlay) { currentOverlay.hide(); } currentOverlay = null; Log.e("ad-sdk", "closeAd, setting to none"); setAdStateToNone(); fetchAd(context); } /* * This set of methods does the transitions from ad states to other ad * states.. and gives us error information if there's an illegal transition */ static void setAdStateToLoaded() { if (adState != AdState.LOADING) { Log.e("heyzap-sdk-ads", "Inconsistent transition in setAdStateToLoaded from state " + adState); } Log.d("heyzap-sdk-ads", "transitioning from " + adState + " to LOADED"); adState = AdState.LOADED; } static void setAdStateToLoading() { if (adState != AdState.NONE) { Log.e("heyzap-sdk-ads", "Inconsistent transition in setAdStateToLoading from state " + adState); } Log.d("heyzap-sdk-ads", "transitioning from " + adState + " to LOADING"); adState = AdState.LOADING; } static void setAdStateToNone() { if (adState != AdState.LOADING || adState != AdState.LOADED) { Log.e("heyzap-sdk-ads", "Inconsistent transition in setAdStateToNone from state " + adState); } Log.d("heyzap-sdk-ads", "transitioning from " + adState + " to NONE"); adState = AdState.NONE; } }