package; import com.jme3.bounding.BoundingBox; import com.jme3.input.InputManager; import com.jme3.input.awt.AwtKeyInput; import com.jme3.input.controls.AnalogListener; import com.jme3.input.controls.KeyTrigger; import com.jme3.math.Quaternion; import com.jme3.math.Vector3f; import com.jme3.renderer.Camera; import com.jme3.scene.Spatial; public class RotatingAroundCamera implements AnalogListener { public static final String ROTATINGCAM_Left = "ROTATINGCAM_Left"; public static final String ROTATINGCAM_Right = "ROTATINGCAM_Right"; public static final String ROTATINGCAM_Up = "ROTATINGCAM_Up"; public static final String ROTATINGCAM_Down = "ROTATINGCAM_Down"; public static final String ROTATINGCAM_ZoomIn = "ROTATINGCAM_ZoomIn"; public static final String ROTATINGCAM_ZoomOut = "ROTATINGCAM_ZoomOut"; protected Camera cam; protected Vector3f initialUpVec; protected Vector3f centerPos = Vector3f.ZERO; protected float distance; private Quaternion rot = new Quaternion(); protected InputManager inputManager; protected float rotationSpeed = 1.0F; protected float zoomSpeed = 20F; public RotatingAroundCamera(Camera cam) { = cam; this.initialUpVec = cam.getUp().clone(); } /** * Registers the FlyByCamera to recieve input events from the provided * Dispatcher. * @param dispacher */ public void registerWithInput(InputManager inputManager){ this.inputManager = inputManager; String[] mappings = new String[]{ ROTATINGCAM_Left, ROTATINGCAM_Right, ROTATINGCAM_Up, ROTATINGCAM_Down, ROTATINGCAM_ZoomIn, ROTATINGCAM_ZoomOut, }; // both mouse and button - rotation of cam inputManager.addMapping(ROTATINGCAM_Left, new KeyTrigger(AwtKeyInput.KEY_LEFT)); inputManager.addMapping(ROTATINGCAM_Right, new KeyTrigger(AwtKeyInput.KEY_RIGHT)); inputManager.addMapping(ROTATINGCAM_Up, new KeyTrigger(AwtKeyInput.KEY_UP)); inputManager.addMapping(ROTATINGCAM_Down, new KeyTrigger(AwtKeyInput.KEY_DOWN)); inputManager.addMapping(ROTATINGCAM_ZoomIn, new KeyTrigger(AwtKeyInput.KEY_ADD)); inputManager.addMapping(ROTATINGCAM_ZoomOut, new KeyTrigger(AwtKeyInput.KEY_SUBTRACT)); inputManager.addListener(this, mappings); inputManager.setCursorVisible(true); } public void unregisterInput() { if (this.inputManager == null) { return; } String[] mappings = {ROTATINGCAM_Left, ROTATINGCAM_Right, ROTATINGCAM_Up, ROTATINGCAM_Down, ROTATINGCAM_ZoomIn, ROTATINGCAM_ZoomOut}; for (String s : mappings) { if (this.inputManager.hasMapping(s)) { this.inputManager.deleteMapping(s); } } this.inputManager.removeListener(this); } public void onAnalog(String name, float value, float tpf) { if (name.equals(ROTATINGCAM_Left)){ rotateCamera(-value, true); }else if (name.equals(ROTATINGCAM_Right)){ rotateCamera(value, true); }else if (name.equals(ROTATINGCAM_Up)){ rotateCamera(value, false); }else if (name.equals(ROTATINGCAM_Down)){ rotateCamera(-value, false); }else if (name.equals(ROTATINGCAM_ZoomIn)){ zoomCamera(-value); }else if (name.equals(ROTATINGCAM_ZoomOut)){ zoomCamera(value); } } private void rotateCamera(float value, boolean sideways) { if (sideways) { Vector3f camPos = cam.getLocation(); // So now we have current position and center rot.fromAngles(0,value * rotationSpeed, 0); Vector3f difference = camPos.subtract(centerPos); rot.multLocal(difference); cam.setLocation(centerPos.add(difference)); cam.lookAt(centerPos, Vector3f.UNIT_Y); } else { Vector3f v = new Vector3f(); cam.getUp(v); Vector3f pos = cam.getLocation(); Vector3f newPos = pos.add(v.mult(distance * value * 1f)); boolean goOverVertical = ((pos.x - centerPos.x) * (newPos.x - centerPos.x) < 0) || ((pos.z - centerPos.z) * (newPos.z - centerPos.z) < 0); //float distanceToVertical = Math.abs(newPos.x - centerPos.x) + Math.abs(newPos.z - centerPos.z); if (newPos.y > centerPos.y && !goOverVertical ) { newPos = centerPos.add(newPos.subtract(centerPos).normalize().mult(distance)); cam.setLocation(newPos); cam.lookAt(centerPos, Vector3f.UNIT_Y); } } } private void zoomCamera(float value){ float newDistance = distance + value * zoomSpeed; if (newDistance > 1) { distance = newDistance; cam.setLocation(centerPos.add(cam.getLocation().subtract(centerPos).normalize().mult(distance))); cam.lookAt(centerPos, Vector3f.UNIT_Y); } } public Vector3f getCenterPos() { return centerPos; } public void setRotateAroundNode(Spatial rotateAroundNode) { if (rotateAroundNode != null) { BoundingBox volume = (BoundingBox)rotateAroundNode.getWorldBound(); centerPos = volume.getCenter(); distance = (float)(Math.sqrt(4 * volume.getXExtent() * volume.getXExtent() + 4 * volume.getYExtent() * volume.getYExtent())); } else { centerPos = Vector3f.ZERO; distance = 20f; } cam.setLocation(centerPos.add(new Vector3f(1, 1, 0).normalize().mult(distance))); cam.lookAt(centerPos, Vector3f.UNIT_Y); } }