package com.example.heartrateadjuster; /** * The Record class is used to hold the heart rate, time stamp, artist, song, and genre at a specific point in time. * @author Nikhil */ public class Record { // private variables private int heartRate; private int timeStamp; private String Artist; private String Genre; private String Song; public Record() { } /** * This constructor initializes the data members of the Record object * @param heartRate : This is the heart rate retrieved from the chest strap * @param timeStamp : This is the time stamp retrieved from the Android phone * @param Artist : The Artist name is provided by the Music Module * @param Genre : The Genre is provided by the Music Module * @param Song : The Song is provided by the Music Module */ public Record(int heartRate, int timeStamp, String Artist, String Genre, String Song){ this.heartRate = heartRate; this.timeStamp = timeStamp; this.Artist = Artist; this.Genre = Genre; this.Song = Song; } /** * This sets the heart rate of the Record * @param newRate This is the new rate to be set */ public void setHeartRate(int newRate) { this.heartRate = newRate; } /** * This returns the heart rate of the Record. * @return The heart rate is returned as an integer */ public int getHeartRate() { return this.heartRate; } /** * This sets the time stamp of the Record * @param newStamp This is the new time stamp to be set */ public void setTimeStamp(int newStamp){ this.timeStamp = newStamp; } /** * This returns the time stamp of the Record. * @return The time stamp is returned as an integer */ public int getTimeStamp() { return this.timeStamp; } /** * This sets the Artist of the Record * @param newArtist This is the new Artist to be set */ public void setArtist(String newArtist) { this.Artist = newArtist; } /** * This returns the Artist of the Record * @return The Artist is returned as a String */ public String getArtist() { return this.Artist; } /** * This sets the Genre of the Record * @param newGenre This is the new genre to be set */ public void setGenre(String newGenre) { this.Genre = newGenre; } /** * This returns the Genre of the Record * @return The Genre is returned as a string */ public String getGenre() { return this.Genre; } /** * This sets the Song of the Record * @param newSong This is the new song to be set */ public void setSong(String newSong) { this.Song = newSong; } /** * This returns the Song of the Record * @return The Song is returned as a string */ public String getSong() { return this.Song; } }