/* * Copyright 2004-2014 H2 Group. Multiple-Licensed under the MPL 2.0, * and the EPL 1.0 (http://h2database.com/html/license.html). * Initial Developer: H2 Group */ package org.h2.test.unit; import java.io.InputStream; import java.io.InputStreamReader; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.sql.Statement; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.h2.api.DatabaseEventListener; import org.h2.api.ErrorCode; import org.h2.result.Row; import org.h2.store.Page; import org.h2.store.fs.FileUtils; import org.h2.test.TestBase; import org.h2.util.IOUtils; import org.h2.util.JdbcUtils; import org.h2.util.New; /** * Test the page store. */ public class TestPageStore extends TestBase { /** * The events log. */ static StringBuilder eventBuffer = new StringBuilder(); /** * Run just this test. * * @param a ignored */ public static void main(String... a) throws Exception { System.setProperty("h2.check2", "true"); TestBase.createCaller().init().test(); } @Override public void test() throws Exception { deleteDb(null); testDropTempTable(); testLogLimitFalsePositive(); testLogLimit(); testRecoverLobInDatabase(); testWriteTransactionLogBeforeData(); testDefrag(); testInsertReverse(); testInsertDelete(); testCheckpoint(); testDropRecreate(); testDropAll(); testCloseTempTable(); testDuplicateKey(); testUpdateOverflow(); testTruncateReconnect(); testReverseIndex(); testLargeUpdates(); testLargeInserts(); testLargeDatabaseFastOpen(); testUniqueIndexReopen(); testLargeRows(); testRecoverDropIndex(); testDropPk(); testCreatePkLater(); testTruncate(); testLargeIndex(); testUniqueIndex(); testCreateIndexLater(); testFuzzOperations(); deleteDb(null); } private void testDropTempTable() throws SQLException { deleteDb("pageStoreDropTemp"); Connection c1 = getConnection("pageStoreDropTemp"); Connection c2 = getConnection("pageStoreDropTemp"); c1.setAutoCommit(false); c2.setAutoCommit(false); Statement s1 = c1.createStatement(); Statement s2 = c2.createStatement(); s1.execute("create local temporary table a(id int primary key)"); s1.execute("insert into a values(1)"); c1.commit(); c1.close(); s2.execute("create table b(id int primary key)"); s2.execute("insert into b values(1)"); c2.commit(); s2.execute("checkpoint sync"); s2.execute("shutdown immediately"); try { c2.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // ignore } c1 = getConnection("pageStoreDropTemp"); c1.close(); deleteDb("pageStoreDropTemp"); } private void testLogLimit() throws Exception { if (config.mvStore) { return; } deleteDb("pageStoreLogLimit"); Connection conn, conn2; Statement stat, stat2; String url = "pageStoreLogLimit;TRACE_LEVEL_FILE=2"; conn = getConnection(url); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("create table test(id int primary key)"); conn.setAutoCommit(false); stat.execute("insert into test values(1)"); conn2 = getConnection(url); stat2 = conn2.createStatement(); stat2.execute("create table t2(id identity, name varchar)"); stat2.execute("set max_log_size 1"); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { stat2.execute("insert into t2(name) " + "select space(100) from system_range(1, 1000)"); } InputStream in = FileUtils.newInputStream(getBaseDir() + "/pageStoreLogLimit.trace.db"); String s = IOUtils.readStringAndClose(new InputStreamReader(in), -1); assertTrue(s.indexOf("Transaction log could not be truncated") > 0); conn.commit(); ResultSet rs = stat2.executeQuery("select * from test"); assertTrue(rs.next()); conn2.close(); conn.close(); } private void testLogLimitFalsePositive() throws Exception { deleteDb("pageStoreLogLimitFalsePositive"); String url = "pageStoreLogLimitFalsePositive;TRACE_LEVEL_FILE=2"; Connection conn = getConnection(url); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("set max_log_size 1"); stat.execute("create table test(x varchar)"); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { stat.execute("insert into test values (space(2000))"); } stat.execute("checkpoint"); InputStream in = FileUtils.newInputStream(getBaseDir() + "/pageStoreLogLimitFalsePositive.trace.db"); String s = IOUtils.readStringAndClose(new InputStreamReader(in), -1); assertFalse(s.indexOf("Transaction log could not be truncated") > 0); conn.close(); } private void testRecoverLobInDatabase() throws SQLException { deleteDb("pageStoreRecoverLobInDatabase"); String url = getURL("pageStoreRecoverLobInDatabase;" + "MVCC=TRUE;CACHE_SIZE=1", true); Connection conn; Statement stat; conn = getConnection(url, getUser(), getPassword()); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("create table test(id int primary key, name clob)"); stat.execute("create index idx_id on test(id)"); stat.execute("insert into test " + "select x, space(1100+x) from system_range(1, 100)"); Random r = new Random(1); ArrayList<Connection> list = New.arrayList(); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { Connection conn2 = getConnection(url, getUser(), getPassword()); list.add(conn2); Statement stat2 = conn2.createStatement(); conn2.setAutoCommit(false); if (r.nextBoolean()) { stat2.execute("update test set id = id where id = " + r.nextInt(100)); } else { stat2.execute("delete from test where id = " + r.nextInt(100)); } } stat.execute("shutdown immediately"); JdbcUtils.closeSilently(conn); for (Connection c : list) { JdbcUtils.closeSilently(c); } conn = getConnection(url, getUser(), getPassword()); conn.close(); } private void testWriteTransactionLogBeforeData() throws SQLException { deleteDb("pageStoreWriteTransactionLogBeforeData"); String url = getURL("pageStoreWriteTransactionLogBeforeData;" + "CACHE_SIZE=16;WRITE_DELAY=1000000", true); Connection conn; Statement stat; conn = getConnection(url, getUser(), getPassword()); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("create table test(name varchar) as select space(100000)"); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { stat.execute("create table test" + i + "(id int) " + "as select x from system_range(1, 1000)"); } conn.close(); conn = getConnection(url, getUser(), getPassword()); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("drop table test0"); stat.execute("select * from test"); stat.execute("shutdown immediately"); try { conn.close(); } catch (Exception e) { // ignore } conn = getConnection(url, getUser(), getPassword()); stat = conn.createStatement(); for (int i = 1; i < 100; i++) { stat.execute("select * from test" + i); } conn.close(); } private void testDefrag() throws SQLException { if (config.reopen) { return; } deleteDb("pageStoreDefrag"); Connection conn = getConnection( "pageStoreDefrag;LOG=0;UNDO_LOG=0;LOCK_MODE=0"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); int tableCount = 10; int rowCount = getSize(1000, 100000); for (int i = 0; i < tableCount; i++) { stat.execute("create table test" + i + "(id int primary key, " + "string1 varchar, string2 varchar, string3 varchar)"); } for (int j = 0; j < tableCount; j++) { PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement( "insert into test" + j + " values(?, ?, ?, ?)"); for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { prep.setInt(1, i); prep.setInt(2, i); prep.setInt(3, i); prep.setInt(4, i); prep.execute(); } } stat.executeUpdate("shutdown defrag"); conn.close(); } private void testInsertReverse() throws SQLException { deleteDb("pageStoreInsertReverse"); Connection conn; conn = getConnection("pageStoreInsertReverse"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("create table test(id int primary key, data varchar)"); stat.execute("insert into test select -x, space(100) " + "from system_range(1, 1000)"); stat.execute("drop table test"); stat.execute("create table test(id int primary key, data varchar)"); stat.execute("insert into test select -x, space(2048) " + "from system_range(1, 1000)"); conn.close(); } private void testInsertDelete() { Row[] x = new Row[0]; Row r = new Row(null, 0); x = Page.insert(x, 0, 0, r); assertTrue(x[0] == r); Row r2 = new Row(null, 0); x = Page.insert(x, 1, 0, r2); assertTrue(x[0] == r2); assertTrue(x[1] == r); Row r3 = new Row(null, 0); x = Page.insert(x, 2, 1, r3); assertTrue(x[0] == r2); assertTrue(x[1] == r3); assertTrue(x[2] == r); x = Page.remove(x, 3, 1); assertTrue(x[0] == r2); assertTrue(x[1] == r); x = Page.remove(x, 2, 0); assertTrue(x[0] == r); x = Page.remove(x, 1, 0); } private void testCheckpoint() throws SQLException { deleteDb("pageStoreCheckpoint"); Connection conn; conn = getConnection("pageStoreCheckpoint"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("create table test(data varchar)"); stat.execute("create sequence seq"); stat.execute("set max_log_size 1"); conn.setAutoCommit(false); stat.execute("insert into test select space(1000) from system_range(1, 1000)"); long before = System.currentTimeMillis(); stat.execute("select nextval('SEQ') from system_range(1, 100000)"); long after = System.currentTimeMillis(); // it's hard to test - basically it shouldn't checkpoint too often if (after - before > 10000) { if (!config.reopen) { fail("Checkpoint took " + (after - before) + " ms"); } } stat.execute("drop table test"); stat.execute("drop sequence seq"); conn.close(); } private void testDropRecreate() throws SQLException { if (config.memory) { return; } deleteDb("pageStoreDropRecreate"); Connection conn; conn = getConnection("pageStoreDropRecreate"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("create table test(id int)"); stat.execute("create index idx_test on test(id)"); stat.execute("create table test2(id int)"); stat.execute("drop table test"); // this will re-used the object id of the test table, // which is lower than the object id of test2 stat.execute("create index idx_test on test2(id)"); conn.close(); conn = getConnection("pageStoreDropRecreate"); conn.close(); } private void testDropAll() throws SQLException { deleteDb("pageStoreDropAll"); Connection conn; String url = "pageStoreDropAll"; conn = getConnection(url); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("CREATE TEMP TABLE A(A INT)"); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE B(A VARCHAR IDENTITY)"); stat.execute("CREATE TEMP TABLE C(A INT)"); conn.close(); conn = getConnection(url); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("DROP ALL OBJECTS"); conn.close(); } private void testCloseTempTable() throws SQLException { deleteDb("pageStoreCloseTempTable"); Connection conn; String url = "pageStoreCloseTempTable;CACHE_SIZE=0"; conn = getConnection(url); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("create local temporary table test(id int)"); conn.rollback(); Connection conn2 = getConnection(url); Statement stat2 = conn2.createStatement(); stat2.execute("create table test2 as select x from system_range(1, 5000)"); stat2.execute("shutdown immediately"); assertThrows(ErrorCode.DATABASE_IS_CLOSED, conn).close(); assertThrows(ErrorCode.DATABASE_IS_CLOSED, conn2).close(); } private void testDuplicateKey() throws SQLException { deleteDb("pageStoreDuplicateKey"); Connection conn; conn = getConnection("pageStoreDuplicateKey"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("create table test(id int primary key, name varchar)"); stat.execute("insert into test values(0, space(3000))"); try { stat.execute("insert into test values(0, space(3000))"); } catch (SQLException e) { // ignore } stat.execute("select * from test"); conn.close(); } private void testTruncateReconnect() throws SQLException { if (config.memory) { return; } deleteDb("pageStoreTruncateReconnect"); Connection conn; conn = getConnection("pageStoreTruncateReconnect"); conn.createStatement().execute( "create table test(id int primary key, name varchar)"); conn.createStatement().execute( "insert into test(id) select x from system_range(1, 390)"); conn.createStatement().execute("checkpoint"); conn.createStatement().execute("shutdown immediately"); JdbcUtils.closeSilently(conn); conn = getConnection("pageStoreTruncateReconnect"); conn.createStatement().execute("truncate table test"); conn.createStatement().execute( "insert into test(id) select x from system_range(1, 390)"); conn.createStatement().execute("shutdown immediately"); JdbcUtils.closeSilently(conn); conn = getConnection("pageStoreTruncateReconnect"); conn.close(); } private void testUpdateOverflow() throws SQLException { if (config.memory) { return; } deleteDb("pageStoreUpdateOverflow"); Connection conn; conn = getConnection("pageStoreUpdateOverflow"); conn.createStatement().execute("create table test" + "(id int primary key, name varchar)"); conn.createStatement().execute( "insert into test values(0, space(3000))"); conn.createStatement().execute("checkpoint"); conn.createStatement().execute("shutdown immediately"); JdbcUtils.closeSilently(conn); conn = getConnection("pageStoreUpdateOverflow"); conn.createStatement().execute("update test set id = 1"); conn.createStatement().execute("shutdown immediately"); JdbcUtils.closeSilently(conn); conn = getConnection("pageStoreUpdateOverflow"); conn.close(); } private void testReverseIndex() throws SQLException { if (config.memory) { return; } deleteDb("pageStoreReverseIndex"); Connection conn = getConnection("pageStoreReverseIndex"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("create table test(x int, y varchar default space(200))"); for (int i = 30; i < 100; i++) { stat.execute("insert into test(x) select null from system_range(1, " + i + ")"); stat.execute("insert into test(x) select x from system_range(1, " + i + ")"); stat.execute("create index idx on test(x desc, y)"); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("select min(x) from test"); rs.next(); assertEquals(1, rs.getInt(1)); stat.execute("drop index idx"); stat.execute("truncate table test"); } conn.close(); } private void testLargeUpdates() throws SQLException { if (config.memory) { return; } deleteDb("pageStoreLargeUpdates"); Connection conn; conn = getConnection("pageStoreLargeUpdates"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); int size = 1500; stat.execute("call rand(1)"); stat.execute( "create table test(id int primary key, data varchar, test int) as " + "select x, '', 123 from system_range(1, " + size + ")"); Random random = new Random(1); PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement( "update test set data=space(?) where id=?"); for (int i = 0; i < 2500; i++) { int id = random.nextInt(size); int newSize = random.nextInt(6000); prep.setInt(1, newSize); prep.setInt(2, id); prep.execute(); } conn.close(); conn = getConnection("pageStoreLargeUpdates"); stat = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("select * from test where test<>123"); assertFalse(rs.next()); conn.close(); } private void testLargeInserts() throws SQLException { if (config.memory) { return; } deleteDb("pageStoreLargeInserts"); Connection conn; conn = getConnection("pageStoreLargeInserts"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("create table test(data varchar)"); stat.execute("insert into test values(space(1024 * 1024))"); stat.execute("insert into test values(space(1024 * 1024))"); conn.close(); } private void testLargeDatabaseFastOpen() throws SQLException { if (config.memory) { return; } deleteDb("pageStoreLargeDatabaseFastOpen"); Connection conn; String url = "pageStoreLargeDatabaseFastOpen"; conn = getConnection(url); conn.createStatement().execute( "CREATE TABLE TEST(ID INT PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR)"); conn.createStatement().execute( "create unique index idx_test_name on test(name)"); conn.createStatement().execute( "INSERT INTO TEST " + "SELECT X, X || space(10) FROM SYSTEM_RANGE(1, 1000)"); conn.close(); conn = getConnection(url); conn.createStatement().execute("DELETE FROM TEST WHERE ID=1"); conn.createStatement().execute("CHECKPOINT"); conn.createStatement().execute("SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATELY"); try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // ignore } eventBuffer.setLength(0); conn = getConnection(url + ";DATABASE_EVENT_LISTENER='" + MyDatabaseEventListener.class.getName() + "'"); assertEquals("init;opened;", eventBuffer.toString()); conn.close(); } private void testUniqueIndexReopen() throws SQLException { if (config.memory) { return; } deleteDb("pageStoreUniqueIndexReopen"); Connection conn; String url = "pageStoreUniqueIndexReopen"; conn = getConnection(url); conn.createStatement().execute( "CREATE TABLE test(ID INT PRIMARY KEY, NAME VARCHAR(255))"); conn.createStatement().execute( "create unique index idx_test_name on test(name)"); conn.createStatement().execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(1, 'Hello')"); conn.close(); conn = getConnection(url); assertThrows(ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_KEY_1, conn.createStatement()) .execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(2, 'Hello')"); conn.close(); } private void testLargeRows() throws Exception { if (config.memory) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { testLargeRows(i); } } private void testLargeRows(int seed) throws Exception { deleteDb("pageStoreLargeRows"); String url = getURL("pageStoreLargeRows;CACHE_SIZE=16", true); Connection conn = null; Statement stat = null; int count = 0; try { Class.forName("org.h2.Driver"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url); stat = conn.createStatement(); int tableCount = 1; PreparedStatement[] insert = new PreparedStatement[tableCount]; PreparedStatement[] deleteMany = new PreparedStatement[tableCount]; PreparedStatement[] updateMany = new PreparedStatement[tableCount]; for (int i = 0; i < tableCount; i++) { stat.execute("create table test" + i + "(id int primary key, name varchar)"); stat.execute("create index idx_test" + i + " on test" + i + "(name)"); insert[i] = conn.prepareStatement("insert into test" + i + " values(?, ? || space(?))"); deleteMany[i] = conn.prepareStatement("delete from test" + i + " where id between ? and ?"); updateMany[i] = conn.prepareStatement("update test" + i + " set name=? || space(?) where id between ? and ?"); } Random random = new Random(seed); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { count = i; PreparedStatement p; if (random.nextInt(100) < 95) { p = insert[random.nextInt(tableCount)]; p.setInt(1, i); p.setInt(2, i); if (random.nextInt(30) == 5) { p.setInt(3, 3000); } else { p.setInt(3, random.nextInt(100)); } p.execute(); } else if (random.nextInt(100) < 90) { p = updateMany[random.nextInt(tableCount)]; p.setInt(1, i); p.setInt(2, random.nextInt(50)); int first = random.nextInt(1 + i); p.setInt(3, first); p.setInt(4, first + random.nextInt(50)); p.executeUpdate(); } else { p = deleteMany[random.nextInt(tableCount)]; int first = random.nextInt(1 + i); p.setInt(1, first); p.setInt(2, first + random.nextInt(100)); p.executeUpdate(); } } conn.close(); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url); conn.close(); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(url); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("script to '" + getBaseDir() + "/pageStoreLargeRows.sql'"); conn.close(); FileUtils.delete(getBaseDir() + "/pageStoreLargeRows.sql"); } catch (Exception e) { if (stat != null) { try { stat.execute("shutdown immediately"); } catch (SQLException e2) { // ignore } } if (conn != null) { try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e2) { // ignore } } throw new RuntimeException("count: " + count, e); } } private void testRecoverDropIndex() throws SQLException { if (config.memory) { return; } deleteDb("pageStoreRecoverDropIndex"); Connection conn = getConnection("pageStoreRecoverDropIndex"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("set write_delay 0"); stat.execute("create table test(id int, name varchar) " + "as select x, x from system_range(1, 1400)"); stat.execute("create index idx_name on test(name)"); conn.close(); conn = getConnection("pageStoreRecoverDropIndex"); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("drop index idx_name"); stat.execute("shutdown immediately"); try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // ignore } conn = getConnection("pageStoreRecoverDropIndex;cache_size=1"); conn.close(); } private void testDropPk() throws SQLException { if (config.memory) { return; } deleteDb("pageStoreDropPk"); Connection conn; Statement stat; conn = getConnection("pageStoreDropPk"); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("create table test(id int primary key)"); stat.execute("insert into test values(" + Integer.MIN_VALUE + "), (" + Integer.MAX_VALUE + ")"); stat.execute("alter table test drop primary key"); conn.close(); conn = getConnection("pageStoreDropPk"); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("insert into test values(" + Integer.MIN_VALUE + "), (" + Integer.MAX_VALUE + ")"); conn.close(); } private void testCreatePkLater() throws SQLException { if (config.memory) { return; } deleteDb("pageStoreCreatePkLater"); Connection conn; Statement stat; conn = getConnection("pageStoreCreatePkLater"); stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("create table test(id int not null) as select 100"); stat.execute("create primary key on test(id)"); conn.close(); conn = getConnection("pageStoreCreatePkLater"); stat = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("select * from test where id = 100"); assertTrue(rs.next()); conn.close(); } private void testTruncate() throws SQLException { if (config.memory) { return; } deleteDb("pageStoreTruncate"); Connection conn = getConnection("pageStoreTruncate"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("set write_delay 0"); stat.execute("create table test(id int) as select 1"); stat.execute("truncate table test"); stat.execute("insert into test values(1)"); stat.execute("shutdown immediately"); try { conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { // ignore } conn = getConnection("pageStoreTruncate"); conn.close(); } private void testLargeIndex() throws SQLException { if (config.memory) { return; } deleteDb("pageStoreLargeIndex"); Connection conn = getConnection("pageStoreLargeIndex"); conn.createStatement().execute( "create table test(id varchar primary key, d varchar)"); PreparedStatement prep = conn.prepareStatement( "insert into test values(?, space(500))"); for (int i = 0; i < 20000; i++) { prep.setString(1, "" + i); prep.executeUpdate(); } conn.close(); } private void testUniqueIndex() throws SQLException { if (config.memory) { return; } deleteDb("pageStoreUniqueIndex"); Connection conn = getConnection("pageStoreUniqueIndex"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(ID INT UNIQUE)"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(1)"); conn.close(); conn = getConnection("pageStoreUniqueIndex"); assertThrows(ErrorCode.DUPLICATE_KEY_1, conn.createStatement()).execute("INSERT INTO TEST VALUES(1)"); conn.close(); } private void testCreateIndexLater() throws SQLException { deleteDb("pageStoreCreateIndexLater"); Connection conn = getConnection("pageStoreCreateIndexLater"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(NAME VARCHAR) AS SELECT 1"); stat.execute("CREATE INDEX IDX_N ON TEST(NAME)"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST SELECT X FROM SYSTEM_RANGE(20, 100)"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST SELECT X FROM SYSTEM_RANGE(1000, 1100)"); stat.execute("SHUTDOWN IMMEDIATELY"); assertThrows(ErrorCode.DATABASE_IS_CLOSED, conn).close(); conn = getConnection("pageStoreCreateIndexLater"); conn.close(); } private void testFuzzOperations() throws Exception { int best = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { int x = testFuzzOperationsSeed(i, 10); if (x >= 0 && x < best) { best = x; fail("op:" + x + " seed:" + i); } } } private int testFuzzOperationsSeed(int seed, int len) throws SQLException { deleteDb("pageStoreFuzz"); Connection conn = getConnection("pageStoreFuzz"); Statement stat = conn.createStatement(); log("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TEST;"); stat.execute("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TEST"); log("CREATE TABLE TEST(ID INT PRIMARY KEY, " + "NAME VARCHAR DEFAULT 'Hello World');"); stat.execute("CREATE TABLE TEST(ID INT PRIMARY KEY, " + "NAME VARCHAR DEFAULT 'Hello World')"); Set<Integer> rows = new TreeSet<Integer>(); Random random = new Random(seed); for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) { int op = random.nextInt(3); Integer x = random.nextInt(100); switch (op) { case 0: if (!rows.contains(x)) { log("insert into test(id) values(" + x + ");"); stat.execute("INSERT INTO TEST(ID) VALUES(" + x + ");"); rows.add(x); } break; case 1: if (rows.contains(x)) { log("delete from test where id=" + x + ";"); stat.execute("DELETE FROM TEST WHERE ID=" + x); rows.remove(x); } break; case 2: conn.close(); conn = getConnection("pageStoreFuzz"); stat = conn.createStatement(); ResultSet rs = stat.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM TEST ORDER BY ID"); log("--reconnect"); for (int test : rows) { if (!rs.next()) { log("error: expected next"); conn.close(); return i; } int y = rs.getInt(1); // System.out.println(" " + x); if (y != test) { log("error: " + y + " <> " + test); conn.close(); return i; } } if (rs.next()) { log("error: unexpected next"); conn.close(); return i; } } } conn.close(); return -1; } private void log(String m) { trace(" " + m); } /** * A database event listener used in this test. */ public static final class MyDatabaseEventListener implements DatabaseEventListener { @Override public void closingDatabase() { event("closing"); } @Override public void exceptionThrown(SQLException e, String sql) { event("exceptionThrown " + e + " " + sql); } @Override public void init(String url) { event("init"); } @Override public void opened() { event("opened"); } @Override public void setProgress(int state, String name, int x, int max) { if (name.startsWith("SYS:SYS_ID")) { // ignore return; } switch (state) { case DatabaseEventListener.STATE_STATEMENT_START: case DatabaseEventListener.STATE_STATEMENT_END: case DatabaseEventListener.STATE_STATEMENT_PROGRESS: return; } event("setProgress " + state + " " + name + " " + x + " " + max); } private static void event(String s) { eventBuffer.append(s).append(';'); } } }