package com.growcontrol.common.scripting; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentLinkedQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean; import javax.script.ScriptEngine; import javax.script.ScriptException; import com.poixson.commonjava.Utils.utils; import com.poixson.commonjava.Utils.xStartable; import com.poixson.commonjava.Utils.exceptions.RequiredArgumentException; import com.poixson.commonjava.Utils.threads.xThreadPool; import com.poixson.commonjava.xLogger.xLog; public class gcScript implements xStartable { public final String name; public final int id; protected volatile ScriptEngine engine = null; protected final Object engineLock = new Object(); protected final AtomicBoolean running = new AtomicBoolean(false); protected final AtomicBoolean processing = new AtomicBoolean(false); protected final ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ScriptCode> queue = new ConcurrentLinkedQueue<ScriptCode>(); public gcScript() { this(null); } public gcScript(final String name) { final gcScriptManager manager = gcScriptManager.get(); = manager.getNextId(); = (utils.isEmpty(name) ? "script-"+Integer.toString( : name); this.queue.add( new ScriptCode_Text( "function log() {"+ " return com.poixson.commonjava.xLogger.xLog.getRoot().get('script').get(ScriptName);"+ "}"+ "function print(text) {"+ " log().info(text);"+ "}"+ "log().info('Starting script..')" ) ); } protected void init() { if(this.engine != null) return; synchronized(this.engineLock){ if(this.engine != null) return; final gcScriptManager manager = gcScriptManager.get(); this.engine = manager.getEngine(); if(this.engine == null) { this.log().severe("Failed to load "+gcScriptManager.LANGUAGE+" scripting engine!"); throw new RuntimeException("Failed to load scripting engine!"); } this.engine.put("ScriptName",; } } protected static interface ScriptCode { public void eval(final ScriptEngine engine) throws ScriptException; } protected static class ScriptCode_File implements ScriptCode { protected final File file; public ScriptCode_File(final File file) throws FileNotFoundException { if(file == null) throw new RequiredArgumentException("file"); if(!file.isFile()) throw new FileNotFoundException("Script file not found: "+file.toString()); this.file = file; } @Override public void eval(final ScriptEngine engine) throws ScriptException { if(engine == null) throw new RequiredArgumentException("engine"); try { engine.eval(new FileReader(this.file)); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { throw new ScriptException(e); } } } protected static class ScriptCode_Text implements ScriptCode { protected final String text; public ScriptCode_Text(final String text) { if(utils.isEmpty(text)) throw new RequiredArgumentException("text"); this.text = text; } @Override public void eval(final ScriptEngine engine) throws ScriptException { if(engine == null) throw new RequiredArgumentException("engine"); engine.eval(this.text); } } // queue a file to be run public void queue(final File file) throws FileNotFoundException { if(file == null) throw new RequiredArgumentException("file"); if(!file.isFile()) throw new FileNotFoundException("Script file not found: "+file.toString()); this.queue.add( new ScriptCode_File(file) ); this.queue(); } // queue code to be run public void queue(final String code) { this.queue.add( new ScriptCode_Text(code) ); } protected void queue() { if(!this.running.get()) return; if(this.processing.get()) return; this.getThreadPool() .runLater(this); } @Override public void Start() { // only start once if(!this.running.compareAndSet(false, true)) return; this.init(); this.queue(); } @Override public void Stop() { this.running.set(false); } @Override public boolean isRunning() { return this.running.get(); } public boolean isProcessing() { return this.processing.get(); } @Override public void run() { if(!this.running.get()) return; if(!this.processing.compareAndSet(false, true)) return; // eval queued code final Iterator<ScriptCode> it = this.queue.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { if(!this.running.get()) break; final ScriptCode code =; try { // eval file if(code instanceof ScriptCode_File) { final File file = ((ScriptCode_File) code).file; try { this.engine.eval( new FileReader(file) ); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { this.log().trace(e); } } else // eval text if(code instanceof ScriptCode_Text) { this.engine.eval( ((ScriptCode_Text) code).text ); } else { this.log().severe("Invalid queued code type: "+code.getClass().getName()); } } catch (ScriptException e) { this.log().trace(e); } it.remove(); // lets not hold up the thread pool break; } this.processing.set(false); // just in case if(!this.queue.isEmpty()) this.queue(); } // public Object InvokeFunction(final String name) { // if(!this.running.get()) throw new IllegalStateException("Script not running"); // try { // return ((Invocable) this.script).invokeFunction(name); // } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) { // this.log().trace(e); // } catch (ScriptException e) { // this.log().trace(e); // } // return null; // } public xThreadPool getThreadPool() { return gcScriptManager.get().getThreadPool(); } public String getName() { final String name =; if(utils.isEmpty(name)) return "script-"+Integer.toString(; return name; } // logger public xLog log() { return gcScriptManager.get() .log().get(this.getName()); } }