package; /* * Copyright (c) 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * See accompanying LICENSE file. */ import it.unimi.di.big.mg4j.index.Index; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import it.unimi.dsi.big.util.StringMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.doubles.DoubleArrays; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.ints.IntBigList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.longs.LongBigList; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Object2DoubleMap; import it.unimi.dsi.fastutil.objects.Reference2DoubleMap; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; public class WOOScorer extends AbstractWeightedScorer implements DelegatingScorer { private static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(BM25FScorer.class); private static final boolean DEBUG = true; /** The default value used for the parameter <var>k</var><sub>1</sub>. */ public final static double DEFAULT_K1 = 1.2; /** The default value used for the parameter <var>b</var>. */ public final static double DEFAULT_B = 0.5; /** * The value of the document-frequency part for terms appearing in more than * half of the documents. */ public final static double EPSILON_SCORE = 1E-6; /** The counter collection visitor used to estimate counts. */ private final CounterCollectionVisitor counterCollectionVisitor; /** The counter setup visitor used to estimate counts. */ private final CounterSetupVisitor setupVisitor; /** The term collection visitor used to estimate counts. */ private final TermCollectionVisitor termVisitor; /** The parameter <var>k</var><sub>1</sub>. */ public final double k1; /** The parameter <var>b</var>; you must provide one value for each index. */ public final Reference2DoubleMap<Index> bByIndex; /** The parameter {@link #k1} plus one, precomputed. */ private final double k1Plus1; /** * An array indexed by offsets that caches the inverse document-frequency * part of the formula, multiplied by the index weight. */ private double[] idfPart; /** * An array indexed by offsets that caches the weight corresponding to each * pair. */ private double[] offset2Weight; /** * An array indexed by offsets that gives the unique id of each term in the * query. */ private int[] offset2TermId; /** A term map to index {@link #frequencies}. */ private final StringMap<? extends CharSequence> termMap; /** * The list of virtual frequencies (possibly approximated using just the * frequencies of the main field). */ private final LongBigList frequencies; /** * An array indexed by offsets mapping each offset to the corresponding * index number. */ private int[] offset2Index; /** * An array indexed by term ids used by {@link #score()} to compute virtual * counts. */ private double[] virtualCount; /** * For expected IDF runs, an array indexed by term ids used by * {@link #score()} to compute virtual counts combined with IDF scoring. */ // private double[] virtualIdfCount; private long N; /** * An array (parallel to {@link #currIndex}) used by {@link #score()} to * cache the current document sizes. */ // private int[] size; /** The weight of each index. */ private double[] weight; /** * An array indexed by offsets mapping each offset to the parameter * <var>b</var> of the corresponding index. */ private double[] index2B; private Object2DoubleMap<String> bByName; private double w_numberOfFieldsMatched; private IntBigList defaultSizes; private double averageDocLength; private double[] documentWeights; private final double dl_cutoff; private HashMap<Integer, Integer> documentPriors; private int max_number_of_fields; private int NEUTRAL = Integer.parseInt(SetDocumentPriors.NEUTRAL); /** * * @param k1 * @param b * @param termMap * @param frequencies * @param N * number of documents * @param w_numberOfFieldsMatched */ public WOOScorer(final double k1, final Reference2DoubleMap<Index> b, final StringMap<? extends CharSequence> termMap, final LongBigList frequencies, final IntBigList defaultSizes, double averageDocLength, long N, double w_numberOfFieldsMatched, double[] documentWeights, double dl_cutoff, HashMap<Integer, Integer> documentPriors, int max_number_of_fields) { this.termMap = termMap; termVisitor = new TermCollectionVisitor(); setupVisitor = new CounterSetupVisitor(termVisitor); counterCollectionVisitor = new CounterCollectionVisitor(setupVisitor); this.k1 = k1; this.bByIndex = b; this.frequencies = frequencies; this.k1Plus1 = k1 + 1; this.bByName = null; this.w_numberOfFieldsMatched = w_numberOfFieldsMatched; this.N = N; this.defaultSizes = defaultSizes; this.averageDocLength = averageDocLength; this.documentWeights = documentWeights; this.dl_cutoff = dl_cutoff; this.max_number_of_fields = max_number_of_fields; this.documentPriors = documentPriors; } public DelegatingScorer copy() { final WOOScorer scorer = new WOOScorer(k1, bByIndex, termMap, frequencies, defaultSizes, averageDocLength, N, w_numberOfFieldsMatched, documentWeights, dl_cutoff, documentPriors, max_number_of_fields); scorer.setWeights(index2Weight); return scorer; } public double score() throws IOException { setupVisitor.clear(); documentIterator.acceptOnTruePaths(counterCollectionVisitor); final long document = documentIterator.document(); final int[] count = setupVisitor.count; final double[] offset2Weight = this.offset2Weight; final int[] offset2TermId = this.offset2TermId; final double[] idfPart = this.idfPart; final double[] virtualCount = this.virtualCount; // final double[] virtualIdfCount = this.virtualIdfCount; final double[] index2B = this.index2B; final double[] idf = new double[virtualCount.length]; double docLen = defaultSizes.getInt(document); if (docLen < dl_cutoff) docLen = dl_cutoff; // Compute virtual size int term2Index; // int termId; DoubleArrays.fill(virtualCount, 0); double score = 0, v; // System.out.println("Using b of "+index2B[ 0 ]); // if ( termMap != null ) { // int tmpTfCount = 0; for (int i = offset2TermId.length; i-- != 0;) { if (offset2TermId[i] == -1) continue; idf[offset2TermId[i]] = idfPart[i]; term2Index = offset2Index[i]; // virtualCount[ offset2TermId[ i ] ] += count[ i ] * offset2Weight[ // i ] / ( ( 1 - index2B[ term2Index ] ) + index2B[ term2Index ] * // size[ term2Index ] / avgDocumentSize[ term2Index ] ); if (index2B[term2Index] != 1) { virtualCount[offset2TermId[i]] += (count[i] * offset2Weight[i]) / ((1 - index2B[term2Index]) + index2B[term2Index] * docLen / averageDocLength); } else { virtualCount[offset2TermId[i]] += (count[i] * offset2Weight[i]); } // tmpTfCount += count[i]; // if(count[i]>0) // System.out.println("docid="+documentIterator.document()+" idf="+idfPart[i]+" docLen="+defaultSizes.getInt(document)+" docLenUsed="+docLen+" avDocLen="+averageDocLength+" virtualCount="+virtualCount[ // offset2TermId[ i ] // ]+" tf="+count[i]+" w="+offset2Weight[i]+" b="+index2B[ // term2Index ] +" offsetToTermId="+offset2TermId[ i ] ); // if(count[i]>0) // System.out.println("docid="+documentIterator.document()+" idf="+idfPart[offset2TermId[ // i // ]]+" docLen="+defaultSizes.getInt(document)+" docLenUsed="+docLen+" avDocLen="+averageDocLength+" virtualCount="+virtualCount[ // offset2TermId[ i ] // ]+" tf="+count[i]+" w="+offset2Weight[i]+" b="+index2B[ // term2Index ] +" offsetToTermId="+offset2TermId[ i ] ); } double numberOfFieldsMatched = 0; for (int i = virtualCount.length; i-- != 0;) { v = virtualCount[i]; double idft = idf[i]; // System.out.println("i="+i+" k1plus1="+k1Plus1+" v="+v+" k1="+k1+" idfPart="+idft); // System.out.println( (( k1Plus1 * v ) / ( v + k1 )) * idfPart[ i // ]+" oldScore "+score); score += (k1Plus1 * v) / (v + k1) * idft; // System.out.println("new score="+score); if (virtualCount[i] > 0) numberOfFieldsMatched++; } numberOfFieldsMatched = (numberOfFieldsMatched > max_number_of_fields) ? max_number_of_fields : numberOfFieldsMatched; score *= w_numberOfFieldsMatched * numberOfFieldsMatched / max_number_of_fields; // System.out.println("w_match="+w_numberOfFieldsMatched+" number_matched="+numberOfFieldsMatched+" max fields "+max_number_of_fields); // score += w_numberOfFieldsMatched * numberOfFieldsMatched; // System.out.println("Adding "+w_numberOfFieldsMatched+"*"+numberOfFieldsMatched); // documentPriors if (documentPriors != null) { Integer doccategory = documentPriors.get(document); if (doccategory != null) score *= documentWeights[doccategory]; else score *= documentWeights[NEUTRAL]; /* * if (doccategory != null) { * System.out.println("Adding (found) prior of category " * +doccategory+" weight is "+ documentWeights[doccategory]); * System.out.println("The weights are "+documentWeights); * if(doccategory == Integer.parseInt(SetDocumentPriors.IMPORTANT)) * System.exit(-1); } //else * System.out.println("Adding (not found) prior of " * +documentWeights[NEUTRAL]); */ } // System.out.println("docid="+documentIterator.document()+" docLen="+defaultSizes.getInt(document)+" final score="+score+" tf="+tmpTfCount); return score; } public double score(final Index index) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public void wrap(DocumentIterator documentIterator) throws IOException { super.wrap(documentIterator); if (index2Weight.keySet().contains(null)) { throw new IllegalStateException("index2Weights contains a null key!!"); } termVisitor.prepare(index2Weight.keySet()); if (DEBUG) LOGGER.debug("Weight map: " + index2Weight); documentIterator.accept(termVisitor); if (DEBUG) LOGGER.debug("Term Visitor found " + termVisitor.numberOfPairs() + " leaves"); final Index[] index = termVisitor.indices(); if (DEBUG) LOGGER.debug("Indices: " + Arrays.toString(index)); if (!index2Weight.keySet().containsAll(Arrays.asList(index))) throw new IllegalArgumentException("A WOOScorer scorer must have a weight for all indices involved in a query"); for (Index i : index) { if (bByIndex != null && !bByIndex.containsKey(i) || bByName != null && !bByName.containsKey(i.field)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("A WOOScorer scorer must have a b parameter for all indices involved in a query " + i); } } setupVisitor.prepare(); documentIterator.accept(setupVisitor); weight = new double[index.length]; for (int i = weight.length; i-- != 0;) { weight[i] = index2Weight.getDouble(index[i]); } offset2TermId = setupVisitor.offset2TermId; offset2Index = setupVisitor.indexNumber; offset2Weight = new double[offset2Index.length]; index2B = new double[index.length]; for (int i = 0; i < index2B.length; i++) index2B[i] = bByIndex != null ? bByIndex.getDouble(index[i]) : bByName.getDouble(index[i].field); for (int i = offset2Weight.length; i-- != 0;) { offset2Weight[i] = index2Weight.getDouble(index[offset2Index[i]]) * index2Weight.size(); } // We do all logs here idfPart = new double[termVisitor.numberOfPairs()]; for (int i = idfPart.length; i-- != 0;) { if (setupVisitor.offset2TermId[i] == -1) continue; // TODO CAUTION ATOMIC BOMB final int id = (int) termMap.getLong(setupVisitor.termId2Term[setupVisitor.offset2TermId[i]]); /* * if ( id == -1 ) throw new IllegalStateException( * "The term map passed to a WOOScorer scorer must contain all terms appearing in all indices" * ); final long f = frequencies.getLong( id ); idfPart[ i ] = * Math.max( EPSILON_SCORE, Math.log( ( N - f + 0.5 ) / ( f + 0.5 ) * ) ); */ if (id == -1) { idfPart[i] = 0; // if the final score is not a X * idf the score // for unseen terms will not be zero!!!!!!!!! } else { final long f = frequencies.getLong(id); idfPart[i] = Math.max(EPSILON_SCORE, Math.log((N - f + 0.5) / (f + 0.5))); } // System.out.println("i="+i+", frequency is "+f+" N is "+N); // System.out.println("idf for term "+setupVisitor.termId2Term[ // setupVisitor.offset2TermId[ i ] ]+" is "+idfPart[i]); } virtualCount = new double[setupVisitor.termId2Term.length]; // if (termMap == null) { // virtualIdfCount = new double[setupVisitor.termId2Term.length]; // } } public boolean usesIntervals() { return false; } }