package ru.naumen.gintonic.guice; import; import java.util.*; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IProject; import org.eclipse.core.resources.IncrementalProjectBuilder; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IProgressMonitor; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.IStatus; import org.eclipse.core.runtime.Status; import; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaElement; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IJavaProject; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IMember; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.IPackageFragment; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.IPackageBinding; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.dom.ITypeBinding; import ru.naumen.gintonic.GinTonicIDs; import ru.naumen.gintonic.GinTonicPlugin; import ru.naumen.gintonic.guice.annotations.IGuiceAnnotation; import ru.naumen.gintonic.guice.injection.IInjectionPoint; import ru.naumen.gintonic.guice.statements.AssistedBindingStatement; import ru.naumen.gintonic.guice.statements.BindingDefinition; import ru.naumen.gintonic.guice.statements.InstallModuleStatement; import ru.naumen.gintonic.guice.statements.JustInTimeBindingStatement; import ru.naumen.gintonic.project.builder.GinTonicProjectBuilder; import ru.naumen.gintonic.project.source.references.SourceCodeReference; import ru.naumen.gintonic.utils.*; /** * The guice index holds the informations about the guice modules as collected * during the build process ({@link GinTonicProjectBuilder}), so they can be * accessed faster (e.g by the quickfixes). * * @author tmajunke */ public class GuiceIndex implements Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 2155643314847687772L; private static volatile GuiceIndex instance; private GuiceIndexState buildState = GuiceIndexState.INITIAL; private boolean fromDisc; /** * The guice modules. */ private ArrayList<GuiceModule> guiceModules = new ArrayList<GuiceModule>(100); public GuiceIndex() { super(); } public static GuiceIndex get() { if (instance == null) { synchronized (GuiceIndex.class) { if (instance == null) { instance = new GuiceIndex(); build(); } } } return instance; } public static void set(GuiceIndex instance) { GuiceIndex.instance = instance; } public boolean isFromDisc() { return fromDisc; } public void setFromDisc(boolean fromDisc) { this.fromDisc = fromDisc; } public GuiceIndexState getBuildState() { return buildState; } public void setBuildState(GuiceIndexState buildState) { this.buildState = buildState; } private static Job build() { /* * The Job has versus the IWorkspaceRunnable approach the nose ahead as * it delivers us with a IProgressMonitor so we can see the progress in * the UI and maybe cancel it. */ Job job = new Job("GinTonic - Building Guice/Gin module index") { @Override protected IStatus run(IProgressMonitor progressMonitor) { final List<IProject> projectsWithGinTonicNature = IProjectUtils.getAccessibleProjectsWithGinTonicNature(); for (IProject project : projectsWithGinTonicNature) { try { IProject iProject = project.getProject();, GinTonicIDs.BUILDER, null, progressMonitor); } catch (CoreException e) { GinTonicPlugin.logException(e); } } return Status.OK_STATUS; } }; job.schedule(); return job; } /** * Returns the number of guice modules contained in this index. */ public int getNrOfGuiceModules() { return guiceModules.size(); } /** * Rebuilds the index by triggering an asynchronous project builder job. */ public static void rebuild() { set(null); get(); } public void addGuiceModuleDontLog(GuiceModule guiceModule) { addGuiceModule(guiceModule, false); } public void addGuiceModule(GuiceModule guiceModule, boolean log) { guiceModules.add(guiceModule); if (log) { GinTonicPlugin.logInfo("Added " + guiceModule.getPrimaryTypeNameFullyQualified() + " to Guice index " + getIndexInfoShort() + "."); } } /** * Removes all modules of the given project. */ public void removeGuiceModulesByProjectName(String projectName) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(projectName); List<GuiceModule> guiceModuleInfosToRemove = ListUtils.newArrayListWithCapacity(guiceModules.size()); for (GuiceModule guiceModule : guiceModules) { String guiceModuleProjectName = guiceModule.getProjectName(); if (guiceModuleProjectName.equals(projectName)) { guiceModuleInfosToRemove.add(guiceModule); } } for (GuiceModule guiceModule : guiceModuleInfosToRemove) { removeGuiceModule(guiceModule.getPrimaryTypeNameFullyQualified(), false); } } public void removeGuiceModule(String nameFullyQualified, boolean log) { for (int i = 0; i < guiceModules.size(); i++) { GuiceModule guiceModule = guiceModules.get(i); String fullyQualifiedName = guiceModule.getPrimaryTypeNameFullyQualified(); if (fullyQualifiedName.equals(nameFullyQualified)) { GuiceModule removedModule = guiceModules.remove(i); if (log) { String message = nameFullyQualified + " from Guice index " + getIndexInfoShort() + "."; if (removedModule == null) { message = "Tried but not succeeded in removing " + message; } else { message = "Removed " + message; } GinTonicPlugin.logInfo(message); } } } } public void updateGuiceModule(GuiceModule guiceModule) { removeGuiceModule(guiceModule.getPrimaryTypeNameFullyQualified(), false); addGuiceModule(guiceModule, false); GinTonicPlugin.logInfo("Updated " + guiceModule.getPrimaryTypeNameFullyQualified() + " from Guice index " + getIndexInfoShort() + "."); } /** * <pre> * getGuiceModulesInAndBelowPackage(currentPackageBinding, null, 2); * </pre> */ public List<GuiceModule> getGuiceModulesInAndBelowPackage(IPackageBinding currentPackageBinding) { return getGuiceModulesInAndBelowPackage(currentPackageBinding, null, 2); } /** * Returns the guice modules of the given package and the parent packages as * indicated by the parameter depth. Returns an empty list if no modules * were found. * * @param packageBinding * the package in which we look for the guice modules * @param ignoreModule * a fully qualified type name of a guice module, which is * ignored. Can be null. * @param depth * the number of parent packages to include (0 = the empty list * is returned, 1 means the modules in the given package, 2 means * the modules in the given package and the parent package, 3... * think you got it). */ public List<GuiceModule> getGuiceModulesInAndBelowPackage(IPackageBinding packageBinding, String ignoreModule, int depth) { IPackageFragment currentPackage = (IPackageFragment) packageBinding.getJavaElement(); List<IPackageFragment> parentPackages = IPackageFragmentUtils.getParentPackages(currentPackage, depth); parentPackages.add(currentPackage); List<GuiceModule> modules = getGuiceModulesInPackage(parentPackages, ignoreModule); return modules; } /** * Returns the guice modules in the given packages. Returns an empty List if * no modules were found. */ public List<GuiceModule> getGuiceModulesInPackage(List<IPackageFragment> packages, String moduleToIgnore) { List<GuiceModule> guiceModulesInGivenPackages = ListUtils.newArrayList(); for (IPackageFragment packageFragment : packages) { if (packageFragment == null) { continue; } String packagePath = packageFragment.getElementName(); for (GuiceModule guiceModule : guiceModules) { String packageFullyQualified = guiceModule.getPackageNameComponentsFullyQualified(); boolean ignoreModule = guiceModule.getPrimaryTypeNameFullyQualified().equals(moduleToIgnore); if (ignoreModule) { continue; } if (packageFullyQualified.equals(packagePath)) { guiceModulesInGivenPackages.add(guiceModule); } } } return guiceModulesInGivenPackages; } public List<BindingDefinition> getBindingDefinitions(IInjectionPoint injectionPoint) { ITypeBinding typeBinding = injectionPoint.getTargetTypeBinding(); ITypeBinding typeBindingWithoutProvider = ITypeBindingUtils.removeSurroundingProvider(typeBinding); IGuiceAnnotation guiceAnnotation = injectionPoint.getGuiceAnnotation(); List<BindingDefinition> bindingDefinitions = getBindingDefinitions(typeBindingWithoutProvider, guiceAnnotation); return bindingDefinitions; } /** * Returns the {@link BindingDefinition}s for the given bound type and * annotation type. * * <h5>Just in time binding</h5> * * If we could not find an explicit binding then we check if it could be a * just-in-time-binding. We assume a just-in-time-binding if the typeToFind * is a concrete class and there is no guice annotation applied and it is * not a binary type. * * <h5>MapBinder Statements</h5> * * If the type to find is a {@link Map}, then we also check if we can find a * suitable MapBinder statement. * * @param typeToFind * the bound type. Cannot be null. Primitives (like "int") values * are allowed. Provider types are not allowed( e.g instead of * asking for "Provider<Date>" you must ask for "Date"). * * @param annotationTypeToFind * the annotationType. Can be null. * @param namedAnnotationLiteralValueToFind * the literal value of the named annotation. Can be null. * @param packageToLimit * if given then only the Guice modules in the same package are * processed. Can be null. * @return the discovered {@link BindingDefinition}s. Is empty if we did not * find a binding. */ public List<BindingDefinition> getBindingDefinitions(ITypeBinding typeToFind, IGuiceAnnotation guiceAnnotationToFind, Set<String> packageToLimit) { String typeToFindQualifiedName = typeToFind.getQualifiedName(); /* * We only store the wrappers instead of primitives, so maybe we must * replace the primitive type by the wrapper type. */ typeToFindQualifiedName = StringUtils.translatePrimitiveToWrapper(typeToFindQualifiedName); List<BindingDefinition> bindings = ListUtils.newArrayList(); for (GuiceModule guiceModule : guiceModules) { if (packageToLimit != null) { String packageFullyQualified = guiceModule.getPackageNameComponentsFullyQualified(); if (!packageToLimit.contains(packageFullyQualified)) { continue; } } List<BindingDefinition> bindingStatements = guiceModule.getBindingDefinitions(); if (bindingStatements == null) { continue; } for (BindingDefinition bindingStatement : bindingStatements) { String bindingsBoundType = bindingStatement.getBoundType(); if (!bindingsBoundType.equals(typeToFindQualifiedName)) { continue; } IGuiceAnnotation guiceAnnotation = bindingStatement.getGuiceAnnotation(); if (guiceAnnotationToFind != null) { if (guiceAnnotation != null && guiceAnnotation.equals(guiceAnnotationToFind)) { bindings.add(bindingStatement); } } else { /* No annotation in field declaration */ if (guiceAnnotation == null) { bindings.add(bindingStatement); } } } } checkForJustInTimeBindings(guiceAnnotationToFind, typeToFind, bindings); return bindings; } private void checkForJustInTimeBindings(IGuiceAnnotation guiceAnnotationToFind, ITypeBinding typeBindingOfInterfaceType, List<BindingDefinition> bindings) { if (bindings.isEmpty() && guiceAnnotationToFind == null) { /* * No implicit binding if the injected type is parameterized! * * Example: * * @Inject private ModulSpez<T> modulSpez; * * @Inject private DatendateiParser<M15N1OV14> * m15n1oDatendateiParser; */ boolean isConcreteType = ITypeBindingUtils.isConcreteType(typeBindingOfInterfaceType); if (isConcreteType) { IJavaElement javaElement = typeBindingOfInterfaceType.getJavaElement(); if (!(javaElement instanceof IMember)) { return; } IMember member = (IMember) javaElement; if (member.isBinary()) { return; } IJavaProject javaProject = javaElement.getJavaProject(); IProject project = javaProject.getProject(); String projectName = project.getName(); boolean isParameterizedType = typeBindingOfInterfaceType.isParameterizedType(); String typeName = null; if (isParameterizedType) { ITypeBinding typeDeclaration = typeBindingOfInterfaceType.getTypeDeclaration(); typeName = typeDeclaration.getName(); } else { typeName = typeBindingOfInterfaceType.getName(); } IPackageBinding packageBinding = typeBindingOfInterfaceType.getPackage(); String[] packageName = packageBinding.getNameComponents(); ICompilationUnit compilationUnit = member.getCompilationUnit(); List<String> srcFolderPathComponents = ICompilationUnitUtils .getSrcFolderPathComponents(compilationUnit); Integer startPositionOfTopLevelType = ICompilationUnitUtils .getStartPositionOfTopLevelType(compilationUnit); JustInTimeBindingStatement justInTimeBinding = new JustInTimeBindingStatement(); SourceCodeReference sourceCodeReference = new SourceCodeReference(); sourceCodeReference.setProjectName(projectName); sourceCodeReference.setPrimaryTypeName(typeName); sourceCodeReference.setPackageNameComponents(Arrays.asList(packageName)); sourceCodeReference.setSrcFolderPathComponents(srcFolderPathComponents); sourceCodeReference.setOffset(startPositionOfTopLevelType); justInTimeBinding.setSourceCodeReference(sourceCodeReference); bindings.add(justInTimeBinding); } } } /** * Synonym for getBindingsByTypeAndAnnotationLimitToPackage(typeToFind, * guiceAnnotationToFind, null); * * @see #getBindingDefinitions(ITypeBinding, IGuiceAnnotation, Set) */ public List<BindingDefinition> getBindingDefinitions(ITypeBinding typeToFind, IGuiceAnnotation guiceAnnotationToFind) { return getBindingDefinitions(typeToFind, guiceAnnotationToFind, null); } public AssistedBindingStatement getAssistedBindingDefinitionsByModelType(String boundModelType) { for (GuiceModule guiceModule : guiceModules) { List<BindingDefinition> bindingStatements = guiceModule.getBindingDefinitions(); if (bindingStatements == null) { continue; } for (BindingDefinition bindingStatement : bindingStatements) { if (bindingStatement instanceof AssistedBindingStatement) { AssistedBindingStatement assistedBindingStatement = (AssistedBindingStatement) bindingStatement; String modelType = assistedBindingStatement.getModelTypeName(); if (modelType.equals(boundModelType)) { return assistedBindingStatement; } } } } return null; } public String getIndexInfoShort() { return "(" + getNrOfGuiceModules() + " Guice modules indexed)"; } public String getIndexInfoDetailed() { return getGuiceIndexStatistic().getDetailedInfo(); } private GuiceIndexStatistic getGuiceIndexStatistic() { GuiceIndexStatistic statistic = new GuiceIndexStatistic(); statistic.nrOfGuiceModules = guiceModules.size(); Set<String> projectNames = SetUtils.newHashSet(); for (GuiceModule guiceModule : guiceModules) { List<BindingDefinition> bindingStatements = guiceModule.getBindingDefinitions(); if (bindingStatements == null) { continue; } statistic.nrOfBindingStatements += bindingStatements.size(); List<InstallModuleStatement> installedModules = guiceModule.getInstalledModules(); if (installedModules != null) { statistic.nrOfInstallStatements += installedModules.size(); } projectNames.add(guiceModule.getProjectName()); } statistic.nrOfProjects = projectNames.size(); return statistic; } public class GuiceIndexStatistic { public int nrOfGuiceModules = 0; public int nrOfBindingStatements = 0; public int nrOfInstallStatements = 0; public int nrOfProjects = 0; public String getDetailedInfo() { GuiceIndexStatistic guiceIndexStatistic = getGuiceIndexStatistic(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("Statistic:"); sb.append(guiceIndexStatistic.nrOfGuiceModules + " Guice modules in "); sb.append(guiceIndexStatistic.nrOfProjects + " projects, "); sb.append(guiceIndexStatistic.nrOfBindingStatements + " binding statements, "); sb.append(guiceIndexStatistic.nrOfInstallStatements + " install statements."); return sb.toString(); } } }