package; import com.c2c.controller.GetOverlayIcon; import com.c2c.controller.Util; import org.geotools.brewer.color.StyleGenerator; import; import org.geotools.factory.CommonFactoryFinder; import org.geotools.factory.GeoTools; import org.geotools.feature.visitor.*; import org.geotools.filter.Expression; import org.geotools.filter.function.*; import org.geotools.styling.*; import org.geotools.styling.visitor.DuplicatingStyleVisitor; import org.geotools.util.NullProgressListener; import org.omg.CORBA.portable.IndirectionException; import org.opengis.feature.Feature; import org.opengis.feature.type.GeometryDescriptor; import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory; import org.opengis.filter.FilterFactory2; import org.opengis.filter.expression.PropertyName; import java.awt.*; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import static com.c2c.controller.Util.createDefaultStyle; import static com.c2c.controller.Util.defaultStroke; import static java.lang.Integer.parseInt; import static org.geotools.brewer.color.StyleGenerator.ELSEMODE_IGNORE; import static org.geotools.brewer.color.StyleGenerator.createFeatureTypeStyle; import static org.geotools.factory.CommonFactoryFinder.*; import static org.geotools.styling.SLD.featureTypeStyle; public class StyleGenerationParams { private final String choroplethsIndicator; private final String classificationMethod; private final int nbClasses; private final Color startColor; private final Color endColor; private double choroplethsOpacity; private final String interpolation; private final String overlayType; private final String[] overlayIndicators; private String sizes; private double overlayOpacity; private org.geotools.styling.Style gtStyle; private String queryId ; private Util.SYMBOL_TYPE symbolType ; private int minOverlaySize ; private int maxOverlaySize ; public String getClassificationMethod() { return classificationMethod; } public String getChoroplethsIndicator() { return choroplethsIndicator; } public Util.SYMBOL_TYPE getSymbolType() { return symbolType; } public int getMaxOverlaySize() { return maxOverlaySize; } public int getMinOverlaySize() { return minOverlaySize; } public org.geotools.styling.Style getGtStyle(SimpleFeatureCollection results) throws IOException { FeatureTypeStyle choropleths = getChoropleths(results); Style style = null ; StyleFactory2 factory = new StyleFactoryImpl(); style = factory.createStyle(); if (choropleths != null) { style.featureTypeStyles().add(choropleths); } else { StyleBuilder styleBuilder = new StyleBuilder(); Symbolizer symb = styleBuilder.createLineSymbolizer(Color.BLACK, 2); style.featureTypeStyles().add(styleBuilder.createFeatureTypeStyle(symb)); } if (getOverlayType() != null) { // pie / bar charts if (! getOverlayType().equalsIgnoreCase("symbol")) { FeatureTypeStyle overlays = getOverlays(results); if (overlays != null) { style.featureTypeStyles().add(overlays); } } else { // proportional symbols FeatureTypeStyle propSymbols = null; try { propSymbols = getProportionalSymbols(results); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } if (propSymbols != null) { style.featureTypeStyles().add(propSymbols); } } } return style; } public int getIndicatorsCount() { return overlayIndicators.length; } public String[] getOverlayIndicators() { return overlayIndicators; } public boolean isChoroplethsEnabled() { return ! (choroplethsIndicator == null); } public boolean isOverlaySymbolsEnabled() { return ! (symbolType == Util.SYMBOL_TYPE.NONE); } public int getNbClasses() { return nbClasses; } public StyleGenerationParams(String choroplethsIndicator, String classificationMethod, Integer nbClasses, String colors, Double choroplethsOpacity, String interpolation, String overlayType, String overlayIndicators, String sizes, Double overlayOpacity, String queryId, Util.SYMBOL_TYPE symtype) { this.choroplethsIndicator = choroplethsIndicator; this.classificationMethod = classificationMethod; this.queryId = queryId ; this.symbolType = symtype ; this.nbClasses = nbClasses == null ? -1 : nbClasses; String[] splitColors = colors.split(","); startColor = toColor(splitColors[0]); endColor = toColor(splitColors[1]); this.choroplethsOpacity = choroplethsOpacity == null ? 1.0 : Math.min(1.0, Math.max(0.0,choroplethsOpacity.doubleValue())); this.overlayOpacity = overlayOpacity == null ? 1.0 : Math.min(1.0, Math.max(0.0,overlayOpacity.doubleValue())); this.interpolation = interpolation; this.overlayType = overlayType; this.overlayIndicators = overlayIndicators == null ? null : overlayIndicators.split(","); if (sizes != null) { this.sizes = sizes; // try { String[] tmpS = sizes.split(","); this.minOverlaySize = new Integer(tmpS[0]).intValue(); this.maxOverlaySize = new Integer(tmpS[1]).intValue(); } catch (Exception e) { // number format exception // getting back to default this.sizes = "5,20"; this.minOverlaySize = 5; this.maxOverlaySize = 20; } } else { this.sizes = "5,20"; this.minOverlaySize = 5; this.maxOverlaySize = 20; } } private Color toColor(String splitColor) { String[] parts = splitColor.trim().replaceAll("\\s\\s"," ").split(" "); final int r = parseInt(parts[0]); final int g = parseInt(parts[1]); final int b = parseInt(parts[2]); return new Color(r, g, b); } public FeatureTypeStyle getChoropleths(SimpleFeatureCollection results) throws IOException { if(choroplethsIndicator == null) { return featureTypeStyle(createDefaultStyle(), results.getSchema()); } FilterFactory2 filterFactory = getFilterFactory2(GeoTools.getDefaultHints()); PropertyName expression =; ClassificationFunction classifierFn; // decimalPlaces function must be overridden due to Geotools bug if("StandardDeviation".equalsIgnoreCase(classificationMethod)) { classifierFn = new StandardDeviationFunction(){ @Override protected int decimalPlaces(double slotWidth) { return -1; } }; } else if("EqualInterval".equalsIgnoreCase(classificationMethod)) { classifierFn = new EqualIntervalFunction(){ @Override protected int decimalPlaces(double slotWidth) { return -1; } }; } else if("UniqueInterval".equalsIgnoreCase(classificationMethod)) { classifierFn = new UniqueIntervalFunction(){ @Override protected int decimalPlaces(double slotWidth) { return -1; } }; } else if("Quantile".equalsIgnoreCase(classificationMethod)) { classifierFn = new QuantileFunction(){ @Override protected int decimalPlaces(double slotWidth) { return -1; } }; } else { classifierFn = new StandardDeviationFunction(){ @Override protected int decimalPlaces(double slotWidth) { return -1; } }; } classifierFn.setClasses(nbClasses == -1 ? results.size() : nbClasses); classifierFn.setExpression((Expression) expression); classifierFn.setName("choropleths"); Classifier classifier; try { classifier = (Classifier) classifierFn.evaluate(results); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { return featureTypeStyle(createDefaultStyle(), results.getSchema()); } final GeometryDescriptor geomAtt = results.getSchema().getGeometryDescriptor(); FeatureTypeStyle fts = createFeatureTypeStyle(classifier, expression, getColors(classifier), "choropleth style", geomAtt, ELSEMODE_IGNORE, choroplethsOpacity, defaultStroke()); // HACK because of a Geotools bug. final DuplicatingStyleVisitor setSymbolizerGeomAtt = new DuplicatingStyleVisitor() { @Override protected Symbolizer copy(Symbolizer symbolizer) { final Symbolizer copy = super.copy(symbolizer); copy.setGeometryPropertyName(geomAtt.getLocalName()); return copy; } }; fts.accept(setSymbolizerGeomAtt); return (FeatureTypeStyle) setSymbolizerGeomAtt.getCopy(); } private Color[] getColors(Classifier classifier) { Color[] colors = new Color[classifier.getSize()]; if (interpolation == null || interpolation.equalsIgnoreCase("RGB")) { for(float i=0.0f; i<classifier.getSize(); i++) { final float r = interpolate(0, i / classifier.getSize()); final float g = interpolate(1, i / classifier.getSize()); final float b = interpolate(2, i / classifier.getSize()); colors[((int) i)] = new Color(r, g, b); } } else if (interpolation.equalsIgnoreCase("HSV")) { for(float i=0.0f; i<classifier.getSize(); i++) { final float r = interpolateHSV(0, i / classifier.getSize()); final float g = interpolateHSV(1, i / classifier.getSize()); final float b = interpolateHSV(2, i / classifier.getSize()); colors[((int) i)] = new Color(r, g, b); } } return colors; } private float interpolate(int i, float t) { float start, end; switch (i) { case 0 : start = startColor.getRed(); end = endColor.getRed(); break; case 1 : start = startColor.getGreen(); end = endColor.getGreen(); break; default : start = startColor.getBlue(); end = endColor.getBlue(); break; } end = end / 255; start = start / 255; final float interpolatedValue = ((end - start) * t) + start; return interpolatedValue; } private float interpolateHSV(int i, float t) { float rStart, rEnd, bStart, bEnd,gStart, gEnd; rStart = startColor.getRed(); rEnd = endColor.getRed(); gStart = startColor.getGreen(); gEnd = endColor.getGreen(); bStart = startColor.getBlue(); bEnd = endColor.getBlue(); // final float[] toHsv = RgbHsv.RGBtoHSV(R, G, B, HSV) // final float interpolatedValue = ((end - start) * t) + start; return 0; } /* this class has been stolen from and adapted * for the needs of the project * * Its current code is licensed under LGPL * * */ private static class RgbHsv { static float[] RGBtoHSV (int R, int G, int B, float[] HSV) { // R,G,B in [0,255] float H = 0, S = 0, V = 0; float cMax = 255.0f; int cHi = Math.max(R,Math.max(G,B)); // highest color value int cLo = Math.min(R,Math.min(G,B)); // lowest color value int cRng = cHi - cLo; // color range // compute value V V = cHi / cMax; // compute saturation S if (cHi > 0) S = (float) cRng / cHi; // compute hue H if (cRng > 0) { // hue is defined only for color pixels float rr = (float)(cHi - R) / cRng; float gg = (float)(cHi - G) / cRng; float bb = (float)(cHi - B) / cRng; float hh; if (R == cHi) // r is highest color value hh = bb - gg; else if (G == cHi) // g is highest color value hh = rr - bb + 2.0f; else // b is highest color value hh = gg - rr + 4.0f; if (hh < 0) hh= hh + 6; H = hh / 6; } if (HSV == null) // create a new HSV array if needed HSV = new float[3]; HSV[0] = H; HSV[1] = S; HSV[2] = V; return HSV; } static int HSVtoRGB (float h, float s, float v) { // h,s,v in [0,1] float rr = 0, gg = 0, bb = 0; float hh = (6 * h) % 6; int c1 = (int) hh; float c2 = hh - c1; float x = (1 - s) * v; float y = (1 - (s * c2)) * v; float z = (1 - (s * (1 - c2))) * v; switch (c1) { case 0: rr=v; gg=z; bb=x; break; case 1: rr=y; gg=v; bb=x; break; case 2: rr=x; gg=v; bb=z; break; case 3: rr=x; gg=y; bb=v; break; case 4: rr=z; gg=x; bb=v; break; case 5: rr=v; gg=x; bb=y; break; } int N = 256; int r = Math.min(Math.round(rr*N),N-1); int g = Math.min(Math.round(gg*N),N-1); int b = Math.min(Math.round(bb*N),N-1); // create int-packed RGB-color: int rgb = ((r&0xff)<<16) | ((g&0xff)<<8) | b&0xff; return rgb; } } public FeatureTypeStyle getOverlays(SimpleFeatureCollection results) throws IOException { try { GetOverlayIcon.ChartType.valueOf(overlayType.toUpperCase()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // not a recognized type so no overlay return null; } StyleBuilder builder = new StyleBuilder(); String data = ""; String dataLabels = ""; Comparable maxGlobalValue = null; for (int i = 0 ; i < overlayIndicators.length ; i++) { String overlayIndicator = overlayIndicators[i]; MaxVisitor maxVisitor = new MaxVisitor(overlayIndicator); MinVisitor minVisitor = new MinVisitor(overlayIndicator); FeatureCalc customCalc = new FeatureCalc() { double value = 0; CalcResult calc = new AbstractCalcResult(){ @Override public Object getValue() { return value; } }; @Override public CalcResult getResult() { return calc; } @Override public void visit(Feature feature) { // do some calculation here } }; CombinatorialFeatureVisitor.visit(results, minVisitor, maxVisitor, customCalc); Comparable maxValue; try { maxValue = maxVisitor.getMax(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { return null; } if ((maxGlobalValue == null) || (maxValue.compareTo(maxGlobalValue) > 0)) maxGlobalValue = maxValue ; dataLabels += overlayIndicator; data += "${"+overlayIndicator+"}"; if (i != overlayIndicators.length - 1) { data += ","; dataLabels += ","; } } // data += maxGlobalValue; // TODO : this value could evolve in the future int size = 55; String dynamicGraphicURL = "http://localhost:8080/webbi/getoverlayicon?type="+overlayType+"&width="+size+"&height="+size+"&data="+data+"&labels="+dataLabels; ExternalGraphic graphic = builder.createExternalGraphic(dynamicGraphicURL, "image/png"); PointSymbolizer sym = builder.createPointSymbolizer(builder.createGraphic(graphic, null, null, overlayOpacity, size, 0), "point"); final FilterFactory ff = builder.getFilterFactory(); String geomAtt = results.getSchema().getGeometryDescriptor().getLocalName(); org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression geomExp = ff.function("interiorPoint",; sym.setGeometry(geomExp); return builder.createFeatureTypeStyle(sym); } public String getOverlayType() { return overlayType; } public FeatureTypeStyle getProportionalSymbols(SimpleFeatureCollection results) throws Exception { // there must be only one overlay indicator // in case of proportional symbols if (overlayIndicators.length != 1) { return null; } StyleBuilder builder = new StyleBuilder(); String overlayIndicator = overlayIndicators[0]; MaxVisitor maxVisitor = new MaxVisitor(overlayIndicator); results.accepts(maxVisitor, new NullProgressListener()); MinVisitor minVisitor = new MinVisitor(overlayIndicator); results.accepts(minVisitor, new NullProgressListener()); Comparable maxValue, minValue; try { maxValue = maxVisitor.getMax(); minValue = minVisitor.getMin(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { return null; } Mark mark= builder.createMark("circle", new Color(0x5858d5), new Color(0xccc), 1); final FilterFactory ff = builder.getFilterFactory(); String[] sizesSplit = sizes.split(","); double minPxSize = Double.parseDouble(sizesSplit[0]); double maxPxSize = Double.parseDouble(sizesSplit[1]); // nonsense, we are swapping the 2 variables if (minPxSize > maxPxSize) { double tmp = minPxSize ; minPxSize = maxPxSize ; maxPxSize = tmp; } Double maxDblVal = 20.0; Double minDblVal = 5.0; if (maxValue instanceof Number) { maxDblVal = ((Number) maxValue).doubleValue(); } if (minValue instanceof Number) { minDblVal = ((Number) minValue).doubleValue(); } Double a,b; if(minDblVal == maxDblVal) { throw new Exception("Division by zero"); } a = (minPxSize - maxPxSize) / (minDblVal - maxDblVal); b = maxPxSize - maxDblVal * a ; // y = a * x + b (y = size in px, x size in the GT store) org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression sizeExpression; sizeExpression = ff.add(ff.multiply(ff.literal(a),, ff.literal(b)); Graphic graphic = builder.createGraphic(null, mark, null); graphic.setSize(sizeExpression); PointSymbolizer sym = builder.createPointSymbolizer(graphic); String geomAtt = results.getSchema().getGeometryDescriptor().getLocalName(); org.opengis.filter.expression.Expression geomExp = ff.function("interiorPoint",; sym.setGeometry(geomExp); return builder.createFeatureTypeStyle(sym); } public String getIndicators() { String ret = ""; ArrayList<String> tmp = new ArrayList<String>(); if (choroplethsIndicator != null) tmp.add(choroplethsIndicator); for (int i = 0 ; i < overlayIndicators.length ; i++) { if (tmp.contains(overlayIndicators[i])) continue; else tmp.add(overlayIndicators[i]); } // removing brackets ret = tmp.toString().substring(1, tmp.toString().length() - 2).replace(" ", ""); return ret; } }