package scene2d; import com.badlogic.gdx.Gdx; import; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Interpolation; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Vector3; import com.badlogic.gdx.scenes.scene2d.Actor; import com.badlogic.gdx.utils.Array; import com.badlogic.gdx.math.Rectangle; public class Camera extends OrthographicCamera { private static Camera instance; private static float duration; private static float time; private static Interpolation interpolation; private static boolean moveCompleted; private static float lastPercent; private static float percentDelta; private static float panSpeedX, panSpeedY; private static final Array<Actor> hudActors = new Array<Actor>(); private static Actor followedActor = null; private static float followSpeed = 1f; /* * This is to set the offsets of camera position when following the actor * When the camera follows the actor its (x,y) position is set to actor's (x,y) position * based on followSpeed. The offsets are used to position the camera in such a way that the actor * doesn't need to be at the center of the camera always */ public static Rectangle followOffset = new Rectangle(10,70,10,60); private static boolean followContinous = false; public static boolean usePan = false; public static boolean useDrag = false; /* * Sets the speed at which the camera pans. By default it moves 1px for a duration a 1f * so its speed is 1px/f. So reduce the duration to increase its speed. * ex: setPanSpeed(0.5) will change its speed to 2px/f * Here: f can/maybe also indicate seconds */ public static float panSpeed = 5f; public static Rectangle panSize; /* * This sets the boundary of the camera till what position can it move or pan in the * directions left, right, top, down. This is to prevent is from panning overboard the game area. * Usually the bounds of the camera is like a rectangle. This must be calculated carefully * as the camera's position is based on its center. */ public static Rectangle bounds = new Rectangle(0,0,999,999); Camera(){ setToOrtho(false, Scene.targetWidth, Scene.targetHeight); position.set(Scene.targetWidth/2, Scene.targetHeight/2, 0); instance = this; panSize = new Rectangle(10, 10, Scene.targetWidth-10, Scene.targetHeight - 10); } /* * Moves the camera to x,y over a time duration */ public void moveTo(float x, float y, float duration) { moveBy(x-position.x, y-position.y, duration); } /* * Moves the camera by amountX, amountY over a time duration */ public static void moveBy (float amountX, float amountY, float duration) { moveBy(amountX, amountY, duration, null); } /* * Moves the camera by amountX, amountY over a time duration and interpolation interp */ public static void moveBy (float amountX, float amountY, float dur, Interpolation interp) { duration = dur; interpolation = interp; panSpeedX = amountX; panSpeedY = amountY; lastPercent = 0; time = 0; moveCompleted = false; } private static Rectangle cullRect = new Rectangle(); private void moveByAction(float delta){ time += delta; moveCompleted = time >= duration; float percent; if (moveCompleted) percent = 1; else { percent = time / duration; if (interpolation != null) percent = interpolation.apply(percent); } percentDelta = percent - lastPercent; if(Scene.cullingEnabled){ cullRect.set(getXLeft(), getYBot(), Scene.targetWidth, Scene.targetHeight); Scene.getCurrentScene().setCullingArea(cullRect); } translate(panSpeedX * percentDelta, panSpeedY * percentDelta, 0); for(Actor actor: hudActors) actor.setPosition(actor.getX()+panSpeedX * percentDelta, actor.getY()+panSpeedY * percentDelta); lastPercent = percent; if (moveCompleted) interpolation = null; } public void resetCamera(){ position.set(Scene.targetWidth/2, Scene.targetHeight/2, 0); } /* * This makes the camera follow the actor once and only once. Once the camera reaches its * target, it stops following the actor. */ public static void followActor(Actor actor){ followedActor = actor; followContinous = false; } /* * This makes the camera follow the actor continuously, even after the camera reaches its * target, it keeps following the if the actor changes its position. */ public static void followActorContinuously(Actor actor){ followedActor = actor; followContinous = true; } /* * Sets the speed at which the camera follows the actor. By default it moves 1px for a duration of 1f * so its speed is 1px/f. So reduce the duration to increase its speed. * ex: setPanSpeed(0.5) will change its speed to 2px/f * Here: f can/maybe also indicate seconds */ public static void setFollowSpeed(float duration){ followSpeed = duration; } private void follow(){ //if(camera.position.x == followedActor.getX()+followLeftOffset && // camera.position.y == followedActor.getY()+followTopOffset) //return; //moveTo(followedActor.getX()+followLeftOffset, followedActor.getY()+followTopOffset, 100f); if(position.x < followedActor.getX() - followOffset.x) moveBy(1f, 0, followSpeed); else if(position.x > followedActor.getX() + followOffset.width) moveBy(-1f, 0, followSpeed); else if(position.y < followedActor.getY() - followOffset.y) moveBy(0, 1f, followSpeed); else if(position.y > followedActor.getY() - followOffset.height) moveBy(0, -1f, followSpeed); else { if(!followContinous) followedActor = null; } } @Override public void update(){ super.update(); Scene.mouse.x = Gdx.input.getX(); Scene.mouse.y = - Gdx.input.getY(); if(!moveCompleted) moveByAction(Scene.stateTime);//FIXME if(usePan) panCameraWithMouse(); if(followedActor != null) follow(); } private void panCameraWithMouse(){ if(Scene.mouse.x > panSize.width && getXLeft() < bounds.width) moveBy(1f, 0, panSpeed); else if(Scene.mouse.x < panSize.x && getXLeft() > bounds.x) moveBy(-1f, 0, panSpeed); else if(Scene.mouse.y < panSize.y && getYBot() > bounds.y) moveBy(0, -1f, panSpeed); else if(Scene.mouse.y > panSize.height && getYBot() < bounds.height) moveBy(0, 1f, panSpeed); } private final static Vector3 curr = new Vector3(); private final static Vector3 last = new Vector3(-1, -1, -1); private final static Vector3 deltaDrag = new Vector3(); private static float deltaCamX = 0; private static float deltaCamY = 0; public static void dragCam(int x, int y){ instance.unproject(curr.set(x, y, 0)); if (!(last.x == -1 && last.y == -1 && last.z == -1)) { instance.unproject(deltaDrag.set(last.x, last.y, 0)); deltaDrag.sub(curr); deltaCamX = deltaDrag.x + instance.position.x; deltaCamY = deltaDrag.y + instance.position.y; if(deltaCamX > bounds.x && deltaCamX < bounds.x+bounds.width) moveBy(deltaDrag.x, 0f, 0f); if(deltaCamY > bounds.y && deltaCamY < bounds.y+bounds.height) moveBy(0f, deltaDrag.y, 0f); } last.set(x, y, 0); } public static void resetDrag(){ last.set(-1, -1, -1); } public static void reset(){ usePan = false; followActor(null); clearAllHud(); instance.position.set(Scene.targetWidth/2, Scene.targetHeight/2, 0); } /* If you want to make any elements/actors to move along with the camera * like HUD's add them using this method */ public static void addHud(Actor actor){ if(actor != null){ Scene.getCurrentScene().addActor(actor); hudActors.add(actor); } } /* If you want to make any elements/actors to move along with the camera * like HUD's add them using this method */ public static void addHud(String actorName){ if(actorName != null && !actorName.isEmpty()){ Actor actor = Scene.getCurrentScene().findActor(actorName); Scene.getCurrentScene().addActor(actor); hudActors.add(actor); } } /* If you want to any elements/actors which was a Hud the use this */ public static void removeHud(Actor actor){ Scene.getCurrentScene().removeActor(actor); hudActors.removeValue(actor, true); } /* If you want to any elements/actors which was a Hud the use this */ public static void removeHud(String actorName){ if(actorName != null && !actorName.isEmpty()){ Actor actor = Scene.getCurrentScene().findActor(actorName); Scene.getCurrentScene().removeActor(actor); hudActors.removeValue(actor, true); } } /* * Clears all hud's registered with the camera */ public static void clearAllHud(){ hudActors.clear(); } /* * Returns the x position of the camera */ public static float getX(){ return instance.position.x; } /* * Returns the y position of the camera */ public static float getY(){ return instance.position.y; } public static float getXLeft(){ return instance.position.x - Scene.targetWidth/2; } public static float getYBot(){ return instance.position.y - Scene.targetHeight/2; } public static float getWidth(){ return instance.viewportWidth; } public static float getHeight(){ return instance.viewportHeight; } }