/* * Copyright 2013 ArcBees Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package com.gwtplatform.dispatch.rest.client.core; import com.google.gwt.http.client.RequestBuilder; import com.google.gwt.http.client.RequestException; import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.client.CompletedDispatchRequest; import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.client.GwtHttpDispatchRequest; import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.rest.client.RestCallback; import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.rest.shared.RestAction; import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.shared.ActionException; import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.shared.DispatchRequest; import com.gwtplatform.dispatch.shared.SecurityCookieAccessor; /** * A class representing an execute call to be sent to the server over HTTP. * * @param <A> the {@link RestAction} type. * @param <R> the result type for this action. */ public class RestDispatchCall<A extends RestAction<R>, R> { private final SecurityCookieAccessor securityCookieAccessor; private final RequestBuilderFactory requestBuilderFactory; private final CookieManager cookieManager; private final A action; private final RestRequestCallback<A, R> callback; public RestDispatchCall( SecurityCookieAccessor securityCookieAccessor, RequestBuilderFactory requestBuilderFactory, CookieManager cookieManager, ResponseDeserializer responseDeserializer, A action, RestCallback<R> callback) { this.securityCookieAccessor = securityCookieAccessor; this.requestBuilderFactory = requestBuilderFactory; this.cookieManager = cookieManager; this.action = action; this.callback = new RestRequestCallback<>(responseDeserializer, action, callback); } /** * Execution entry point. Call this method to execute the {@link RestAction action} wrapped by this instance. * * @return a {@link DispatchRequest} object. */ public DispatchRequest execute() { try { RequestBuilder requestBuilder = createRequest(); cookieManager.saveCookiesFromAction(action); return new GwtHttpDispatchRequest(requestBuilder.send()); } catch (RequestException | ActionException e) { callback.onFailure(e); } return new CompletedDispatchRequest(); } private RequestBuilder createRequest() throws ActionException { String securityToken = securityCookieAccessor.getCookieContent(); RequestBuilder requestBuilder = requestBuilderFactory.build(action, securityToken); requestBuilder.setCallback(callback); return requestBuilder; } }