/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Alfons Wirtz * website www.freerouting.net * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> * for more details. * * NetIncompletes.java * * Created on 16. Maerz 2004, 06:47 */ package interactive; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.SortedSet; import java.util.TreeSet; import datastructures.PlanarDelaunayTriangulation; import geometry.planar.FloatPoint; import geometry.planar.Point; import rules.Net; import board.Item; import board.BasicBoard; import boardgraphics.GraphicsContext; /** * Creates the Incompletes (Ratsnest) of one net to display them on the screen. * * @author Alfons Wirtz */ public class NetIncompletes { /** Creates a new instance of NetIncompletes */ public NetIncompletes(int p_net_no, Collection<Item> p_net_items, BasicBoard p_board, java.util.Locale p_locale) { this.draw_marker_radius = p_board.rules.get_min_trace_half_width() * 2; this.incompletes = new LinkedList<RatsNest.AirLine>(); this.net = p_board.rules.nets.get(p_net_no); // Create an array of Item-connected_set pairs. NetItem [] net_items = calculate_net_items(p_net_items); if (net_items.length <= 1) { return; } // create a Delauny Triangulation for the net_items Collection<PlanarDelaunayTriangulation.Storable> triangulation_objects = new LinkedList<PlanarDelaunayTriangulation.Storable>(); for (PlanarDelaunayTriangulation.Storable curr_object : net_items) { triangulation_objects.add(curr_object); } PlanarDelaunayTriangulation triangulation = new PlanarDelaunayTriangulation(triangulation_objects); // sort the result edges of the triangulation by length in ascending order. Collection<PlanarDelaunayTriangulation.ResultEdge> triangulation_lines = triangulation.get_edge_lines(); SortedSet<Edge> sorted_edges = new TreeSet<Edge>(); for (PlanarDelaunayTriangulation.ResultEdge curr_line : triangulation_lines) { Edge new_edge = new Edge((NetItem) curr_line.start_object, curr_line.start_point.to_float(), (NetItem) curr_line.end_object, curr_line.end_point.to_float()); sorted_edges.add(new_edge); } // Create the Airlines. Skip edges, whose from_item and to_item are already in the same connected set // or whose connected sets have already an airline. Net curr_net = p_board.rules.nets.get(p_net_no); Iterator<Edge> it = sorted_edges.iterator(); while(it.hasNext()) { Edge curr_edge = it.next(); if (curr_edge.from_item.connected_set == curr_edge.to_item.connected_set) { continue; // airline exists already } this.incompletes.add(new RatsNest.AirLine(curr_net, curr_edge.from_item.item, curr_edge.from_corner, curr_edge.to_item.item, curr_edge.to_corner, p_locale)); join_connected_sets(net_items, curr_edge.from_item.connected_set, curr_edge.to_item.connected_set); } calc_length_violation(); } /** * Returns the number of incompletes of this net. */ public int count() { return incompletes.size(); } /** * Recalculates the length violations. * Return false, if the lenght violation has not changed. */ boolean calc_length_violation() { double old_violation = this.length_violation; double max_length = this.net.get_class().get_maximum_trace_length(); double min_length = this.net.get_class().get_minimum_trace_length(); if (max_length <= 0 && min_length <= 0) { this.length_violation = 0; return false; } double new_violation = 0; double trace_length = this.net.get_trace_length(); if (max_length > 0 && trace_length > max_length) { new_violation = trace_length - max_length; } if (min_length > 0 && trace_length < min_length && this.incompletes.size() == 0) { new_violation = trace_length - min_length; } this.length_violation = new_violation; boolean result = Math.abs(new_violation - old_violation) > 0.1; return result; } /** * Returns the length of the violation of the length restriction of the net, * > 0, if the cumulative trace length is to big, * < 0, if the trace length is to smalll, * 0, if the thace length is ok or the net has no length restrictions */ double get_length_violation() { return this.length_violation; } public void draw(Graphics p_graphics, GraphicsContext p_graphics_context, boolean p_length_violations_only) { if (!p_length_violations_only) { java.awt.Color draw_color = p_graphics_context.get_incomplete_color(); double draw_intensity = p_graphics_context.get_incomplete_color_intensity(); if (draw_intensity <= 0) { return; } FloatPoint [] draw_points = new FloatPoint[2]; int draw_width = 1; Iterator<RatsNest.AirLine> it = incompletes.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { RatsNest.AirLine curr_incomplete = it.next(); draw_points[0] = curr_incomplete.from_corner; draw_points[1] = curr_incomplete.to_corner; p_graphics_context.draw(draw_points, draw_width, draw_color, p_graphics, draw_intensity); if (!curr_incomplete.from_item.shares_layer(curr_incomplete.to_item)) { draw_layer_change_marker(curr_incomplete.from_corner, this.draw_marker_radius, p_graphics, p_graphics_context); draw_layer_change_marker(curr_incomplete.to_corner, this.draw_marker_radius, p_graphics, p_graphics_context); } } } if (this.length_violation == 0) { return; } // draw the length violation around every Pin of the net. Collection<board.Pin> net_pins = this.net.get_pins(); for (board.Pin curr_pin : net_pins) { draw_length_violation_marker(curr_pin.get_center().to_float(), this.length_violation, p_graphics, p_graphics_context); } } static void draw_layer_change_marker(FloatPoint p_location, double p_radius, Graphics p_graphics, GraphicsContext p_graphics_context) { final int draw_width = 1; java.awt.Color draw_color = p_graphics_context.get_incomplete_color(); double draw_intensity = p_graphics_context.get_incomplete_color_intensity(); FloatPoint [] draw_points = new FloatPoint[2]; draw_points[0] = new FloatPoint(p_location.x - p_radius, p_location.y - p_radius); draw_points[1] = new FloatPoint(p_location.x + p_radius, p_location.y + p_radius); p_graphics_context.draw(draw_points, draw_width, draw_color, p_graphics, draw_intensity); draw_points[0] = new FloatPoint(p_location.x + p_radius, p_location.y - p_radius); draw_points[1] = new FloatPoint(p_location.x - p_radius, p_location.y + p_radius); p_graphics_context.draw(draw_points, draw_width, draw_color, p_graphics, draw_intensity); } static void draw_length_violation_marker (FloatPoint p_location, double p_diameter, Graphics p_graphics, GraphicsContext p_graphics_context) { final int draw_width = 1; java.awt.Color draw_color = p_graphics_context.get_incomplete_color(); double draw_intensity = p_graphics_context.get_incomplete_color_intensity(); double circle_radius = 0.5 * Math.abs(p_diameter); p_graphics_context.draw_circle(p_location, circle_radius, draw_width, draw_color, p_graphics, draw_intensity); FloatPoint [] draw_points = new FloatPoint[2]; draw_points[0] = new FloatPoint(p_location.x - circle_radius, p_location.y); draw_points[1] = new FloatPoint(p_location.x + circle_radius, p_location.y); p_graphics_context.draw(draw_points, draw_width, draw_color, p_graphics, draw_intensity); if (p_diameter > 0) { // draw also the vertical diameter to create a "+" draw_points[0] = new FloatPoint(p_location.x, p_location.y - circle_radius); draw_points[1] = new FloatPoint(p_location.x , p_location.y + circle_radius); p_graphics_context.draw(draw_points, draw_width, draw_color, p_graphics, draw_intensity); } } /** * Calculates an array of Item-connected_set pairs for the items of this net. * Pairs belonging to the same connected set are located next to each other. */ private NetItem[] calculate_net_items(Collection<Item> p_item_list) { NetItem [] result = new NetItem [p_item_list.size()]; Collection<Item> handeled_items = new LinkedList<Item>(); int curr_index = 0; while (!p_item_list.isEmpty()) { Item start_item = p_item_list.iterator().next(); Collection<Item> curr_connected_set = start_item.get_connected_set(this.net.net_number); handeled_items.addAll(curr_connected_set); p_item_list.removeAll(curr_connected_set); Iterator<Item> it = curr_connected_set.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Item curr_item = it.next(); if (curr_index >= result.length) { System.out.println("NetIncompletes.calculate_net_items: to many items"); return result; } result[curr_index] = new NetItem(curr_item, curr_connected_set); ++curr_index; } } if (curr_index < result.length) { System.out.println("NetIncompletes.calculate_net_items: to few items"); } return result; } /** * Joins p_from_connected_set to p_to_connected_set and updates the connected sets of the items in p_net_items. */ private void join_connected_sets(NetItem [] p_net_items, Collection<Item> p_from_connected_set, Collection<Item> p_to_connected_set) { for (int i = 0; i < p_net_items.length; ++i) { NetItem curr_item = p_net_items[i]; if (curr_item.connected_set == p_from_connected_set) { p_to_connected_set.add(curr_item.item); curr_item.connected_set = p_to_connected_set; } } } /** Collection of elements of class AirLine. */ final Collection<RatsNest.AirLine> incompletes; /** * The length of the violation of the length restriction of the net, * > 0, if the cumulative trace length is to big, * < 0, if the trace length is to smalll, * 0, if the thace length is ok or the net has no length restrictions */ private double length_violation = 0; private final Net net; private final double draw_marker_radius; private static class Edge implements Comparable<Edge> { private Edge(NetItem p_from_item, FloatPoint p_from_corner, NetItem p_to_item, FloatPoint p_to_corner) { from_item = p_from_item; from_corner = p_from_corner; to_item = p_to_item; to_corner = p_to_corner; length_square = p_to_corner.distance_square(p_from_corner); } public final NetItem from_item; public final FloatPoint from_corner; public final NetItem to_item; public final FloatPoint to_corner; public final double length_square; public int compareTo(Edge p_other) { double result = this.length_square - p_other.length_square; if (result == 0) { // prevent result 0, so that edges with the same length as another edge are not skipped in the set result = this.from_corner.x - p_other.from_corner.x; if (result == 0) { result = this.from_corner.y - p_other.from_corner.y; } if (result == 0) { result = this.to_corner.x - p_other.to_corner.x; } if (result == 0) { result = this.to_corner.y - p_other.to_corner.y; } } return datastructures.Signum.as_int(result); } } private static class NetItem implements PlanarDelaunayTriangulation.Storable { NetItem(Item p_item, Collection<Item> p_connected_set) { item = p_item; connected_set = p_connected_set; } public Point[] get_triangulation_corners() { return this.item.get_ratsnest_corners(); } final Item item; Collection<Item> connected_set; } }