/* * File: KernelPrincipalComponentsAnalysis.java * Authors: Justin Basilico * Company: Sandia National Laboratories * Project: Cognitive Foundry Learning Core * * Copyright December 17, 2010, Sandia Corporation. * Under the terms of Contract DE-AC04-94AL85000, there is a non-exclusive * license for use of this work by or on behalf of the U.S. Government. Export * of this program may require a license from the United States Government. * */ package gov.sandia.cognition.learning.algorithm.pca; import gov.sandia.cognition.annotation.PublicationReference; import gov.sandia.cognition.annotation.PublicationReferences; import gov.sandia.cognition.annotation.PublicationType; import gov.sandia.cognition.collection.CollectionUtil; import gov.sandia.cognition.learning.algorithm.BatchLearner; import gov.sandia.cognition.learning.function.kernel.DefaultKernelContainer; import gov.sandia.cognition.learning.function.kernel.Kernel; import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Matrix; import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.MatrixFactory; import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.Vector; import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.VectorFactory; import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.VectorOutputEvaluator; import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.decomposition.EigenDecomposition; import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.mtj.DenseMatrix; import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.mtj.DenseMatrixFactoryMTJ; import gov.sandia.cognition.math.matrix.mtj.decomposition.EigenDecompositionRightMTJ; import gov.sandia.cognition.util.ArgumentChecker; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; /** * An implementation of the Kernel Principal Components Analysis (KPCA) * algorithm. KPCA generalizes the standard PCA for use with a Mercer kernel. * Thus, it can take a kernel function and data and come up with vector * principal components for it. This allows a transform to be made for the * arbitrary data from the kernel to some vector space. * * The implementation uses a closed-form solution based on an * eigen-decomposition of the (centered) kernel matrix. Doing so does require * computing the whole kernel matrix, which means that it is a computationally * intensive algorithm, that scales in O(n^2) where n is the size of the data. * Thus, this analysis may not scale well to large datasets. * * @param <DataType> * The type of data that the analysis is to be done over. It must match * the input type of the kernel function that is given. * @author Justin Basilico * @since 3.1 */ @PublicationReferences(references={ @PublicationReference( author={"Bernard Scholkopf", "Alexander Smola", "Klaus-Robert Muller"}, title="Nonlinear Component Analysis as a Kernel Eigenvalue Problem", year=1996, type=PublicationType.TechnicalReport, url="http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi="), @PublicationReference( author={"John Shawe-Taylor", "Nello Christianini"}, title="Kernel Methods for Pattern Analysis", year=2004, type=PublicationType.Book, pages={150, 153})}) public class KernelPrincipalComponentsAnalysis<DataType> extends DefaultKernelContainer<DataType> implements BatchLearner<Collection<? extends DataType>, KernelPrincipalComponentsAnalysis.Function<DataType>> { /** The default number of components to create is {@value}. */ public static final int DEFAULT_COMPONENT_COUNT = 10; /** The default setting for centering data is {@value}. */ public static final boolean DEFAULT_CENTER_DATA = true; /** The number of components to create from the analysis. Must be positive. */ protected int componentCount; /** Whether or not the data should be centered before doing KPCA. */ protected boolean centerData; /** * Creates a new Kernel Principal Components Analysis with a null kernel * and a default component count. */ public KernelPrincipalComponentsAnalysis() { this(null, DEFAULT_COMPONENT_COUNT); } /** * Creates a new Kernel Principal Components Analysis with the given * kernel and component count. It will perform centering. * * @param kernel * The kernel to use in the analysis. * @param componentCount * The number of components for the analysis to create. * Must be positive. */ public KernelPrincipalComponentsAnalysis( final Kernel<? super DataType> kernel, final int componentCount) { this(kernel, componentCount, DEFAULT_CENTER_DATA); } /** * Creates a new Kernel Principal Components Analysis with the given * kernel and component count. * * @param kernel * The kernel to use in the analysis. * @param componentCount * The number of components for the analysis to create. * Must be positive. * @param centerData * True to center the data in the input space before applying the * analysis. Only set this to false if the data is pre-centered. If * in doubt, set to true. */ public KernelPrincipalComponentsAnalysis( final Kernel<? super DataType> kernel, final int componentCount, final boolean centerData) { super(kernel); this.setComponentCount(componentCount); this.setCenterData(centerData); } @Override public Function<DataType> learn( final Collection<? extends DataType> data) { final int dataSize = data.size(); final ArrayList<? extends DataType> dataList = CollectionUtil.asArrayList(data); final DenseMatrix kernelMatrix = new DenseMatrixFactoryMTJ().createMatrix(dataSize, dataSize); for (int i = 0; i < dataSize; i++) { final DataType x = dataList.get(i); kernelMatrix.setElement(i, i, this.kernel.evaluate(x, x)); for (int j = i + 1; j < dataSize; j++) { final DataType y = dataList.get(j); final double value = this.kernel.evaluate(x, y); kernelMatrix.setElement(i, j, value); kernelMatrix.setElement(j, i, value); } } // Center the data, if needed. final DenseMatrix k; if (!this.centerData) { // When not centering, just use the kernel matrix. k = kernelMatrix; } else { // Center the data before applying the analysis. // Khat = K - 1_m K - K 1_m + 1_m K 1_m // Where m is the data size // and 1_m is a m x m with 1/m on the diagonal // and K is the kernel m x m matrix final Matrix centeringTerm = MatrixFactory.getDiagonalDefault().createIdentity( dataSize, dataSize); centeringTerm.scaleEquals(1.0 / dataSize); k = kernelMatrix.clone(); k.minusEquals(centeringTerm.times(kernelMatrix)); k.minusEquals(kernelMatrix.times(centeringTerm)); k.plusEquals(centeringTerm.times(kernelMatrix.times(centeringTerm))); } // We can only have up to dataSize components. final int realComponentCount = Math.min(this.componentCount, dataSize); // Perform an eigendecomposition on the kernel matrix. final EigenDecomposition decomposition = EigenDecompositionRightMTJ.create(k); // Now we need to take the result from the eigen-decomposition and // transform it into a form we can use to transform data. final Matrix components = MatrixFactory.getDenseDefault().createMatrix( realComponentCount, dataSize); for (int i = 0; i < realComponentCount; i++) { // Get the i-th eigenvector and eigenvalue. final Vector eigenVector = decomposition.getEigenVectorsRealPart().getColumn(i); final double eigenValue = decomposition.getEigenValue(i).getRealPart(); // Create the component by scaling the eigenvector by one over // the square root of the eigenvalue. final Vector component = eigenVector.scale( 1.0 / Math.sqrt(Math.abs(eigenValue))); components.setRow(i, component); } // Return the result. return new Function<DataType>(this.kernel, dataList, components, this.centerData, kernelMatrix); } /** * Gets the number of components the analysis attempts to find. If there * are less data points than the number of components, then the number of * data points is used instead. * * @return * The number of components for the analysis. Must be positive. */ public int getComponentCount() { return this.componentCount; } /** * Gets the number of components the analysis attempts to find. If there * are less data points than the number of components, then the number of * data points is used instead. * * @param componentCount * The number of components for the analysis. Must be positive. */ public void setComponentCount( final int componentCount) { ArgumentChecker.assertIsPositive("componentCount", componentCount); this.componentCount = componentCount; } /** * Gets whether or not the data needs to be centered in the kernel space * before applying the algorithm. Only set this to false if the data has * been pre-centered. If in doubt, set it to true. * * @return * True if the algorithm will apply to the centered version of the * input data. False if it will just apply directly to the given * data. */ public boolean isCenterData() { return this.centerData; } /** * Sets whether or not the data needs to be centered in the kernel space * before applying the algorithm. Only set this to false if the data has * been pre-centered. If in doubt, set it to true. * * @param centerData * True if the algorithm will apply to the centered version of the * input data. False if it will just apply directly to the given * data. */ public void setCenterData( final boolean centerData) { this.centerData = centerData; } /** * The resulting transformation function learned by Kernel Principal * Components Analysis. It can take any data item from the input space and * return a vector version of that item transformed into the principal * components space. * * @param <DataType> * The type of data used with the kernel that the function can be * applied to. */ public static class Function<DataType> extends DefaultKernelContainer<DataType> implements VectorOutputEvaluator<DataType, Vector> { /** The data that the KPCA was performed over. Each one corresponds to * a column in the components matrix. */ protected List<? extends DataType> data; /** The matrix of components for the function. The number of rows is * the dimensionality of the reduction. The number of columns is equal * to the number of data points that the KPCA was done over. */ protected Matrix components; /** A flag indicating if the incoming data needs to be centered or not. * Unless the data is being pre-centered, this should be true. */ protected boolean centerData; /** The kernel matrix for all the data the KPCA was done over. It is * a square matrix whose size is equal to the data. */ protected Matrix kernelMatrix; /** * Creates a new, empty Kernel Principal Components Analysis function. */ public Function() { this(null, null, null, DEFAULT_CENTER_DATA, null); } /** * Creates a new Kernel Principal Components Analysis function. * * @param kernel * The kernel to use. * @param data * The base data used in the KPCA analysis. * @param components * The matrix of components for the function. * @param centerData * True to center the data. Must correspond to whether or not * the analysis was done with centered data. * @param kernelMatrix * The kernel matrix. Must be provided if data centering is * true. */ public Function( final Kernel<? super DataType> kernel, final List<? extends DataType> data, final Matrix components, final boolean centerData, final Matrix kernelMatrix) { super(kernel); this.setData(data); this.setComponents(components); this.setCenterData(centerData); this.setKernelMatrix(kernelMatrix); } @Override public Vector evaluate( final DataType input) { final int dataSize = this.data.size(); // Create the kernel vector. final Vector kernelVector = VectorFactory.getDenseDefault().createVector(dataSize); int index = 0; for (DataType other : this.data) { final double value = this.kernel.evaluate(input, other); kernelVector.setElement(index, value); index++; } // Transform the kernel vector, if needed. final Vector kInput; if (!this.centerData || this.kernelMatrix == null) { // In the case we don't need to center the data just use the // kernel vector directly. kInput = kernelVector; } else { // Center the input before applying the transform. // Kt2 = Kt - 1'_m K - Kt 1_m + 1'_m K 1_m // Where 1_m is a m x m with 1/m on the diagonal // and 1'_m is an m-dimensional vector filled with 1/m // and m is the data size // and K is the original kernel m x m matrix // and Kt is the m-dimensional vector of K(t, x_i) final Matrix centeringMatrix = MatrixFactory.getDiagonalDefault().createIdentity( dataSize, dataSize); centeringMatrix.scaleEquals(1.0 / dataSize); final Vector centeringVector = VectorFactory.getDenseDefault().createVector( dataSize, 1.0 / dataSize); kInput = kernelVector.clone(); kInput.minusEquals(centeringVector.times(this.kernelMatrix)); kInput.minusEquals(kernelVector.times(centeringMatrix)); kInput.plusEquals(centeringVector.times( this.kernelMatrix.times(centeringMatrix))); } return this.components.times(kInput); } @Override public int getOutputDimensionality() { return this.components.getNumRows(); } /** * Gets the number of components in the analysis result. * * @return * The number of components in the analysis result. */ public int getComponentCount() { return this.components.getNumRows(); } /** * Gets the data that was used in the analysis. It is still required for * applying the transform. * * @return * The data that was used in the analysis. */ public List<? extends DataType> getData() { return this.data; } /** * Sets the data that was used in the analysis. It is still required for * applying the transform. * * @param data * The data that was used in the analysis. */ public void setData( final List<? extends DataType> data) { this.data = data; } /** * Gets the matrix of components from the analysis. The number of rows * equals the number of components. The number of columns must equal * the size of the data. * * @return * The component matrix. */ public Matrix getComponents() { return this.components; } /** * Sets the matrix of components from the analysis. The number of rows * equals the number of components. The number of columns must equal * the size of the data. * * @param components * The component matrix. */ public void setComponents( final Matrix components) { this.components = components; } /** * Gets whether or not the data needs to be centered in the kernel space * before applying the function. Only set this to false if the data has * been pre-centered. If in doubt, set it to true. If this is set to * true, the kernel matrix must be provided for the centering to be * performed. * * @return * True if the function will apply to the centered version of the * input data. False if it will just apply directly to the given * data. */ public boolean isCenterData() { return this.centerData; } /** * Sets whether or not the data needs to be centered in the kernel space * before applying the function. Only set this to false if the data has * been pre-centered. If in doubt, set it to true. If this is set to * true, the kernel matrix must be provided for the centering to be * performed. * * @param centerData * True if the function will apply to the centered version of the * input data. False if it will just apply directly to the given * data. */ public void setCenterData( final boolean centerData) { this.centerData = centerData; } /** * Gets the kernel matrix for the data that the analysis was done over. * If the data needs to be centered, then this matrix must be provided. * Each dimension corresponds to an element in the data list. * * @return * The data kernel matrix. */ public Matrix getKernelMatrix() { return this.kernelMatrix; } /** * Sets the kernel matrix for the data that the analysis was done over. * If the data needs to be centered, then this matrix must be provided. * Each dimension corresponds to an element in the data list. * * @param kernelMatrix * The data kernel matrix. */ public void setKernelMatrix( final Matrix kernelMatrix) { this.kernelMatrix = kernelMatrix; } } }