/********************************************************************* Copyright 2014 the Flapi authors Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. ********************************************************************/ package unquietcode.tools.flapi; import unquietcode.tools.flapi.java.MethodSignature; import unquietcode.tools.flapi.outline.BlockOutline; import unquietcode.tools.flapi.outline.BlockReference; import unquietcode.tools.flapi.outline.DescriptorOutline; import unquietcode.tools.flapi.outline.MethodOutline; import javax.lang.model.SourceVersion; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; /** * @author Ben Fagin * @version 08-25-2012 * * Validates a descriptor to ensure that minimum requirements are met. * The "pre" validator works on the {@link DescriptorOutline} model. */ public class DescriptorPreValidator { private final DescriptorOutline outline; public DescriptorPreValidator(DescriptorOutline outline) { this.outline = outline; } public void validate() { checkThatDescriptorMethodNameIsValid(); checkForInvalidMethodSignatures(); checkForNameCollisions(); checkForUnmatchedGroups(); } private void checkThatDescriptorMethodNameIsValid() { String name = outline.getCreateMethod(); if (!SourceVersion.isName(name)) { throw new DescriptorBuilderException("Invalid method name for create method: '"+name+"'."); } } private void checkForNameCollisions() { _checkForNameCollisions(outline, new HashSet<String>()); } private void _checkForNameCollisions(BlockOutline block, Set<String> names) { if (block instanceof BlockReference) { return; } // block name collisions String name = block.getName(); if (names.contains(name)) { throw new DescriptorBuilderException("Duplicate block name encountered: "+name); } else { names.add(name); } // check name validity if (!SourceVersion.isName(name)) { throw new DescriptorBuilderException("Invalid block name '"+name+"'."); } // check method name collisions for (MethodOutline method : block.getAllMethods()) { MethodSignature currentSignature = method.getMethodSignature(); for (MethodOutline otherMethod : block.getAllMethods()) { if (method == otherMethod) { continue; } MethodSignature otherSignature = otherMethod.getMethodSignature(); if (currentSignature.compilerEquivalent(otherSignature)) { throw new DescriptorBuilderException("Two methods with the same signature: "+currentSignature); } } } // recurse (We don't need to check child blocks since we get them from their constructors.) for (MethodOutline method : block.getAllMethods()) { for (BlockOutline chain : method.getBlockChain()) { if (chain == block) { continue; } _checkForNameCollisions(chain, names); } } } private void checkForInvalidMethodSignatures() { _checkForInvalidMethodSignatures(outline); } private void _checkForInvalidMethodSignatures(BlockOutline block) { if (block instanceof BlockReference) { return; } // check method signatures for (MethodOutline method : block.getAllMethods()) { try { method.getMethodSignature().validate(); } catch (MethodSignature.ValidationException ex) { throw new DescriptorBuilderException(ex); } } // recurse for (MethodOutline method : block.getAllMethods()) { for (BlockOutline chain : method.getBlockChain()) { if (chain == block) { continue; } _checkForInvalidMethodSignatures(chain); } } } private void checkForUnmatchedGroups() { _checkForUnmatchedGroups(outline); } private void _checkForUnmatchedGroups(BlockOutline block) { if (block instanceof BlockReference) { return; } Map<Integer, AtomicInteger> counts = new HashMap<Integer, AtomicInteger>(); // count all uses of a group for (MethodOutline method : block.getAllMethods()) { if (method.getGroup() != null && method.getGroup().equals(method.getTrigger())) { throw new DescriptorBuilderException(String.format( "Method '%s' is triggered by its own group!", method.getMethodSignature() )); } tallyGroup(counts, method.getGroup()); tallyGroup(counts, method.getTrigger()); } // find counts < 2, meaning no match for (Map.Entry<Integer, AtomicInteger> count : counts.entrySet()) { if (count.getValue().get() < 2) { System.err.println("Block '"+block.getName()+"' has only one use of group "+count.getKey()+"."); } } // recurse for (MethodOutline method : block.getAllMethods()) { for (BlockOutline chain : method.getBlockChain()) { if (chain == block) { continue; } _checkForUnmatchedGroups(chain); } } } private static void tallyGroup(Map<Integer, AtomicInteger> counts, Integer group) { if (group != null) { if (!counts.containsKey(group)) { counts.put(group, new AtomicInteger(0)); } counts.get(group).incrementAndGet(); } } }