package; import android.content.Context; import android.content.DialogInterface; import android.content.SharedPreferences; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.os.AsyncTask; import android.util.AttributeSet; import android.util.Log; import android.view.MotionEvent; import android.widget.ImageView; import java.util.Stack; public class ColourImageView extends ImageView { public void clearPoints() { undopoints.clear(); redopoints.clear(); } public enum Model { FILLCOLOR, FILLGRADUALCOLOR, PICKCOLOR, DRAW_LINE, } private Bitmap mBitmap; /** * ??????? */ private int mBorderColor = -1; private Stack<Point> mStacks = new Stack<Point>(); private int mColor = 0xFF00BCD4; private int stacksize = 10; private Stack<Bitmap> bmstackundo; private Stack<Bitmap> bmstackredo; private Stack<Point> undopoints; private Stack<Point> redopoints; private OnRedoUndoListener onRedoUndoListener; private AsyncTask loaderTask; private Model model = Model.FILLCOLOR; private OnColorPickListener onColorPickListener; private OnDrawLineListener onDrawLineListener; public ColourImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) { super(context, attrs); initStack(); // TypedArray ta = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.ColourImageView); // mBorderColor = ta.getColor(R.styleable.ColourImageView_border_color, -1); // hasBorderColor = (mBorderColor != -1); // // L.e("hasBorderColor = " + hasBorderColor + " , mBorderColor = " + mBorderColor); // // ta.recycle(); } @Override protected void onMeasure(int widthMeasureSpec, int heightMeasureSpec) { super.onMeasure(widthMeasureSpec, heightMeasureSpec); } public Bitmap createBitMap() { BitmapDrawable drawable = (BitmapDrawable) getDrawable(); Bitmap bm = drawable.getBitmap(); return bm.copy(bm.getConfig(), true); } public void createBitMap(Bitmap bt) { mBitmap = bt.copy(bt.getConfig(), true); } @Override public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event) { int x = (int) event.getX(); int y = (int) event.getY(); switch (event.getAction()) { case MotionEvent.ACTION_DOWN: //??? //fillColorToSameArea(x, y); } return super.onTouchEvent(event); } public void pickColor(int x, int y) { int color = 0; boolean status; try { if (!isBorderColor(mBitmap.getPixel(x, y)) && mBitmap.getPixel(x, y) != Color.TRANSPARENT) { color = mBitmap.getPixel(x, y); status = true; } else { status = false; } } catch (Exception e) { status = false; } if (onColorPickListener != null) { onColorPickListener.onColorPick(status, color); } } /** * ???x,y????????????????? * * @param x * @param y */ public void fillColorToSameArea(int x, int y) { //there x,y may be many problems such x<0 x>getwidth catch all the exceptions and this touch do nothing! try { //if FILLGRADUALCOLOR model then check is white area if not return // if(model == Model.FILLGRADUALCOLOR && mBitmap.getPixel(x, y) != Color.WHITE){ // return; // } //if click pixel is transparent or border or same color do nothing if (mBitmap.getPixel(x, y) != mColor && !isBorderColor(mBitmap.getPixel(x, y)) && mBitmap.getPixel(x, y) != Color.TRANSPARENT) {, true); ProgressLoading.setOndismissListener(new DialogInterface.OnDismissListener() { @Override public void onDismiss(DialogInterface dialogInterface) { if (loaderTask != null) { //destroy asyntask loaderTask.cancel(true); } } }); loaderTask = new AsyncTask() { Bitmap bm = mBitmap; @Override protected Object doInBackground(Object[] objects) { //save bm to undo stack try { pushUndoStack(bm.copy(bm.getConfig(), true)); int pixel = bm.getPixel((int) objects[0], (int) objects[1]); int w = bm.getWidth(); int h = bm.getHeight(); //?????bitmap????????? int[] pixels = new int[w * h]; bm.getPixels(pixels, 0, w, 0, 0, w, h); //??? fillColor(pixels, w, h, pixel, mColor, (int) objects[0], (int) objects[1]); //????????bitmap bm.setPixels(pixels, 0, w, 0, 0, w, h); return true; } catch (Exception e) { bmstackundo.pop(); return false; } } @Override protected void onPostExecute(Object o) { super.onPostExecute(o); ProgressLoading.DismissDialog(); setImageDrawable(new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bm)); if (onRedoUndoListener != null) { onRedoUndoListener.onRedoUndo(bmstackundo.size(), bmstackredo.size()); } } }.execute(x, y); } } catch (Exception e) { //do nothing. } } private boolean isBorderColor(int color) { if ( < 0x10 && < 0x10 && < 0x10) { return true; } else { return false; } } private void pushUndoStack(Bitmap bm) { bmstackundo.push(bm); bmstackredo.clear(); } /** * @param pixels 像素数组 * @param w 宽度 * @param h 高度 * @param pixel 当前点的颜色 * @param newColor 填充色 * @param i 横坐标 * @param j 纵坐标 */ private void fillColor(int[] pixels, int w, int h, int pixel, int newColor, int i, int j) { int orginalX = i; int orginalY = j; mStacks.clear(); mStacks.push(new Point(i, j)); while (!mStacks.isEmpty()) { if (loaderTask.isCancelled()) { break; } Point seed = mStacks.pop(); //L.e("seed = " + seed.x + " , seed = " + seed.y); int count = fillLineLeft(pixels, pixel, w, h, newColor, seed.x, seed.y, orginalX, orginalY); int left = seed.x - count + 1; count = fillLineRight(pixels, pixel, w, h, newColor, seed.x + 1, seed.y, orginalX, orginalY); int right = seed.x + count; if (seed.y - 1 >= 0) findSeedInNewLine(pixels, pixel, w, h, seed.y - 1, left, right); if (seed.y + 1 < h) findSeedInNewLine(pixels, pixel, w, h, seed.y + 1, left, right); } } /** * @param pixels * @param pixel * @param w * @param h * @param i * @param left * @param right */ private void findSeedInNewLine(int[] pixels, int pixel, int w, int h, int i, int left, int right) { int begin = i * w + left; int end = i * w + right; boolean hasSeed = false; int rx = -1, ry = -1; ry = i; while (end >= begin) { if (needFillPixel(pixels, pixel, end)) { if (!hasSeed) { rx = end % w; mStacks.push(new Point(rx, ry)); hasSeed = true; } } else { hasSeed = false; } end--; } } /** * ??????????????????????? * * @return */ private int fillLineLeft(int[] pixels, int pixel, int w, int h, int newColor, int x, int y, int orginalX, int orginalY) { int count = 0; while (x >= 0) { //????????? int index = y * w + x; if (needFillPixel(pixels, pixel, index)) { if (model == Model.FILLCOLOR) { pixels[index] = newColor; } else if (model == Model.FILLGRADUALCOLOR) { float[] colorHSV = new float[]{0f, 0f, 1f}; Color.colorToHSV(newColor, colorHSV); float dis = (float) Math.sqrt((x - orginalX) * (x - orginalX) + (y - orginalY) * (y - orginalY)); colorHSV[1] = (colorHSV[1] - dis * 0.006) < 0.2 ? 0.2f : (colorHSV[1] - dis * 0.006f); pixels[index] = Color.HSVToColor(colorHSV); } count++; x--; } else { break; } } return count; } private int fillLineRight(int[] pixels, int pixel, int w, int h, int newColor, int x, int y, int orginalX, int orginalY) { int count = 0; while (x < w) { //??????? int index = y * w + x; if (needFillPixel(pixels, pixel, index)) { if (model == Model.FILLCOLOR) { pixels[index] = newColor; } else if (model == Model.FILLGRADUALCOLOR) { float[] colorHSV = new float[]{0f, 0f, 1f}; Color.colorToHSV(newColor, colorHSV); float dis = (float) Math.sqrt((x - orginalX) * (x - orginalX) + (y - orginalY) * (y - orginalY)); colorHSV[1] = (colorHSV[1] - dis * 0.006) < 0.2 ? 0.2f : (colorHSV[1] - dis * 0.006f); pixels[index] = Color.HSVToColor(colorHSV); } count++; x++; } else { break; } } return count; } private boolean needFillPixel(int[] pixels, int pixel, int index) { if (model == Model.FILLGRADUALCOLOR) { return pixels[index] == pixel; } else return pixels[index] == pixel; } public void setImageBT(Bitmap bm) { pushUndoStack(mBitmap.copy(mBitmap.getConfig(), true)); mBitmap = bm.copy(bm.getConfig(), true); setImageDrawable(new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), mBitmap)); if (onRedoUndoListener != null) { onRedoUndoListener.onRedoUndo(bmstackundo.size(), bmstackredo.size()); } } public void update() { setMeasuredDimension(getMeasuredWidth(), getDrawable().getIntrinsicHeight() * getMeasuredWidth() / getDrawable().getIntrinsicWidth()); } public void setColor(int color) { mColor = color; } /** * @return true: has element can undo; */ public boolean undo() { try { if (bmstackundo.peek() != null) { bmstackredo.push(mBitmap.copy(mBitmap.getConfig(), true)); mBitmap = bmstackundo.pop(); setImageDrawable(new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), mBitmap)); if (onRedoUndoListener != null) { onRedoUndoListener.onRedoUndo(bmstackundo.size(), bmstackredo.size()); } if (undopoints != null && !undopoints.empty()) { redopoints.push(undopoints.pop()); } return !bmstackundo.empty(); } } catch (Exception e) { } return false; } /** * @return true: has element ,can redo; */ public boolean redo() { try { if (bmstackredo.peek() != null) { bmstackundo.push(mBitmap.copy(mBitmap.getConfig(), true)); mBitmap = bmstackredo.pop(); setImageDrawable(new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), mBitmap)); if (onRedoUndoListener != null) { onRedoUndoListener.onRedoUndo(bmstackundo.size(), bmstackredo.size()); } if (redopoints != null && !redopoints.empty()) { undopoints.push(redopoints.pop()); } return !bmstackredo.empty(); } } catch (Exception e) { } return false; } public OnRedoUndoListener getOnRedoUndoListener() { return onRedoUndoListener; } public void setOnRedoUndoListener(OnRedoUndoListener onRedoUndoListener) { this.onRedoUndoListener = onRedoUndoListener; } //clear stack and the current image public void clearStack() { bmstackredo.clear(); bmstackundo.clear(); onRedoUndoListener.onRedoUndo(bmstackundo.size(), bmstackredo.size()); mBitmap = null; } public Model getModel() { return model; } public void setModel(Model model) { this.model = model; } public void setOnColorPickListener(OnColorPickListener onColorPickListener) { this.onColorPickListener = onColorPickListener; } public interface OnRedoUndoListener { void onRedoUndo(int undoSize, int redoSize); } public Bitmap getmBitmap() { return mBitmap; } private void initStack() { SharedPreferences sharedPreferences = getContext().getSharedPreferences("Cache", Context.MODE_PRIVATE); stacksize = sharedPreferences.getInt("stack_max_size", 10); bmstackundo = new SizedStack<>(stacksize); bmstackredo = new SizedStack<>(stacksize); undopoints = new Stack<>(); redopoints = new Stack<>(); } public interface OnColorPickListener { void onColorPick(boolean status, int color); } /** * call only for activity destroyed */ public void onRecycleBitmaps() { while (bmstackundo != null && !bmstackundo.empty()) { bmstackundo.pop().recycle(); bmstackundo.clear(); } while (bmstackredo != null && !bmstackredo.empty()) { bmstackredo.pop().recycle(); bmstackredo.clear(); } if (mBitmap != null) { mBitmap.recycle(); } } public void drawLine(int x, int y) { if (undopoints != null && !undopoints.empty()) { drawBlackLine(undopoints.peek().x, undopoints.peek().y, x, y); undopoints.push(new Point(x, y)); if (onDrawLineListener != null) onDrawLineListener.OnGivenNextPointListener(x, y); } else { undopoints.push(new Point(x, y)); if (onDrawLineListener != null) onDrawLineListener.OnGivenFirstPointListener(x, y); } } private void drawBlackLine(int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY) { try { Log.e("draw", startX + "," + startY + "," + endX + "," + endY); Bitmap bm = mBitmap; //format points startX = startX >= bm.getWidth() ? bm.getWidth() - 1 : startX; startX = startX < 0 ? 0 : startX; startY = startY >= bm.getHeight() ? bm.getHeight() - 1 : startY; startY = startY < 0 ? 0 : startY; endX = endX >= bm.getWidth() ? bm.getWidth() - 1 : endX; endX = endX < 0 ? 0 : endX; endY = endY >= bm.getHeight() ? bm.getHeight() - 1 : endY; endY = endY < 0 ? 0 : endY; //test points bm.getPixel(endX, endY); bm.getPixel(startX, startY); pushUndoStack(bm.copy(bm.getConfig(), true)); doingDrawLine(bm, startX, startY, endX, endY); setImageDrawable(new BitmapDrawable(getResources(), bm)); if (onRedoUndoListener != null) { onRedoUndoListener.onRedoUndo(bmstackundo.size(), bmstackredo.size()); } if (onDrawLineListener != null) onDrawLineListener.OnDrawFinishedListener(true, startX, startY, endX, endY); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e("drawline", e.toString()); bmstackundo.pop(); if (onDrawLineListener != null) onDrawLineListener.OnDrawFinishedListener(false, startX, startY, endX, endY); } } private void doingDrawLine(Bitmap bm, int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY) { Canvas canvas = new Canvas(bm); Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setColor(0xFF000000); paint.setStrokeWidth(2); canvas.drawLine(startX, startY, endX, endY, paint); } private void doingDrawLineAsyn(Bitmap bm, int startX, int startY, int endX, int endY) { //if two point same reture if (startX == endX && startY == endY) { bm.setPixel(startX, startY, 0xFF000000); return; } //if shuxian if (startX == endX) { if (endY > startY) { for (int i = startY; i < endY; i++) { bm.setPixel(startX, i, 0xFF000000); } } else { for (int i = endY; i < startY; i++) { bm.setPixel(startX, i, 0xFF000000); } } return; } //if henxian if (startY == endY) { if (endX > startX) { for (int i = startX; i < endX; i++) { bm.setPixel(i, startY, 0xFF000000); } } else { for (int i = endX; i < startX; i++) { bm.setPixel(i, startY, 0xFF000000); } } return; } //if xiexian if (Math.abs(endY - startY) > Math.abs(endX - startX)) { float radio = Math.abs((float) (endY - startY) / (endX - startX)); int offset = 0; int bushu = radio % 1 == 0 ? 0 : (int) (1 / (radio % 1)); int tempY; if (endY > startY && endX > startX) { tempY = startY; for (int i = startX; i < endX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= radio; j++) { bm.setPixel(i, tempY + j, 0xFF000000); } tempY += (int) radio; if (bushu != 0) { if (offset == bushu) { bm.setPixel(i, tempY++, 0xFF000000); offset = 0; } else { offset++; } } } } else if (endY < startY && endX > startX) { tempY = startY; for (int i = startX; i < endX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= radio; j++) { bm.setPixel(i, tempY - j, 0xFF000000); } tempY -= (int) radio; if (bushu != 0) { if (offset == bushu) { bm.setPixel(i, tempY--, 0xFF000000); offset = 0; } else { offset++; } } } } else if (endY > startY && endX < startX) { tempY = endY; for (int i = endX; i < startX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= radio; j++) { bm.setPixel(i, tempY - j, 0xFF000000); } tempY -= (int) radio; if (bushu != 0) { if (offset == bushu) { bm.setPixel(i, tempY--, 0xFF000000); offset = 0; } else { offset++; } } } } else if (endY < startY && endX < startX) { tempY = endY; for (int i = endX; i < startX; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= radio; j++) { bm.setPixel(i, tempY + j, 0xFF000000); } tempY += (int) radio; if (bushu != 0) { if (offset == bushu) { bm.setPixel(i, tempY++, 0xFF000000); offset = 0; } else { offset++; } } } } } else { float radio = Math.abs((float) (endX - startX) / (endY - startY)); int offset = 0; int bushu = radio % 1 == 0 ? 0 : (int) (1 / (radio % 1)); int tempX; if (endY > startY && endX > startX) { tempX = startX; //select small one for (int i = startY; i < endY; i++) { //loop start at small one end at large one for (int j = 0; j <= radio; j++) { bm.setPixel(tempX + j, i, 0xFF000000); } tempX += (int) radio; if (bushu != 0) { if (offset == bushu) { bm.setPixel(++tempX, i, 0xFF000000); offset = 0; } else { offset++; } } } } else if (endY < startY && endX > startX) { tempX = endX; for (int i = endY; i < startY; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= radio; j++) { bm.setPixel(tempX - j, i, 0xFF000000); } tempX -= (int) radio; if (bushu != 0) { if (offset == bushu) { bm.setPixel(--tempX, i, 0xFF000000); offset = 0; } else { offset++; } } } } else if (endY > startY && endX < startX) { tempX = startX; for (int i = startY; i < endY; i++) { for (int j = 0; j <= radio; j++) { bm.setPixel(tempX - j, i, 0xFF000000); } tempX -= (int) radio; if (bushu != 0) { if (offset == bushu) { bm.setPixel(--tempX, i, 0xFF000000); offset = 0; } else { offset++; } } } } else if (endY < startY && endX < startX) { tempX = endX; for (int i = endY; i < startY; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < radio; j++) { bm.setPixel(tempX + j, i, 0xFF000000); } tempX += (int) radio; if (bushu != 0) { if (offset == bushu) { bm.setPixel(++tempX, i, 0xFF000000); offset = 0; } else { offset++; } } } } } } public void setOnDrawLineListener(OnDrawLineListener onDrawLineListener) { this.onDrawLineListener = onDrawLineListener; } }