package com.fastaccess.provider.timeline.handler; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import android.text.Layout.Alignment; import android.text.Spannable; import android.text.SpannableStringBuilder; import android.text.Spanned; import android.text.StaticLayout; import android.text.TextPaint; import; import; import net.nightwhistler.htmlspanner.TagNodeHandler; import org.htmlcleaner.TagNode; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; /** * Handles simple HTML tables. * <p> * Since it renders these tables itself, it needs to know things like font size * and text colour to use. * * @author Alex Kuiper */ public class TableHandler extends TagNodeHandler { private int tableWidth = 400; private Typeface typeFace = Typeface.DEFAULT; private float textSize = 16f; private int textColor = Color.BLACK; private static final int PADDING = 5; /** * Sets how wide the table should be. * * @param tableWidth */ public void setTableWidth(int tableWidth) { this.tableWidth = tableWidth; } /** * Sets the text colour to use. * <p> * Default is black. * * @param textColor */ public void setTextColor(int textColor) { this.textColor = textColor; } /** * Sets the font size to use. * <p> * Default is 16f. * * @param textSize */ public void setTextSize(float textSize) { this.textSize = textSize; } /** * Sets the TypeFace to use. * <p> * Default is Typeface.DEFAULT * * @param typeFace */ public void setTypeFace(Typeface typeFace) { this.typeFace = typeFace; } @Override public boolean rendersContent() { return true; } private void readNode(Object node, Table table) { if (node instanceof TagNode) { TagNode tagNode = (TagNode) node; if (tagNode.getName().equals("td") || tagNode.getName().equals("th")) { Spanned result = this.getSpanner().fromTagNode(tagNode); table.addCell(result); return; } if (tagNode.getName().equals("tr")) { table.addRow(); } for (Object child : tagNode.getChildTags()) { readNode(child, table); } } } private Table getTable(TagNode node) { String border = node.getAttributeByName("border"); boolean drawBorder = !"0".equals(border); Table result = new Table(drawBorder); readNode(node, result); return result; } private TextPaint getTextPaint() { TextPaint textPaint = new TextPaint(); textPaint.setColor(this.textColor); textPaint.linkColor = this.textColor; textPaint.setAntiAlias(true); textPaint.setTextSize(this.textSize); textPaint.setTypeface(this.typeFace); return textPaint; } private int calculateRowHeight(List<Spanned> row) { if (row.size() == 0) { return 0; } TextPaint textPaint = getTextPaint(); int columnWidth = tableWidth / row.size(); int rowHeight = 0; for (Spanned cell : row) { StaticLayout layout = new StaticLayout(cell, textPaint, columnWidth - 2 * PADDING, Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1f, 0f, true); if (layout.getHeight() > rowHeight) { rowHeight = layout.getHeight(); } } return rowHeight; } @Override public void handleTagNode(TagNode node, SpannableStringBuilder builder, int start, int end) { Table table = getTable(node); for (int i = 0; i < table.getRows().size(); i++) { List<Spanned> row = table.getRows().get(i); builder.append("\uFFFC"); TableRowDrawable drawable = new TableRowDrawable(row, table.isDrawBorder()); drawable.setBounds(0, 0, drawable.getIntrinsicWidth(), drawable.getIntrinsicHeight()); builder.setSpan(new ImageSpan(drawable), start + i, builder.length(), 33); } /* We add an empty last row to work around a rendering issue where the last row would appear detached. */ builder.append("\uFFFC"); Drawable drawable = new TableRowDrawable(new ArrayList<Spanned>(), table.isDrawBorder()); drawable.setBounds(0, 0, tableWidth, 1); builder.setSpan(new ImageSpan(drawable), builder.length() - 1, builder.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); builder.setSpan((AlignmentSpan) () -> Alignment.ALIGN_CENTER, start, builder.length(), Spannable.SPAN_EXCLUSIVE_EXCLUSIVE); builder.append("\n"); } /** * Drawable of the table, which does the actual rendering. * * @author Alex Kuiper. */ private class TableRowDrawable extends Drawable { private List<Spanned> tableRow; private int rowHeight; private boolean paintBorder; TableRowDrawable(List<Spanned> tableRow, boolean paintBorder) { this.tableRow = tableRow; this.rowHeight = calculateRowHeight(tableRow); this.paintBorder = paintBorder; } @Override public void draw(@NonNull Canvas canvas) { Paint paint = new Paint(); paint.setColor(textColor); paint.setStyle(Style.STROKE); int numberOfColumns = tableRow.size(); if (numberOfColumns == 0) { return; } int columnWidth = tableWidth / numberOfColumns; int offset; for (int i = 0; i < numberOfColumns; i++) { offset = i * columnWidth; if (paintBorder) { // The rect is open at the bottom, so there's a single line // between rows. canvas.drawRect(offset, 0, offset + columnWidth, rowHeight, paint); } StaticLayout layout = new StaticLayout(tableRow.get(i), getTextPaint(), (columnWidth - 2 * PADDING), Alignment.ALIGN_NORMAL, 1f, 0f, true); canvas.translate(offset + PADDING, 0); layout.draw(canvas); canvas.translate(-1 * (offset + PADDING), 0); } } @Override public int getIntrinsicHeight() { return rowHeight; } @Override public int getIntrinsicWidth() { return tableWidth; } @Override public int getOpacity() { return PixelFormat.OPAQUE; } @Override public void setAlpha(int alpha) { } @Override public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter cf) { } } private class Table { private boolean drawBorder; private List<List<Spanned>> content = new ArrayList<>(); private Table(boolean drawBorder) { this.drawBorder = drawBorder; } boolean isDrawBorder() { return drawBorder; } void addRow() { content.add(new ArrayList<>()); } List<Spanned> getBottomRow() { return content.get(content.size() - 1); } List<List<Spanned>> getRows() { return content; } void addCell(Spanned text) { if (content.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("No rows added yet"); } getBottomRow().add(text); } } }