package com.github.mikephil.charting.components; import; import com.github.mikephil.charting.formatter.DefaultValueFormatter; import com.github.mikephil.charting.formatter.DefaultYAxisValueFormatter; import com.github.mikephil.charting.utils.Utils; import com.github.mikephil.charting.formatter.YAxisValueFormatter; /** * Class representing the y-axis labels settings and its entries. Only use the setter methods to modify it. Do not * access public variables directly. Be aware that not all features the YLabels class provides are suitable for the * RadarChart. Customizations that affect the value range of the axis need to be applied before setting data for the * chart. * * @author Philipp Jahoda */ public class YAxis extends AxisBase { /** custom formatter that is used instead of the auto-formatter if set */ protected YAxisValueFormatter mYAxisValueFormatter; /** the actual array of entries */ public float[] mEntries = new float[] {}; /** the number of entries the legend contains */ public int mEntryCount; /** the number of decimal digits to use */ public int mDecimals; /** the number of y-label entries the y-labels should have, default 6 */ private int mLabelCount = 6; /** indicates if the top y-label entry is drawn or not */ private boolean mDrawTopYLabelEntry = true; /** if true, the y-labels show only the minimum and maximum value */ protected boolean mShowOnlyMinMax = false; /** flag that indicates if the axis is inverted or not */ protected boolean mInverted = false; /** if true, the y-label entries will always start at zero */ protected boolean mStartAtZero = true; /** if true, the set number of y-labels will be forced */ protected boolean mForceLabels = false; /** custom minimum value this axis represents */ protected float mCustomAxisMin = Float.NaN; /** custom maximum value this axis represents */ protected float mCustomAxisMax = Float.NaN; /** * axis space from the largest value to the top in percent of the total axis range */ protected float mSpacePercentTop = 10f; /** * axis space from the smallest value to the bottom in percent of the total axis range */ protected float mSpacePercentBottom = 10f; public float mAxisMaximum = 0f; public float mAxisMinimum = 0f; /** the total range of values this axis covers */ public float mAxisRange = 0f; /** the position of the y-labels relative to the chart */ private YAxisLabelPosition mPosition = YAxisLabelPosition.OUTSIDE_CHART; /** enum for the position of the y-labels relative to the chart */ public enum YAxisLabelPosition { OUTSIDE_CHART, INSIDE_CHART } /** the side this axis object represents */ private AxisDependency mAxisDependency; /** * Enum that specifies the axis a DataSet should be plotted against, either LEFT or RIGHT. * * @author Philipp Jahoda */ public enum AxisDependency { LEFT, RIGHT } public YAxis() { super(); this.mAxisDependency = AxisDependency.LEFT; this.mYOffset = 0f; } public YAxis(AxisDependency position) { super(); this.mAxisDependency = position; this.mYOffset = 0f; } public AxisDependency getAxisDependency() { return mAxisDependency; } /** * returns the position of the y-labels */ public YAxisLabelPosition getLabelPosition() { return mPosition; } /** * sets the position of the y-labels * * @param pos */ public void setPosition(YAxisLabelPosition pos) { mPosition = pos; } /** * returns true if drawing the top y-axis label entry is enabled * * @return */ public boolean isDrawTopYLabelEntryEnabled() { return mDrawTopYLabelEntry; } /** * set this to true to enable drawing the top y-label entry. Disabling this can be helpful when the top y-label and * left x-label interfere with each other. default: true * * @param enabled */ public void setDrawTopYLabelEntry(boolean enabled) { mDrawTopYLabelEntry = enabled; } /** * sets the number of label entries for the y-axis max = 25, min = 2, default: 6, be aware that this number is not * fixed (if force == false) and can only be approximated. * * @param count * the number of y-axis labels that sould be displayed * @param force * if enabled, the set label count will be forced, meaning that the exact specified count of labels will * be drawn and evenly distributed alongside the axis - this might cause labels to have uneven values */ public void setLabelCount(int count, boolean force) { if (count > 25) count = 25; if (count < 2) count = 2; mLabelCount = count; mForceLabels = force; } /** * Returns the number of label entries the y-axis should have * * @return */ public int getLabelCount() { return mLabelCount; } /** * Returns true if focing the y-label count is enabled. Default: false * * @return */ public boolean isForceLabelsEnabled() { return mForceLabels; } /** * If enabled, the YLabels will only show the minimum and maximum value of the chart. This will ignore/override the * set label count. * * @param enabled */ public void setShowOnlyMinMax(boolean enabled) { mShowOnlyMinMax = enabled; } /** * Returns true if showing only min and max value is enabled. * * @return */ public boolean isShowOnlyMinMaxEnabled() { return mShowOnlyMinMax; } /** * If this is set to true, the y-axis is inverted which means that low values are on top of the chart, high values * on bottom. * * @param enabled */ public void setInverted(boolean enabled) { mInverted = enabled; } /** * If this returns true, the y-axis is inverted. * * @return */ public boolean isInverted() { return mInverted; } /** * enable this to force the y-axis labels to always start at zero * * @param enabled */ public void setStartAtZero(boolean enabled) { this.mStartAtZero = enabled; } /** * returns true if the chart is set to start at zero, false otherwise * * @return */ public boolean isStartAtZeroEnabled() { return mStartAtZero; } public float getAxisMinValue() { return mCustomAxisMin; } /** * Set a custom minimum value for this axis. If set, this value will not be calculated automatically depending on * the provided data. Use resetAxisMinValue() to undo this. Do not forget to call setStartAtZero(false) if you use * this method. Otherwise, the axis-minimum value will still be forced to 0. * * @param min */ public void setAxisMinValue(float min) { mCustomAxisMin = min; } /** * By calling this method, any custom minimum value that has been previously set is reseted, and the calculation is * done automatically. */ public void resetAxisMinValue() { mCustomAxisMin = Float.NaN; } public float getAxisMaxValue() { return mCustomAxisMax; } /** * Set a custom maximum value for this axis. If set, this value will not be calculated automatically depending on * the provided data. Use resetAxisMaxValue() to undo this. * * @param max */ public void setAxisMaxValue(float max) { mCustomAxisMax = max; } /** * By calling this method, any custom maximum value that has been previously set is reseted, and the calculation is * done automatically. */ public void resetAxisMaxValue() { mCustomAxisMax = Float.NaN; } /** * Sets the top axis space in percent of the full range. Default 10f * * @param percent */ public void setSpaceTop(float percent) { mSpacePercentTop = percent; } /** * Returns the top axis space in percent of the full range. Default 10f * * @return */ public float getSpaceTop() { return mSpacePercentTop; } /** * Sets the bottom axis space in percent of the full range. Default 10f * * @param percent */ public void setSpaceBottom(float percent) { mSpacePercentBottom = percent; } /** * Returns the bottom axis space in percent of the full range. Default 10f * * @return */ public float getSpaceBottom() { return mSpacePercentBottom; } public float getRequiredWidthSpace(Paint p) { p.setTextSize(mTextSize); String label = getLongestLabel(); return (float) Utils.calcTextWidth(p, label) + getXOffset() * 2f; } public float getRequiredHeightSpace(Paint p) { p.setTextSize(mTextSize); String label = getLongestLabel(); return (float) Utils.calcTextHeight(p, label) + Utils.convertDpToPixel(2.5f) * 2f + getYOffset(); } @Override public String getLongestLabel() { String longest = ""; for (int i = 0; i < mEntries.length; i++) { String text = getFormattedLabel(i); if (longest.length() < text.length()) longest = text; } return longest; } /** * Returns the formatted y-label at the specified index. This will either use the auto-formatter or the custom * formatter (if one is set). * * @param index * @return */ public String getFormattedLabel(int index) { if (index < 0 || index >= mEntries.length) return ""; else return getValueFormatter().getFormattedValue(mEntries[index], this); } /** * Sets the formatter to be used for formatting the axis labels. If no formatter is set, the chart will * automatically determine a reasonable formatting (concerning decimals) for all the values that are drawn inside * the chart. Use chart.getDefaultValueFormatter() to use the formatter calculated by the chart. * * @param f */ public void setValueFormatter(YAxisValueFormatter f) { if (f == null) mYAxisValueFormatter = new DefaultYAxisValueFormatter(mDecimals); else mYAxisValueFormatter = f; } /** * Returns the formatter used for formatting the axis labels. * * @return */ public YAxisValueFormatter getValueFormatter() { if(mYAxisValueFormatter == null) mYAxisValueFormatter = new DefaultYAxisValueFormatter(mDecimals); return mYAxisValueFormatter; } /** * If this component has no YAxisValueFormatter or is only equipped with the default one (no custom set), return true. * * @return */ public boolean needsDefaultFormatter() { if (mYAxisValueFormatter == null) return true; if (mYAxisValueFormatter instanceof DefaultValueFormatter) return true; return false; } /** * Returns true if this axis needs horizontal offset, false if no offset is needed. * * @return */ public boolean needsOffset() { if (isEnabled() && isDrawLabelsEnabled() && getLabelPosition() == YAxisLabelPosition.OUTSIDE_CHART) return true; else return false; } }