/** * Copyright 2010-present Facebook. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.facebook.widget; import android.location.Location; import android.os.Bundle; import android.test.TouchUtils; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.LargeTest; import android.test.suitebuilder.annotation.MediumTest; import android.view.View; import android.widget.ListView; import com.facebook.*; import com.facebook.sdk.tests.R; import java.util.Collection; public class PlacePickerFragmentTests extends FragmentTestCase<PlacePickerFragmentTests.TestActivity> { public PlacePickerFragmentTests() { super(TestActivity.class); } @MediumTest @LargeTest public void testCanSetParametersProgrammatically() throws Throwable { TestActivity activity = getActivity(); assertNotNull(activity); final Location location = new Location(""); location.setLatitude(47.6204); location.setLongitude(-122.3491); runAndBlockOnUiThread(0, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); // We deliberately set these to non-defaults to ensure they are set correctly. bundle.putBoolean(PlacePickerFragment.SHOW_PICTURES_BUNDLE_KEY, false); bundle.putInt(PlacePickerFragment.RADIUS_IN_METERS_BUNDLE_KEY, 75); bundle.putInt(PlacePickerFragment.RESULTS_LIMIT_BUNDLE_KEY, 5); bundle.putString(PlacePickerFragment.SEARCH_TEXT_BUNDLE_KEY, "coffee"); bundle.putParcelable(PlacePickerFragment.LOCATION_BUNDLE_KEY, location); bundle.putString(FriendPickerFragment.EXTRA_FIELDS_BUNDLE_KEY, "checkins,general_info"); PlacePickerFragment fragment = new PlacePickerFragment(bundle); getActivity().setContentToFragment(fragment); } }); // We don't just test the fragment we created directly above, because we want it to go through the // activity lifecycle and ensure the settings are still correct. final PlacePickerFragment fragment = activity.getFragment(); assertNotNull(fragment); assertEquals(false, fragment.getShowPictures()); assertEquals(75, fragment.getRadiusInMeters()); assertEquals(5, fragment.getResultsLimit()); assertEquals("coffee", fragment.getSearchText()); assertEquals(location, fragment.getLocation()); Collection<String> extraFields = fragment.getExtraFields(); assertTrue(extraFields.contains("checkins")); assertTrue(extraFields.contains("general_info")); } @MediumTest @LargeTest public void testCanSetParametersViaLayout() throws Throwable { TestActivity activity = getActivity(); assertNotNull(activity); runAndBlockOnUiThread(0, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { getActivity().setContentToLayout(R.layout.place_picker_test_layout_1, R.id.place_picker_fragment); } }); final PlacePickerFragment fragment = activity.getFragment(); assertNotNull(fragment); assertEquals(false, fragment.getShowPictures()); assertEquals(75, fragment.getRadiusInMeters()); assertEquals(5, fragment.getResultsLimit()); assertEquals("coffee", fragment.getSearchText()); Collection<String> extraFields = fragment.getExtraFields(); assertTrue(extraFields.contains("checkins")); assertTrue(extraFields.contains("general_info")); // It doesn't make sense to specify location via layout, so we don't support it. } @LargeTest public void testPlacesLoad() throws Throwable { TestActivity activity = getActivity(); assertNotNull(activity); // We don't auto-create any UI, so do it now. Needs to run on the UI thread. runAndBlockOnUiThread(0, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { getActivity().setContentToFragment(null); } }); getInstrumentation().waitForIdleSync(); final PlacePickerFragment fragment = activity.getFragment(); assertNotNull(fragment); final TestSession session = openTestSessionWithSharedUser(); // Trigger a data load (on the UI thread). final TestBlocker blocker = getTestBlocker(); runAndBlockOnUiThread(1, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { fragment.setSession(session); Location location = new Location(""); location.setLatitude(47.6204); location.setLongitude(-122.3491); fragment.setLocation(location); fragment.setOnDataChangedListener(new PickerFragment.OnDataChangedListener() { @Override public void onDataChanged(PickerFragment<?> fragment) { blocker.signal(); } }); fragment.setOnErrorListener(new PickerFragment.OnErrorListener() { @Override public void onError(PickerFragment<?> fragment, FacebookException error) { fail("Got unexpected error: " + error.toString()); } }); fragment.loadData(true); } }); // We should have at least one item in the list by now. ListView listView = (ListView) fragment.getView().findViewById(R.id.com_facebook_picker_list_view); assertNotNull(listView); View firstChild = listView.getChildAt(0); assertNotNull(firstChild); // Assert our state before we touch anything. assertNull(fragment.getSelection()); // Click on the first item in the list view. TouchUtils.clickView(this, firstChild); // We should have a selection. assertNotNull(fragment.getSelection()); // Touch the item again. We should go back to no selection. TouchUtils.clickView(this, firstChild); assertNull(fragment.getSelection()); } @LargeTest public void testClearsResultsWhenSessionClosed() throws Throwable { TestActivity activity = getActivity(); assertNotNull(activity); // We don't auto-create any UI, so do it now. Needs to run on the UI thread. runAndBlockOnUiThread(0, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { getActivity().setContentToFragment(null); } }); getInstrumentation().waitForIdleSync(); final PlacePickerFragment fragment = activity.getFragment(); assertNotNull(fragment); final TestSession session = openTestSessionWithSharedUser(); // Trigger a data load (on the UI thread). // We use multiple test blockers to keep the counts from getting confused if other events // cause our listeners to fire. final TestBlocker blocker1 = TestBlocker.createTestBlocker(); runAndBlockOnUiThread(0, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { fragment.setSession(session); Location location = new Location(""); location.setLatitude(47.6204); location.setLongitude(-122.3491); fragment.setLocation(location); fragment.setOnDataChangedListener(new PickerFragment.OnDataChangedListener() { @Override public void onDataChanged(PickerFragment<?> fragment) { blocker1.signal(); } }); fragment.setOnErrorListener(new PickerFragment.OnErrorListener() { @Override public void onError(PickerFragment<?> fragment, FacebookException error) { fail("Got unexpected error: " + error.getMessage()); } }); fragment.loadData(true); } }); blocker1.waitForSignals(1); // We should have at least one item in the list by now. ListView listView = (ListView) fragment.getView().findViewById(R.id.com_facebook_picker_list_view); assertNotNull(listView); Thread.sleep(500); int lastPosition = listView.getLastVisiblePosition(); assertTrue(lastPosition > -1); View firstChild = listView.getChildAt(0); assertNotNull(firstChild); // Assert our state before we touch anything. assertNull(fragment.getSelection()); // Click on the first item in the list view. TouchUtils.clickView(this, firstChild); // We should have a selection. assertNotNull(fragment.getSelection()); // To validate the behavior, we need to wait until the session state notifications have been processed. // We run this on the UI thread but don't wait on the blocker until we've closed the session. final TestBlocker blocker2 = TestBlocker.createTestBlocker(); runAndBlockOnUiThread(0, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { session.addCallback(new Session.StatusCallback() { @Override public void call(Session session, SessionState state, Exception exception) { blocker2.signal(); } }); } }); session.close(); // Wait for the notification and for any UI activity to stop. blocker2.waitForSignals(1); getInstrumentation().waitForIdleSync(); Thread.sleep(500); // The list and the selection should have been cleared. lastPosition = listView.getLastVisiblePosition(); assertTrue(lastPosition == -1); assertNull(fragment.getSelection()); } public static class TestActivity extends FragmentTestCase.TestFragmentActivity<PlacePickerFragment> { public TestActivity() { super(PlacePickerFragment.class); } @Override protected boolean getAutoCreateUI() { return false; } protected PlacePickerFragment createFragment() throws InstantiationException, IllegalAccessException { Bundle bundle = new Bundle(); bundle.putBoolean(PlacePickerFragment.SHOW_SEARCH_BOX_BUNDLE_KEY, false); return new PlacePickerFragment(bundle); } } }