package org.framed.orm.ui.editPart.shape; import org.eclipse.draw2d.AbstractBorder; import org.eclipse.draw2d.ActionEvent; import org.eclipse.draw2d.ActionListener; import org.eclipse.draw2d.BorderLayout; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Figure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Graphics; import org.eclipse.draw2d.IFigure; import org.eclipse.draw2d.Label; import org.eclipse.draw2d.geometry.Insets; import org.eclipse.gef.DefaultEditDomain; import org.eclipse.gef.EditPart; import org.eclipse.gef.editparts.ScalableRootEditPart; import org.eclipse.swt.SWT; import; import org.framed.orm.model.Model; import org.framed.orm.model.ModelElement; import org.framed.orm.model.Shape; import org.framed.orm.model.Type; import org.framed.orm.ui.editPart.ORMModelEditPart; import org.framed.orm.ui.editor.Activator; import org.framed.orm.ui.editor.ORMGraphicalEditor; import org.framed.orm.ui.editor.ORMMultiPageEditor; import org.framed.orm.ui.figure.shapes.ORMCompartmentV1Figure; import org.framed.orm.ui.figure.shapes.ORMCompartmentV2Figure; import org.framed.orm.ui.figure.ORMFigureFactory; import org.framed.orm.ui.figure.shapes.PartFigure; /** * This {@link EditPart} is the controller for a {@link Shape} from type * compartmenttype. * * @author Kay Bierzynski * */ public class ORMCompartmentEditPart extends ORMShapeWithSegmentEditPart { /** * Defines the Number of Visible Roles per Compartment in the overview. */ private final static int VisibleRoles=5; //TODO: Should be extracted to a Configuration File /** * A {@link PartFigure} in which all {@link Shape}s from type role type and * rolegroup that the {@link Model} of this compartment contains are listed. * A global variable is helpful, because this {@link PartFigure} is used in * the methods refreshVisual() and addChildVisual(). */ private PartFigure rolePart = null; /** * The {@link ORMModelEditPart} of the {@link Model}, which is owned by this * compartment. A global variable for this is nessecary, because the rmed is * set addChildVisual() method in this class and than used in buttonExpand() * method in this class. */ private ORMModelEditPart rmed = null; /** * {@inheritDoc} A Shape from type compartmenttype has as a figure a * {@link ORMCompartmentV1Figure}, when the user didn't step in it, and a * {@link ORMCompartmentV2Figure}, when the user did step in it. */ @Override protected IFigure createFigure() { final ORMGraphicalEditor editorPart = (ORMGraphicalEditor) ((DefaultEditDomain) getViewer() .getEditDomain()).getEditorPart(); Figure fig = ORMFigureFactory.createFigure(this); // when this compartment editpart is not "opened"(steped in) use as // figure // ORMCompartmentV1Figure if (fig instanceof ORMCompartmentV1Figure) { return fig; } // when this edit part is "opened"(steped in) use ORMCompartmentV2Figure else { return completeORMCompartmentV2Figure((Shape) getModel(), editorPart.getIsEditorData(), fig); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} The refreshVisuals of this {@link EditPart} the names of * all roleTypes and roleGroups in the child {@link Model} are added to the * rolePart and the method {@link ORMSuperShapeEditPart#refreshVisuals()} is * called. * */ @Override public void refreshVisuals() { super.refreshVisuals(); if (rolePart != null) { rolePart.removeAll(); Model model = ((Shape) getModel()).getModel(); addNamesToRolePart(model); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} In case of this {@link ORMCompartmentEditPart} that would * be the figure of a {@link Model}. If the figure of the {@link Model} or * the rolePart is added to this compartment depends on which version of the * compartment figure is used also if the user has steped into thr * compartment or not. ( the adding of segment figures is handelt through * calling * {@link ORMShapeWithSegmentEditPart#addChildVisual(EditPart, index)}. */ @Override protected void addChildVisual(final EditPart childEditPart, final int index) { super.addChildVisual(childEditPart, index); IFigure contentPane = null; if (childEditPart.getModel() instanceof Model && rolePart == null) { // when figure is Version 2 if (getParent() instanceof ScalableRootEditPart) { contentPane = ((ORMCompartmentV2Figure) getFigure()) .getBasicRec(); contentPane.add(((ORMModelEditPart) childEditPart).getFigure(), BorderLayout.CENTER); rmed = (ORMModelEditPart) childEditPart; } // when figure is Version 1 else { contentPane = ((ORMCompartmentV1Figure) getFigure()) .getBasicRec(); Model rm = (Model) ((ORMModelEditPart) childEditPart) .getModel(); rolePart = new PartFigure(); addNamesToRolePart(rm); contentPane.add(rolePart); rmed = (ORMModelEditPart) childEditPart; } } } /** * The first thing, which is done in this method is that a {@link Label} * with the text ROLES is added to the rolesPart. After that all names of * all {@link Shape}s from type roletype and rolegroup, which are in the * child {@link Model} of this compartmenttype, are added to the rolePart. * When are more then three names in the rolePart list a ... label is added * in the tooltip of the ... label the names of the remaining roletypes and * rolegroups are shown. * */ private void addNamesToRolePart(final Model model) { Label lab = new Label(); Label collectLabel = new Label(); collectLabel.setText("...."); PartFigure collectLabels = new PartFigure(); int sizeList = 0; lab.setText("ROLES"); rolePart.add(lab); for (ModelElement role : model.getElements()) { if (role instanceof Shape) { Shape shape = (Shape) role; if (shape.getType().equals(Type.ROLE_TYPE) || shape.getType().equals(Type.ROLE_GROUP)) { Label label = new Label(); Label label2 = new Label(); String labelText; label2.setText("For Editing please go in the Compartment."); sizeList = rolePart.getChildren().size(); labelText = shape.getName(); label.setText(labelText); label.setToolTip(label2); if (sizeList <= VisibleRoles) { rolePart.add(label); } else { collectLabels.add(label); } } } if (sizeList > VisibleRoles) { collectLabel.setToolTip(collectLabels); rolePart.add(collectLabel); } } } /** * When the user has stepped in a compartmenttype than the attribute and * operation segment should be shown in a structure, which can expanded and * collapsed through a button. The functionality of the button also * expanding and the collapsing are done in this method. * */ private void buttonExpand(final boolean isEditorData) { // get ormgraphicaleditor which owns the compartment to get parent // multipageeditor final ORMGraphicalEditor editorPart = (ORMGraphicalEditor) ((DefaultEditDomain) this .getViewer().getEditDomain()).getEditorPart(); // get parent multipageeditor to synchronize the behavouir and data // ORMGraphicalEditors final ORMMultiPageEditor parent = (ORMMultiPageEditor) editorPart .getParentEditor(); // get figure to remove/add the attriute and method list final ORMCompartmentV2Figure figure = (ORMCompartmentV2Figure) getFigure(); final Image imageExpand = new Image(null, Activator .imageDescriptorFromPlugin(Activator.PLUGIN_ID, "icons/expandArrow3.png").createImage(), SWT.IMAGE_COPY); final Image imageCollapse = new Image(null, Activator .imageDescriptorFromPlugin(Activator.PLUGIN_ID, "icons/collapseArrow3.png").createImage(), SWT.IMAGE_COPY); // if branch: is for the case when the structure is expanded and should // be collapsed // else branch: is for the case when the structure is collapsed and // should be expanded if (figure.isExpanded()) { figure.getListAttOpt().remove(childFigureList.get(0)); if (!isEditorData) { figure.getListAttOpt().remove(childFigureList.get(1)); } ((Label) figure.getButton().getChildren().get(0)) .setIcon(imageExpand); // switch the expandstate figure.setExpandState(!figure.isExpanded()); // change the borders of the child model rmed.refreshVisuals(); // synchronize the viewer of the two Editor of the MultiPageEditor if (!(isEditorData)) { parent.getDataEditor() .getOwnViewer() .setContents( parent.getDataEditor().getOwnViewer() .getContents().getModel()); } else { parent.getBehaviorEditor() .getOwnViewer() .setContents( parent.getBehaviorEditor().getOwnViewer() .getContents().getModel()); } } else { figure.getListAttOpt().add(childFigureList.get(0)); if (!isEditorData) { figure.getListAttOpt().add(childFigureList.get(1)); } ((Label) figure.getButton().getChildren().get(0)) .setIcon(imageCollapse); // switch the expandstate figure.setExpandState(!figure.isExpanded()); // change the borders of the child rolemodel rmed.refreshVisuals(); // synchronize between the two Editor of the MultiPageEditor if (!(isEditorData)) { parent.getDataEditor() .getOwnViewer() .setContents( parent.getDataEditor().getOwnViewer() .getContents().getModel()); } else { parent.getBehaviorEditor() .getOwnViewer() .setContents( parent.getBehaviorEditor().getOwnViewer() .getContents().getModel()); } } } /** * This method does the complets the setup of the * {@link ORMCompartmentV2Figure}. That means it adds the collapse image to * the button and sets the action listener of this button. The * {@link ActionListener} calls on notification the method buttonExpand. * */ private ORMCompartmentV2Figure completeORMCompartmentV2Figure( final Shape model, final boolean isEditorData, Figure fig) { ORMCompartmentV2Figure figure = (ORMCompartmentV2Figure) fig; Image imageCollapse = new Image(null, Activator .imageDescriptorFromPlugin(Activator.PLUGIN_ID, "icons/collapseArrow3.png").createImage(), SWT.IMAGE_COPY); figure.getBasicRec().setAntialias(SWT.ON); figure.getButton().addActionListener(new ActionListener() { @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event) { buttonExpand(isEditorData); } }); ((Label) figure.getButton().getChildren().get(0)) .setIcon(imageCollapse); return figure; } /** * A border class where a border is drawn at top side of the figure. * */ public class PartFigureBorderNotExpand extends AbstractBorder { /** {@inheritDoc} */ public Insets getInsets(IFigure figure) { return new Insets(1, 0, 0, 0); } /** {@inheritDoc} */ public void paint(IFigure figure, Graphics graphics, Insets insets) { graphics.drawLine(getPaintRectangle(figure, insets).getTopLeft(), tempRect.getTopRight()); } } }