package net.flibusta.servlet; import net.flibusta.concurrent.LockManager; import net.flibusta.converter.ConversionService; import net.flibusta.converter.ConversionServiceFactory; import; import net.flibusta.persistence.dao.BookDao; import net.flibusta.persistence.dao.UrlDao; import net.flibusta.persistence.dao.UrlInfo; import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils; import; import; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.http.HttpStatus; import org.springframework.stereotype.Controller; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.ExceptionHandler; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMapping; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestMethod; import org.springframework.web.bind.annotation.RequestParam; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import*; import; import; @Controller public class ConverterController implements SingleUrlConverter { Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ConverterController.class); public static final String PARAM_URL = "url"; public static final String PARAM_SOURCE_MD5 = "md5"; public static final String PARAM_OUT_FORMAT = "out"; public static final String PARAM_SOURCE_FORMAT = "src"; public static final String DEFAULT_OUT_FORMAT = "mobi"; public static final String DEFAULT_SRC_FORMAT = "fb2"; @Autowired private UrlDao urlDao; @Autowired private BookDao bookDao; @Autowired private ConversionServiceFactory conversionServiceFactory; @Autowired private DownloadService downloadService; @Autowired private LockManager lockManager; private String staticRedirectUrlPrefix = null; private Boolean useXAccelRerirect = false; @Override @RequestMapping(value = "/convert", method = {RequestMethod.GET, RequestMethod.HEAD}) public void convert(@RequestParam(PARAM_URL) String sourceUrl, @RequestParam(value = PARAM_SOURCE_MD5, required = false) String sourceMd5, @RequestParam(value = PARAM_OUT_FORMAT, required = false) String outputFormat, @RequestParam(value = PARAM_SOURCE_FORMAT, required = false) String sourceFormat, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { if (sourceUrl == null || sourceUrl.length() == 0) { throw new Exception("Required parameter missing: " + PARAM_URL); } if (outputFormat == null) { outputFormat = DEFAULT_OUT_FORMAT; } String bookId; lockManager.lock(sourceUrl); try { // System.out.println("locked " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " " + sourceUrl); UrlInfo urlInfo = urlDao.findUrlInfo(sourceUrl); if (urlInfo == null) { if (sourceMd5 != null && sourceMd5.length() == 32) { urlInfo = new UrlInfo(); urlInfo.setBookId(sourceMd5); urlInfo.setSourceFormat(sourceFormat); } else if (sourceUrl.contains("")) { // guess book id and source format from url URI uri = new URI(sourceUrl); String path = uri.getPath(); String[] pathElements = path.split("/"); if (pathElements.length == 4 && pathElements[2].length() == 32) { urlInfo = new UrlInfo(); urlInfo.setBookId(pathElements[2]); String format = "download".equals(pathElements[3]) ? "fb2" : pathElements[3]; urlInfo.setSourceFormat(format); urlDao.addUrlReference(sourceUrl, urlInfo.getBookId(), urlInfo.getSourceFormat()); logger.debug("guessed bookId=" + urlInfo.getBookId() + " format=" + urlInfo.getSourceFormat() + " from url=" + sourceUrl); } } } if (urlInfo != null) { // source book already downloaded bookId = urlInfo.getBookId(); File book = bookDao.findBook(bookId, outputFormat); if (book != null) { // book already converted redirectToFile(bookId, book, outputFormat, response); return; } // book downloaded but not converted yet if (bookDao.findBook(bookId, urlInfo.getSourceFormat()) == null) { // just safety check for lost files urlDao.removeUrlReference(sourceUrl); bookId = downloadBook(sourceUrl, sourceFormat); } } else { // source book not downloaded yet bookId = downloadBook(sourceUrl, sourceFormat); } } finally { lockManager.unlock(sourceUrl); // System.out.println("unlocked " + Thread.currentThread().getName() + " " + sourceUrl); }"Start conversion url=" + sourceUrl + " bookId=" + bookId + " format=" + outputFormat); makeConversion(bookId, outputFormat, response); } @RequestMapping(value = "/clean", method = RequestMethod.GET) public void clean(@RequestParam(PARAM_URL) String sourceUrl, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { if (sourceUrl == null || sourceUrl.length() == 0) { throw new Exception("Required parameter missing: " + PARAM_URL); } lockManager.lock(sourceUrl); try { UrlInfo urlInfo = urlDao.findUrlInfo(sourceUrl); if (urlInfo != null) { String bookId = urlInfo.getBookId(); lockManager.lock(bookId); try { bookDao.deleteBook(bookId); } finally { lockManager.unlock(bookId); } urlDao.removeUrlReference(sourceUrl); } } finally { lockManager.unlock(sourceUrl); } response.setStatus(HttpStatus.OK.value()); response.setHeader("Content-Type", "text/plain"); PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); writer.write("OK"); } @ExceptionHandler(Exception.class) public void handleException(Exception e, HttpServletResponse response) { logger.error("Exception sent by ConverterController: " + e.getMessage(), e); response.setStatus(HttpStatus.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.value()); response.setContentType("text/plain"); try { PrintWriter writer = response.getWriter(); writer.println("Internal server error: " + e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e1) { logger.error(e); } } private String downloadBook(String sourceUrl, String sourceFormat) throws Exception { File sourceFile = downloadService.fetch(new URL(sourceUrl)); if (sourceFile == null) { throw new Exception("Can't download book from url " + sourceUrl); } String bookId = calculateBookId(sourceFile); if (sourceFormat == null) { try { sourceFormat = resolveSourceFormat(sourceFile); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("book " + bookId + " Error: " + e.getMessage()); throw e; } } urlDao.addUrlReference(sourceUrl, bookId, sourceFormat); if (bookDao.findBook(bookId, sourceFormat) == null) { bookDao.addBook(bookId, sourceFormat, sourceFile); } else { // this book already downloaded from other source sourceFile.delete(); } return bookId; } private void makeConversion(String bookId, String outputFormat, HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { File convertedFile; lockManager.lock(bookId); try { convertedFile = bookDao.findBook(bookId, outputFormat); if (convertedFile == null) { ConversionService conversionService = conversionServiceFactory.getConversionService(outputFormat); convertedFile = conversionService.convert(bookId); } } finally { lockManager.unlock(bookId); } if (convertedFile != null && convertedFile.exists()) { logger.debug("converted bookId=" + bookId + " to format=" + outputFormat); redirectToFile(bookId, convertedFile, outputFormat, response); } else { throw new Exception("Conversion failed. bookId=" + bookId + " to format=" + outputFormat); } } private void redirectToFile(String bookId, File convertedFile, String outputFormat, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException { if (response == null) { return; // do nothing } String redirectLocation; if (staticRedirectUrlPrefix == null || staticRedirectUrlPrefix.length() == 0) { // redirect to download controller redirectLocation = response.encodeRedirectURL("/converter/get/download/" + bookId + "/" + outputFormat + "/" + convertedFile.getName()); } else { redirectLocation = staticRedirectUrlPrefix + bookDao.findBookPath(bookId, outputFormat); } if (!useXAccelRerirect) { response.sendRedirect(redirectLocation); } else { response.setHeader("X-Accel-Redirect", redirectLocation); response.setHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename=" + convertedFile.getName()); response.setStatus(HttpStatus.OK.value()); } } private String calculateBookId(File sourceFile) throws Exception { FileInputStream source = new FileInputStream(sourceFile); try { return DigestUtils.md5Hex(source); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(source); } } private String resolveSourceFormat(File sourceFile) throws Exception { String sourceFileName = sourceFile.getName(); String extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(sourceFileName); if (extension.length() > 1) { return extension; } FileReader fileReader = new FileReader(sourceFile); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(fileReader, 1024); String line; line = getNextLine(reader); if (line != null) { if (line.startsWith("<?xml")) { line = getNextLine(reader); if (line != null && line.toLowerCase().contains("<fictionbook")) { return "fb2"; } } else { if (line.contains("mimetypeapplication/epub+zip")) { return "epub"; } } } throw new Exception("Can't determine source format. Please set url parameter '" + PARAM_SOURCE_FORMAT + "'"); } private String getNextLine(BufferedReader reader) throws IOException { String line; do { line = reader.readLine(); } while (line != null && line.trim().length() == 0); return line; } public void setStaticRedirectUrlPrefix(String staticRedirectUrlPrefix) { if (!staticRedirectUrlPrefix.endsWith("/")) { staticRedirectUrlPrefix = staticRedirectUrlPrefix + "/"; } this.staticRedirectUrlPrefix = staticRedirectUrlPrefix; } public void setUseXAccelRerirect(Boolean useXAccelRerirect) { this.useXAccelRerirect = useXAccelRerirect; } }