package com.ichi2.anki.extra; import java.sql.ResultSet; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.ichi2.anki.DeckStatus; import com.ichi2.anki.db.AnkiDb; import android.content.Context; import android.database.sqlite.SQLiteDatabase; import android.database.sqlite.SQLException; /** * Used to store additional information besides what is stored in the deck itself. * <p> * Currently it used to store: * <ul> * <li>The languages associated with questions and answers.</li> * <li>The state of the whiteboard.</li> * <li>The cached state of the widget.</li> * </ul> */ public class MetaDB { public static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MetaDB.class); /** The name of the file storing the meta-db. */ private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "ankidroid.db"; // Possible values for the qa column of the languages table. /** The language refers to the question. */ public static final int LANGUAGES_QA_QUESTION = 0; /** The language refers to the answer. */ public static final int LANGUAGES_QA_ANSWER = 1; /** The language does not refer to either the question or answer. */ public static final int LANGUAGES_QA_UNDEFINED = 2; /** The pattern used to remove quotes from file names. */ private static final Pattern quotePattern = Pattern.compile("[\"']"); /** The database object used by the meta-db. */ private static AnkiDb mMetaDb = null; /** Remove any pairs of quotes from the given text. */ private static String stripQuotes(String text) { Matcher matcher = quotePattern.matcher(text); text = matcher.replaceAll(""); return text; } /** Open the meta-db and creates any table that is missing. */ private static void openDB(Context context) { try { mMetaDb = context.openOrCreateDatabase(DATABASE_NAME, 0, null); mMetaDb.execSQL( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS languages (" + " _id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "deckpath TEXT NOT NULL, modelid INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "cardmodelid INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "qa INTEGER, " + "language TEXT)"); mMetaDb.execSQL( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS whiteboardState (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "deckpath TEXT NOT NULL, " + "state INTEGER)"); mMetaDb.execSQL( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS customDictionary (" + "_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "deckpath TEXT NOT NULL, " + "dictionary INTEGER)"); mMetaDb.execSQL( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS widgetStatus (" + "deckPath TEXT NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY, " + "deckName TEXT NOT NULL, " + "newCards INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "dueCards INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "failedCards INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "eta INTEGER NOT NULL, " + "time INTEGER NOT NULL)"); mMetaDb.execSQL( "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS intentInformation (" + "id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, " + "source TEXT NOT NULL, " + "target INTEGER NOT NULL)");"Opening MetaDB"); } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Error", "Error opening MetaDB ", e); } } /** Open the meta-db but only if it currently closed. */ private static void openDBIfClosed(Context context) { if (mMetaDb == null || !mMetaDb.isOpen()) { openDB(context); } } /** Close the meta-db. */ public static void closeDB() { if (mMetaDb != null && mMetaDb.isOpen()) { mMetaDb.close(); mMetaDb = null;"Closing MetaDB"); } } /** Reset the content of the meta-db, erasing all its content. */ public static boolean resetDB(Context context) { openDBIfClosed(context); try { mMetaDb.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS languages;");"Resetting all language assignment"); mMetaDb.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS whiteboardState;");"Resetting whiteboard state"); mMetaDb.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS customDictionary;");"Resetting custom Dictionary"); mMetaDb.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS widgetStatus;");"Resetting widget status"); mMetaDb.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS intentInformation;");"Resetting intentInformation"); return true; } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Error", "Error resetting MetaDB ", e); } return false; } /** Reset the language associations for all the decks and card models. */ public static boolean resetLanguages(Context context) { if (mMetaDb == null || !mMetaDb.isOpen()) { openDB(context); } try {"Resetting all language assignments"); mMetaDb.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS languages;"); openDB(context); return true; } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Error", "Error resetting MetaDB ", e); } return false; } /** Reset the widget status. */ public static boolean resetWidget(Context context) { if (mMetaDb == null || !mMetaDb.isOpen()) { openDB(context); } try {"Resetting widget status"); mMetaDb.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS widgetStatus;"); openDB(context); return true; } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Error", "Error resetting widgetStatus ", e); } return false; } /** Reset the intent information. */ public static boolean resetIntentInformation(Context context) { if (mMetaDb == null || !mMetaDb.isOpen()) { openDB(context); } try {"Resetting intent information"); mMetaDb.execSQL("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS intentInformation;"); openDB(context); return true; } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Error", "Error resetting intentInformation ", e); } return false; } /** * Associates a language to a deck, model, and card model for a given type. * * @param deckPath the deck for which to store the language association * @param modelId the model for which to store the language association * @param cardModelId the card model for which to store the language association * @param qa the part of the card for which to store the association, {@link #LANGUAGES_QA_QUESTION}, * {@link #LANGUAGES_QA_ANSWER}, or {@link #LANGUAGES_QA_UNDEFINED} * @param language the language to associate, as a two-characters, lowercase string */ public static void storeLanguage(Context context, String deckPath, long modelId, long cardModelId, int qa, String language) { openDBIfClosed(context); deckPath = stripQuotes(deckPath); try { mMetaDb.execSQL( "INSERT INTO languages (deckpath, modelid, cardmodelid, qa, language) " + " VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);", new Object[]{deckPath, modelId, cardModelId, qa, language});"Store language for deck " + deckPath); } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Error", "Error storing language in MetaDB ", e); } } /** * Returns the language associated with the given deck, model and card model, for the given type. * * @param deckPath the deck for which to store the language association * @param modelId the model for which to store the language association * @param cardModelId the card model for which to store the language association * @param qa the part of the card for which to store the association, {@link #LANGUAGES_QA_QUESTION}, * {@link #LANGUAGES_QA_ANSWER}, or {@link #LANGUAGES_QA_UNDEFINED} * return the language associate with the type, as a two-characters, lowercase string, or the empty string if no * association is defined */ public static String getLanguage(Context context, String deckPath, long modelId, long cardModelId, int qa) { openDBIfClosed(context); String language = ""; deckPath = stripQuotes(deckPath); ResultSet result = null; try { String query = "SELECT language FROM languages " + "WHERE deckpath = \'" + deckPath+ "\' " + "AND modelid = " + modelId + " " + "AND cardmodelid = " + cardModelId + " " + "AND qa = " + qa + " " + "LIMIT 1"; result = mMetaDb.rawQuery(query, null);"getLanguage: " + query); if ( { language = result.getString(1); } } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Error", "Error fetching language ", e); } finally { if (result != null) { result.close(); } } return language; } /** * Resets all the language associates for a given deck. * * @param deckPath the deck for which to reset the language associations * @return whether an error occurred while resetting the language for the deck */ public static boolean resetDeckLanguages(Context context, String deckPath) { openDBIfClosed(context); deckPath = stripQuotes(deckPath); try { mMetaDb.execSQL("DELETE FROM languages WHERE deckpath = \'" + deckPath + "\';");"Resetting language assignment for deck " + deckPath); return true; } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Error", "Error resetting deck language", e); } return false; } /** * Returns the state of the whiteboard for the given deck. * * @param deckPath the deck for which to retrieve the whiteboard state * @return 1 if the whiteboard should be shown, 0 otherwise */ public static int getWhiteboardState(Context context, String deckPath) { openDBIfClosed(context); ResultSet result = null; try { result = mMetaDb.rawQuery("SELECT state FROM whiteboardState" + " WHERE deckpath = \'" + stripQuotes(deckPath) + "\'", null); if ( { return result.getInt(1); } else { return 0; } } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Error", "Error retrieving whiteboard state from MetaDB ", e); return 0; } finally { if (result != null) { result.close(); } } } /** * Stores the state of the whiteboard for a given deck. * * @param deckPath the deck for which to store the whiteboard state * @param state 1 if the whiteboard should be shown, 0 otherwise */ public static void storeWhiteboardState(Context context, String deckPath, int state) { openDBIfClosed(context); deckPath = stripQuotes(deckPath); ResultSet result = null; try { result = mMetaDb.rawQuery("SELECT _id FROM whiteboardState" + " WHERE deckpath = \'" + deckPath + "\'", null); if ( { mMetaDb.execSQL("UPDATE whiteboardState " + "SET deckpath=\'" + deckPath + "\', " + "state=" + Integer.toString(state) + " " + "WHERE _id=" + result.getString(1) + ";");"Store whiteboard state (" + state + ") for deck " + deckPath); } else { mMetaDb.execSQL("INSERT INTO whiteboardState (deckpath, state) VALUES (?, ?)", new Object[]{deckPath, state});"Store whiteboard state (" + state + ") for deck " + deckPath); } } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Error", "Error storing whiteboard state in MetaDB ", e); } finally { if (result != null) { result.close(); } } } /** * Returns a custom dictionary associated to a deck * * @param deckPath the deck for which a custom dictionary should be retrieved * @return integer number of dictionary, -1 if not set (standard dictionary will be used) */ public static int getLookupDictionary(Context context, String deckPath) { openDBIfClosed(context); ResultSet result = null; try { result = mMetaDb.rawQuery("SELECT dictionary FROM customDictionary" + " WHERE deckpath = \'" + stripQuotes(deckPath) + "\'", null); if ( { return result.getInt(1); } else { return -1; } } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Error", "Error retrieving custom dictionary from MetaDB ", e); return -1; } finally { if (result != null) { result.close(); } } } /** * Stores a custom dictionary for a given deck. * * @param deckPath the deck for which a custom dictionary should be retrieved * @param dictionary integer number of dictionary, -1 if not set (standard dictionary will be used) */ public static void storeLookupDictionary(Context context, String deckPath, int dictionary) { openDBIfClosed(context); deckPath = stripQuotes(deckPath); ResultSet result = null; try { result = mMetaDb.rawQuery("SELECT _id FROM customDictionary" + " WHERE deckpath = \'" + deckPath + "\'", null); if ( { mMetaDb.execSQL("UPDATE customDictionary " + "SET deckpath=\'" + deckPath + "\', " + "dictionary=" + Integer.toString(dictionary) + " " + "WHERE _id=" + result.getString(1) + ";");"Store custom dictionary (" + dictionary + ") for deck " + deckPath); } else { mMetaDb.execSQL("INSERT INTO customDictionary (deckpath, dictionary) VALUES (?, ?)", new Object[]{deckPath, dictionary});"Store custom dictionary (" + dictionary + ") for deck " + deckPath); } } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Error", "Error storing custom dictionary to MetaDB ", e); } finally { if (result != null) { result.close(); } } } /** * Return the current status of the widget. * * @return an array of {@link DeckStatus} objects, each representing the status of one of the known decks */ public static DeckStatus[] getWidgetStatus(Context context) { openDBIfClosed(context); ResultSet result = null; try { result = mMetaDb.query("widgetStatus", new String[]{"deckPath", "deckName", "newCards", "dueCards", "failedCards", "eta", "time"}, null, null, null, null, "deckName"); int count = result.getCount(); DeckStatus[] decks = new DeckStatus[count]; for(int index = 0; index < count; ++index) { if (! { throw new SQLException("cursor count was incorrect"); } decks[index] = new DeckStatus( result.getString(result.getColumnIndexOrThrow("deckPath")), result.getString(result.getColumnIndexOrThrow("deckName")), result.getInt(result.getColumnIndexOrThrow("newCards")), result.getInt(result.getColumnIndexOrThrow("dueCards")), result.getInt(result.getColumnIndexOrThrow("failedCards")), result.getInt(result.getColumnIndexOrThrow("eta")), result.getInt(result.getColumnIndexOrThrow("time"))); } return decks; } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error while querying widgetStatus", e); } finally { if (result != null) { result.close(); } } return new DeckStatus[0]; } /** * Return the current status of the widget. * * @return an int array, containing due, time, eta, currentDeckdue */ public static int[] getWidgetSmallStatus(Context context) { openDBIfClosed(context); ResultSet result = null; int due = 0; int eta = 0; int time = 0; boolean noDeck = true; try { result = mMetaDb.query("widgetStatus", new String[]{"dueCards", "failedCards", "newCards", "time", "eta"}, null, null, null, null, null); while ( { noDeck = false; int d = result.getInt(1) + result.getInt(2) + result.getInt(3); due += d; time += result.getInt(4); eta += result.getInt(5); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error while querying widgetStatus", e); } finally { if (result != null) { result.close(); } } return new int[]{noDeck ? -1 : due, time, eta}; } public static int getNotificationStatus(Context context) { openDBIfClosed(context); ResultSet result = null; int due = 0; try { result = mMetaDb.query("widgetStatus", new String[]{"dueCards", "failedCards", "newCards"}, null, null, null, null, null); while ( { due += result.getInt(1) + result.getInt(2) + result.getInt(3); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error while querying widgetStatus", e); } finally { if (result != null) { result.close(); } } return due; } /** * Stores the current state of the widget. * <p> * It replaces any stored state for the widget. * * @param decks an array of {@link DeckStatus} objects, one for each of the know decks. */ public static void storeWidgetStatus(Context context, DeckStatus[] decks) { openDBIfClosed(context); try { mMetaDb.beginTransaction(); // First clear all the existing content. mMetaDb.execSQL("DELETE FROM widgetStatus"); for (DeckStatus deck : decks) { mMetaDb.execSQL("INSERT INTO widgetStatus(deckPath, deckName, newCards, dueCards, failedCards, eta, time) " + "VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)", new Object[]{deck.mDeckPath, deck.mDeckName, deck.mNewCards, deck.mDueCards, deck.mFailedCards, deck.mEta, deck.mTime} ); } mMetaDb.setTransactionSuccessful(); mMetaDb.endTransaction(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { log.error("MetaDB.storeWidgetStatus: failed", e); } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("MetaDB.storeWidgetStatus: failed", e); closeDB();"Trying to reset Widget: " + resetWidget(context)); } } public static ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> getIntentInformation(Context context) { openDBIfClosed(context); ResultSet result = null; ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> list = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>>(); try { result = mMetaDb.query("intentInformation", new String[]{"id", "source", "target"}, null, null, null, null, "id"); while ( { HashMap<String, String> item = new HashMap<String, String>(); item.put("id", Integer.toString(result.getInt(1))); item.put("source", result.getString(2)); item.put("target", result.getString(3)); list.add(item); } } catch (SQLException e) { log.error("Error while querying intentInformation", e); } finally { if (result != null) { result.close(); } } return list; } public static void saveIntentInformation(Context context, String source, String target) { openDBIfClosed(context); try { mMetaDb.execSQL("INSERT INTO intentInformation (source, target) " + " VALUES (?, ?);", new Object[]{source, target});"Store intentInformation: " + source + " - " + target); } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Error", "Error storing intentInformation in MetaDB ", e); } } public static boolean removeIntentInformation(Context context, String id) { if (mMetaDb == null || !mMetaDb.isOpen()) { openDB(context); } try {"Deleting intent information " + id); mMetaDb.execSQL("DELETE FROM intentInformation WHERE id = " + id + ";"); return true; } catch(Exception e) { log.error("Error", "Error deleting intentInformation " + id + ": ", e); } return false; } }