package mediabrowser.model.dto; import mediabrowser.model.drawing.*; import mediabrowser.model.entities.*; import mediabrowser.model.extensions.*; import mediabrowser.model.library.*; import mediabrowser.model.livetv.*; import mediabrowser.model.providers.*; import mediabrowser.model.sync.*; /** This is strictly used as a data transfer object from the api layer. This holds information about a BaseItem in a format that is convenient for the client. */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [DebuggerDisplay("Name = {Name}, ID = {Id}, Type = {Type}")] public class BaseItemDto : IHasProviderIds, IItemDto, IHasServerId, IHasSyncInfo public class BaseItemDto implements IHasProviderIds, IItemDto, IHasServerId, IHasSyncInfo { /** Gets or sets the name. <value>The name.</value> */ private String Name; public final String getName() { return Name; } public final void setName(String value) { Name = value; } private String OriginalTitle; public final String getOriginalTitle() { return OriginalTitle; } public final void setOriginalTitle(String value) { OriginalTitle = value; } /** Gets or sets the server identifier. <value>The server identifier.</value> */ private String ServerId; public final String getServerId() { return ServerId; } public final void setServerId(String value) { ServerId = value; } /** Gets or sets the id. <value>The id.</value> */ private String Id; public final String getId() { return Id; } public final void setId(String value) { Id = value; } /** Gets or sets the etag. <value>The etag.</value> */ private String Etag; public final String getEtag() { return Etag; } public final void setEtag(String value) { Etag = value; } /** Gets or sets the type of the source. <value>The type of the source.</value> */ private String SourceType; public final String getSourceType() { return SourceType; } public final void setSourceType(String value) { SourceType = value; } /** Gets or sets the playlist item identifier. <value>The playlist item identifier.</value> */ private String PlaylistItemId; public final String getPlaylistItemId() { return PlaylistItemId; } public final void setPlaylistItemId(String value) { PlaylistItemId = value; } /** Gets or sets the date created. <value>The date created.</value> */ private java.util.Date DateCreated = null; public final java.util.Date getDateCreated() { return DateCreated; } public final void setDateCreated(java.util.Date value) { DateCreated = value; } private java.util.Date DateLastMediaAdded = null; public final java.util.Date getDateLastMediaAdded() { return DateLastMediaAdded; } public final void setDateLastMediaAdded(java.util.Date value) { DateLastMediaAdded = value; } private ExtraType ExtraType = null; public final ExtraType getExtraType() { return ExtraType; } public final void setExtraType(ExtraType value) { ExtraType = value; } private Integer AirsBeforeSeasonNumber = null; public final Integer getAirsBeforeSeasonNumber() { return AirsBeforeSeasonNumber; } public final void setAirsBeforeSeasonNumber(Integer value) { AirsBeforeSeasonNumber = value; } private Integer AirsAfterSeasonNumber = null; public final Integer getAirsAfterSeasonNumber() { return AirsAfterSeasonNumber; } public final void setAirsAfterSeasonNumber(Integer value) { AirsAfterSeasonNumber = value; } private Integer AirsBeforeEpisodeNumber = null; public final Integer getAirsBeforeEpisodeNumber() { return AirsBeforeEpisodeNumber; } public final void setAirsBeforeEpisodeNumber(Integer value) { AirsBeforeEpisodeNumber = value; } private Integer AbsoluteEpisodeNumber = null; public final Integer getAbsoluteEpisodeNumber() { return AbsoluteEpisodeNumber; } public final void setAbsoluteEpisodeNumber(Integer value) { AbsoluteEpisodeNumber = value; } private Boolean DisplaySpecialsWithSeasons = null; public final Boolean getDisplaySpecialsWithSeasons() { return DisplaySpecialsWithSeasons; } public final void setDisplaySpecialsWithSeasons(Boolean value) { DisplaySpecialsWithSeasons = value; } private Boolean CanDelete = null; public final Boolean getCanDelete() { return CanDelete; } public final void setCanDelete(Boolean value) { CanDelete = value; } private Boolean CanDownload = null; public final Boolean getCanDownload() { return CanDownload; } public final void setCanDownload(Boolean value) { CanDownload = value; } private Boolean HasSubtitles = null; public final Boolean getHasSubtitles() { return HasSubtitles; } public final void setHasSubtitles(Boolean value) { HasSubtitles = value; } private String PreferredMetadataLanguage; public final String getPreferredMetadataLanguage() { return PreferredMetadataLanguage; } public final void setPreferredMetadataLanguage(String value) { PreferredMetadataLanguage = value; } private String PreferredMetadataCountryCode; public final String getPreferredMetadataCountryCode() { return PreferredMetadataCountryCode; } public final void setPreferredMetadataCountryCode(String value) { PreferredMetadataCountryCode = value; } private String AwardSummary; public final String getAwardSummary() { return AwardSummary; } public final void setAwardSummary(String value) { AwardSummary = value; } private String ShareUrl; public final String getShareUrl() { return ShareUrl; } public final void setShareUrl(String value) { ShareUrl = value; } private Float Metascore = null; public final Float getMetascore() { return Metascore; } public final void setMetascore(Float value) { Metascore = value; } private Boolean HasDynamicCategories = null; public final Boolean getHasDynamicCategories() { return HasDynamicCategories; } public final void setHasDynamicCategories(Boolean value) { HasDynamicCategories = value; } private Integer AnimeSeriesIndex = null; public final Integer getAnimeSeriesIndex() { return AnimeSeriesIndex; } public final void setAnimeSeriesIndex(Integer value) { AnimeSeriesIndex = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether [supports synchronize]. <value><c>null</c> if [supports synchronize] contains no value, <c>true</c> if [supports synchronize]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private Boolean SupportsSync = null; public final Boolean getSupportsSync() { return SupportsSync; } public final void setSupportsSync(Boolean value) { SupportsSync = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance has synchronize job. <value><c>null</c> if [has synchronize job] contains no value, <c>true</c> if [has synchronize job]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private Boolean HasSyncJob = null; public final Boolean getHasSyncJob() { return HasSyncJob; } public final void setHasSyncJob(Boolean value) { HasSyncJob = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is synced. <value><c>null</c> if [is synced] contains no value, <c>true</c> if [is synced]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private Boolean IsSynced = null; public final Boolean getIsSynced() { return IsSynced; } public final void setIsSynced(Boolean value) { IsSynced = value; } /** Gets or sets the synchronize status. <value>The synchronize status.</value> */ private SyncJobItemStatus SyncStatus = null; public final SyncJobItemStatus getSyncStatus() { return SyncStatus; } public final void setSyncStatus(SyncJobItemStatus value) { SyncStatus = value; } /** Gets or sets the synchronize percent. <value>The synchronize percent.</value> */ private Double SyncPercent = null; public final Double getSyncPercent() { return SyncPercent; } public final void setSyncPercent(Double value) { SyncPercent = value; } private String Container; public final String getContainer() { return Container; } public final void setContainer(String value) { Container = value; } /** Gets or sets the DVD season number. <value>The DVD season number.</value> */ private Integer DvdSeasonNumber = null; public final Integer getDvdSeasonNumber() { return DvdSeasonNumber; } public final void setDvdSeasonNumber(Integer value) { DvdSeasonNumber = value; } /** Gets or sets the DVD episode number. <value>The DVD episode number.</value> */ private Float DvdEpisodeNumber = null; public final Float getDvdEpisodeNumber() { return DvdEpisodeNumber; } public final void setDvdEpisodeNumber(Float value) { DvdEpisodeNumber = value; } /** Gets or sets the name of the sort. <value>The name of the sort.</value> */ private String SortName; public final String getSortName() { return SortName; } public final void setSortName(String value) { SortName = value; } private String ForcedSortName; public final String getForcedSortName() { return ForcedSortName; } public final void setForcedSortName(String value) { ForcedSortName = value; } /** Gets or sets the video3 D format. <value>The video3 D format.</value> */ private Video3DFormat Video3DFormat = null; public final Video3DFormat getVideo3DFormat() { return Video3DFormat; } public final void setVideo3DFormat(Video3DFormat value) { Video3DFormat = value; } /** Gets or sets the premiere date. <value>The premiere date.</value> */ private java.util.Date PremiereDate = null; public final java.util.Date getPremiereDate() { return PremiereDate; } public final void setPremiereDate(java.util.Date value) { PremiereDate = value; } /** Gets or sets the external urls. <value>The external urls.</value> */ private ExternalUrl[] ExternalUrls; public final ExternalUrl[] getExternalUrls() { return ExternalUrls; } public final void setExternalUrls(ExternalUrl[] value) { ExternalUrls = value; } /** Gets or sets the media versions. <value>The media versions.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<MediaSourceInfo> MediaSources; public final java.util.ArrayList<MediaSourceInfo> getMediaSources() { return MediaSources; } public final void setMediaSources(java.util.ArrayList<MediaSourceInfo> value) { MediaSources = value; } /** Gets or sets the critic rating. <value>The critic rating.</value> */ private Float CriticRating = null; public final Float getCriticRating() { return CriticRating; } public final void setCriticRating(Float value) { CriticRating = value; } /** Gets or sets the game system. <value>The game system.</value> */ private String GameSystem; public final String getGameSystem() { return GameSystem; } public final void setGameSystem(String value) { GameSystem = value; } private String[] ProductionLocations; public final String[] getProductionLocations() { return ProductionLocations; } public final void setProductionLocations(String[] value) { ProductionLocations = value; } /** Gets or sets the critic rating summary. <value>The critic rating summary.</value> */ private String CriticRatingSummary; public final String getCriticRatingSummary() { return CriticRatingSummary; } public final void setCriticRatingSummary(String value) { CriticRatingSummary = value; } private java.util.ArrayList<String> MultiPartGameFiles; public final java.util.ArrayList<String> getMultiPartGameFiles() { return MultiPartGameFiles; } public final void setMultiPartGameFiles(java.util.ArrayList<String> value) { MultiPartGameFiles = value; } /** Gets or sets the path. <value>The path.</value> */ private String Path; public final String getPath() { return Path; } public final void setPath(String value) { Path = value; } /** Gets or sets the official rating. <value>The official rating.</value> */ private String OfficialRating; public final String getOfficialRating() { return OfficialRating; } public final void setOfficialRating(String value) { OfficialRating = value; } /** Gets or sets the custom rating. <value>The custom rating.</value> */ private String CustomRating; public final String getCustomRating() { return CustomRating; } public final void setCustomRating(String value) { CustomRating = value; } /** Gets or sets the channel identifier. <value>The channel identifier.</value> */ private String ChannelId; public final String getChannelId() { return ChannelId; } public final void setChannelId(String value) { ChannelId = value; } private String ChannelName; public final String getChannelName() { return ChannelName; } public final void setChannelName(String value) { ChannelName = value; } private String ServiceName; public final String getServiceName() { return ServiceName; } public final void setServiceName(String value) { ServiceName = value; } /** Gets or sets the overview. <value>The overview.</value> */ private String Overview; public final String getOverview() { return Overview; } public final void setOverview(String value) { Overview = value; } /** Gets or sets the short overview. <value>The short overview.</value> */ private String ShortOverview; public final String getShortOverview() { return ShortOverview; } public final void setShortOverview(String value) { ShortOverview = value; } /** Gets or sets the taglines. <value>The taglines.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<String> Taglines; public final java.util.ArrayList<String> getTaglines() { return Taglines; } public final void setTaglines(java.util.ArrayList<String> value) { Taglines = value; } /** Gets or sets the genres. <value>The genres.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<String> Genres; public final java.util.ArrayList<String> getGenres() { return Genres; } public final void setGenres(java.util.ArrayList<String> value) { Genres = value; } /** Gets or sets the series genres. <value>The series genres.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<String> SeriesGenres; public final java.util.ArrayList<String> getSeriesGenres() { return SeriesGenres; } public final void setSeriesGenres(java.util.ArrayList<String> value) { SeriesGenres = value; } /** Gets or sets the community rating. <value>The community rating.</value> */ private Float CommunityRating = null; public final Float getCommunityRating() { return CommunityRating; } public final void setCommunityRating(Float value) { CommunityRating = value; } /** Gets or sets the vote count. <value>The vote count.</value> */ private Integer VoteCount = null; public final Integer getVoteCount() { return VoteCount; } public final void setVoteCount(Integer value) { VoteCount = value; } /** Gets or sets the cumulative run time ticks. <value>The cumulative run time ticks.</value> */ private Long CumulativeRunTimeTicks = null; public final Long getCumulativeRunTimeTicks() { return CumulativeRunTimeTicks; } public final void setCumulativeRunTimeTicks(Long value) { CumulativeRunTimeTicks = value; } /** Gets or sets the original run time ticks. <value>The original run time ticks.</value> */ private Long OriginalRunTimeTicks = null; public final Long getOriginalRunTimeTicks() { return OriginalRunTimeTicks; } public final void setOriginalRunTimeTicks(Long value) { OriginalRunTimeTicks = value; } /** Gets or sets the run time ticks. <value>The run time ticks.</value> */ private Long RunTimeTicks = null; public final Long getRunTimeTicks() { return RunTimeTicks; } public final void setRunTimeTicks(Long value) { RunTimeTicks = value; } /** Gets or sets the play access. <value>The play access.</value> */ private PlayAccess PlayAccess = getPlayAccess().values()[0]; public final PlayAccess getPlayAccess() { return PlayAccess; } public final void setPlayAccess(PlayAccess value) { PlayAccess = value; } /** Gets or sets the aspect ratio. <value>The aspect ratio.</value> */ private String AspectRatio; public final String getAspectRatio() { return AspectRatio; } public final void setAspectRatio(String value) { AspectRatio = value; } /** Gets or sets the production year. <value>The production year.</value> */ private Integer ProductionYear = null; public final Integer getProductionYear() { return ProductionYear; } public final void setProductionYear(Integer value) { ProductionYear = value; } /** Gets or sets the players supported by a game. <value>The players.</value> */ private Integer Players = null; public final Integer getPlayers() { return Players; } public final void setPlayers(Integer value) { Players = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is place holder. <value><c>null</c> if [is place holder] contains no value, <c>true</c> if [is place holder]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private Boolean IsPlaceHolder = null; public final Boolean getIsPlaceHolder() { return IsPlaceHolder; } public final void setIsPlaceHolder(Boolean value) { IsPlaceHolder = value; } /** Gets or sets the number. <value>The number.</value> */ private String Number; public final String getNumber() { return Number; } public final void setNumber(String value) { Number = value; } private String ChannelNumber; public final String getChannelNumber() { return ChannelNumber; } public final void setChannelNumber(String value) { ChannelNumber = value; } /** Gets or sets the index number. <value>The index number.</value> */ private Integer IndexNumber = null; public final Integer getIndexNumber() { return IndexNumber; } public final void setIndexNumber(Integer value) { IndexNumber = value; } /** Gets or sets the index number end. <value>The index number end.</value> */ private Integer IndexNumberEnd = null; public final Integer getIndexNumberEnd() { return IndexNumberEnd; } public final void setIndexNumberEnd(Integer value) { IndexNumberEnd = value; } /** Gets or sets the parent index number. <value>The parent index number.</value> */ private Integer ParentIndexNumber = null; public final Integer getParentIndexNumber() { return ParentIndexNumber; } public final void setParentIndexNumber(Integer value) { ParentIndexNumber = value; } /** Gets or sets the trailer urls. <value>The trailer urls.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<MediaUrl> RemoteTrailers; public final java.util.ArrayList<MediaUrl> getRemoteTrailers() { return RemoteTrailers; } public final void setRemoteTrailers(java.util.ArrayList<MediaUrl> value) { RemoteTrailers = value; } /** Gets or sets the soundtrack ids. <value>The soundtrack ids.</value> */ private String[] SoundtrackIds; public final String[] getSoundtrackIds() { return SoundtrackIds; } public final void setSoundtrackIds(String[] value) { SoundtrackIds = value; } /** Gets or sets the provider ids. <value>The provider ids.</value> */ private java.util.HashMap<String, String> ProviderIds; public final java.util.HashMap<String, String> getProviderIds() { return ProviderIds; } public final void setProviderIds(java.util.HashMap<String, String> value) { ProviderIds = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is HD. <value><c>null</c> if [is HD] contains no value, <c>true</c> if [is HD]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private Boolean IsHD = null; public final Boolean getIsHD() { return IsHD; } public final void setIsHD(Boolean value) { IsHD = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is folder. <value><c>true</c> if this instance is folder; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private Boolean IsFolder = null; public final Boolean getIsFolder() { return IsFolder; } public final void setIsFolder(Boolean value) { IsFolder = value; } //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool IsFolderItem public final boolean getIsFolderItem() { Boolean tempVar = getIsFolder(); return (tempVar != null) ? tempVar : false; } /** Gets or sets the parent id. <value>The parent id.</value> */ private String ParentId; public final String getParentId() { return ParentId; } public final void setParentId(String value) { ParentId = value; } /** Gets or sets the type. <value>The type.</value> */ private String Type; public final String getType() { return Type; } public final void setType(String value) { Type = value; } /** Gets or sets the people. <value>The people.</value> */ private BaseItemPerson[] People; public final BaseItemPerson[] getPeople() { return People; } public final void setPeople(BaseItemPerson[] value) { People = value; } /** Gets or sets the studios. <value>The studios.</value> */ private StudioDto[] Studios; public final StudioDto[] getStudios() { return Studios; } public final void setStudios(StudioDto[] value) { Studios = value; } /** If the item does not have a logo, this will hold the Id of the Parent that has one. <value>The parent logo item id.</value> */ private String ParentLogoItemId; public final String getParentLogoItemId() { return ParentLogoItemId; } public final void setParentLogoItemId(String value) { ParentLogoItemId = value; } /** If the item does not have any backdrops, this will hold the Id of the Parent that has one. <value>The parent backdrop item id.</value> */ private String ParentBackdropItemId; public final String getParentBackdropItemId() { return ParentBackdropItemId; } public final void setParentBackdropItemId(String value) { ParentBackdropItemId = value; } /** Gets or sets the parent backdrop image tags. <value>The parent backdrop image tags.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<String> ParentBackdropImageTags; public final java.util.ArrayList<String> getParentBackdropImageTags() { return ParentBackdropImageTags; } public final void setParentBackdropImageTags(java.util.ArrayList<String> value) { ParentBackdropImageTags = value; } /** Gets or sets the local trailer count. <value>The local trailer count.</value> */ private Integer LocalTrailerCount = null; public final Integer getLocalTrailerCount() { return LocalTrailerCount; } public final void setLocalTrailerCount(Integer value) { LocalTrailerCount = value; } /** User data for this item based on the user it's being requested for <value>The user data.</value> */ private UserItemDataDto UserData; public final UserItemDataDto getUserData() { return UserData; } public final void setUserData(UserItemDataDto value) { UserData = value; } /** Gets or sets the season user data. <value>The season user data.</value> */ private UserItemDataDto SeasonUserData; public final UserItemDataDto getSeasonUserData() { return SeasonUserData; } public final void setSeasonUserData(UserItemDataDto value) { SeasonUserData = value; } /** Gets or sets the recursive item count. <value>The recursive item count.</value> */ private Integer RecursiveItemCount = null; public final Integer getRecursiveItemCount() { return RecursiveItemCount; } public final void setRecursiveItemCount(Integer value) { RecursiveItemCount = value; } /** Gets or sets the child count. <value>The child count.</value> */ private Integer ChildCount = null; public final Integer getChildCount() { return ChildCount; } public final void setChildCount(Integer value) { ChildCount = value; } /** Gets or sets the name of the series. <value>The name of the series.</value> */ private String SeriesName; public final String getSeriesName() { return SeriesName; } public final void setSeriesName(String value) { SeriesName = value; } /** Gets or sets the series id. <value>The series id.</value> */ private String SeriesId; public final String getSeriesId() { return SeriesId; } public final void setSeriesId(String value) { SeriesId = value; } /** Gets or sets the season identifier. <value>The season identifier.</value> */ private String SeasonId; public final String getSeasonId() { return SeasonId; } public final void setSeasonId(String value) { SeasonId = value; } /** Gets or sets the special feature count. <value>The special feature count.</value> */ private Integer SpecialFeatureCount = null; public final Integer getSpecialFeatureCount() { return SpecialFeatureCount; } public final void setSpecialFeatureCount(Integer value) { SpecialFeatureCount = value; } /** Gets or sets the display preferences id. <value>The display preferences id.</value> */ private String DisplayPreferencesId; public final String getDisplayPreferencesId() { return DisplayPreferencesId; } public final void setDisplayPreferencesId(String value) { DisplayPreferencesId = value; } /** Gets or sets the status. <value>The status.</value> */ private String Status; public final String getStatus() { return Status; } public final void setStatus(String value) { Status = value; } //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public Nullable<SeriesStatus> SeriesStatus public final SeriesStatus getSeriesStatus() { if (tangible.DotNetToJavaStringHelper.isNullOrEmpty(getStatus())) { return null; } //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER WARNING: Java does not have an 'ignoreCase' parameter for the static 'valueOf' method of enum types: //ORIGINAL LINE: return (SeriesStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(SeriesStatus), Status, true); return SeriesStatus.valueOf(getStatus()); } public final void setSeriesStatus(SeriesStatus value) { if (value == null) { setStatus(null); } else { setStatus(value.toString()); } } //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public Nullable<RecordingStatus> RecordingStatus public final RecordingStatus getRecordingStatus() { if (tangible.DotNetToJavaStringHelper.isNullOrEmpty(getStatus())) { return null; } //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER WARNING: Java does not have an 'ignoreCase' parameter for the static 'valueOf' method of enum types: //ORIGINAL LINE: return (RecordingStatus)Enum.Parse(typeof(RecordingStatus), Status, true); return RecordingStatus.valueOf(getStatus()); } public final void setRecordingStatus(RecordingStatus value) { if (value == null) { setStatus(null); } else { setStatus(value.toString()); } } /** Gets or sets the air time. <value>The air time.</value> */ private String AirTime; public final String getAirTime() { return AirTime; } public final void setAirTime(String value) { AirTime = value; } /** Gets or sets the air days. <value>The air days.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<String> AirDays; public final java.util.ArrayList<String> getAirDays() { return AirDays; } public final void setAirDays(java.util.ArrayList<String> value) { AirDays = value; } /** Gets or sets the index options. <value>The index options.</value> */ private String[] IndexOptions; public final String[] getIndexOptions() { return IndexOptions; } public final void setIndexOptions(String[] value) { IndexOptions = value; } /** Gets or sets the tags. <value>The tags.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<String> Tags; public final java.util.ArrayList<String> getTags() { return Tags; } public final void setTags(java.util.ArrayList<String> value) { Tags = value; } /** Gets or sets the keywords. <value>The keywords.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<String> Keywords; public final java.util.ArrayList<String> getKeywords() { return Keywords; } public final void setKeywords(java.util.ArrayList<String> value) { Keywords = value; } /** Gets or sets the primary image aspect ratio, after image enhancements. <value>The primary image aspect ratio.</value> */ private Double PrimaryImageAspectRatio = null; public final Double getPrimaryImageAspectRatio() { return PrimaryImageAspectRatio; } public final void setPrimaryImageAspectRatio(Double value) { PrimaryImageAspectRatio = value; } /** Gets or sets the artists. <value>The artists.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<String> Artists; public final java.util.ArrayList<String> getArtists() { return Artists; } public final void setArtists(java.util.ArrayList<String> value) { Artists = value; } /** Gets or sets the artist items. <value>The artist items.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<NameIdPair> ArtistItems; public final java.util.ArrayList<NameIdPair> getArtistItems() { return ArtistItems; } public final void setArtistItems(java.util.ArrayList<NameIdPair> value) { ArtistItems = value; } /** Gets or sets the album. <value>The album.</value> */ private String Album; public final String getAlbum() { return Album; } public final void setAlbum(String value) { Album = value; } /** Gets or sets the type of the collection. <value>The type of the collection.</value> */ private String CollectionType; public final String getCollectionType() { return CollectionType; } public final void setCollectionType(String value) { CollectionType = value; } /** Gets or sets the type of the original collection. <value>The type of the original collection.</value> */ private String OriginalCollectionType; public final String getOriginalCollectionType() { return OriginalCollectionType; } public final void setOriginalCollectionType(String value) { OriginalCollectionType = value; } /** Gets or sets the display order. <value>The display order.</value> */ private String DisplayOrder; public final String getDisplayOrder() { return DisplayOrder; } public final void setDisplayOrder(String value) { DisplayOrder = value; } /** Gets or sets the album id. <value>The album id.</value> */ private String AlbumId; public final String getAlbumId() { return AlbumId; } public final void setAlbumId(String value) { AlbumId = value; } /** Gets or sets the album image tag. <value>The album image tag.</value> */ private String AlbumPrimaryImageTag; public final String getAlbumPrimaryImageTag() { return AlbumPrimaryImageTag; } public final void setAlbumPrimaryImageTag(String value) { AlbumPrimaryImageTag = value; } /** Gets or sets the series primary image tag. <value>The series primary image tag.</value> */ private String SeriesPrimaryImageTag; public final String getSeriesPrimaryImageTag() { return SeriesPrimaryImageTag; } public final void setSeriesPrimaryImageTag(String value) { SeriesPrimaryImageTag = value; } /** Gets or sets the album artist. <value>The album artist.</value> */ private String AlbumArtist; public final String getAlbumArtist() { return AlbumArtist; } public final void setAlbumArtist(String value) { AlbumArtist = value; } /** Gets or sets the album artists. <value>The album artists.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<NameIdPair> AlbumArtists; public final java.util.ArrayList<NameIdPair> getAlbumArtists() { return AlbumArtists; } public final void setAlbumArtists(java.util.ArrayList<NameIdPair> value) { AlbumArtists = value; } /** Gets or sets the name of the season. <value>The name of the season.</value> */ private String SeasonName; public final String getSeasonName() { return SeasonName; } public final void setSeasonName(String value) { SeasonName = value; } /** Gets or sets the media streams. <value>The media streams.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<MediaStream> MediaStreams; public final java.util.ArrayList<MediaStream> getMediaStreams() { return MediaStreams; } public final void setMediaStreams(java.util.ArrayList<MediaStream> value) { MediaStreams = value; } /** Gets or sets the type of the video. <value>The type of the video.</value> */ private VideoType VideoType = null; public final VideoType getVideoType() { return VideoType; } public final void setVideoType(VideoType value) { VideoType = value; } /** Gets or sets the display type of the media. <value>The display type of the media.</value> */ private String DisplayMediaType; public final String getDisplayMediaType() { return DisplayMediaType; } public final void setDisplayMediaType(String value) { DisplayMediaType = value; } /** Gets or sets the part count. <value>The part count.</value> */ private Integer PartCount = null; public final Integer getPartCount() { return PartCount; } public final void setPartCount(Integer value) { PartCount = value; } private Integer MediaSourceCount = null; public final Integer getMediaSourceCount() { return MediaSourceCount; } public final void setMediaSourceCount(Integer value) { MediaSourceCount = value; } /** Determines whether the specified type is type. @param type The type. @return <c>true</c> if the specified type is type; otherwise, <c>false</c>. */ public final boolean IsType(java.lang.Class type) { return IsType(type.getSimpleName()); } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether [supports playlists]. <value><c>true</c> if [supports playlists]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool SupportsPlaylists public final boolean getSupportsPlaylists() { return getRunTimeTicks() != null || getIsFolderItem() || getIsGenre() || getIsMusicGenre() || getIsArtist(); } /** Determines whether the specified type is type. @param type The type. @return <c>true</c> if the specified type is type; otherwise, <c>false</c>. */ public final boolean IsType(String type) { return StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(getType(), type); } /** Gets or sets the image tags. <value>The image tags.</value> */ private java.util.HashMap<ImageType, String> ImageTags; public final java.util.HashMap<ImageType, String> getImageTags() { return ImageTags; } public final void setImageTags(java.util.HashMap<ImageType, String> value) { ImageTags = value; } /** Gets or sets the backdrop image tags. <value>The backdrop image tags.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<String> BackdropImageTags; public final java.util.ArrayList<String> getBackdropImageTags() { return BackdropImageTags; } public final void setBackdropImageTags(java.util.ArrayList<String> value) { BackdropImageTags = value; } /** Gets or sets the screenshot image tags. <value>The screenshot image tags.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<String> ScreenshotImageTags; public final java.util.ArrayList<String> getScreenshotImageTags() { return ScreenshotImageTags; } public final void setScreenshotImageTags(java.util.ArrayList<String> value) { ScreenshotImageTags = value; } /** Gets or sets the parent logo image tag. <value>The parent logo image tag.</value> */ private String ParentLogoImageTag; public final String getParentLogoImageTag() { return ParentLogoImageTag; } public final void setParentLogoImageTag(String value) { ParentLogoImageTag = value; } /** If the item does not have a art, this will hold the Id of the Parent that has one. <value>The parent art item id.</value> */ private String ParentArtItemId; public final String getParentArtItemId() { return ParentArtItemId; } public final void setParentArtItemId(String value) { ParentArtItemId = value; } /** Gets or sets the parent art image tag. <value>The parent art image tag.</value> */ private String ParentArtImageTag; public final String getParentArtImageTag() { return ParentArtImageTag; } public final void setParentArtImageTag(String value) { ParentArtImageTag = value; } /** Gets or sets the series thumb image tag. <value>The series thumb image tag.</value> */ private String SeriesThumbImageTag; public final String getSeriesThumbImageTag() { return SeriesThumbImageTag; } public final void setSeriesThumbImageTag(String value) { SeriesThumbImageTag = value; } /** Gets or sets the series studio. <value>The series studio.</value> */ private String SeriesStudio; public final String getSeriesStudio() { return SeriesStudio; } public final void setSeriesStudio(String value) { SeriesStudio = value; } /** Gets or sets the parent thumb item id. <value>The parent thumb item id.</value> */ private String ParentThumbItemId; public final String getParentThumbItemId() { return ParentThumbItemId; } public final void setParentThumbItemId(String value) { ParentThumbItemId = value; } /** Gets or sets the parent thumb image tag. <value>The parent thumb image tag.</value> */ private String ParentThumbImageTag; public final String getParentThumbImageTag() { return ParentThumbImageTag; } public final void setParentThumbImageTag(String value) { ParentThumbImageTag = value; } /** Gets or sets the parent primary image item identifier. <value>The parent primary image item identifier.</value> */ private String ParentPrimaryImageItemId; public final String getParentPrimaryImageItemId() { return ParentPrimaryImageItemId; } public final void setParentPrimaryImageItemId(String value) { ParentPrimaryImageItemId = value; } /** Gets or sets the parent primary image tag. <value>The parent primary image tag.</value> */ private String ParentPrimaryImageTag; public final String getParentPrimaryImageTag() { return ParentPrimaryImageTag; } public final void setParentPrimaryImageTag(String value) { ParentPrimaryImageTag = value; } /** Gets or sets the chapters. <value>The chapters.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<ChapterInfoDto> Chapters; public final java.util.ArrayList<ChapterInfoDto> getChapters() { return Chapters; } public final void setChapters(java.util.ArrayList<ChapterInfoDto> value) { Chapters = value; } /** Gets or sets the type of the location. <value>The type of the location.</value> */ private LocationType LocationType = getLocationType().values()[0]; public final LocationType getLocationType() { return LocationType; } public final void setLocationType(LocationType value) { LocationType = value; } /** Gets or sets the type of the iso. <value>The type of the iso.</value> */ private IsoType IsoType = null; public final IsoType getIsoType() { return IsoType; } public final void setIsoType(IsoType value) { IsoType = value; } /** Gets or sets the type of the media. <value>The type of the media.</value> */ private String MediaType; public final String getMediaType() { return MediaType; } public final void setMediaType(String value) { MediaType = value; } /** Gets or sets the end date. <value>The end date.</value> */ private java.util.Date EndDate = null; public final java.util.Date getEndDate() { return EndDate; } public final void setEndDate(java.util.Date value) { EndDate = value; } /** Gets or sets the home page URL. <value>The home page URL.</value> */ private String HomePageUrl; public final String getHomePageUrl() { return HomePageUrl; } public final void setHomePageUrl(String value) { HomePageUrl = value; } /** Gets or sets the budget. <value>The budget.</value> */ private Double Budget = null; public final Double getBudget() { return Budget; } public final void setBudget(Double value) { Budget = value; } /** Gets or sets the revenue. <value>The revenue.</value> */ private Double Revenue = null; public final Double getRevenue() { return Revenue; } public final void setRevenue(Double value) { Revenue = value; } /** Gets or sets the locked fields. <value>The locked fields.</value> */ private java.util.ArrayList<MetadataFields> LockedFields; public final java.util.ArrayList<MetadataFields> getLockedFields() { return LockedFields; } public final void setLockedFields(java.util.ArrayList<MetadataFields> value) { LockedFields = value; } /** Gets or sets the trailer count. <value>The trailer count.</value> */ private Integer TrailerCount = null; public final Integer getTrailerCount() { return TrailerCount; } public final void setTrailerCount(Integer value) { TrailerCount = value; } /** Gets or sets the movie count. <value>The movie count.</value> */ private Integer MovieCount = null; public final Integer getMovieCount() { return MovieCount; } public final void setMovieCount(Integer value) { MovieCount = value; } /** Gets or sets the series count. <value>The series count.</value> */ private Integer SeriesCount = null; public final Integer getSeriesCount() { return SeriesCount; } public final void setSeriesCount(Integer value) { SeriesCount = value; } private Integer ProgramCount = null; public final Integer getProgramCount() { return ProgramCount; } public final void setProgramCount(Integer value) { ProgramCount = value; } /** Gets or sets the episode count. <value>The episode count.</value> */ private Integer EpisodeCount = null; public final Integer getEpisodeCount() { return EpisodeCount; } public final void setEpisodeCount(Integer value) { EpisodeCount = value; } /** Gets or sets the game count. <value>The game count.</value> */ private Integer GameCount = null; public final Integer getGameCount() { return GameCount; } public final void setGameCount(Integer value) { GameCount = value; } /** Gets or sets the song count. <value>The song count.</value> */ private Integer SongCount = null; public final Integer getSongCount() { return SongCount; } public final void setSongCount(Integer value) { SongCount = value; } /** Gets or sets the album count. <value>The album count.</value> */ private Integer AlbumCount = null; public final Integer getAlbumCount() { return AlbumCount; } public final void setAlbumCount(Integer value) { AlbumCount = value; } private Integer ArtistCount = null; public final Integer getArtistCount() { return ArtistCount; } public final void setArtistCount(Integer value) { ArtistCount = value; } /** Gets or sets the music video count. <value>The music video count.</value> */ private Integer MusicVideoCount = null; public final Integer getMusicVideoCount() { return MusicVideoCount; } public final void setMusicVideoCount(Integer value) { MusicVideoCount = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether [enable internet providers]. <value><c>true</c> if [enable internet providers]; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private Boolean LockData = null; public final Boolean getLockData() { return LockData; } public final void setLockData(Boolean value) { LockData = value; } private Integer Width = null; public final Integer getWidth() { return Width; } public final void setWidth(Integer value) { Width = value; } private Integer Height = null; public final Integer getHeight() { return Height; } public final void setHeight(Integer value) { Height = value; } private String CameraMake; public final String getCameraMake() { return CameraMake; } public final void setCameraMake(String value) { CameraMake = value; } private String CameraModel; public final String getCameraModel() { return CameraModel; } public final void setCameraModel(String value) { CameraModel = value; } private String Software; public final String getSoftware() { return Software; } public final void setSoftware(String value) { Software = value; } private Double ExposureTime = null; public final Double getExposureTime() { return ExposureTime; } public final void setExposureTime(Double value) { ExposureTime = value; } private Double FocalLength = null; public final Double getFocalLength() { return FocalLength; } public final void setFocalLength(Double value) { FocalLength = value; } private ImageOrientation ImageOrientation = null; public final ImageOrientation getImageOrientation() { return ImageOrientation; } public final void setImageOrientation(ImageOrientation value) { ImageOrientation = value; } private Double Aperture = null; public final Double getAperture() { return Aperture; } public final void setAperture(Double value) { Aperture = value; } private Double ShutterSpeed = null; public final Double getShutterSpeed() { return ShutterSpeed; } public final void setShutterSpeed(Double value) { ShutterSpeed = value; } private Double Latitude = null; public final Double getLatitude() { return Latitude; } public final void setLatitude(Double value) { Latitude = value; } private Double Longitude = null; public final Double getLongitude() { return Longitude; } public final void setLongitude(Double value) { Longitude = value; } private Double Altitude = null; public final Double getAltitude() { return Altitude; } public final void setAltitude(Double value) { Altitude = value; } private Integer IsoSpeedRating = null; public final Integer getIsoSpeedRating() { return IsoSpeedRating; } public final void setIsoSpeedRating(Integer value) { IsoSpeedRating = value; } /** Used by RecordingGroup */ private Integer RecordingCount = null; public final Integer getRecordingCount() { return RecordingCount; } public final void setRecordingCount(Integer value) { RecordingCount = value; } /** Gets or sets the series timer identifier. <value>The series timer identifier.</value> */ private String SeriesTimerId; public final String getSeriesTimerId() { return SeriesTimerId; } public final void setSeriesTimerId(String value) { SeriesTimerId = value; } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance can resume. <value><c>true</c> if this instance can resume; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool CanResume public final boolean getCanResume() { return getUserData() != null && getUserData().getPlaybackPositionTicks() > 0; } /** Gets the resume position ticks. <value>The resume position ticks.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public long ResumePositionTicks public final long getResumePositionTicks() { return getUserData() == null ? 0 : getUserData().getPlaybackPositionTicks(); } /** Gets the backdrop count. <value>The backdrop count.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public int BackdropCount public final int getBackdropCount() { return getBackdropImageTags() == null ? 0 : getBackdropImageTags().size(); } /** Gets the screenshot count. <value>The screenshot count.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public int ScreenshotCount public final int getScreenshotCount() { return getScreenshotImageTags() == null ? 0 : getScreenshotImageTags().size(); } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance has banner. <value><c>true</c> if this instance has banner; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool HasBanner public final boolean getHasBanner() { return getImageTags() != null && getImageTags().containsKey(ImageType.Banner); } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance has art. <value><c>true</c> if this instance has art; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool HasArtImage public final boolean getHasArtImage() { return getImageTags() != null && getImageTags().containsKey(ImageType.Art); } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance has logo. <value><c>true</c> if this instance has logo; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool HasLogo public final boolean getHasLogo() { return getImageTags() != null && getImageTags().containsKey(ImageType.Logo); } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance has thumb. <value><c>true</c> if this instance has thumb; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool HasThumb public final boolean getHasThumb() { return getImageTags() != null && getImageTags().containsKey(ImageType.Thumb); } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance has thumb. <value><c>true</c> if this instance has thumb; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool HasBackdrop public final boolean getHasBackdrop() { return (getBackdropImageTags() != null && getBackdropImageTags().size() > 0) || (getParentBackdropImageTags() != null && getParentBackdropImageTags().size() > 0); } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance has primary image. <value><c>true</c> if this instance has primary image; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool HasPrimaryImage public final boolean getHasPrimaryImage() { return getImageTags() != null && getImageTags().containsKey(ImageType.Primary); } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance has disc image. <value><c>true</c> if this instance has disc image; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool HasDiscImage public final boolean getHasDiscImage() { return getImageTags() != null && getImageTags().containsKey(ImageType.Disc); } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance has box image. <value><c>true</c> if this instance has box image; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool HasBoxImage public final boolean getHasBoxImage() { return getImageTags() != null && getImageTags().containsKey(ImageType.Box); } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance has box image. <value><c>true</c> if this instance has box image; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool HasBoxRearImage public final boolean getHasBoxRearImage() { return getImageTags() != null && getImageTags().containsKey(ImageType.BoxRear); } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance has menu image. <value><c>true</c> if this instance has menu image; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool HasMenuImage public final boolean getHasMenuImage() { return getImageTags() != null && getImageTags().containsKey(ImageType.Menu); } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance is video. <value><c>true</c> if this instance is video; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool IsVideo public final boolean getIsVideo() { return StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(getMediaType(), mediabrowser.model.entities.MediaType.Video); } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance is audio. <value><c>true</c> if this instance is audio; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool IsAudio public final boolean getIsAudio() { return StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(getMediaType(), mediabrowser.model.entities.MediaType.Audio); } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance is game. <value><c>true</c> if this instance is game; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool IsGame public final boolean getIsGame() { return StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(getMediaType(), mediabrowser.model.entities.MediaType.Game); } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance is person. <value><c>true</c> if this instance is person; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool IsPerson public final boolean getIsPerson() { return StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(getType(), "Person"); } /** Gets a value indicating whether this instance is root. <value><c>true</c> if this instance is root; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool IsRoot public final boolean getIsRoot() { return StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(getType(), "AggregateFolder"); } //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool IsMusicGenre public final boolean getIsMusicGenre() { return StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(getType(), "MusicGenre"); } //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool IsGameGenre public final boolean getIsGameGenre() { return StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(getType(), "GameGenre"); } //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool IsGenre public final boolean getIsGenre() { return StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(getType(), "Genre"); } //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool IsArtist public final boolean getIsArtist() { return StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(getType(), "MusicArtist"); } //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool IsAlbum public final boolean getIsAlbum() { return StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(getType(), "MusicAlbum"); } //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool IsStudio public final boolean getIsStudio() { return StringHelper.EqualsIgnoreCase(getType(), "Studio"); } //C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: Java annotations will not correspond to .NET attributes: //ORIGINAL LINE: [IgnoreDataMember] public bool SupportsSimilarItems public final boolean getSupportsSimilarItems() { return IsType("Movie") || IsType("Series") || IsType("MusicAlbum") || IsType("MusicArtist") || IsType("Program") || IsType("Recording") || IsType("ChannelVideoItem") || IsType("Game"); } /** Gets or sets the program identifier. <value>The program identifier.</value> */ private String ProgramId; public final String getProgramId() { return ProgramId; } public final void setProgramId(String value) { ProgramId = value; } /** Gets or sets the channel primary image tag. <value>The channel primary image tag.</value> */ private String ChannelPrimaryImageTag; public final String getChannelPrimaryImageTag() { return ChannelPrimaryImageTag; } public final void setChannelPrimaryImageTag(String value) { ChannelPrimaryImageTag = value; } /** The start date of the recording, in UTC. */ private java.util.Date StartDate = null; public final java.util.Date getStartDate() { return StartDate; } public final void setStartDate(java.util.Date value) { StartDate = value; } /** Gets or sets the completion percentage. <value>The completion percentage.</value> */ private Double CompletionPercentage = null; public final Double getCompletionPercentage() { return CompletionPercentage; } public final void setCompletionPercentage(Double value) { CompletionPercentage = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is repeat. <value><c>true</c> if this instance is repeat; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private Boolean IsRepeat = null; public final Boolean getIsRepeat() { return IsRepeat; } public final void setIsRepeat(Boolean value) { IsRepeat = value; } /** Gets or sets the episode title. <value>The episode title.</value> */ private String EpisodeTitle; public final String getEpisodeTitle() { return EpisodeTitle; } public final void setEpisodeTitle(String value) { EpisodeTitle = value; } /** Gets or sets the type of the channel. <value>The type of the channel.</value> */ private ChannelType ChannelType = null; public final ChannelType getChannelType() { return ChannelType; } public final void setChannelType(ChannelType value) { ChannelType = value; } /** Gets or sets the audio. <value>The audio.</value> */ private ProgramAudio Audio = null; public final ProgramAudio getAudio() { return Audio; } public final void setAudio(ProgramAudio value) { Audio = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is movie. <value><c>true</c> if this instance is movie; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private Boolean IsMovie = null; public final Boolean getIsMovie() { return IsMovie; } public final void setIsMovie(Boolean value) { IsMovie = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is sports. <value><c>true</c> if this instance is sports; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private Boolean IsSports = null; public final Boolean getIsSports() { return IsSports; } public final void setIsSports(Boolean value) { IsSports = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is series. <value><c>true</c> if this instance is series; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private Boolean IsSeries = null; public final Boolean getIsSeries() { return IsSeries; } public final void setIsSeries(Boolean value) { IsSeries = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is live. <value><c>true</c> if this instance is live; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private Boolean IsLive = null; public final Boolean getIsLive() { return IsLive; } public final void setIsLive(Boolean value) { IsLive = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is news. <value><c>true</c> if this instance is news; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private Boolean IsNews = null; public final Boolean getIsNews() { return IsNews; } public final void setIsNews(Boolean value) { IsNews = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is kids. <value><c>true</c> if this instance is kids; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private Boolean IsKids = null; public final Boolean getIsKids() { return IsKids; } public final void setIsKids(Boolean value) { IsKids = value; } /** Gets or sets a value indicating whether this instance is premiere. <value><c>true</c> if this instance is premiere; otherwise, <c>false</c>.</value> */ private Boolean IsPremiere = null; public final Boolean getIsPremiere() { return IsPremiere; } public final void setIsPremiere(Boolean value) { IsPremiere = value; } /** Gets or sets the timer identifier. <value>The timer identifier.</value> */ private String TimerId; public final String getTimerId() { return TimerId; } public final void setTimerId(String value) { TimerId = value; } /** Gets or sets the current program. <value>The current program.</value> */ private BaseItemDto CurrentProgram; public final BaseItemDto getCurrentProgram() { return CurrentProgram; } public final void setCurrentProgram(BaseItemDto value) { CurrentProgram = value; } }