package com.github.praytimes; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TimeZone; import static com.github.praytimes.StaticUtils.deg; import static com.github.praytimes.StaticUtils.dtr; import static com.github.praytimes.StaticUtils.fixHour; import static com.github.praytimes.StaticUtils.min; import static com.github.praytimes.StaticUtils.rtd; public class PrayTimesCalculator { // default times private static Map<PrayTime, Double> _defaultTimes; static { _defaultTimes = new HashMap<>(); _defaultTimes.put(PrayTime.IMSAK, 5d / 24); _defaultTimes.put(PrayTime.FAJR, 5d / 24); _defaultTimes.put(PrayTime.SUNRISE, 6d / 24); _defaultTimes.put(PrayTime.DHUHR, 12d / 24); _defaultTimes.put(PrayTime.ASR, 13d / 24); _defaultTimes.put(PrayTime.SUNSET, 18d / 24); _defaultTimes.put(PrayTime.MAGHRIB, 18d / 24); _defaultTimes.put(PrayTime.ISHA, 18d / 24); _defaultTimes = Collections.unmodifiableMap(_defaultTimes); // immutable } private final MinuteOrAngleDouble _imsak = min(10); private final MinuteOrAngleDouble _dhuhr = min(0); private final CalculationMethod.AsrJuristics _asr = CalculationMethod.AsrJuristics.Standard; private final CalculationMethod.HighLatMethods _highLats = CalculationMethod.HighLatMethods.NightMiddle; private final CalculationMethod _method; private boolean _dst; private double _timeZone; private double _jDate; private Coordinate _coordinate; public PrayTimesCalculator() { this(CalculationMethod.MWL); // default method } public PrayTimesCalculator(CalculationMethod method) { _method = method; // default method } // // Calculation Logic // // Map<PrayTime, Clock> calculate(Date date, Coordinate coordinate, Double timeZone, Boolean dst) { _coordinate = coordinate; _timeZone = timeZone != null ? timeZone : getTimeZone(date); _dst = dst != null ? dst : getDst(date); if (_dst) { _timeZone++; } Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.setTime(date); int year = calendar.get(Calendar.YEAR); int month = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH) + 1; int day = calendar.get(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH); _jDate = julian(year, month, day) - _coordinate.getLongitude() / (15d * 24d); // compute prayer times at given julian date Map<PrayTime, Double> times = new HashMap<>(); times.put(PrayTime.IMSAK, sunAngleTime(_imsak, _defaultTimes.get(PrayTime.IMSAK), true)); times.put(PrayTime.FAJR, sunAngleTime(_method.getFajr(), _defaultTimes.get(PrayTime.FAJR), true)); times.put(PrayTime.SUNRISE, sunAngleTime(riseSetAngle(), _defaultTimes.get(PrayTime.SUNRISE), true)); times.put(PrayTime.DHUHR, midDay(_defaultTimes.get(PrayTime.DHUHR))); times.put(PrayTime.ASR, asrTime(asrFactor(), _defaultTimes.get(PrayTime.ASR))); times.put(PrayTime.SUNSET, sunAngleTime(riseSetAngle(), _defaultTimes.get(PrayTime.SUNSET))); times.put(PrayTime.MAGHRIB, sunAngleTime(_method.getMaghrib(), _defaultTimes.get(PrayTime.MAGHRIB))); times.put(PrayTime.ISHA, sunAngleTime(_method.getIsha(), _defaultTimes.get(PrayTime.ISHA))); times = adjustTimes(times); // add midnight time times.put(PrayTime.MIDNIGHT, (_method.getMidnight() == CalculationMethod.MidnightType.Jafari) ? times.get(PrayTime.SUNSET) + timeDiff(times.get(PrayTime.SUNSET), times.get(PrayTime.FAJR)) / 2 : times.get(PrayTime.SUNSET) + timeDiff(times.get(PrayTime.SUNSET), times.get(PrayTime.SUNRISE)) / 2); Map<PrayTime, Clock> result = new HashMap<>(); for (Map.Entry<PrayTime, Double> i : times.entrySet()) { result.put(i.getKey(), Clock.fromDouble(i.getValue())); } return result; } Map<PrayTime, Clock> calculate(Date date, Coordinate coordinate, Double timeZone) { return calculate(date, coordinate, timeZone, null); } public Map<PrayTime, Clock> calculate(Date date, Coordinate coordinate) { return calculate(date, coordinate, null); } // compute mid-day time private double midDay(double time) { double eqt = sunPosition(_jDate + time).getEquation(); double noon = fixHour(12 - eqt); return noon; } // compute the time at which sun reaches a specific angle below horizon private double sunAngleTime(MinuteOrAngleDouble angle, double time, boolean ccw) { // TODO: I must enable below line! // if (angle.isMin()) throw new IllegalArgumentException("angle argument must be degree, not minute!"); double decl = sunPosition(_jDate + time).getDeclination(); double noon = dtr(midDay(time)); double t = Math.acos((-Math.sin(dtr(angle.getValue())) - Math.sin(decl) * Math.sin(dtr(_coordinate.getLatitude()))) / (Math.cos(decl) * Math.cos(dtr(_coordinate.getLatitude())))) / 15d; return rtd(noon + (ccw ? -t : t)); } private double sunAngleTime(MinuteOrAngleDouble angle, double time) { return sunAngleTime(angle, time, false); } // compute asr time private double asrTime(double factor, double time) { double decl = sunPosition(_jDate + time).getDeclination(); double angle = -Math.atan(1 / (factor + Math.tan(dtr(_coordinate.getLatitude()) - decl))); return sunAngleTime(deg(rtd(angle)), time); } // compute declination angle of sun and equation of time // Ref: private DeclEqt sunPosition(double jd) { double D = jd - 2451545d; double g = (357.529 + 0.98560028 * D) % 360; double q = (280.459 + 0.98564736 * D) % 360; double L = (q + 1.915 * Math.sin(dtr(g)) + 0.020 * Math.sin(dtr(2d * g))) % 360; // weird! // double R = 1.00014 - 0.01671 * Math.cos(dtr(g)) - 0.00014 * // Math.cos(dtr(2d * g)); double e = 23.439 - 0.00000036 * D; double RA = rtd(Math.atan2(Math.cos(dtr(e)) * Math.sin(dtr(L)), Math.cos(dtr(L)))) / 15d; double eqt = q / 15d - fixHour(RA); double decl = Math.asin(Math.sin(dtr(e)) * Math.sin(dtr(L))); return new DeclEqt(decl, eqt); } // convert Gregorian date to Julian day // Ref: Astronomical Algorithms by Jean Meeus private double julian(int year, int month, int day) { if (month <= 2) { year -= 1; month += 12; } double A = Math.floor((double) year / 100); double B = 2 - A + Math.floor(A / 4); double JD = Math.floor(365.25 * (year + 4716)) + Math.floor(30.6001 * (month + 1)) + day + B - 1524.5; return JD; } // adjust times private Map<PrayTime, Double> adjustTimes(Map<PrayTime, Double> times) { Map<PrayTime, Double> result = new HashMap<PrayTime, Double>(); for (Map.Entry<PrayTime, Double> i : times.entrySet()) { result.put(i.getKey(), i.getValue() + _timeZone - _coordinate.getLongitude() / 15d); } if (_highLats != CalculationMethod.HighLatMethods.None) { result = adjustHighLats(result); } if (_imsak.isMin()) { result.put(PrayTime.IMSAK, result.get(PrayTime.FAJR) - _imsak.getValue() / 60); } if (_method.getMaghrib().isMin()) { result.put(PrayTime.MAGHRIB, result.get(PrayTime.SUNSET) + _method.getMaghrib().getValue() / 60d); } if (_method.getIsha().isMin()) { result.put(PrayTime.ISHA, result.get(PrayTime.MAGHRIB) + _method.getIsha().getValue() / 60d); } result.put(PrayTime.DHUHR, result.get(PrayTime.DHUHR) + _dhuhr.getValue() / 60d); return result; } // Section 2!! (Compute Prayer Time in JS code) // // get asr shadow factor private double asrFactor() { return _asr == CalculationMethod.AsrJuristics.Hanafi ? 2d : 1d; } // return sun angle for sunset/sunrise private MinuteOrAngleDouble riseSetAngle() { // var earthRad = 6371009; // in meters // var angle = DMath.arccos(earthRad/(earthRad+ elv)); double angle = 0.0347 * Math.sqrt(_coordinate.getElevation()); // an approximation return deg(0.833 + angle); } // adjust times for locations in higher latitudes private Map<PrayTime, Double> adjustHighLats(Map<PrayTime, Double> times) { double nightTime = timeDiff(times.get(PrayTime.SUNSET), times.get(PrayTime.SUNRISE)); times.put(PrayTime.IMSAK, adjustHLTime(times.get(PrayTime.IMSAK), times.get(PrayTime.SUNRISE), _imsak.getValue(), nightTime, true)); times.put(PrayTime.FAJR, adjustHLTime(times.get(PrayTime.FAJR), times.get(PrayTime.SUNRISE), _method.getFajr().getValue(), nightTime, true)); times.put(PrayTime.ISHA, adjustHLTime(times.get(PrayTime.ISHA), times.get(PrayTime.SUNSET), _method.getIsha().getValue(), nightTime)); times.put(PrayTime.MAGHRIB, adjustHLTime(times.get(PrayTime.MAGHRIB), times.get(PrayTime.SUNSET), _method.getMaghrib().getValue(), nightTime)); return times; } // adjust a time for higher latitudes private double adjustHLTime(double time, double bbase, double angle, double night, boolean ccw) { double portion = nightPortion(angle, night); double timeDiff = ccw ? timeDiff(time, bbase) : timeDiff(bbase, time); if (Double.isNaN(time) || timeDiff > portion) time = bbase + (ccw ? -portion : portion); return time; } private double adjustHLTime(double time, double bbase, double angle, double night) { return adjustHLTime(time, bbase, angle, night, false); } // the night portion used for adjusting times in higher latitudes private double nightPortion(double angle, double night) { double portion = 1d / 2d; if (_highLats == CalculationMethod.HighLatMethods.AngleBased) { portion = 1d / 60d * angle; } if (_highLats == CalculationMethod.HighLatMethods.OneSeventh) { portion = 1 / 7; } return portion * night; } // get local time zone private double getTimeZone(Date date) { return TimeZone.getDefault().getRawOffset() / (60 * 60 * 1000.0); } // // Time Zone Functions // // // get daylight saving for a given date private boolean getDst(Date date) { return TimeZone.getDefault().inDaylightTime(date); } // compute the difference between two times private double timeDiff(double time1, double time2) { return fixHour(time2 - time1); } // // Misc Functions // // private class DeclEqt { private final double declination; private final double equation; public DeclEqt(double declination, double equation) { super(); this.declination = declination; this.equation = equation; } public double getDeclination() { return declination; } public double getEquation() { return equation; } } }