/** * Copyright (C) 2013-2014 EaseMob Technologies. All rights reserved. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.easemob.applib.model; import com.easemob.applib.utils.HXPreferenceUtils; /** * HX SDK app model which will manage the user data and preferences * @author easemob * */ public abstract class HXSDKModel { public abstract void setSettingMsgNotification(boolean paramBoolean); // 震动和声音总开关,来消息时,是否允许此开关打开 // the vibrate and sound notification are allowed or not? public abstract boolean getSettingMsgNotification(); public abstract void setSettingMsgSound(boolean paramBoolean); // 是否打开声音 // sound notification is switched on or not? public abstract boolean getSettingMsgSound(); public abstract void setSettingMsgVibrate(boolean paramBoolean); // 是否打开震动 // vibrate notification is switched on or not? public abstract boolean getSettingMsgVibrate(); public abstract void setSettingMsgSpeaker(boolean paramBoolean); // 是否打开扬声器 // the speaker is switched on or not? public abstract boolean getSettingMsgSpeaker(); public abstract boolean saveHXId(String hxId); public abstract String getHXId(); public abstract boolean savePassword(String pwd); public abstract String getPwd(); /** * 返回application所在的process name,默认是包名 * @return */ public abstract String getAppProcessName(); /** * 是否总是接收好友邀请 * @return */ public boolean getAcceptInvitationAlways(){ return false; } /** * 是否需要环信好友关系,默认是false * @return */ public boolean getUseHXRoster(){ return false; } /** * 是否需要已读回执 * @return */ public boolean getRequireReadAck(){ return true; } /** * 是否需要已送达回执 * @return */ public boolean getRequireDeliveryAck(){ return false; } /** * 是否运行在sandbox测试环境. 默认是关掉的 * 设置sandbox 测试环境 * 建议开发者开发时设置此模式 */ public boolean isSandboxMode(){ return false; } /** * 是否设置debug模式 * @return */ public boolean isDebugMode(){ return true; } public void setGroupsSynced(boolean synced){ } public boolean isGroupsSynced(){ return false; } public void setContactSynced(boolean synced){ } public boolean isContactSynced(){ return false; } public void setBlacklistSynced(boolean synced){ } public boolean isBacklistSynced(){ return false; } }