package dials.filter.impl; import dials.dial.DialHelper; import dials.dial.Dialable; import dials.filter.FeatureFilter; import dials.filter.FilterDataException; import dials.filter.FilterDataHelper; import dials.filter.StaticDataFilter; import dials.messages.ContextualMessage; import dials.messages.DataFilterApplicationMessage; import dials.model.FeatureModel; import dials.model.FilterModel; import org.joda.time.Hours; import org.joda.time.LocalTime; import org.joda.time.Minutes; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; public class TimeWindowFeatureFilter extends FeatureFilter implements StaticDataFilter, Dialable { public static final String START_TIME = "StartTime"; public static final String END_TIME = "EndTime"; private static final int EXPECTED_PATTERN_LENGTH = 3; private static final int MINUTES_IN_DAY = 1440; private LocalTime startTime; private Integer timeWindowInMinutes; private boolean crossesMidnight; @Override public boolean filter() { LocalTime now =; if (timeWindowInMinutes >= MINUTES_IN_DAY) { return true; } else if (crossesMidnight && (now.isAfter(startTime) || now.isBefore(startTime.plusMinutes(timeWindowInMinutes)))) { return true; } else if (!crossesMidnight && now.isAfter(startTime) && now.isBefore(startTime.plusMinutes(timeWindowInMinutes))) { return true; } return false; } @Override public void applyStaticData(DataFilterApplicationMessage message) { FilterDataHelper helper = new FilterDataHelper(message.getFilterData()); applyRequiredData(message, helper); } private void applyRequiredData(ContextualMessage message, FilterDataHelper helper) { boolean success = true; try { startTime = helper.getData(START_TIME, LocalTime.class); recordSuccessfulDataApply(message, START_TIME); } catch (FilterDataException e) { recordUnsuccessfulDataApply(message, START_TIME, false, e.getMessage()); success = false; } LocalTime endTime = startTime; try { endTime = helper.getData(END_TIME, LocalTime.class); recordSuccessfulDataApply(message, END_TIME); } catch (FilterDataException e) { recordUnsuccessfulDataApply(message, END_TIME, false, e.getMessage()); success = false; } if (!success) { abandon(message); } else if (startTime.isAfter(endTime) || startTime.isEqual(endTime)) { Minutes minutes = Minutes.minutesBetween(endTime, startTime); timeWindowInMinutes = MINUTES_IN_DAY - minutes.getMinutes(); crossesMidnight = true; } else { Minutes minutes = Minutes.minutesBetween(startTime, endTime); timeWindowInMinutes = minutes.getMinutes(); } } @Override public void dial(ContextualMessage message, String filterName) { FeatureModel feature = message.getFeature(); FilterModel filter = feature.getFilter(filterName); DialHelper helper = new DialHelper(filter.getDial()); String dialPattern = helper.getDialPattern(message); if (dialPattern.equals(DialHelper.ATTEMPTED)) { message.performDialAdjustment(feature.getFeatureName(), filterName, START_TIME, DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm:ss").print(startTime)); message.performDialAdjustment(feature.getFeatureName(), filterName, END_TIME, DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm:ss").print(startTime.plusMinutes(timeWindowInMinutes))); return; } TimeWindowPattern timeToAdd = consumeDialPattern(dialPattern); if (timeToAdd != null) { message.getExecutionContext().addExecutionStep("Dial with pattern " + dialPattern + " performed on " + getClass().getSimpleName()); calculateNewTimes(timeToAdd); message.performDialAdjustment(feature.getFeatureName(), filterName, START_TIME, DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm:ss").print(startTime)); message.performDialAdjustment(feature.getFeatureName(), filterName, END_TIME, DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH:mm:ss").print(startTime.plusMinutes(timeWindowInMinutes))); message.getExecutionContext().addExecutionStep("Dial successfully executed. New start time is " + startTime + " new end time is " + startTime.plusMinutes(timeWindowInMinutes)); if (startTime.toDateTimeToday().isAfter(startTime.plusMinutes(timeWindowInMinutes).toDateTimeToday())) { message.disableFeature(feature.getFeatureName()); message.getExecutionContext().addExecutionStep("Start time is now after end time, disabling feature."); } } } /** * Dial pattern for TimeWindowFeatureFilter is (Integer Unit Direction). * <p/> * Examples: * 1 hour end (Increase Pattern) - Add 1 hour to the end time. * 5 minutes start (Increase Pattern) - Subtract 5 minutes from the start time. * -2 hours both (Decrease Pattern) - Subtract 2 hours from the end time, add 2 hours to the start time. * <p/> * <p/> * Unit can be one of (hour, hours, minute, minutes) * Direction can be one of (start, end, both) */ @Override public TimeWindowPattern consumeDialPattern(String pattern) { String[] splitPattern = pattern.split(" "); if (splitPattern.length == EXPECTED_PATTERN_LENGTH) { try { return new TimeWindowPattern(Integer.parseInt(splitPattern[0]), splitPattern[1], splitPattern[2]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return null; } } return null; } protected void calculateNewTimes(TimeWindowPattern timeToAdd) { String unit = timeToAdd.getUnit(); String direction = timeToAdd.getDirection(); int minutesToAdd = 0; if (unit.toLowerCase().startsWith("hour")) { minutesToAdd = Hours.hours(timeToAdd.getAmount()).toStandardMinutes().getMinutes(); } else if (unit.toLowerCase().startsWith("minute")) { minutesToAdd = timeToAdd.getAmount(); } LocalTime newStartTime; if (direction.equals("start")) { newStartTime = startTime.minusMinutes(minutesToAdd); timeWindowInMinutes += minutesToAdd; } else if (direction.equals("end")) { newStartTime = startTime; timeWindowInMinutes += minutesToAdd; } else { newStartTime = startTime.minusMinutes(minutesToAdd); timeWindowInMinutes += minutesToAdd * 2; } if (newStartTime.isAfter(newStartTime.plusMinutes(timeWindowInMinutes)) || timeWindowInMinutes >= MINUTES_IN_DAY) { crossesMidnight = true; } else { crossesMidnight = false; } if (timeWindowInMinutes <= MINUTES_IN_DAY) { switch (direction) { case "start": case "both": startTime = newStartTime; break; case "end": break; } } else { timeWindowInMinutes = MINUTES_IN_DAY; } } protected LocalTime getStartTime() { return startTime; } protected LocalTime getEndTime() { return startTime.plusMinutes(timeWindowInMinutes); } protected boolean getCrossesMidnight() { return crossesMidnight; } protected static class TimeWindowPattern { private Integer amount; private String unit; private String direction; public TimeWindowPattern(Integer amount, String unit, String direction) { this.amount = amount; this.unit = unit; this.direction = direction; } public Integer getAmount() { return amount; } public String getUnit() { return unit; } public String getDirection() { return direction; } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) { return true; } if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) { return false; } TimeWindowPattern that = (TimeWindowPattern) o; if (amount != null ? !amount.equals(that.amount) : that.amount != null) { return false; } if (direction != null ? !direction.equals(that.direction) : that.direction != null) { return false; } if (unit != null ? !unit.equals(that.unit) : that.unit != null) { return false; } return true; } @Override public int hashCode() { int result = amount != null ? amount.hashCode() : 0; result = 31 * result + (unit != null ? unit.hashCode() : 0); result = 31 * result + (direction != null ? direction.hashCode() : 0); return result; } } }