/* * Copyright (C) 2014 Balys Valentukevicius * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.balysv.materialmenu; import android.animation.Animator; import android.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import android.animation.ObjectAnimator; import android.content.Context; import android.content.res.Resources; import android.graphics.Canvas; import android.graphics.Color; import android.graphics.ColorFilter; import android.graphics.Paint; import android.graphics.PixelFormat; import android.graphics.drawable.Animatable; import android.graphics.drawable.Drawable; import android.util.Property; import android.util.TypedValue; import android.view.animation.DecelerateInterpolator; import android.view.animation.Interpolator; import static android.graphics.Paint.Style; public class MaterialMenuDrawable extends Drawable implements Animatable { public enum IconState { BURGER, ARROW, X, CHECK } public enum AnimationState { BURGER_ARROW, BURGER_X, ARROW_X, ARROW_CHECK, BURGER_CHECK, X_CHECK; public IconState getFirstState() { switch (this) { case BURGER_ARROW: return IconState.BURGER; case BURGER_X: return IconState.BURGER; case ARROW_X: return IconState.ARROW; case ARROW_CHECK: return IconState.ARROW; case BURGER_CHECK: return IconState.BURGER; case X_CHECK: return IconState.X; default: return null; } } public IconState getSecondState() { switch (this) { case BURGER_ARROW: return IconState.ARROW; case BURGER_X: return IconState.X; case ARROW_X: return IconState.X; case ARROW_CHECK: return IconState.CHECK; case BURGER_CHECK: return IconState.CHECK; case X_CHECK: return IconState.CHECK; default: return null; } } } public enum Stroke { /** * 3 dip */ REGULAR(3), /** * 2 dip */ THIN(2), /** * 1 dip */ EXTRA_THIN(1); private final int strokeWidth; Stroke(int strokeWidth) { this.strokeWidth = strokeWidth; } protected static Stroke valueOf(int strokeWidth) { switch (strokeWidth) { case 3: return REGULAR; case 2: return THIN; case 1: return EXTRA_THIN; default: return THIN; } } } public static final int DEFAULT_COLOR = Color.WHITE; public static final int DEFAULT_SCALE = 1; public static final int DEFAULT_TRANSFORM_DURATION = 800; public static final int DEFAULT_PRESSED_DURATION = 400; private static final int BASE_DRAWABLE_WIDTH = 40; private static final int BASE_DRAWABLE_HEIGHT = 40; private static final int BASE_ICON_WIDTH = 20; private static final int BASE_CIRCLE_RADIUS = 18; private static final float ARROW_MID_LINE_ANGLE = 180; private static final float ARROW_TOP_LINE_ANGLE = 135; private static final float ARROW_BOT_LINE_ANGLE = 225; private static final float X_TOP_LINE_ANGLE = 44; private static final float X_BOT_LINE_ANGLE = -44; private static final float X_ROTATION_ANGLE = 90; private static final float CHECK_MIDDLE_ANGLE = 135; private static final float CHECK_BOTTOM_ANGLE = -90; private static final float TRANSFORMATION_START = 0; private static final float TRANSFORMATION_MID = 1.0f; private static final float TRANSFORMATION_END = 2.0f; private static final int DEFAULT_CIRCLE_ALPHA = 200; private final float diph; private final float dip1; private final float dip2; private final float dip3; private final float dip4; private final float dip6; private final float dip8; private final int width; private final int height; private final float strokeWidth; private final float iconWidth; private final float topPadding; private final float sidePadding; private final float circleRadius; private final Stroke stroke; private final Object lock = new Object(); private final Paint gridPaint = new Paint(); private final Paint iconPaint = new Paint(); private final Paint circlePaint = new Paint(); private float transformationValue = 0f; private float pressedProgressValue = 0f; private boolean transformationRunning = false; private IconState currentIconState = IconState.BURGER; private AnimationState animationState = AnimationState.BURGER_ARROW; private IconState animatingIconState; private boolean drawTouchCircle; private boolean neverDrawTouch; private boolean rtlEnabled; private ObjectAnimator transformation; private ObjectAnimator pressedCircle; private MaterialMenuState materialMenuState; public MaterialMenuDrawable(Context context, int color, Stroke stroke) { this(context, color, stroke, DEFAULT_SCALE, DEFAULT_TRANSFORM_DURATION, DEFAULT_PRESSED_DURATION); } public MaterialMenuDrawable(Context context, int color, Stroke stroke, int transformDuration, int pressedDuration) { this(context, color, stroke, DEFAULT_SCALE, transformDuration, pressedDuration); } public MaterialMenuDrawable(Context context, int color, Stroke stroke, int scale, int transformDuration, int pressedDuration) { Resources resources = context.getResources(); // convert each separately due to various densities this.dip1 = dpToPx(resources, 1) * scale; this.dip2 = dpToPx(resources, 2) * scale; this.dip3 = dpToPx(resources, 3) * scale; this.dip4 = dpToPx(resources, 4) * scale; this.dip6 = dpToPx(resources, 6) * scale; this.dip8 = dpToPx(resources, 8) * scale; this.diph = dip1 / 2; this.stroke = stroke; this.width = (int) (dpToPx(resources, BASE_DRAWABLE_WIDTH) * scale); this.height = (int) (dpToPx(resources, BASE_DRAWABLE_HEIGHT) * scale); this.iconWidth = dpToPx(resources, BASE_ICON_WIDTH) * scale; this.circleRadius = dpToPx(resources, BASE_CIRCLE_RADIUS) * scale; this.strokeWidth = dpToPx(resources, stroke.strokeWidth) * scale; this.sidePadding = (width - iconWidth) / 2; this.topPadding = (height - 5 * dip3) / 2; initPaint(color); initAnimations(transformDuration, pressedDuration); materialMenuState = new MaterialMenuState(); } private MaterialMenuDrawable(int color, Stroke stroke, long transformDuration, long pressedDuration, int width, int height, float iconWidth, float circleRadius, float strokeWidth, float dip1 ) { this.dip1 = dip1; this.dip2 = dip1 * 2; this.dip3 = dip1 * 3; this.dip4 = dip1 * 4; this.dip6 = dip1 * 6; this.dip8 = dip1 * 8; this.diph = dip1 / 2; this.stroke = stroke; this.width = width; this.height = height; this.iconWidth = iconWidth; this.circleRadius = circleRadius; this.strokeWidth = strokeWidth; this.sidePadding = (width - iconWidth) / 2; this.topPadding = (height - 5 * dip3) / 2; initPaint(color); initAnimations((int) transformDuration, (int) pressedDuration); materialMenuState = new MaterialMenuState(); } private void initPaint(int color) { gridPaint.setAntiAlias(false); gridPaint.setColor(Color.GREEN); gridPaint.setStrokeWidth(1); iconPaint.setAntiAlias(true); iconPaint.setStyle(Style.STROKE); iconPaint.setStrokeWidth(strokeWidth); iconPaint.setColor(color); circlePaint.setAntiAlias(true); circlePaint.setStyle(Style.FILL); circlePaint.setColor(color); circlePaint.setAlpha(DEFAULT_CIRCLE_ALPHA); setBounds(0, 0, width, height); } /* * Drawing */ @Override public void draw(Canvas canvas) { final float ratio = transformationValue <= 1 ? transformationValue : 2 - transformationValue; if (rtlEnabled) { canvas.save(); canvas.scale(-1, 1, 0, 0); canvas.translate(-getIntrinsicWidth(), 0); } drawTopLine(canvas, ratio); drawMiddleLine(canvas, ratio); drawBottomLine(canvas, ratio); if (rtlEnabled) { canvas.restore(); } if (drawTouchCircle) drawTouchCircle(canvas); } private void drawTouchCircle(Canvas canvas) { canvas.restore(); canvas.drawCircle(width / 2, height / 2, pressedProgressValue, circlePaint); } private void drawMiddleLine(Canvas canvas, float ratio) { canvas.restore(); canvas.save(); float rotation = 0; float pivotX = width / 2; float pivotY = width / 2; float startX = sidePadding; float startY = topPadding + dip3 / 2 * 5; float stopX = width - sidePadding; float stopY = topPadding + dip3 / 2 * 5; int alpha = 255; switch (animationState) { case BURGER_ARROW: // rotate by 180 if (isMorphingForward()) { rotation = ratio * ARROW_MID_LINE_ANGLE; } else { rotation = ARROW_MID_LINE_ANGLE + (1 - ratio) * ARROW_MID_LINE_ANGLE; } // shorten one end stopX -= ratio * resolveStrokeModifier(ratio) / 2; break; case BURGER_X: // fade out alpha = (int) ((1 - ratio) * 255); break; case ARROW_X: // fade out and shorten one end alpha = (int) ((1 - ratio) * 255); startX += (1 - ratio) * dip2; break; case ARROW_CHECK: if (isMorphingForward()) { // rotate until required angle rotation = ratio * CHECK_MIDDLE_ANGLE; // lengthen both ends startX += dip3 / 2 + ratio * dip4; stopX += ratio * (dip8 + diph); } else { // rotate back to starting angle rotation = CHECK_MIDDLE_ANGLE - CHECK_MIDDLE_ANGLE * (1 - ratio); // shorten one end and lengthen the other startX += dip3 / 2 + dip4 - (1 - ratio) * (dip2 + diph); stopX += dip8 - (1 - ratio) * (dip2 + dip6); } pivotX = width / 2 + dip3 * 2; break; case BURGER_CHECK: // rotate until required angle rotation = ratio * CHECK_MIDDLE_ANGLE; // lengthen both ends startX += ratio * (dip4 + dip3 / 2); stopX += ratio * (dip8 + diph); pivotX = width / 2 + dip3 * 2; break; case X_CHECK: // fade in alpha = (int) (ratio * 255); // rotation to check angle rotation = ratio * CHECK_MIDDLE_ANGLE; // lengthen both ends startX += ratio * (dip4 + dip3 / 2); stopX += ratio * (dip8 + diph); pivotX = width / 2 + dip3 * 2; break; } iconPaint.setAlpha(alpha); canvas.rotate(rotation, pivotX, pivotY); canvas.drawLine(startX, startY, stopX, stopY, iconPaint); iconPaint.setAlpha(255); } private void drawTopLine(Canvas canvas, float ratio) { canvas.save(); float rotation = 0, pivotX = 0, pivotY = 0; float rotation2 = 0; // pivot at center of line float pivotX2 = width / 2 + dip3 / 2; float pivotY2 = topPadding + dip2; float startX = sidePadding; float startY = topPadding + dip2; float stopX = width - sidePadding; float stopY = topPadding + dip2; int alpha = 255; switch (animationState) { case BURGER_ARROW: if (isMorphingForward()) { // rotate until required angle rotation = ratio * ARROW_BOT_LINE_ANGLE; } else { // rotate back to start doing a 360 rotation = ARROW_BOT_LINE_ANGLE + (1 - ratio) * ARROW_TOP_LINE_ANGLE; } // rotate by middle pivotX = width / 2; pivotY = height / 2; // shorten both ends stopX -= resolveStrokeModifier(ratio); startX += dip3 * ratio; break; case BURGER_X: // rotate until required angles rotation = X_TOP_LINE_ANGLE * ratio; rotation2 = X_ROTATION_ANGLE * ratio; // pivot at left corner of line pivotX = sidePadding + dip4; pivotY = topPadding + dip3; // lengthen one end stopX += dip3 * ratio; break; case ARROW_X: // rotate from ARROW angle to X angle rotation = ARROW_BOT_LINE_ANGLE + (X_TOP_LINE_ANGLE - ARROW_BOT_LINE_ANGLE) * ratio; rotation2 = X_ROTATION_ANGLE * ratio; // move pivot from ARROW pivot to X pivot pivotX = width / 2 + (sidePadding + dip4 - width / 2) * ratio; pivotY = height / 2 + (topPadding + dip3 - height / 2) * ratio; // lengthen both ends stopX -= resolveStrokeModifier(ratio); startX += dip3 * (1 - ratio); break; case ARROW_CHECK: // fade out alpha = (int) ((1 - ratio) * 255); // retain starting arrow configuration rotation = ARROW_BOT_LINE_ANGLE; pivotX = width / 2; pivotY = height / 2; // shorted both ends stopX -= resolveStrokeModifier(1); startX += dip3; break; case BURGER_CHECK: // fade out alpha = (int) ((1 - ratio) * 255); break; case X_CHECK: // retain X configuration rotation = X_TOP_LINE_ANGLE; rotation2 = X_ROTATION_ANGLE; pivotX = sidePadding + dip4; pivotY = topPadding + dip3; stopX += dip3; // fade out alpha = (int) ((1 - ratio) * 255); break; } iconPaint.setAlpha(alpha); canvas.rotate(rotation, pivotX, pivotY); canvas.rotate(rotation2, pivotX2, pivotY2); canvas.drawLine(startX, startY, stopX, stopY, iconPaint); iconPaint.setAlpha(255); } private void drawBottomLine(Canvas canvas, float ratio) { canvas.restore(); canvas.save(); float rotation = 0, pivotX = 0, pivotY = 0; float rotation2 = 0; // pivot at center of line float pivotX2 = width / 2 + dip3 / 2; float pivotY2 = height - topPadding - dip2; float startX = sidePadding; float startY = height - topPadding - dip2; float stopX = width - sidePadding; float stopY = height - topPadding - dip2; switch (animationState) { case BURGER_ARROW: if (isMorphingForward()) { // rotate to required angle rotation = ARROW_TOP_LINE_ANGLE * ratio; } else { // rotate back to start doing a 360 rotation = ARROW_TOP_LINE_ANGLE + (1 - ratio) * ARROW_BOT_LINE_ANGLE; } // pivot center of canvas pivotX = width / 2; pivotY = height / 2; // shorten both ends stopX = width - sidePadding - resolveStrokeModifier(ratio); startX = sidePadding + dip3 * ratio; break; case BURGER_X: if (isMorphingForward()) { // rotate around rotation2 = -X_ROTATION_ANGLE * ratio; } else { // rotate directly rotation2 = X_ROTATION_ANGLE * ratio; } // rotate to required angle rotation = X_BOT_LINE_ANGLE * ratio; // pivot left corner of line pivotX = sidePadding + dip4; pivotY = height - topPadding - dip3; // lengthen one end stopX += dip3 * ratio; break; case ARROW_X: // rotate from ARROW angle to X angle rotation = ARROW_TOP_LINE_ANGLE + (360 + X_BOT_LINE_ANGLE - ARROW_TOP_LINE_ANGLE) * ratio; rotation2 = -X_ROTATION_ANGLE * ratio; // move pivot from ARROW pivot to X pivot pivotX = width / 2 + (sidePadding + dip4 - width / 2) * ratio; pivotY = height / 2 + (height / 2 - topPadding - dip3) * ratio; // lengthen both ends stopX -= resolveStrokeModifier(ratio); startX += dip3 * (1 - ratio); break; case ARROW_CHECK: // rotate from ARROW angle to CHECK angle rotation = ARROW_TOP_LINE_ANGLE + ratio * CHECK_BOTTOM_ANGLE; // move pivot from ARROW pivot to CHECK pivot pivotX = width / 2 - dip3 * ratio; pivotY = height / 2 - dip3 * ratio; // length stays same as ARROW stopX -= resolveStrokeModifier(1); startX += dip3; break; case BURGER_CHECK: // rotate from ARROW angle to CHECK angle rotation = ratio * (CHECK_BOTTOM_ANGLE + ARROW_TOP_LINE_ANGLE); // move pivot from ARROW pivot to CHECK pivot pivotX = width / 2 - dip3 * ratio; pivotY = height / 2 - dip3 * ratio; // length stays same as BURGER startX += dip3 * ratio; stopX -= resolveStrokeModifier(ratio); break; case X_CHECK: // rotate from X to CHECK angles rotation2 = -X_ROTATION_ANGLE * (1 - ratio); rotation = X_BOT_LINE_ANGLE + (CHECK_BOTTOM_ANGLE + ARROW_TOP_LINE_ANGLE - X_BOT_LINE_ANGLE) * ratio; // move pivot from X to CHECK pivotX = sidePadding + dip4 + (width / 2 - sidePadding - dip3 - dip4) * ratio; pivotY = height - topPadding - dip3 + (topPadding + height / 2 - height) * ratio; // shorten both ends startX += dip3 - dip3 * (1 - ratio); stopX -= resolveStrokeModifier(1 - ratio); break; } canvas.rotate(rotation, pivotX, pivotY); canvas.rotate(rotation2, pivotX2, pivotY2); canvas.drawLine(startX, startY, stopX, stopY, iconPaint); } private boolean isMorphingForward() { return transformationValue <= TRANSFORMATION_MID; } private float resolveStrokeModifier(float ratio) { switch (stroke) { case REGULAR: if (animationState == AnimationState.ARROW_X || animationState == AnimationState.X_CHECK) { return dip3 - (dip6 * ratio); } return ratio * dip3; case THIN: if (animationState == AnimationState.ARROW_X || animationState == AnimationState.X_CHECK) { return dip3 + diph - (dip6 + diph) * ratio; } return ratio * (dip3 + diph); case EXTRA_THIN: if (animationState == AnimationState.ARROW_X || animationState == AnimationState.X_CHECK) { return dip4 - ((dip6 + dip1) * ratio); } return ratio * dip4; } return 0; } @Override public void setAlpha(int alpha) { iconPaint.setAlpha(alpha); } @Override public void setColorFilter(ColorFilter cf) { iconPaint.setColorFilter(cf); } @Override public int getOpacity() { return PixelFormat.TRANSPARENT; } /* * Accessor methods */ public void setColor(int color) { iconPaint.setColor(color); circlePaint.setColor(color); invalidateSelf(); } public void setTransformationDuration(int duration) { transformation.setDuration(duration); } public void setPressedDuration(int duration) { pressedCircle.setDuration(duration); } public void setInterpolator(Interpolator interpolator) { transformation.setInterpolator(interpolator); } public void setNeverDrawTouch(boolean neverDrawTouch) { this.neverDrawTouch = neverDrawTouch; } public void setIconState(IconState iconState) { synchronized (lock) { if (transformationRunning) { transformation.cancel(); transformationRunning = false; } if (currentIconState == iconState) return; switch (iconState) { case BURGER: animationState = AnimationState.BURGER_ARROW; transformationValue = TRANSFORMATION_START; break; case ARROW: animationState = AnimationState.BURGER_ARROW; transformationValue = TRANSFORMATION_MID; break; case X: animationState = AnimationState.BURGER_X; transformationValue = TRANSFORMATION_MID; break; case CHECK: animationState = AnimationState.BURGER_CHECK; transformationValue = TRANSFORMATION_MID; } currentIconState = iconState; invalidateSelf(); } } public void animateIconState(IconState state, boolean drawTouch) { synchronized (lock) { if (transformationRunning) { transformation.end(); pressedCircle.end(); } drawTouchCircle = drawTouch; animatingIconState = state; start(); } } public IconState setTransformationOffset(AnimationState animationState, float offset) { if (offset < TRANSFORMATION_START || offset > TRANSFORMATION_END) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( String.format("Value must be between %s and %s", TRANSFORMATION_START, TRANSFORMATION_END) ); } this.animationState = animationState; final boolean isFirstIcon = offset < TRANSFORMATION_MID || offset == TRANSFORMATION_END; currentIconState = isFirstIcon ? animationState.getFirstState() : animationState.getSecondState(); animatingIconState = isFirstIcon ? animationState.getSecondState() : animationState.getFirstState(); setTransformationValue(offset); return currentIconState; } public void setRTLEnabled(boolean rtlEnabled) { this.rtlEnabled = rtlEnabled; invalidateSelf(); } public IconState getIconState() { return currentIconState; } /* * Animations */ private Property<MaterialMenuDrawable, Float> transformationProperty = new Property<MaterialMenuDrawable, Float>(Float.class, "transformation") { @Override public Float get(MaterialMenuDrawable object) { return object.getTransformationValue(); } @Override public void set(MaterialMenuDrawable object, Float value) { object.setTransformationValue(value); } }; private Property<MaterialMenuDrawable, Float> pressedProgressProperty = new Property<MaterialMenuDrawable, Float>(Float.class, "pressedProgress") { @Override public Float get(MaterialMenuDrawable object) { return object.getPressedProgress(); } @Override public void set(MaterialMenuDrawable object, Float value) { object.setPressedProgress(value); } }; public Float getTransformationValue() { return transformationValue; } public void setTransformationValue(Float value) { this.transformationValue = value; invalidateSelf(); } public Float getPressedProgress() { return pressedProgressValue; } public void setPressedProgress(Float value) { this.pressedProgressValue = value; circlePaint.setAlpha((int) (DEFAULT_CIRCLE_ALPHA * (1 - value / (circleRadius * 1.22f)))); invalidateSelf(); } private void initAnimations(int transformDuration, int pressedDuration) { transformation = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, transformationProperty, 0); transformation.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator(3)); transformation.setDuration(transformDuration); transformation.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { transformationRunning = false; setIconState(animatingIconState); } }); pressedCircle = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(this, pressedProgressProperty, 0, 0); pressedCircle.setDuration(pressedDuration); pressedCircle.setInterpolator(new DecelerateInterpolator()); pressedCircle.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { pressedProgressValue = 0; } @Override public void onAnimationCancel(Animator animation) { pressedProgressValue = 0; } }); } private boolean resolveTransformation() { boolean isCurrentBurger = currentIconState == IconState.BURGER; boolean isCurrentArrow = currentIconState == IconState.ARROW; boolean isCurrentX = currentIconState == IconState.X; boolean isCurrentCheck = currentIconState == IconState.CHECK; boolean isAnimatingBurger = animatingIconState == IconState.BURGER; boolean isAnimatingArrow = animatingIconState == IconState.ARROW; boolean isAnimatingX = animatingIconState == IconState.X; boolean isAnimatingCheck = animatingIconState == IconState.CHECK; if ((isCurrentBurger && isAnimatingArrow) || (isCurrentArrow && isAnimatingBurger)) { animationState = AnimationState.BURGER_ARROW; return isCurrentBurger; } if ((isCurrentArrow && isAnimatingX) || (isCurrentX && isAnimatingArrow)) { animationState = AnimationState.ARROW_X; return isCurrentArrow; } if ((isCurrentBurger && isAnimatingX) || (isCurrentX && isAnimatingBurger)) { animationState = AnimationState.BURGER_X; return isCurrentBurger; } if ((isCurrentArrow && isAnimatingCheck) || (isCurrentCheck && isAnimatingArrow)) { animationState = AnimationState.ARROW_CHECK; return isCurrentArrow; } if ((isCurrentBurger && isAnimatingCheck) || (isCurrentCheck && isAnimatingBurger)) { animationState = AnimationState.BURGER_CHECK; return isCurrentBurger; } if ((isCurrentX && isAnimatingCheck) || (isCurrentCheck && isAnimatingX)) { animationState = AnimationState.X_CHECK; return isCurrentX; } throw new IllegalStateException( String.format("Animating from %s to %s is not supported", currentIconState, animatingIconState) ); } @Override public void start() { if (transformationRunning || animatingIconState == null || animatingIconState == currentIconState) return; transformationRunning = true; final boolean direction = resolveTransformation(); transformation.setFloatValues( direction ? TRANSFORMATION_START : TRANSFORMATION_MID, direction ? TRANSFORMATION_MID : TRANSFORMATION_END ); transformation.start(); if (pressedCircle.isRunning()) { pressedCircle.cancel(); } if (drawTouchCircle && !neverDrawTouch) { pressedCircle.setFloatValues(0, circleRadius * 1.22f); pressedCircle.start(); } invalidateSelf(); } @Override public void stop() { if (isRunning() && transformation.isRunning()) { transformation.end(); } else { transformationRunning = false; invalidateSelf(); } } @Override public boolean isRunning() { return transformationRunning; } @Override public int getIntrinsicWidth() { return width; } @Override public int getIntrinsicHeight() { return height; } @Override public ConstantState getConstantState() { materialMenuState.changingConfigurations = getChangingConfigurations(); return materialMenuState; } @Override public Drawable mutate() { materialMenuState = new MaterialMenuState(); return this; } private final class MaterialMenuState extends ConstantState { private int changingConfigurations; private MaterialMenuState() { } @Override public Drawable newDrawable() { MaterialMenuDrawable drawable = new MaterialMenuDrawable( circlePaint.getColor(), stroke, transformation.getDuration(), pressedCircle.getDuration(), width, height, iconWidth, circleRadius, strokeWidth, dip1 ); drawable.setIconState(animatingIconState != null ? animatingIconState : currentIconState); drawable.setRTLEnabled(rtlEnabled); return drawable; } @Override public int getChangingConfigurations() { return changingConfigurations; } } static float dpToPx(Resources resources, float dp) { return TypedValue.applyDimension(TypedValue.COMPLEX_UNIT_DIP, dp, resources.getDisplayMetrics()); } }