package net.sf.jabref.export; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import; import java.util.*; import javax.swing.AbstractAction; import javax.swing.JFileChooser; import javax.swing.JOptionPane; import javax.swing.filechooser.FileFilter; import net.sf.jabref.*; import net.sf.jabref.plugin.PluginCore; import net.sf.jabref.plugin.core.JabRefPlugin; import net.sf.jabref.plugin.core.generated._JabRefPlugin.ExportFormatExtension; import net.sf.jabref.plugin.core.generated._JabRefPlugin.ExportFormatProviderExtension; import net.sf.jabref.plugin.core.generated._JabRefPlugin.ExportFormatTemplateExtension; /** * User: alver * * Date: Oct 18, 2006 * * Time: 9:35:08 PM */ public class ExportFormats { private static Map<String,IExportFormat> exportFormats = new TreeMap<String,IExportFormat>(); // Global variable that is used for counting output entries when exporting: public static int entryNumber = 0; public static void initAllExports() { exportFormats.clear(); // Initialize Build-In Export Formats putFormat(new ExportFormat( Globals.lang("HTML"), "html", "html", null, ".html")); putFormat(new ExportFormat( Globals.lang("Simple HTML"), "simplehtml", "simplehtml", null, ".html")); putFormat(new ExportFormat(Globals.lang("DocBook").concat(" 4.4"), "docbook", "docbook", null, ".xml")); putFormat(new ExportFormat(Globals.lang("BibTeXML"), "bibtexml", "bibtexml", null, ".xml")); putFormat(new ExportFormat(Globals.lang("BibO RDF"), "bibordf", "bibordf", null, ".rdf")); putFormat(new ModsExportFormat()); putFormat(new ExportFormat(Globals.lang("HTML table"), "tablerefs", "tablerefs", "tablerefs", ".html")); putFormat(new ExportFormat(Globals.lang("HTML table (with Abstract & BibTeX)"), "tablerefsabsbib", "tablerefsabsbib", "tablerefsabsbib", ".html")); putFormat(new ExportFormat(Globals.lang("Harvard RTF"), "harvard", "harvard", "harvard", ".rtf")); putFormat(new ExportFormat(Globals.lang("Endnote"), "endnote", "EndNote", "endnote", ".txt")); putFormat(new ExportFormat(Globals.lang("OpenOffice CSV"), "oocsv", "openoffice-csv", "openoffice", ".csv")); ExportFormat ef = new ExportFormat(Globals.lang("RIS"), "ris", "ris", "ris", ".ris"); ef.encoding = "UTF-8"; putFormat(ef); putFormat(new OpenOfficeDocumentCreator()); putFormat(new OpenDocumentSpreadsheetCreator()); putFormat(new MSBibExportFormat()); putFormat(new MySQLExport()); // Add Export Formats contributed by Plugins JabRefPlugin plugin = JabRefPlugin.getInstance(PluginCore.getManager()); if (plugin != null){ // 1. ExportFormats based on Templates for (ExportFormatTemplateExtension e : plugin.getExportFormatTemplateExtensions()){ ExportFormat format = PluginBasedExportFormat.getFormat(e); if (format != null){ putFormat(format); } } // 2. ExportFormat classed for (final ExportFormatExtension e : plugin.getExportFormatExtensions()) { putFormat(new IExportFormat(){ public String getConsoleName() { return e.getConsoleName(); } public String getDisplayName() { return e.getDisplayName(); } public FileFilter getFileFilter() { return new ExportFileFilter(this, e.getExtension()); } IExportFormat wrapped; public void performExport(BibtexDatabase database, MetaData metaData, String file, String encoding, Set<String> entryIds) throws Exception { if (wrapped == null) wrapped = e.getExportFormat(); wrapped.performExport(database, metaData, file, encoding, entryIds); } }); } // 3. Formatters provided by Export Format Providers for (ExportFormatProviderExtension e : plugin.getExportFormatProviderExtensions()) { IExportFormatProvider formatProvider = e.getFormatProvider(); for (IExportFormat exportFormat : formatProvider.getExportFormats()) { putFormat(exportFormat); } } } // Now add custom export formats TreeMap<String, ExportFormat> customFormats = Globals.prefs.customExports.getCustomExportFormats(); for (IExportFormat format : customFormats.values()){ putFormat(format); } } /** * Build a string listing of all available export formats. * * @param maxLineLength * The max line length before a line break must be added. * @param linePrefix * If a line break is added, this prefix will be inserted at the * beginning of the next line. * @return The string describing available formats. */ public static String getConsoleExportList(int maxLineLength, int firstLineSubtr, String linePrefix) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int lastBreak = -firstLineSubtr; for (Iterator<String> i = exportFormats.keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { String name =; if (sb.length() + 2 + name.length() - lastBreak > maxLineLength) { sb.append(",\n"); lastBreak = sb.length(); sb.append(linePrefix); } else if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(name); } return sb.toString(); } /** * Get a Map of all export formats. * @return A Map containing all export formats, mapped to their console names. */ public static Map<String, IExportFormat> getExportFormats() { // It is perhaps overly paranoid to make a defensive copy in this case: return Collections.unmodifiableMap(exportFormats); } /** * Look up the named export format. * * @param consoleName * The export name given in the JabRef console help information. * @return The ExportFormat, or null if no exportformat with that name is * registered. */ public static IExportFormat getExportFormat(String consoleName) { return exportFormats.get(consoleName); } /** * Create an AbstractAction for performing an export operation. * * @param frame * The JabRefFrame of this JabRef instance. * @param selectedOnly * true indicates that only selected entries should be exported, * false indicates that all entries should be exported. * @return The action. */ public static AbstractAction getExportAction(JabRefFrame frame, boolean selectedOnly) { class ExportAction extends MnemonicAwareAction { private static final long serialVersionUID = 639463604530580554L; private JabRefFrame frame; private boolean selectedOnly; public ExportAction(JabRefFrame frame, boolean selectedOnly) { this.frame = frame; this.selectedOnly = selectedOnly; putValue(NAME, selectedOnly ? "Export selected entries" : "Export"); } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { ExportFormats.initAllExports(); JFileChooser fc = ExportFormats.createExportFileChooser( Globals.prefs.get("exportWorkingDirectory")); fc.showSaveDialog(frame); File file = fc.getSelectedFile(); if (file == null) return; FileFilter ff = fc.getFileFilter(); if (ff instanceof ExportFileFilter) { ExportFileFilter eff = (ExportFileFilter) ff; String path = file.getPath(); if (!path.endsWith(eff.getExtension())) path = path + eff.getExtension(); file = new File(path); if (file.exists()) { // Warn that the file exists: if (JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(frame, "'" + file.getName() + "' " + Globals.lang("exists. Overwrite file?"), Globals.lang("Export"), JOptionPane.OK_CANCEL_OPTION) != JOptionPane.OK_OPTION) return; } final IExportFormat format = eff.getExportFormat(); Set<String> entryIds = null; if (selectedOnly) { BibtexEntry[] selected = frame.basePanel().getSelectedEntries(); entryIds = new HashSet<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < selected.length; i++) { BibtexEntry bibtexEntry = selected[i]; entryIds.add(bibtexEntry.getId()); } } // Set the global variable for this database's file directory before exporting, // so formatters can resolve linked files correctly. // (This is an ugly hack!) Globals.prefs.fileDirForDatabase = frame.basePanel().metaData() .getFileDirectory(GUIGlobals.FILE_FIELD); // Make sure we remember which filter was used, to set // the default for next time: Globals.prefs.put("lastUsedExport", format.getConsoleName()); Globals.prefs.put("exportWorkingDirectory", file.getParent()); final File finFile = file; final Set<String> finEntryIDs = entryIds; AbstractWorker exportWorker = new AbstractWorker() { String errorMessage = null; public void run() { try { format.performExport(frame.basePanel().database(), frame.basePanel().metaData(), finFile.getPath(), frame .basePanel().getEncoding(), finEntryIDs); } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); if (ex.getMessage()==null ) { errorMessage = ex.toString(); } else { errorMessage = ex.getMessage(); } } } public void update() { // No error message. Report success: if (errorMessage == null) { frame.output(Globals.lang("%0 export successful", format.getDisplayName())); } // ... or show an error dialog: else { frame.output(Globals.lang("Could not save file") + " - " + errorMessage); // Need to warn the user that saving failed! JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame, Globals.lang("Could not save file") + ".\n" + errorMessage, Globals.lang("Save database"), JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); } } }; // Run the export action in a background thread: (exportWorker.getWorker()).run(); // Run the update method: exportWorker.update(); } } } return new ExportAction(frame, selectedOnly); } public static JFileChooser createExportFileChooser(String currentDir) { String lastUsedFormat = Globals.prefs.get("lastUsedExport"); FileFilter defaultFilter = null; JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser(currentDir); TreeSet<FileFilter> filters = new TreeSet<FileFilter>(); for (Map.Entry<String, IExportFormat> e : exportFormats.entrySet()) { String formatName = e.getKey() ; IExportFormat format = e.getValue(); filters.add(format.getFileFilter()); if (formatName.equals(lastUsedFormat)) defaultFilter = format.getFileFilter(); } for (FileFilter ff : filters) { fc.addChoosableFileFilter(ff); } fc.setAcceptAllFileFilterUsed(false); if (defaultFilter != null) fc.setFileFilter(defaultFilter); return fc; } private static void putFormat(IExportFormat format) { exportFormats.put(format.getConsoleName(), format); } }