package com.example.ece498rc_mp1; //import java.text.DecimalFormat; import; import; import; import; import; import android.hardware.Sensor; import android.hardware.SensorEvent; import android.hardware.SensorEventListener; import android.hardware.SensorManager; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Environment; import android.widget.TextView; //import java.util.ArrayList; //import java.util.List; //import android.content.Context; //import com.csvreader.CsvWriter; //package; public class SecondActivity extends Activity implements SensorEventListener { final String TAG = "MP1"; SensorManager senseM = null; TextView Tview = null; TextView AviewX = null; TextView AviewY = null; TextView AviewZ = null; TextView GviewX = null; TextView GviewY = null; TextView GviewZ = null; TextView MviewX = null; TextView MviewY = null; TextView MviewZ = null; TextView Lview = null; TextView Cview = null; TextView Azview = null; TextView Dir = null; // List<String> GArray = new ArrayList<String>(); // File f = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath(), // "sensordata.csv"); File f; long etime; int steps = 0; float thresholdp = (float) 14 * 14; float thresholdn = (float) 5 * 5; float[] history = new float[3]; int[] doubleturn = new int[2]; int next = 0; boolean nextStable = false; // CSV csv = CSV // .separator(',') // delimiter of fields // .quote('"') // quote character // .create(); // new instance is immutable @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); senseM = (SensorManager) getSystemService(SENSOR_SERVICE); // reference // to // SensorManager setContentView(R.layout.activity_main); Tview = (TextView) findViewById(; Cview = (TextView) findViewById(; AviewX = (TextView) findViewById(; // references to the 10 // textview widgets AviewY = (TextView) findViewById(; AviewZ = (TextView) findViewById(; GviewX = (TextView) findViewById(; GviewY = (TextView) findViewById(; GviewZ = (TextView) findViewById(; MviewX = (TextView) findViewById(; MviewY = (TextView) findViewById(; MviewZ = (TextView) findViewById(; Lview = (TextView) findViewById(; Azview = (TextView) findViewById(; // Dir = (TextView) findViewById(; f = new File(Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory().getPath(), "sensordata.csv"); // create file sensordata.csv } @Override public void onStart() { // timestamp incomplete, only displays ms timestamp // of app. start super.onStart(); etime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Tview.setText("Elapsed time (since app. started in ms): " + etime); } float[] grav; float[] geomag; float azimuth = 0; public void onSensorChanged(SensorEvent event) { synchronized (this) { etime = System.nanoTime(); Tview.setText("TIME: " + etime); if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER) { AviewX.setText("Accel_x: " + event.values[0]); AviewY.setText("Accel_y: " + event.values[1]); AviewZ.setText("Accel_z: " + event.values[2]); grav = event.values; if (!nextStable) { if (next == 3) nextStable = true; else { history[next] = event.values[2]; next++; } } else { history[0] = history[1]; history[1] = history[2]; history[2] = history[3]; // history[3] = history[4]; // history[4] = history[5]; history[3] = event.values[2]; } counter(); String datastringA = "A:," + Float.toString(event.values[0]) + "," + Float.toString(event.values[1]) + "," + Float.toString(event.values[2]) + "," + Long.toString(etime); // GArray.add(datastringA); try { FileWriter fr = new FileWriter(f, true); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fr); out.write(datastringA); out.newLine(); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Exception"); } } // case Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE: // GviewX.setText("Gyro_x: " + event.values[0]); // GviewY.setText("Gyro_y: " + event.values[1]); // GviewZ.setText("Gyro_z: " + event.values[2]); // String datastringG = "G:," + Float.toString(event.values[0]) + // "," + Float.toString(event.values[1]) + "," + // Float.toString(event.values[2])+","+Long.toString(etime); // //GArray.add(datastringG); // try { // FileWriter fr = new FileWriter(f, true); // BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fr); // out.write(datastringG); // out.newLine(); // out.flush(); // out.close(); // } // catch (IOException e) { // System.out.println("Exception"); // } // // break; if (event.sensor.getType() == Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD) { MviewX.setText("Mag_x: " + event.values[0]); MviewY.setText("Mag_y: " + event.values[1]); MviewZ.setText("Mag_z: " + event.values[2]); geomag = event.values; String datastringM = "M: " + "," + Float.toString(event.values[0]) + "," + Float.toString(event.values[1]) + "," + Float.toString(event.values[2]) + "," + String.valueOf(etime); // GArray.add(datastringM); // //Writer out = new FileWriter("sensordata1.csv"); // // CSVWriter<Float> csvwriter = new // CSVWriterBuilder<Float>(f).build(); // csvwriter.writeAll(GArray); try { FileWriter fr = new FileWriter(f, true); BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fr); out.write(datastringM); out.newLine(); out.flush(); out.close(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println("Exception"); } } // case Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT: // Lview.setText("light_intensity: " + event.values[0]); // String datastringL = "L:,"+Float.toString(event.values[0])+","+ // Long.toString(etime); // System.out.println(datastringL); // // GArray.add(datastringL); // try { // FileWriter fr = new FileWriter(f, true); // BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(fr); // out.write(datastringL); // out.newLine(); // out.flush(); // out.close(); // } // catch (IOException e) { // System.out.println("Exception"); // } // break; // default: // break; // if (grav != null && geomag != null) { float R[] = new float[9]; float I[] = new float[9]; boolean success = SensorManager.getRotationMatrix(R, I, grav, geomag); if (success) { float orientation[] = new float[3]; SensorManager.getOrientation(R, orientation); azimuth = orientation[0]; } Azview.setText("Azimuth: " + azimuth); } } } public void onAccuracyChanged(Sensor sensor, int accuracy) { } // doesn't do anything, but is needed for SensorManager @Override protected void onResume() { super.onResume(); // SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST is the fastest sensing rate available senseM.registerListener(this, senseM.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER), SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST); // senseM.registerListener(this, // senseM.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_GYROSCOPE), // SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST); // senseM.registerListener(this, // senseM.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_MAGNETIC_FIELD), // SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST); // senseM.registerListener(this, // senseM.getDefaultSensor(Sensor.TYPE_LIGHT), // SensorManager.SENSOR_DELAY_FASTEST); } @Override protected void onStop() { super.onStop(); steps = 0; senseM.unregisterListener(this); } public void counter() { // when first 2 values are smaller than threshold and last 2 are // greater, we recognize a local maxima float h0 = history[0] * history[0]; float h1 = history[1] * history[1]; float h2 = history[2] * history[2]; float h3 = history[3] * history[3]; if (h0 < thresholdp && h1 < thresholdp && h2 < thresholdp && h3 > thresholdp) steps++; // // we count 1 step for each pair of local maxima and minima // if ((doubleturn[0] == 1) && (doubleturn[1] == 1)) { // steps++; // doubleturn[0] = 0; // doubleturn[1] = 0; // } Cview.setText("Steps so far: " + (int) (Math.round(steps / 2))); } }