package fr.gael.dhus.util; import com.spatial4j.core.context.jts.JtsSpatialContext; import com.spatial4j.core.context.jts.JtsSpatialContextFactory; import; import com.spatial4j.core.context.jts.DatelineRule; import com.spatial4j.core.context.jts.ValidationRule; import com.spatial4j.core.shape.jts.JtsGeometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Coordinate; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.GeometryFactory; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.MultiPolygon; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Polygon; import; import com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.linemerge.LineMerger; import com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.polygonize.Polygonizer; import com.vividsolutions.jts.operation.union.UnaryUnionOp; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.logging.log4j.Logger; import org.apache.logging.log4j.LogManager; public class JTSFootprintParser { private static final Logger LOGGER = LogManager.getLogger(JTSFootprintParser.class); /** * Check JTS Footprint validity. * * @param footprint to check. * @return corrected JTS footprint or null. */ public static String checkJTSFootprint(String footprint) { JtsSpatialContextFactory defaultFactory = new JtsSpatialContextFactory(); JtsSpatialContext defaultContext = defaultFactory.newSpatialContext(); JtsWKTReaderShapeParser defaultParser = new JtsWKTReaderShapeParser(defaultContext, defaultFactory); try { defaultParser.parse(footprint); return footprint; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.warn("JTS Footprint error : " + e.getMessage()); LOGGER.warn("Trying to cut the footprint in MultiPolygons."); JtsSpatialContextFactory noCheckFactory = new JtsSpatialContextFactory(); noCheckFactory.datelineRule = DatelineRule.none; noCheckFactory.validationRule = ValidationRule.none; JtsSpatialContext noCheckContext = noCheckFactory.newSpatialContext(); JtsWKTReaderShapeParser noCheckParser = new JtsWKTReaderShapeParser(noCheckContext, noCheckFactory); try { JtsGeometry footprintGeometry = (JtsGeometry) noCheckParser.parse(footprint); JtsGeometry antimeridianLine = (JtsGeometry) defaultParser.parse("LINESTRING (180 -90, 180 90)"); Coordinate last = null; boolean positiveSide = false; Coordinate first = null; String positivePolygon = "POLYGON (("; String negativePolygon = "POLYGON (("; Coordinate positivePolygonStart = null; Coordinate negativePolygonStart = null; for (Coordinate coord: footprintGeometry.getGeom().getCoordinates()) { if (first == null) { first = coord; positiveSide = coord.x > 0; if (positiveSide && positivePolygonStart == null) { positivePolygonStart = coord; } else if (negativePolygonStart == null) { negativePolygonStart = coord; } } if (last != null) { JtsGeometry currentSegment = (JtsGeometry) defaultParser.parse("LINESTRING (" + last.x + " " + last.y + ", " + coord.x + " " + coord.y + ")"); // Test if segment is too much long (possible bad way) if (currentSegment.getGeom().getLength() > 90) { // Then adding a point in center to force the right way double x = last.x + (last.x < coord.x ? -(coord.x - last.x) / 2 : (coord.x - last.x) / 2); Coordinate center = new Coordinate(x, (last.y + coord.y) / 2); if (positiveSide) { positivePolygon += center.x + " " + center.y + ", "; } else { negativePolygon += center.x + " " + center.y + ", "; } currentSegment = (JtsGeometry) defaultParser.parse("LINESTRING (" + center.x + " " + center.y + ", " + coord.x + " " + coord.y + ")"); } // Cutting polygon on antimeridian line if crossed if (antimeridianLine.getGeom().intersects(currentSegment.getGeom())) { positivePolygon += "180 " + (last.y + coord.y) / 2 + ", "; negativePolygon += "-180 " + (last.y + coord.y) / 2 + ", "; positiveSide = coord.x > 0; if (positiveSide && positivePolygonStart == null) { positivePolygonStart = new Coordinate(180, (last.y + coord.y) / 2); } else if (negativePolygonStart == null) { negativePolygonStart = new Coordinate(-180, (last.y + coord.y) / 2); } } } if (positiveSide) { positivePolygon += coord.x + " " + coord.y + ", "; } else { negativePolygon += coord.x + " " + coord.y + ", "; } last = coord; } List<Polygon> res = new ArrayList<>(); if (positivePolygonStart != null) { String Q1STR = cutOnPoles(positivePolygon + positivePolygonStart.x + " " + positivePolygonStart.y + "))"); JtsGeometry q1g = (JtsGeometry) defaultParser.parse(Q1STR); res.add((Polygon) q1g.getGeom()); } if (negativePolygonStart != null) { String Q2STR = cutOnPoles(negativePolygon + negativePolygonStart.x + " " + negativePolygonStart.y + "))"); JtsGeometry q2g = (JtsGeometry) defaultParser.parse(Q2STR); res.add((Polygon) q2g.getGeom()); } GeometryFactory gf = new GeometryFactory(); MultiPolygon mp = gf.createMultiPolygon(res.toArray(new Polygon[res.size()])); WKTWriter wkw = new WKTWriter(); return wkw.write(mp); } catch (Exception e1) { LOGGER.error("JTS Footprint error : " + e1.getMessage(), e1); return null; } } } /** * Cut given polygon on poles (89 and -89) */ private static String cutOnPoles(String polygonWKT) throws Exception { JtsSpatialContextFactory noCheckFactory = new JtsSpatialContextFactory(); noCheckFactory.datelineRule = DatelineRule.none; noCheckFactory.validationRule = ValidationRule.none; JtsSpatialContext noCheckContext = noCheckFactory.newSpatialContext(); JtsWKTReaderShapeParser noCheckParser = new JtsWKTReaderShapeParser(noCheckContext, noCheckFactory); JtsGeometry polygon = (JtsGeometry) noCheckParser.parse(polygonWKT); JtsGeometry northPole = (JtsGeometry) noCheckParser.parse("LINESTRING(180 89, 0 89, -180 89)"); JtsGeometry southPole = (JtsGeometry) noCheckParser.parse("LINESTRING(180 -89, 0 -89, -180 -89)"); LineMerger lm = new LineMerger(); lm.add(polygon.getGeom()); lm.add(northPole.getGeom()); lm.add(southPole.getGeom()); Geometry geometry = UnaryUnionOp.union(lm.getMergedLineStrings()); Polygonizer polygonizer = new Polygonizer(); polygonizer.add(geometry); List<Polygon> foundPolygons = (List<Polygon>) polygonizer.getPolygons(); List<Polygon> filteredPolygons = new ArrayList<>(); for (Polygon p: foundPolygons) { // removing polygons over the poles if (p.getCentroid().getCoordinate().y < 89 && p.getCentroid().getCoordinate().y > -89) { filteredPolygons.add(p); } } Geometry res = null; if (!filteredPolygons.isEmpty()) { res = filteredPolygons.get(0); } if (filteredPolygons.size() > 1) { // Should not happen... LOGGER.error("A Multipolygon was found, instead of a single polygon. Only the first one is retained."); } WKTWriter wkw = new WKTWriter(); return wkw.write(res); } }