package com.sf.monitor.druid; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.type.TypeReference; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sf.log.Logger; import com.sf.monitor.Config; import com.sf.monitor.Event; import com.sf.monitor.Resources; import com.sf.monitor.utils.Utils; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; public class EmitMetricsAnalyzer { private static final Logger log = new Logger(EmitMetricsAnalyzer.class); public static final String tableName = "druid_metrics"; public static class MetricInfo { public String feed; public String timestamp; public String service; public String host; public String metric; public double value; public String severity; public String description; public String user1; public String user2; public String user3; public String user4; public Object user5; public Object user6; public Object user7; public Object user8; public Object user9; public Object user10; } public static List<Event> fetchReceivedInfos(List<MetricInfo> rawInfos) { if (rawInfos == null || rawInfos.size() == 0) { return Collections.emptyList(); } String timestamp = rawInfos.get(0).timestamp; List<Event> points = Lists.newArrayList(); for (MetricInfo info : rawInfos) { for (MetricFetchers fetchers : allMetrics) { Event p = fetchers.toPoint(info); if (p != null) { points.add(p); } } } return points; } private static MetricFetchers systemMetrics = new MetricFetchers( new MetricFetcher("sys/mem") .withKeys("max", "used"), new MetricFetcher("sys/fs") .withKeys("max", "used") .withUsers( "user1", "device", "user2", "mount" ), new MetricFetcher("sys/disk") .withKeys("write/count", "write/size", "read/count", "read/size") .withUsers( "user1", "device", "user2", "mount" ), new MetricFetcher("sys/net") .withKeys("write/size", "read/size") .withUsers( "user1", "device", "user2", "ip", "user3", "ether" ), new MetricFetcher("sys/cpu") .withUsers( "user1", "cpuid", "user2", "type" ), new MetricFetcher("sys/swap") .withKeys("max", "free", "pageIn", "pageOut") ); private static MetricFetchers jvmMetrics = new MetricFetchers( new MetricFetcher("jvm/mem") .withKeys("committed", "init", "max", "used") .withUsers("user1", "type"), new MetricFetcher("jvm/pool") .withKeys("committed", "init", "max", "used") .withUsers( "user1", "type", "user2", "space" ), new MetricFetcher("jvm/gc") .withKeys("time", "count") .withUsers("user1", "type"), new MetricFetcher("jvm/bufferpool") .withKeys("capacity", "used") .withUsers("user1", "type") ); private static MetricFetchers cacheMetrics = new MetricFetchers( new MetricFetcher("cache/delta").withKeys( "numEntries", "numEntries", "sizeBytes", "hits", "misses", "evictions", "averageBytes", "timeouts", "errors", "hitRate" ) ); private static MetricFetchers segmentMetrics = new MetricFetchers( new MetricFetcher("server/segment") .withKeys("used", "usedPercent", "count") .withUsers( "user1", "dataSource", "user2", "tier" ), new MetricFetcher("server/segment") .withKeys("max"), new MetricFetcher("server/segment") .withKeys("totalUsed", "totalCount", "totalUsedPercent") .withUsers("user2", "tier") .withWarning("server/segment/totalUsedPercent", new Warning(0.85, "running out of segment space")) ); private static MetricFetchers indexMetrics = new MetricFetchers( new MetricFetcher("events") .withKeys("thrownAway", "unparseable", "processed") .withUsers("user2", "dataSource"), new MetricFetcher("rows/output") .withUsers("user2", "dataSource"), new MetricFetcher("persists") .withKeys("num", "time", "backPressure") .withUsers("user2", "dataSource") ); // Those are the metrics we care about currently. private static MetricFetchers[] allMetrics = new MetricFetchers[]{ systemMetrics, jvmMetrics, cacheMetrics, segmentMetrics, indexMetrics }; private static class MetricFetcher { final String name; List<String> accpetMetrics; Map<String, String> userMap = Maps.newHashMap(); Map<String, Warning> warnings = Maps.newHashMap(); MetricFetcher(String name) { = StringUtils.removeStart(StringUtils.removeEnd(name, "/"), "/"); this.accpetMetrics = Collections.singletonList(name); } MetricFetcher withKeys(String... keys) { this.accpetMetrics = Lists.transform( Lists.newArrayList(keys), new Function<String, String>() { @Override public String apply(String key) { return name + "/" + StringUtils.removeStart(StringUtils.removeEnd(key, "/"), "/"); } } ); return this; } MetricFetcher withUsers(String... users) { for (int i = 0; i + 1 < users.length; i += 2) { userMap.put(users[i], users[i + 1]); } return this; } MetricFetcher withWarning(String key, Warning warning) { warnings.put(key, warning); return this; } Iterable<String> accpetMetrics() { return accpetMetrics; } Event toPoint(MetricInfo info) { Event p = new Event(); p.metricName = Utils.smoothText.apply(info.metric); p.metricValue = info.value; Warning warning = warnings.get(info.metric); p.tags = Maps.newLinkedHashMap(); // We need the order! p.tags.put("service", info.service.replace("/", ":")); // Transform into real service modelName. p.tags.put("host",; for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : userMap.entrySet()) { String user = e.getKey(); String dim = e.getValue(); if ("user1".equals(user)) { p.tags.put(dim, info.user1); } else if ("user2".equals(user)) { p.tags.put(dim, info.user2); } else if ("user3".equals(user)) { p.tags.put(dim, info.user3); } else if ("user4".equals(user)) { p.tags.put(dim, info.user4); } } if (warning != null) { warning.checkAlarm(info, p.tags); } return p; } } private static class Warning { static enum Watcher { ShouldSmaller, ShouldBigger } double threshold; String warning; Watcher watcher = Watcher.ShouldSmaller; Warning(double threshold, String warning) { this.threshold = threshold; this.warning = warning; } Warning withWatcher(Watcher watcher) { this.watcher = watcher; return this; } void checkAlarm(MetricInfo info, Map<String, String> tags) { boolean shouldWarn = false; if (watcher == Watcher.ShouldBigger) { shouldWarn = info.value < threshold; } else if (watcher == Watcher.ShouldSmaller) { shouldWarn = info.value > threshold; } if (shouldWarn && Config.config.druidInfos.shouldWarn(info.metric)) { String warnMsg = getWarning(info, tags); Utils.sendNotify("druid", warnMsg); log.warn("druid - " + warnMsg); } } String getWarning(MetricInfo info, Map<String, String> tags) { String tagStr = Joiner.on(',').join( Iterables.transform( tags.entrySet(), new Function<Map.Entry<String, String>, String>() { @Override public String apply(Map.Entry<String, String> e) { return e.getKey() + ":[" + e.getValue() + "]"; } } ) ); return String.format( "%s - %s: current[%f], threshold[%f], %s", tagStr, info.metric, info.value, threshold, warning ); } } private static class MetricFetchers { final Map<String, MetricFetcher> fetchers; MetricFetchers(MetricFetcher... mappers) { this.fetchers = Maps.newHashMap(); for (MetricFetcher fetcher : mappers) { for (String metric : fetcher.accpetMetrics()) { fetchers.put(metric, fetcher); } } } Event toPoint(MetricInfo info) { if (!"metrics".equals(info.feed)) { return null; } MetricFetcher fetcher = fetchers.get(info.metric); if (fetcher == null) { return null; } return fetcher.toPoint(info); } } private static List<MetricInfo> parseMetrics(String rawMetricStr) { try { return Resources.jsonMapper.readValue( rawMetricStr, new TypeReference<List<MetricInfo>>() { } ); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e, "failed to parse metric infos"); return Collections.emptyList(); } } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { Config.init("config"); Resources.init(); String msg = IOUtils.toString(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream("druid_metrics_msg")); List<Event> points = EmitMetricsAnalyzer.fetchReceivedInfos(parseMetrics(msg)); //Resources.influxDB.write("dcmonitor", "", points); System.out.println(Resources.jsonMapper.writeValueAsString(points)); } }