package play.modules.cream.helpers; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; public class JcrUtils { public static String buildSelect(final String path, final String where, String nodeType) { StringBuilder queryString = new StringBuilder("select * from "); queryString.append('['); queryString.append(nodeType); queryString.append(']'); boolean hasPath = StringUtils.isNotBlank(path); boolean hasWhere = StringUtils.isNotBlank(where); if (hasPath || hasWhere) { queryString.append(" where "); if (hasPath) { queryString.append("ISCHILDNODE('"); queryString.append(JcrUtils.escapeSingleQuote(path)); queryString.append("')"); } if (hasPath && hasWhere && !where.toLowerCase().startsWith("order by")) { queryString.append(" and "); } queryString.append(where); } return queryString.toString(); } /** * Escapes characters that expects to be escaped by a preceding '{@code \}' * or for quote like characters by the character itself. * <p/> * According to of the * JCR-170 specification, the apostrophe (') * and quotation mark(") must be escaped according to the standard rules of * XPath with regard to string literals: If the literal is delimited by * apostrophes, two adjacent apostrophes within the literal are interpreted * as a single apostrophe. Similarly, if the literal is delimited by * quotation marks, two adjacent quotation marks within the literal are * interpreted as one quotation mark. * * @param keywords * the string to escape * @return a String where characters that QueryParser expects to be escaped, * are escaped by a preceding ' {@code \}' or for quote like * characters by itself */ public static String escapeSingleQuote(String keywords) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < keywords.length(); i++) { char c = keywords.charAt(i); if (c == '\'') { sb.append('\\'); sb.append(c); } sb.append(c); } return sb.toString(); } public static String queryFormat(String queryString, Object[] params) { for (int i = 0; i < params.length; i++) { if (params[i] instanceof String) { params[i] = "'" + escapeSingleQuote((String) params[i]) + "'"; } } return String.format(queryString, params); } }