/* * JasperReports - Free Java Reporting Library. * Copyright (C) 2001 - 2009 Jaspersoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * http://www.jaspersoft.com * * Unless you have purchased a commercial license agreement from Jaspersoft, * the following license terms apply: * * This program is part of JasperReports. * * JasperReports is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * JasperReports is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with JasperReports. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. */ /* * Contributors: * John Bindel - jbindel@users.sourceforge.net */ package net.sf.jasperreports.engine.fill; import java.net.URLStreamHandlerFactory; import java.sql.Connection; import java.text.Format; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.ListIterator; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.ResourceBundle; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TimeZone; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRAbstractScriptlet; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRConstants; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataSource; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDataset; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRDefaultStyleProvider; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRException; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRExpression; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRGroup; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JROrigin; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRParameter; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPrintElement; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRPrintPage; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRReportFont; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRReportTemplate; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRRuntimeException; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRStyle; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRStyleSetter; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRTemplate; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRTemplateReference; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JRVirtualizer; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperPrint; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.JasperReport; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRBasePrintPage; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.base.JRVirtualPrintPage; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.BandTypeEnum; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.CalculationEnum; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.EvaluationTimeEnum; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.FooterPositionEnum; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.OrientationEnum; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.PrintOrderEnum; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.WhenNoDataTypeEnum; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.type.WhenResourceMissingTypeEnum; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.DefaultFormatFactory; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.FileResolver; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.FormatFactory; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRDataUtils; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRGraphEnvInitializer; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRProperties; import net.sf.jasperreports.engine.util.JRStyledTextParser; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * @author Teodor Danciu (teodord@users.sourceforge.net) * @version $Id: JRBaseFiller.java 3839 2010-06-01 09:20:20Z teodord $ */ public abstract class JRBaseFiller implements JRDefaultStyleProvider, JRVirtualPrintPage.IdentityDataProvider//, JRDefaultFontProvider { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(JRBaseFiller.class); /** * Map class to be used for bound elements. * <p/> * Keeps print elements to fill elements maps. * If per page element maps are used, such maps are kept per page. * * @author John Bindel */ public class BoundElementMap { private static final long serialVersionUID = JRConstants.SERIAL_VERSION_UID; private final Map map; BoundElementMap() { map = new HashMap(); } /** * Keep track of the objects per page for our virtualizer. */ public Object put(Object key, Object value, JRPrintPage keyPage) { Map pageMap = (Map) map.get(keyPage); if (pageMap == null) { pageMap = new HashMap(); map.put(keyPage, pageMap); } return pageMap.put(key, value); } /** * If per page map is required, the entry will also be added for the * current print page. */ public Object put(Object key, Object value) { if (isPerPageBoundElements) { return put(key, value, fillContext.getPrintPage()); } return map.put(key, value); } public void clear() { map.clear(); } public Map getMap() { return map; } public Map getMap(JRPrintPage page) { return (Map) map.get(page); } public Map putMap(JRPrintPage page, Map valueMap) { return (Map) map.put(page, valueMap); } } protected final String fillerId; /** * */ protected JRBaseFiller parentFiller = null; protected JRFillSubreport parentElement; private final JRFillObjectFactory factory; private JRStyledTextParser styledTextParser = JRStyledTextParser.getInstance(); /** * */ private boolean isInterrupted = false; /** * */ protected String name = null; protected int columnCount = 1; protected PrintOrderEnum printOrder = PrintOrderEnum.VERTICAL; protected int pageWidth = 0; protected int pageHeight = 0; protected OrientationEnum orientation = OrientationEnum.PORTRAIT; protected WhenNoDataTypeEnum whenNoDataType = WhenNoDataTypeEnum.NO_PAGES; protected int columnWidth = 0; protected int columnSpacing = 0; protected int leftMargin = 0; protected int rightMargin = 0; protected int topMargin = 0; protected int bottomMargin = 0; protected boolean isTitleNewPage = false; protected boolean isSummaryNewPage = false; protected boolean isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter = false; protected boolean isFloatColumnFooter = false; /** * the resource missing handling type */ protected WhenResourceMissingTypeEnum whenResourceMissingType = WhenResourceMissingTypeEnum.NULL; protected JRFillReportTemplate[] reportTemplates; protected List<JRTemplate> templates; protected JRReportFont defaultFont = null; protected JRReportFont[] fonts = null; protected JRStyle defaultStyle = null; protected JRStyle[] styles = null; /** * Main report dataset. */ protected JRFillDataset mainDataset; protected JRFillGroup[] groups = null; protected JRFillSection missingFillSection = null; protected JRFillBand missingFillBand = null; protected JRFillBand background = null; protected JRFillBand title = null; protected JRFillBand pageHeader = null; protected JRFillBand columnHeader = null; protected JRFillSection detailSection = null; protected JRFillBand columnFooter = null; protected JRFillBand pageFooter = null; protected JRFillBand lastPageFooter = null; protected JRFillBand summary = null; protected JRFillBand noData = null; protected JRVirtualizer virtualizer = null; protected ClassLoader reportClassLoader = null; protected FormatFactory formatFactory = null; protected URLStreamHandlerFactory urlHandlerFactory; protected FileResolver fileResolver; protected JRFillContext fillContext; /** * Bound element maps indexed by {@link JREvaluationTime JREvaluationTime} objects. */ protected Map boundElements; /** * */ protected JasperPrint jasperPrint = null; protected JRPrintPage printPage = null; protected int printPageStretchHeight = 0; /** * List of {@link JRFillBand JRFillBand} objects containing all bands of the * report. */ protected List bands; /** * Collection of subfillers */ protected Set subfillers; private List identityPages; private Thread fillingThread; protected JRCalculator calculator; protected JRAbstractScriptlet scriptlet; /** * Map of datasets ({@link JRFillDataset JRFillDataset} objects} indexed by name. */ protected Map datasetMap; /** * The report. */ protected JasperReport jasperReport; private boolean bandOverFlowAllowed; protected boolean isPerPageBoundElements; /** * */ protected Map dateFormatCache = new HashMap(); protected Map numberFormatCache = new HashMap(); private JRSubreportRunner subreportRunner; protected SavePoint keepTogetherSavePoint = null; /** * */ protected boolean isCreatingNewPage = false; protected boolean isNewPage = false; protected boolean isNewColumn = false; protected boolean isNewGroup = true; protected boolean isFirstPageBand = false; protected boolean isFirstColumnBand = false; protected int columnIndex = 0; protected int offsetX = 0; protected int offsetY = 0; protected int columnHeaderOffsetY = 0; protected int columnFooterOffsetY = 0; protected int lastPageColumnFooterOffsetY = 0; protected boolean isLastPageFooter = false; protected JRBaseFiller(JasperReport jasperReport, JREvaluator initEvaluator, JRFillSubreport parentElement) throws JRException { this(jasperReport, (DatasetExpressionEvaluator) initEvaluator, parentElement); } /** * */ protected JRBaseFiller(JasperReport jasperReport, DatasetExpressionEvaluator initEvaluator, JRFillSubreport parentElement) throws JRException { this.fillerId = Integer.toString(System.identityHashCode(this)); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Fill " + fillerId + ": created for " + jasperReport.getName()); } JRGraphEnvInitializer.initializeGraphEnv(); this.jasperReport = jasperReport; /* */ this.parentElement = parentElement; if (parentElement != null) { this.parentFiller = parentElement.filler; } if (parentFiller == null) { fillContext = new JRFillContext(); } else { fillContext = parentFiller.fillContext; } /* */ name = jasperReport.getName(); columnCount = jasperReport.getColumnCount(); printOrder = jasperReport.getPrintOrderValue(); pageWidth = jasperReport.getPageWidth(); pageHeight = jasperReport.getPageHeight(); orientation = jasperReport.getOrientationValue(); whenNoDataType = jasperReport.getWhenNoDataTypeValue(); columnWidth = jasperReport.getColumnWidth(); columnSpacing = jasperReport.getColumnSpacing(); leftMargin = jasperReport.getLeftMargin(); rightMargin = jasperReport.getRightMargin(); topMargin = jasperReport.getTopMargin(); bottomMargin = jasperReport.getBottomMargin(); isTitleNewPage = jasperReport.isTitleNewPage(); isSummaryNewPage = jasperReport.isSummaryNewPage(); isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter = jasperReport.isSummaryWithPageHeaderAndFooter(); isFloatColumnFooter = jasperReport.isFloatColumnFooter(); whenResourceMissingType = jasperReport.getWhenResourceMissingTypeValue(); jasperPrint = new JasperPrint(); JRProperties.transferProperties(jasperReport, jasperPrint, JasperPrint.PROPERTIES_PRINT_TRANSFER_PREFIX); if (initEvaluator == null) { calculator = JRFillDataset.createCalculator(jasperReport, jasperReport.getMainDataset()); } else { calculator = new JRCalculator(initEvaluator); } /* */ factory = new JRFillObjectFactory(this); /* */ missingFillBand = new JRFillBand(this, null, factory); missingFillSection = new JRFillSection(this, null, factory); /* */ defaultFont = factory.getReportFont(jasperReport.getDefaultFont()); /* */ JRReportFont[] jrFonts = jasperReport.getFonts(); if (jrFonts != null && jrFonts.length > 0) { fonts = new JRReportFont[jrFonts.length]; for (int i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++) { fonts[i] = factory.getReportFont(jrFonts[i]); } } createDatasets(); mainDataset = factory.getDataset(jasperReport.getMainDataset()); groups = mainDataset.groups; createReportTemplates(factory); String reportName = factory.getFiller().isSubreport() ? factory.getFiller().getJasperReport().getName() : null; background = factory.getBand(jasperReport.getBackground()); if (background != missingFillBand) { background.setOrigin( new JROrigin( reportName, BandTypeEnum.BACKGROUND ) ); } title = factory.getBand(jasperReport.getTitle()); if (title != missingFillBand) { title.setOrigin( new JROrigin( reportName, BandTypeEnum.TITLE ) ); } pageHeader = factory.getBand(jasperReport.getPageHeader()); if (pageHeader != missingFillBand) { pageHeader.setOrigin( new JROrigin( reportName, BandTypeEnum.PAGE_HEADER ) ); } columnHeader = factory.getBand(jasperReport.getColumnHeader()); if (columnHeader != missingFillBand) { columnHeader.setOrigin( new JROrigin( reportName, BandTypeEnum.COLUMN_HEADER ) ); } detailSection = factory.getSection(jasperReport.getDetailSection()); if (detailSection != missingFillSection) { detailSection.setOrigin( new JROrigin( reportName, BandTypeEnum.DETAIL ) ); } columnFooter = factory.getBand(jasperReport.getColumnFooter()); if (columnFooter != missingFillBand) { columnFooter.setOrigin( new JROrigin( reportName, BandTypeEnum.COLUMN_FOOTER ) ); } pageFooter = factory.getBand(jasperReport.getPageFooter()); if (pageFooter != missingFillBand) { pageFooter.setOrigin( new JROrigin( reportName, BandTypeEnum.PAGE_FOOTER ) ); } lastPageFooter = factory.getBand(jasperReport.getLastPageFooter()); if (lastPageFooter != missingFillBand) { lastPageFooter.setOrigin( new JROrigin( reportName, BandTypeEnum.LAST_PAGE_FOOTER ) ); } summary = factory.getBand(jasperReport.getSummary()); if (summary != missingFillBand && summary.isEmpty()) { summary = missingFillBand; } if (summary != missingFillBand) { summary.setOrigin( new JROrigin( reportName, BandTypeEnum.SUMMARY ) ); } noData = factory.getBand(jasperReport.getNoData()); if (noData != missingFillBand) { noData.setOrigin( new JROrigin( reportName, BandTypeEnum.NO_DATA ) ); } mainDataset.initElementDatasets(factory); initDatasets(factory); mainDataset.checkVariableCalculationReqs(factory); /* */ mainDataset.setCalculator(calculator); mainDataset.initCalculator(); initBands(); } /** * Returns the report parameters indexed by name. * * @return the report parameters map */ protected Map getParametersMap() { return mainDataset.parametersMap; } /** * Returns the map of parameter values. * * @return the map of parameter values */ public Map getParameterValuesMap() { return mainDataset.getParameterValuesMap(); } /** * Returns the report fields indexed by name. * * @return the report fields map */ protected Map getFieldsMap() { return mainDataset.fieldsMap; } /** * Returns the report variables indexed by name. * * @return the report variables map */ protected Map getVariablesMap() { return mainDataset.variablesMap; } /** * Returns a report variable. * * @param variableName the variable name * @return the variable */ protected JRFillVariable getVariable(String variableName) { return (JRFillVariable) mainDataset.variablesMap.get(variableName); } /** * Returns a report field. * * @param fieldName the field name * @return the field */ protected JRFillField getField(String fieldName) { return (JRFillField) mainDataset.fieldsMap.get(fieldName); } private void initBands() { bands = new ArrayList(8 + (groups == null ? 0 : (2 * groups.length))); bands.add(title); bands.add(summary); bands.add(pageHeader); bands.add(pageFooter); bands.add(lastPageFooter); bands.add(columnHeader); bands.add(columnFooter); if (detailSection.getBands() != null) { bands.addAll(Arrays.asList(detailSection.getBands())); } bands.add(noData); if (groups != null && groups.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { JRFillGroup group = groups[i]; if (group.getGroupHeaderSection().getBands() != null) { bands.addAll(Arrays.asList(group.getGroupHeaderSection().getBands())); } if (group.getGroupFooterSection().getBands() != null) { bands.addAll(Arrays.asList(group.getGroupFooterSection().getBands())); } } } initBandsNowEvaluationTimes(); } private void initBandsNowEvaluationTimes() { JREvaluationTime[] groupEvaluationTimes; if (groups == null) { groupEvaluationTimes = new JREvaluationTime[0]; } else { groupEvaluationTimes = new JREvaluationTime[groups.length]; for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { groupEvaluationTimes[i] = JREvaluationTime.getGroupEvaluationTime(groups[i].getName()); } for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { JRGroup group = groups[i]; JRFillSection footer = (JRFillSection) group.getGroupFooterSection(); for (int j = i; j < groupEvaluationTimes.length; ++j) { footer.addNowEvaluationTime(groupEvaluationTimes[j]); } } } columnFooter.addNowEvaluationTime(JREvaluationTime.EVALUATION_TIME_COLUMN); pageFooter.addNowEvaluationTime(JREvaluationTime.EVALUATION_TIME_COLUMN); pageFooter.addNowEvaluationTime(JREvaluationTime.EVALUATION_TIME_PAGE); summary.addNowEvaluationTimes(groupEvaluationTimes); noData.addNowEvaluationTimes(groupEvaluationTimes); } /** * */ public JRStyledTextParser getStyledTextParser() { return styledTextParser; } /** * */ public JasperPrint getJasperPrint() { return jasperPrint; } /** * Returns the number of generated master print pages. * * @return the number of generated master print pages */ public int getCurrentPageCount() { return getMasterFiller().jasperPrint.getPages().size(); } /** * */ public JRReportFont getDefaultFont() { return defaultFont; } /** * */ public JRStyle getDefaultStyle() { return defaultStyle; } /** * */ protected boolean isSubreport() { return (parentFiller != null); } protected boolean isSubreportRunToBottom() { return parentElement != null && parentElement.isRunToBottom() != null && parentElement.isRunToBottom().booleanValue(); } /** * */ protected boolean isInterrupted() { return (isInterrupted || (parentFiller != null && parentFiller.isInterrupted())); } /** * */ protected void setInterrupted(boolean isInterrupted) { this.isInterrupted = isInterrupted; } /** * */ protected JRPrintPage getCurrentPage() { return printPage; } /** * */ protected JRReportFont[] getFonts() { return fonts; } /** * */ protected int getCurrentPageStretchHeight() { return printPageStretchHeight; } /** * */ protected abstract void setPageHeight(int pageHeight); public JasperPrint fill(Map parameterValues, Connection conn) throws JRException { if (parameterValues == null) { parameterValues = new HashMap(); } setConnectionParameterValue(parameterValues, conn); return fill(parameterValues); } protected void setConnectionParameterValue(Map parameterValues, Connection conn) { mainDataset.setConnectionParameterValue(parameterValues, conn); } public JasperPrint fill(Map parameterValues, JRDataSource ds) throws JRException { if (parameterValues == null) { parameterValues = new HashMap(); } setDatasourceParameterValue(parameterValues, ds); return fill(parameterValues); } protected void setDatasourceParameterValue(Map parameterValues, JRDataSource ds) { mainDataset.setDatasourceParameterValue(parameterValues, ds); } public JasperPrint fill(Map parameterValues) throws JRException { if (parameterValues == null) { parameterValues = new HashMap(); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Fill " + fillerId + ": filling report"); } fillingThread = Thread.currentThread(); JRResourcesFillUtil.ResourcesFillContext resourcesContext = JRResourcesFillUtil.setResourcesFillContext(parameterValues); reportClassLoader = resourcesContext.getClassLoader(); urlHandlerFactory = resourcesContext.getUrlHandlerFactory(); fileResolver = resourcesContext.getFileResolver(); try { setParameters(parameterValues); loadStyles(); if (parentFiller != null) { parentFiller.registerSubfiller(this); } jasperPrint.setName(name); jasperPrint.setPageWidth(pageWidth); jasperPrint.setPageHeight(pageHeight); jasperPrint.setTopMargin(topMargin); jasperPrint.setLeftMargin(leftMargin); jasperPrint.setBottomMargin(bottomMargin); jasperPrint.setRightMargin(rightMargin); jasperPrint.setOrientation(orientation); jasperPrint.setDefaultFont(defaultFont); jasperPrint.setFormatFactoryClass(jasperReport.getFormatFactoryClass()); jasperPrint.setLocaleCode(JRDataUtils.getLocaleCode(getLocale())); jasperPrint.setTimeZoneId(JRDataUtils.getTimeZoneId(getTimeZone())); /* */ if (fonts != null && fonts.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < fonts.length; i++) { jasperPrint.addFont(fonts[i], true); } } jasperPrint.setDefaultStyle(defaultStyle); /* */ if (styles != null && styles.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) { addPrintStyle(styles[i]); } } createBoundElemementMaps(); /* */ mainDataset.start(); /* */ fillReport(); // add consolidates styles as normal styles in the print object // for (Iterator it = consolidatedStyles.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) // { // jasperPrint.addStyle((JRStyle) it.next()); // } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Fill " + fillerId + ": ended"); } return jasperPrint; } finally { mainDataset.closeDatasource(); if (parentFiller != null) { parentFiller.unregisterSubfiller(this); } fillingThread = null; //kill the subreport filler threads killSubfillerThreads(); JRResourcesFillUtil.revertResourcesFillContext(resourcesContext); } } public void addPrintStyle(JRStyle style) throws JRException { jasperPrint.addStyle(style, true); } protected static interface DefaultStyleListener { void defaultStyleSet(JRStyle style); } private final List defaultStyleListeners = new ArrayList(); protected void addDefaultStyleListener(DefaultStyleListener listener) { defaultStyleListeners.add(listener); } protected void setDefaultStyle(JRStyle style) { defaultStyle = style; for (Iterator it = defaultStyleListeners.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { DefaultStyleListener listener = (DefaultStyleListener) it.next(); listener.defaultStyleSet(style); } } protected void loadStyles() throws JRException { List styleList = collectStyles(); JRStyle reportDefaultStyle = jasperReport.getDefaultStyle(); if (reportDefaultStyle == null) { lookupExternalDefaultStyle(styleList); } List includedStyles = factory.setStyles(styleList); styles = (JRStyle[]) includedStyles.toArray(new JRStyle[includedStyles.size()]); if (reportDefaultStyle != null) { setDefaultStyle(factory.getStyle(reportDefaultStyle)); } } private static final JRStyleSetter DUMMY_STYLE_SETTER = new JRStyleSetter() { public void setStyle(JRStyle style) { } public void setStyleNameReference(String name) { } }; protected List collectStyles() throws JRException { List styleList = collectTemplateStyles(); JRStyle[] reportStyles = jasperReport.getStyles(); if (reportStyles != null) { styles = new JRStyle[reportStyles.length]; for (int i = 0; i < reportStyles.length; i++) { JRStyle style = reportStyles[i]; styleList.add(style); //add dummy style requester so that report styles are always included //in the final list factory.registerDelayedStyleSetter(DUMMY_STYLE_SETTER, style.getName()); } } return styleList; } protected void collectTemplates() throws JRException { templates = new ArrayList<JRTemplate>(); if (reportTemplates != null) { for (JRFillReportTemplate reportTemplate : reportTemplates) { JRTemplate template = reportTemplate.evaluate(); if (template != null) { templates.add(template); } } } Collection paramTemplates = (Collection) mainDataset.getParameterValue( JRParameter.REPORT_TEMPLATES, true); if (paramTemplates != null) { templates.addAll(paramTemplates); } } public List<JRTemplate> getTemplates() { return templates; } protected List collectTemplateStyles() throws JRException { collectTemplates(); List externalStyles = new ArrayList(); HashSet loadedLocations = new HashSet(); for (JRTemplate template : templates) { collectStyles(template, externalStyles, loadedLocations); } return externalStyles; } protected void collectStyles(JRTemplate template, List externalStyles, Set loadedLocations) throws JRException { HashSet parentLocations = new HashSet(); collectStyles(template, externalStyles, loadedLocations, parentLocations); } protected void collectStyles(JRTemplate template, List externalStyles, Set loadedLocations, Set templateParentLocations) throws JRException { collectIncludedTemplates(template, externalStyles, loadedLocations, templateParentLocations); JRStyle[] templateStyles = template.getStyles(); if (templateStyles != null) { for (int i = 0; i < templateStyles.length; i++) { JRStyle style = templateStyles[i]; String styleName = style.getName(); if (styleName == null) { throw new JRRuntimeException("External style name not set."); } externalStyles.add(style); } } } protected void collectIncludedTemplates(JRTemplate template, List externalStyles, Set loadedLocations, Set templateParentLocations) throws JRException { JRTemplateReference[] includedTemplates = template.getIncludedTemplates(); if (includedTemplates != null) { for (int i = 0; i < includedTemplates.length; i++) { JRTemplateReference reference = includedTemplates[i]; String location = reference.getLocation(); if (!templateParentLocations.add(location)) { throw new JRRuntimeException("Circular dependency found for template at location " + location); } if (loadedLocations.add(location)) { //template not yet loaded JRTemplate includedTemplate = JRFillReportTemplate.loadTemplate( location, String.class, fillContext); collectStyles(includedTemplate, externalStyles, loadedLocations, templateParentLocations); } } } } protected void lookupExternalDefaultStyle(Collection styleList) { JRStyle defStyle = null; for (Iterator it = styleList.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { JRStyle style = (JRStyle) it.next(); if (style.isDefault()) { defStyle = style; } } if (defStyle != null) { factory.registerDelayedStyleSetter(new JRStyleSetter() { public void setStyle(JRStyle style) { if (style.isDefault()) { setDefaultStyle(style); } } public void setStyleNameReference(String name) { } }, defStyle.getName()); } } private void createBoundElemementMaps() { boundElements = new HashMap(); createBoundElementMaps(JREvaluationTime.EVALUATION_TIME_REPORT); createBoundElementMaps(JREvaluationTime.EVALUATION_TIME_PAGE); createBoundElementMaps(JREvaluationTime.EVALUATION_TIME_COLUMN); if (groups != null) { for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { createBoundElementMaps(JREvaluationTime.getGroupEvaluationTime(groups[i].getName())); } } for (Iterator i = bands.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JRFillBand band = (JRFillBand) i.next(); createBoundElementMaps(JREvaluationTime.getBandEvaluationTime(band)); } } private void createBoundElementMaps(JREvaluationTime evaluationTime) { BoundElementMap boundElementsMap = new BoundElementMap(); boundElements.put(evaluationTime, boundElementsMap); } private void killSubfillerThreads() { if (subfillers != null && !subfillers.isEmpty()) { for (Iterator it = subfillers.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { JRBaseFiller subfiller = (JRBaseFiller) it.next(); if (subfiller.fillingThread != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Fill " + fillerId + ": Interrupting subfiller thread " + subfiller.fillingThread); } subfiller.fillingThread.interrupt(); } } } } /** * */ protected abstract void fillReport() throws JRException; /** * */ protected void setParameters(Map parameterValues) throws JRException { if (!isSubreport()) { /* Virtualizer */ virtualizer = (JRVirtualizer) parameterValues.get(JRParameter.REPORT_VIRTUALIZER); if (virtualizer != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Fill " + fillerId + ": using virtualizer " + virtualizer); } fillContext.setUsingVirtualizer(true); fillContext.setPerPageBoundElements(true); JRVirtualizationContext.register(fillContext.getVirtualizationContext(), jasperPrint); } } isPerPageBoundElements = fillContext.isPerPageBoundElements(); setFormatFactory(parameterValues); setIgnorePagination(parameterValues); mainDataset.setParameterValues(parameterValues); mainDataset.initDatasource(); this.scriptlet = mainDataset.delegateScriptlet; if (!isSubreport()) { fillContext.setMasterFormatFactory(getFormatFactory()); fillContext.setMasterLocale(getLocale()); fillContext.setMasterTimeZone(getTimeZone()); } } private void setFormatFactory(Map parameterValues) { formatFactory = (FormatFactory)parameterValues.get(JRParameter.REPORT_FORMAT_FACTORY); if (formatFactory == null) { formatFactory = DefaultFormatFactory.createFormatFactory(jasperReport.getFormatFactoryClass()); parameterValues.put(JRParameter.REPORT_FORMAT_FACTORY, formatFactory); } } private void setIgnorePagination(Map parameterValues) { if (parentFiller == null)//pagination is driven by the master { Boolean isIgnorePaginationParam = (Boolean) parameterValues.get(JRParameter.IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION); if (isIgnorePaginationParam != null) { fillContext.setIgnorePagination(isIgnorePaginationParam.booleanValue()); } else { boolean ignorePagination = jasperReport.isIgnorePagination(); fillContext.setIgnorePagination(ignorePagination); parameterValues.put(JRParameter.IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION, ignorePagination ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } } else { boolean ignorePagination = fillContext.isIgnorePagination(); parameterValues.put(JRParameter.IS_IGNORE_PAGINATION, ignorePagination ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE); } if (fillContext.isIgnorePagination()) { isTitleNewPage = false; isSummaryNewPage = false; if (groups != null) { for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { groups[i].setStartNewPage(false); groups[i].setResetPageNumber(false); groups[i].setStartNewColumn(false); } } setPageHeight(Integer.MAX_VALUE); } } /** * Returns the report locale. * * @return the report locale */ protected Locale getLocale() { return mainDataset.locale; } /** * Returns the report time zone. * * @return the report time zone */ protected TimeZone getTimeZone() { return mainDataset.timeZone; } /** * Returns the report resource bundle. * * @return the report resource bundle */ protected ResourceBundle getResourceBundle() { return mainDataset.resourceBundle; } /** * Returns the report format factory. * * @return the report format factory */ protected FormatFactory getFormatFactory() { return formatFactory; } /** * */ protected Format getDateFormat(String pattern) { Locale lc = getLocale(); TimeZone tz = getTimeZone(); String key = pattern + "|" + JRDataUtils.getLocaleCode(lc) + "|" + JRDataUtils.getTimeZoneId(tz); Format format = (Format)dateFormatCache.get(key); if (format == null) { format = getFormatFactory().createDateFormat(pattern, lc, tz); if (format != null) { dateFormatCache.put(key, format); } } return format; } /** * */ protected Format getNumberFormat(String pattern) { Locale lc = getLocale(); String key = pattern + "|" + JRDataUtils.getLocaleCode(lc); Format format = (Format)numberFormatCache.get(key); if (format == null) { format = getFormatFactory().createNumberFormat(pattern, lc); if (format != null) { numberFormatCache.put(key, format); } } return format; } protected boolean hasMasterFormatFactory() { return !isSubreport() || getFormatFactory().getClass().getName().equals( fillContext.getMasterFormatFactory().getClass().getName() ); } protected boolean hasMasterLocale() { return !isSubreport() || getLocale().equals(fillContext.getMasterLocale()); } protected boolean hasMasterTimeZone() { return !isSubreport() || getTimeZone().equals(fillContext.getMasterTimeZone()); } /** * Sets a parameter's value. * * @param parameterName the parameter name * @param value the value * @throws JRException */ protected void setParameter(String parameterName, Object value) throws JRException { mainDataset.setParameter(parameterName, value); } /** * Sets a parameter's value. * * @param parameter the parameter * @param value the value * @throws JRException */ protected void setParameter(JRFillParameter parameter, Object value) throws JRException { mainDataset.setParameter(parameter, value); } /** * */ protected boolean next() throws JRException { return mainDataset.next(); } private void resolveBoundElements(Map boundElementsMap, byte evaluation, JREvaluationTime evaluationTime) throws JRException { if (boundElementsMap != null) { for (Iterator it = boundElementsMap.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) it.next(); JRPrintElement element = (JRPrintElement) entry.getKey(); JRFillElement fillElement = (JRFillElement) entry.getValue(); fillElement.resolveElement(element, evaluation, evaluationTime); } } } protected void resolveBoundElements(JREvaluationTime evaluationTime, byte evaluation) throws JRException { BoundElementMap boundElementsMap = (BoundElementMap) boundElements.get(evaluationTime); if (isPerPageBoundElements) { Map perPageElementsMap = boundElementsMap.getMap(); for (Iterator it = perPageElementsMap.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) it.next(); // Calling getElements() will page in the data for the page. JRPrintPage page = (JRPrintPage) entry.getKey(); page.getElements(); Map elementsMap = (Map) entry.getValue(); resolveBoundElements(elementsMap, evaluation, evaluationTime); } boundElementsMap.clear(); } else { resolveBoundElements(boundElementsMap.getMap(), evaluation, evaluationTime); boundElementsMap.clear(); } } /** * Resolves elements which are to be evaluated at report level. */ protected void resolveReportBoundElements() throws JRException { resolveBoundElements(JREvaluationTime.EVALUATION_TIME_REPORT, JRExpression.EVALUATION_DEFAULT); } /** * Resolves elements which are to be evaluated at page level. * * @param evaluation * the evaluation type */ protected void resolvePageBoundElements(byte evaluation) throws JRException { resolveBoundElements(JREvaluationTime.EVALUATION_TIME_PAGE, evaluation); } /** * Resolves elements which are to be evaluated at column level. * * @param evaluation * the evaluation type */ protected void resolveColumnBoundElements(byte evaluation) throws JRException { resolveBoundElements(JREvaluationTime.EVALUATION_TIME_COLUMN, evaluation); } /** * Resolves elements which are to be evaluated at group level. * * @param evaluation * the evaluation type * @param isFinal */ protected void resolveGroupBoundElements(byte evaluation, boolean isFinal) throws JRException { if (groups != null && groups.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { JRFillGroup group = groups[i]; if ((group.hasChanged() && group.isFooterPrinted()) || isFinal) { String groupName = group.getName(); resolveBoundElements(JREvaluationTime.getGroupEvaluationTime(groupName), evaluation); } } } } protected JRPrintPage newPage() { JRPrintPage page; if (virtualizer != null) { JRVirtualPrintPage virtualPage = new JRVirtualPrintPage(jasperPrint, virtualizer, fillContext.getVirtualizationContext()); addIdentityDataProviders(virtualPage, this); page = virtualPage; } else { page = new JRBasePrintPage(); } return page; } /** * Returns the value of a variable. * * @param variableName * the variable name * * @return the variable value * * @throws JRRuntimeException when the variable does not exist */ public Object getVariableValue(String variableName) { return mainDataset.getVariableValue(variableName); } /** * Resloves elements which are to be evaluated at band level. * * @param band * the band * @param evaluation * the evaluation type * @throws JRException */ protected void resolveBandBoundElements(JRFillBand band, byte evaluation) throws JRException { resolveBoundElements(JREvaluationTime.getBandEvaluationTime(band), evaluation); } /** * Adds a variable calculation request. * * @param variableName * the variable name * @param calculation * the calculation type */ protected void addVariableCalculationReq(String variableName, CalculationEnum calculation) { mainDataset.addVariableCalculationReq(variableName, calculation); } /** * Cancells the fill process. * * @throws JRException */ public void cancelFill() throws JRException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Fill " + fillerId + ": cancelling"); } if (fillContext.cancelRunningQuery()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Fill " + fillerId + ": query cancelled"); } } else { Thread t = fillingThread; if (t != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Fill " + fillerId + ": Interrupting thread " + t); } t.interrupt(); } } } protected void registerSubfiller(JRBaseFiller subfiller) { if (subfillers == null) { subfillers = new HashSet(); } if (subfillers.add(subfiller) && fillContext.isUsingVirtualizer()) { subfiller.identityPages = new ArrayList(); JRVirtualPrintPage masterPrintPage = (JRVirtualPrintPage) fillContext.getPrintPage(); subfiller.identityPages.add(masterPrintPage); addIdentityDataProviders(masterPrintPage, subfiller); } } protected void unregisterSubfiller(JRBaseFiller subfiller) { if (subfillers != null && subfillers.remove(subfiller) && fillContext.isUsingVirtualizer()) { removeIdentityDataProviders(subfiller); } } private static void addIdentityDataProviders(JRVirtualPrintPage page, JRBaseFiller filler) { page.addIdentityDataProvider(filler); if (filler.subfillers != null) { for (Iterator i = filler.subfillers.iterator(); i.hasNext();) { JRBaseFiller subfiller = (JRBaseFiller) i.next(); subfiller.identityPages.add(page); addIdentityDataProviders(page, subfiller); } } } private void removeIdentityDataProviders(JRBaseFiller filler) { if (filler.identityPages != null) { for (Iterator it = filler.identityPages.iterator(); it.hasNext();) { JRVirtualPrintPage page = (JRVirtualPrintPage) it.next(); page.removeIdentityDataProvider(filler); } filler.identityPages = null; } } protected void addPage(JRPrintPage page) { if (!isSubreport()) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Fill " + fillerId + ": adding page " + (jasperPrint.getPages().size() + 1)); } jasperPrint.addPage(page); fillContext.setPrintPage(page); } } protected static final class PageIdentityDataProvider implements JRVirtualPrintPage.IdentityDataProvider { private static final Map providers = new HashMap(); private final JRPrintPage printPage; protected PageIdentityDataProvider(JRPrintPage printPage) { this.printPage = printPage; } public JRVirtualPrintPage.ObjectIDPair[] getIdentityData(JRVirtualPrintPage page) { return null; } public void setIdentityData(JRVirtualPrintPage page, JRVirtualPrintPage.ObjectIDPair[] identityData) { if (identityData != null && identityData.length > 0) { Map idMap = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < identityData.length; i++) { idMap.put(Integer.valueOf(identityData[i].getIdentity()), identityData[i].getObject()); } for (ListIterator i = printPage.getElements().listIterator(); i.hasNext();) { Object element = i.next(); Integer id = Integer.valueOf(System.identityHashCode(element)); Object idObject = idMap.get(id); if (idObject != null) { i.set(idObject); } } } } public static JRVirtualPrintPage.IdentityDataProvider getIdentityDataProvider(JRPrintPage printPage) { JRVirtualPrintPage.IdentityDataProvider provider = (JRVirtualPrintPage.IdentityDataProvider) providers.get(printPage); if (provider == null) { provider = new PageIdentityDataProvider(printPage); providers.put(printPage, provider); } return provider; } public static JRVirtualPrintPage.IdentityDataProvider removeIdentityDataProvider(JRPrintPage printPage) { return (JRVirtualPrintPage.IdentityDataProvider) providers.remove(printPage); } } protected void addPageIdentityDataProvider() { JRVirtualPrintPage.IdentityDataProvider pageProvider = PageIdentityDataProvider.getIdentityDataProvider(printPage); JRVirtualPrintPage masterPage = (JRVirtualPrintPage) fillContext.getPrintPage(); masterPage.addIdentityDataProvider(pageProvider); } protected void removePageIdentityDataProvider() { JRVirtualPrintPage.IdentityDataProvider pageProvider = PageIdentityDataProvider.removeIdentityDataProvider(printPage); if (pageProvider != null) { ((JRVirtualPrintPage) fillContext.getPrintPage()).removeIdentityDataProvider(pageProvider); } } /** * Evaluates an expression * @param expression the expression * @param evaluation the evaluation type * @return the evaluation result * @throws JRException */ protected Object evaluateExpression(JRExpression expression, byte evaluation) throws JRException { return mainDataset.evaluateExpression(expression, evaluation); } protected JRFillExpressionEvaluator getExpressionEvaluator() { return calculator; } private void createDatasets() throws JRException { datasetMap = new HashMap(); JRDataset[] datasets = jasperReport.getDatasets(); if (datasets != null && datasets.length > 0) { for (int i = 0; i < datasets.length; i++) { JRFillDataset fillDataset = factory.getDataset(datasets[i]); fillDataset.createCalculator(jasperReport); datasetMap.put(datasets[i].getName(), fillDataset); } } } private void initDatasets(JRFillObjectFactory factory) { for (Iterator it = datasetMap.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { JRFillDataset dataset = (JRFillDataset) it.next(); dataset.inheritFromMain(); dataset.initElementDatasets(factory); } } protected WhenResourceMissingTypeEnum getWhenResourceMissingType() { return mainDataset.whenResourceMissingType; } /** * Returns the report. * * @return the report */ public JasperReport getJasperReport() { return jasperReport; } protected boolean isBandOverFlowAllowed() { return bandOverFlowAllowed; } protected void setBandOverFlowAllowed(boolean splittableBand) { this.bandOverFlowAllowed = splittableBand; } protected int getMasterColumnCount() { JRBaseFiller filler = parentFiller; int colCount = 1; while (filler != null) { colCount *= filler.columnCount; filler = filler.parentFiller; } return colCount; } /** * Returns the top-level (master) filler object. * * @return the master filler object */ public JRBaseFiller getMasterFiller() { JRBaseFiller filler = this; while (filler.parentFiller != null) { filler = filler.parentFiller; } return filler; } public JRFillDataset getMainDataset() { return mainDataset; } protected void addBoundElement(JRFillElement element, JRPrintElement printElement, EvaluationTimeEnum evaluationType, String groupName, JRFillBand band) { JRFillGroup group = groupName == null ? null : getGroup(groupName); addBoundElement(element, printElement, evaluationType, group, band); } protected void addBoundElement(JRFillElement element, JRPrintElement printElement, EvaluationTimeEnum evaluationType, JRGroup group, JRFillBand band) { JREvaluationTime evaluationTime = JREvaluationTime.getEvaluationTime(evaluationType, group, band); addBoundElement(element, printElement, evaluationTime); } protected void addBoundElement(JRFillElement element, JRPrintElement printElement, JREvaluationTime evaluationTime) { BoundElementMap boundElementsMap = (BoundElementMap) boundElements.get(evaluationTime); boundElementsMap.put(printElement, element); } protected JRFillGroup getGroup(String groupName) { JRFillGroup group = null; if (groups != null) { for (int i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { if (groups[i].getName().equals(groupName)) { group = groups[i]; break; } } } if (group == null) { throw new JRRuntimeException("No such group " + groupName); } return group; } /** * Collect all of the identity data the the JRBaseFiller needs to know. * <p> * All the bound elements on the page are collected and transformed into * identity objects. * * @param page * the page to get the identity data for */ public JRVirtualPrintPage.ObjectIDPair[] getIdentityData(JRVirtualPrintPage page) { Map allElements = new HashMap(); List identityList = new ArrayList(); for (Iterator it = boundElements.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { BoundElementMap pageBoundElementsMap = (BoundElementMap) it.next(); Map map = pageBoundElementsMap.getMap(page); if (map != null && !map.isEmpty()) { Map idMap = new HashMap(); for (Iterator iter = map.entrySet().iterator(); iter.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iter.next(); Object key = entry.getKey(); Integer id = (Integer) allElements.get(key); if (id == null) { JRVirtualPrintPage.ObjectIDPair idPair = new JRVirtualPrintPage.ObjectIDPair(key); identityList.add(idPair); id = Integer.valueOf(idPair.getIdentity()); allElements.put(key, id); } idMap.put(id, entry.getValue()); } pageBoundElementsMap.putMap(page, idMap); } } JRVirtualPrintPage.ObjectIDPair[] identityData = null; if (!identityList.isEmpty()) { identityData = new JRVirtualPrintPage.ObjectIDPair[identityList.size()]; identityList.toArray(identityData); } return identityData; } /** * Sets the identity date for a virtualized page. * <p> * The identity data consists of bound elements located on the page. * Pairs of identity hash code and objects are stored when the page is * virtualized. When the page gets devirtualized, the original objects * are substituted in the bound maps based on their identity hash code. * * @param page * the virtualized page * @param identityData * the identity data */ public void setIdentityData(JRVirtualPrintPage page, JRVirtualPrintPage.ObjectIDPair[] identityData) { if (identityData == null || identityData.length == 0) { return; } for (Iterator it = boundElements.values().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { BoundElementMap pageBoundElementsMap = (BoundElementMap) it.next(); Map idMap = pageBoundElementsMap.getMap(page); if (idMap != null && !idMap.isEmpty()) { Map map = new HashMap(); for (int i = 0; i < identityData.length; i++) { JRVirtualPrintPage.ObjectIDPair idPair = identityData[i]; Integer id = Integer.valueOf(idPair.getIdentity()); Object value = idMap.get(id); if (value != null) { map.put(idPair.getObject(), value); } } pageBoundElementsMap.putMap(page, map); } } } // protected JRStyle getConsolidatedStyle(String consolidatedStyleName) // { // return (JRStyle) consolidatedStyles.get(consolidatedStyleName); // } // // // protected void putConsolidatedStyle(JRStyle consolidatedStyle) // { // consolidatedStyles.put(consolidatedStyle.getName(), consolidatedStyle); // } protected void setSubreportRunner(JRSubreportRunner runner) { this.subreportRunner = runner; } protected void suspendSubreportRunner() throws JRException { if (subreportRunner == null) { throw new JRRuntimeException("No subreport runner set."); } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Fill " + fillerId + ": suspeding subreport runner"); } subreportRunner.suspend(); } protected void createReportTemplates(JRFillObjectFactory factory) { JRReportTemplate[] templates = jasperReport.getTemplates(); if (templates != null) { reportTemplates = new JRFillReportTemplate[templates.length]; for (int i = 0; i < templates.length; i++) { JRReportTemplate template = templates[i]; reportTemplates[i] = factory.getReportTemplate(template); } } } /** * */ protected SavePoint advanceSavePoint(SavePoint savePoint, SavePoint newSavePoint) { if (savePoint == null) { savePoint = newSavePoint; } else if (newSavePoint != null) { // check to see if the new save point is on the same page/column as the previous one if ( savePoint.page == newSavePoint.page && savePoint.columnIndex == newSavePoint.columnIndex ) { // if the new save point is on the same page/column, // we just move the marker on the existing save point savePoint.saveHeightOffset(newSavePoint.heightOffset); } else { // page/column break occurred, so the move operation // must be performed on the previous save point savePoint.moveSavePointContent(); savePoint = newSavePoint; } } return savePoint; } /** * */ protected void moveKeepTogetherSavePointContent() { if (keepTogetherSavePoint != null) { if (keepTogetherSavePoint.page == getCurrentPage()) { // it's a column break if (!keepTogetherSavePoint.isNewColumn) { keepTogetherSavePoint.addContent( printPage, columnSpacing + columnWidth, offsetY - keepTogetherSavePoint.startOffsetY ); offsetY = offsetY + keepTogetherSavePoint.endOffsetY - keepTogetherSavePoint.startOffsetY; } } else { // it's a page break if (!keepTogetherSavePoint.isNewPage) { keepTogetherSavePoint.addContent( printPage, (columnIndex - keepTogetherSavePoint.columnIndex) * (columnSpacing + columnWidth), offsetY - keepTogetherSavePoint.startOffsetY ); offsetY = offsetY + keepTogetherSavePoint.endOffsetY - keepTogetherSavePoint.startOffsetY; } } keepTogetherSavePoint = null; } } } class SavePoint { protected JRPrintPage page = null; protected int columnIndex = 0; protected boolean isNewPage = false; protected boolean isNewColumn = false; protected int startOffsetY = 0; protected int endOffsetY = 0; protected int startElementIndex = 0; protected int endElementIndex = 0; protected int heightOffset = 0; protected int groupIndex = 0; protected FooterPositionEnum footerPosition = FooterPositionEnum.NORMAL; protected List elementsToMove = new ArrayList(); protected SavePoint( JRPrintPage page, int columnIndex, boolean isNewPage, boolean isNewColumn, int startOffsetY ) { this.page = page; this.columnIndex = columnIndex; this.isNewPage = isNewPage; this.isNewColumn = isNewColumn; this.startElementIndex = page.getElements().size(); this.endElementIndex = startElementIndex; this.startOffsetY = startOffsetY; } protected void saveHeightOffset(int heightOffset) { this.heightOffset = heightOffset; save(); } protected void saveEndOffsetY(int endOffsetY) { this.endOffsetY = endOffsetY; save(); } protected void save() { this.endElementIndex = page.getElements().size(); } /** * */ protected void removeContent() { for(int i = endElementIndex - 1; i >= startElementIndex; i--) { elementsToMove.add(page.getElements().remove(i)); } } /** * */ protected void addContent(JRPrintPage printPage, int xdelta, int ydelta) { for(int i = elementsToMove.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--)// elementsToMove were added in reverse order { JRPrintElement printElement = (JRPrintElement)elementsToMove.get(i); printElement.setX(printElement.getX() + xdelta); printElement.setY(printElement.getY() + ydelta); printPage.addElement(printElement); } } /** * */ protected void moveSavePointContent() { if (footerPosition != FooterPositionEnum.NORMAL)//FIXME is footerPosition testing required here? { //no page/column break occurred for(int i = startElementIndex; i < endElementIndex; i++) { JRPrintElement printElement = (JRPrintElement)page.getElements().get(i); printElement.setY(printElement.getY() + heightOffset); } } } }