/* * Copyright 2013 Frankie Sardo * Copyright 2013 Niek Haarman * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package com.haarman.listviewanimations.itemmanipulation.contextualundo; import static com.nineoldandroids.view.ViewHelper.setAlpha; import static com.nineoldandroids.view.ViewHelper.setTranslationX; import static com.nineoldandroids.view.ViewPropertyAnimator.animate; import java.util.Map; import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap; import android.app.Activity; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.view.View; import android.view.ViewGroup; import android.widget.AbsListView; import android.widget.BaseAdapter; import android.widget.ListView; import android.widget.TextView; import com.haarman.listviewanimations.BaseAdapterDecorator; import com.nineoldandroids.animation.Animator; import com.nineoldandroids.animation.AnimatorListenerAdapter; import com.nineoldandroids.animation.ObjectAnimator; import com.nineoldandroids.animation.ValueAnimator; import com.nineoldandroids.view.ViewHelper; /** * Warning: a stable id for each item in the adapter is required. The decorated * adapter should not try to cast convertView to a particular view. The * undoLayout should have the same height as the content row. * <p> * Usage: <br> * * Create a new instance of this class providing the {@link BaseAdapter} to wrap, the undo layout, and the undo button id, optionally a delay time millis, a count down TextView res id, and a delay in milliseconds before deleting the item .<br> * * Call {@link #setDeleteItemCallback(DeleteItemCallback)} to be notified of when items should be removed from your collection.<br> * * Set your {@link ListView} to this ContextualUndoAdapter, and set this ContextualUndoAdapter to your ListView.<br> */ public class ContextualUndoAdapter extends BaseAdapterDecorator implements ContextualUndoListViewTouchListener.Callback { private static final int ANIMATION_DURATION = 150; private static final String EXTRA_ACTIVE_REMOVED_ID = "removedId"; private final int mUndoLayoutId; private final int mUndoActionId; private final int mCountDownTextViewResId; private final int mAutoDeleteDelayMillis; private long mDismissStartMillis; private ContextualUndoView mCurrentRemovedView; private long mCurrentRemovedId; private Map<View, Animator> mActiveAnimators = new ConcurrentHashMap<View, Animator>(); private Handler mHandler; private CountDownRunnable mCountDownRunnable; private DeleteItemCallback mDeleteItemCallback; private CountDownFormatter mCountDownFormatter; private ContextualUndoListViewTouchListener mContextualUndoListViewTouchListener; /** * Create a new ContextualUndoAdapter based on given parameters. * * @param baseAdapter The {@link BaseAdapter} to wrap * @param undoLayoutId The layout resource id to show as undo * @param undoActionId The id of the component which undoes the dismissal * The layout resource id to show as undo * @param undoActionId * The id of the component which undoes the dismissal */ public ContextualUndoAdapter(BaseAdapter baseAdapter, int undoLayoutId, int undoActionId) { this(baseAdapter, undoLayoutId, undoActionId, -1, -1, null); } /** * Create a new ContextualUndoAdapter based on given parameters. * Will automatically remove the swiped item after autoDeleteTimeMillis milliseconds. * * @param baseAdapter The {@link BaseAdapter} to wrap * @param undoLayoutResId The layout resource id to show as undo * @param undoActionResId The id of the component which undoes the dismissal * @param autoDeleteTimeMillis The time in milliseconds that the adapter will wait for he user to hit undo before automatically deleting the item */ public ContextualUndoAdapter(BaseAdapter baseAdapter, int undoLayoutResId, int undoActionResId, int autoDeleteTimeMillis) { this(baseAdapter, undoLayoutResId, undoActionResId, autoDeleteTimeMillis, -1, null); } /** * Create a new ContextualUndoAdapter based on given parameters. * Will automatically remove the swiped item after autoDeleteTimeMillis milliseconds. * * @param baseAdapter The {@link BaseAdapter} to wrap * @param undoLayoutResId The layout resource id to show as undo * @param undoActionResId The resource id of the component which undoes the dismissal * @param autoDeleteTime The time in milliseconds that adapter will wait for user to hit undo before automatically deleting item * @param countDownTextViewResId The resource id of the {@link TextView} in the undoLayoutResId that will show the time left * @param countDownFormatter the {@link CountDownFormatter} which provides text to be shown in the {@link TextView} as specified by countDownTextViewResId */ public ContextualUndoAdapter(BaseAdapter baseAdapter, int undoLayoutResId, int undoActionResId, int autoDeleteTime, int countDownTextViewResId, CountDownFormatter countDownFormatter) { super(baseAdapter); mHandler = new Handler(); mCountDownRunnable = new CountDownRunnable(); mUndoLayoutId = undoLayoutResId; mUndoActionId = undoActionResId; mCurrentRemovedId = -1; mAutoDeleteDelayMillis = autoDeleteTime; mCountDownTextViewResId = countDownTextViewResId; mCountDownFormatter = countDownFormatter; } @Override public final View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) { ContextualUndoView contextualUndoView = (ContextualUndoView) convertView; if (contextualUndoView == null) { contextualUndoView = new ContextualUndoView(parent.getContext(), mUndoLayoutId, mCountDownTextViewResId); contextualUndoView.findViewById(mUndoActionId).setOnClickListener(new UndoListener(contextualUndoView)); } View contentView = super.getView(position, contextualUndoView.getContentView(), contextualUndoView); contextualUndoView.updateContentView(contentView); long itemId = getItemId(position); if (itemId == mCurrentRemovedId) { contextualUndoView.displayUndo(); mCurrentRemovedView = contextualUndoView; long millisLeft = mAutoDeleteDelayMillis - (System.currentTimeMillis() - mDismissStartMillis); if (mCountDownFormatter != null) { mCurrentRemovedView.updateCountDownTimer(mCountDownFormatter.getCountDownString(millisLeft)); } } else { contextualUndoView.displayContentView(); } contextualUndoView.setItemId(itemId); return contextualUndoView; } @Override public void setAbsListView(AbsListView listView) { super.setAbsListView(listView); mContextualUndoListViewTouchListener = new ContextualUndoListViewTouchListener(listView, this); mContextualUndoListViewTouchListener.setIsParentHorizontalScrollContainer(isParentHorizontalScrollContainer()); mContextualUndoListViewTouchListener.setTouchChild(getTouchChild()); listView.setOnTouchListener(mContextualUndoListViewTouchListener); listView.setOnScrollListener(mContextualUndoListViewTouchListener.makeScrollListener()); listView.setRecyclerListener(new RecycleViewListener()); } @Override public void onViewSwiped(View dismissView, int dismissPosition) { ContextualUndoView contextualUndoView = (ContextualUndoView) dismissView; if (contextualUndoView.isContentDisplayed()) { restoreViewPosition(contextualUndoView); contextualUndoView.displayUndo(); removePreviousContextualUndoIfPresent(); setCurrentRemovedView(contextualUndoView); if (mAutoDeleteDelayMillis > 0) { startAutoDeleteTimer(); } } else { performRemovalIfNecessary(); } } private void startAutoDeleteTimer() { mHandler.removeCallbacks(mCountDownRunnable); if (mCountDownFormatter != null) { mCurrentRemovedView.updateCountDownTimer(mCountDownFormatter.getCountDownString(mAutoDeleteDelayMillis)); } mDismissStartMillis = System.currentTimeMillis(); mHandler.postDelayed(mCountDownRunnable, Math.min(1000, mAutoDeleteDelayMillis)); } private void restoreViewPosition(View view) { setAlpha(view, 1f); setTranslationX(view, 0); } private void removePreviousContextualUndoIfPresent() { if (mCurrentRemovedView != null) { performRemovalIfNecessary(); } } private void setCurrentRemovedView(ContextualUndoView currentRemovedView) { mCurrentRemovedView = currentRemovedView; mCurrentRemovedId = currentRemovedView.getItemId(); } private void clearCurrentRemovedView() { mCurrentRemovedView = null; mCurrentRemovedId = -1; mHandler.removeCallbacks(mCountDownRunnable); } @Override public void onListScrolled() { performRemovalIfNecessary(); } private void performRemovalIfNecessary() { if (mCurrentRemovedView != null && mCurrentRemovedView.getParent() != null) { ValueAnimator animator = ValueAnimator.ofInt(mCurrentRemovedView.getHeight(), 1).setDuration(ANIMATION_DURATION); animator.addListener(new RemoveViewAnimatorListenerAdapter(mCurrentRemovedView)); animator.addUpdateListener(new RemoveViewAnimatorUpdateListener(mCurrentRemovedView)); animator.start(); mActiveAnimators.put(mCurrentRemovedView, animator); clearCurrentRemovedView(); } } /** * Set the DeleteItemCallback for this ContextualUndoAdapter. This is called when an item should be deleted from your collection. */ public void setDeleteItemCallback(DeleteItemCallback deleteItemCallback) { mDeleteItemCallback = deleteItemCallback; } /** * This method should be called in your {@link Activity}'s {@link Activity#onSaveInstanceState(Bundle)} to remember dismissed statuses. * @param outState the {@link Bundle} provided by Activity.onSaveInstanceState(Bundle). */ public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState) { outState.putLong(EXTRA_ACTIVE_REMOVED_ID, mCurrentRemovedId); } /** * This method should be called in your {@link Activity#onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle)} to remember dismissed statuses. * @param savedInstanceState */ public void onRestoreInstanceState(Bundle savedInstanceState) { mCurrentRemovedId = savedInstanceState.getLong(EXTRA_ACTIVE_REMOVED_ID, -1); } /** * Animate the item at given position away and show the undo {@link View}. * @param position the position. */ public void swipeViewAtPosition(int position) { mCurrentRemovedId = getItemId(position); for (int i = 0; i < getAbsListView().getChildCount(); i++) { int positionForView = getAbsListView().getPositionForView(getAbsListView().getChildAt(i)); if (positionForView == position) { swipeView(getAbsListView().getChildAt(i), positionForView); } } } private void swipeView(final View view, final int dismissPosition) { ObjectAnimator animator = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat(view, "x", view.getMeasuredWidth()); animator.addListener(new AnimatorListenerAdapter() { @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animator) { onViewSwiped(view, dismissPosition); } }); animator.start(); } @Override public void setIsParentHorizontalScrollContainer(boolean isParentHorizontalScrollContainer) { super.setIsParentHorizontalScrollContainer(isParentHorizontalScrollContainer); if (mContextualUndoListViewTouchListener != null) { mContextualUndoListViewTouchListener.setIsParentHorizontalScrollContainer(isParentHorizontalScrollContainer); } } @Override public void setTouchChild(int childResId) { super.setTouchChild(childResId); if (mContextualUndoListViewTouchListener != null) { mContextualUndoListViewTouchListener.setTouchChild(childResId); } } /** * A callback interface which is used to notify when items should be removed from the collection. */ public interface DeleteItemCallback { /** * Called when an item should be removed from the collection. * * @param position * the position of the item that should be removed. */ public void deleteItem(int position); } /** * A callback interface which is used to provide the text to display when counting down. */ public interface CountDownFormatter { /** * Called each tick of the CountDownTimer * @param millisLeft time in milliseconds remaining before the item is automatically removed */ public String getCountDownString(final long millisLeft); } private class CountDownRunnable implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { long millisRemaining = mAutoDeleteDelayMillis - (System.currentTimeMillis() - mDismissStartMillis); if (mCountDownFormatter != null) { mCurrentRemovedView.updateCountDownTimer(mCountDownFormatter.getCountDownString(millisRemaining)); } if (millisRemaining <= 0) { performRemovalIfNecessary(); } else { mHandler.postDelayed(this, Math.min(millisRemaining, 1000)); } } } private class RemoveViewAnimatorListenerAdapter extends AnimatorListenerAdapter { private final View mDismissView; private final int mOriginalHeight; public RemoveViewAnimatorListenerAdapter(View dismissView) { mDismissView = dismissView; mOriginalHeight = dismissView.getHeight(); } @Override public void onAnimationEnd(Animator animation) { mActiveAnimators.remove(mDismissView); restoreViewPosition(mDismissView); restoreViewDimension(mDismissView); deleteCurrentItem(); } private void restoreViewDimension(View view) { ViewGroup.LayoutParams lp; lp = view.getLayoutParams(); lp.height = mOriginalHeight; view.setLayoutParams(lp); } private void deleteCurrentItem() { int position = getAbsListView().getPositionForView(mDismissView); mDeleteItemCallback.deleteItem(position); } } private class RemoveViewAnimatorUpdateListener implements ValueAnimator.AnimatorUpdateListener { private final View mDismissView; private final ViewGroup.LayoutParams mLayoutParams; public RemoveViewAnimatorUpdateListener(View dismissView) { mDismissView = dismissView; mLayoutParams = dismissView.getLayoutParams(); } @Override public void onAnimationUpdate(ValueAnimator valueAnimator) { mLayoutParams.height = (Integer) valueAnimator.getAnimatedValue(); mDismissView.setLayoutParams(mLayoutParams); } } private class UndoListener implements View.OnClickListener { private final ContextualUndoView mContextualUndoView; public UndoListener(ContextualUndoView contextualUndoView) { mContextualUndoView = contextualUndoView; } @Override public void onClick(View v) { clearCurrentRemovedView(); mContextualUndoView.displayContentView(); moveViewOffScreen(); animateViewComingBack(); } private void moveViewOffScreen() { ViewHelper.setTranslationX(mContextualUndoView, mContextualUndoView.getWidth()); } private void animateViewComingBack() { animate(mContextualUndoView).translationX(0).setDuration(ANIMATION_DURATION).setListener(null); } } private class RecycleViewListener implements AbsListView.RecyclerListener { @Override public void onMovedToScrapHeap(View view) { Animator animator = mActiveAnimators.get(view); if (animator != null) { animator.cancel(); } } } }