/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2000, 2010 IBM Corporation and others. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html * * Contributors: * IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation *******************************************************************************/ package org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.parser; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.CharOperation; import org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.InvalidInputException; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.CompilationResult; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.classfmt.ClassFileConstants; import org.eclipse.jdt.internal.compiler.util.Util; /** * IMPORTANT NOTE: Internal Scanner implementation. It is mirrored in org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler * public package where it is API. The mirror implementation is using the backward compatible * ITerminalSymbols constant definitions (stable with 2.0), whereas the internal implementation uses * TerminalTokens which constant values reflect the latest parser generation state. */ public class Scanner implements TerminalTokens { //public int newIdentCount = 0; /* APIs ares - getNextToken() which return the current type of the token (this value is not memorized by the scanner) - getCurrentTokenSource() which provides with the token "REAL" source (aka all unicode have been transformed into a correct char) - sourceStart gives the position into the stream - currentPosition-1 gives the sourceEnd position into the stream */ public long sourceLevel; public long complianceLevel; // 1.4 feature public boolean useAssertAsAnIndentifier= false; //flag indicating if processed source contains occurrences of keyword assert public boolean containsAssertKeyword= false; // 1.5 feature public boolean useEnumAsAnIndentifier= false; public boolean recordLineSeparator= false; public char currentCharacter; public int startPosition; public int currentPosition; public int initialPosition, eofPosition; // after this position eof are generated instead of real token from the source public boolean skipComments= false; public boolean tokenizeComments= false; public boolean tokenizeWhiteSpace= false; //source should be viewed as a window (aka a part) //of a entire very large stream public char source[]; //unicode support public char[] withoutUnicodeBuffer; public int withoutUnicodePtr; //when == 0 ==> no unicode in the current token public boolean unicodeAsBackSlash= false; public boolean scanningFloatLiteral= false; //support for /** comments public final static int COMMENT_ARRAYS_SIZE= 30; public int[] commentStops= new int[COMMENT_ARRAYS_SIZE]; public int[] commentStarts= new int[COMMENT_ARRAYS_SIZE]; public int[] commentTagStarts= new int[COMMENT_ARRAYS_SIZE]; public int commentPtr= -1; // no comment test with commentPtr value -1 protected int lastCommentLinePosition= -1; // task tag support public char[][] foundTaskTags= null; public char[][] foundTaskMessages; public char[][] foundTaskPriorities= null; public int[][] foundTaskPositions; public int foundTaskCount= 0; public char[][] taskTags= null; public char[][] taskPriorities= null; public boolean isTaskCaseSensitive= true; //diet parsing support - jump over some method body when requested public boolean diet= false; //support for the poor-line-debuggers .... //remember the position of the cr/lf public int[] lineEnds= new int[250]; public int linePtr= -1; public boolean wasAcr= false; public static final String END_OF_SOURCE= "End_Of_Source"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String INVALID_HEXA= "Invalid_Hexa_Literal"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String INVALID_OCTAL= "Invalid_Octal_Literal"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String INVALID_CHARACTER_CONSTANT= "Invalid_Character_Constant"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String INVALID_ESCAPE= "Invalid_Escape"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String INVALID_INPUT= "Invalid_Input"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE= "Invalid_Unicode_Escape"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String INVALID_FLOAT= "Invalid_Float_Literal"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String INVALID_LOW_SURROGATE= "Invalid_Low_Surrogate"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String INVALID_HIGH_SURROGATE= "Invalid_High_Surrogate"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String NULL_SOURCE_STRING= "Null_Source_String"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String UNTERMINATED_STRING= "Unterminated_String"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String UNTERMINATED_COMMENT= "Unterminated_Comment"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String INVALID_CHAR_IN_STRING= "Invalid_Char_In_String"; //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final String INVALID_DIGIT= "Invalid_Digit"; //$NON-NLS-1$ private static final int[] EMPTY_LINE_ENDS= Util.EMPTY_INT_ARRAY; //----------------optimized identifier managment------------------ static final char[] charArray_a= new char[] { 'a' }, charArray_b= new char[] { 'b' }, charArray_c= new char[] { 'c' }, charArray_d= new char[] { 'd' }, charArray_e= new char[] { 'e' }, charArray_f= new char[] { 'f' }, charArray_g= new char[] { 'g' }, charArray_h= new char[] { 'h' }, charArray_i= new char[] { 'i' }, charArray_j= new char[] { 'j' }, charArray_k= new char[] { 'k' }, charArray_l= new char[] { 'l' }, charArray_m= new char[] { 'm' }, charArray_n= new char[] { 'n' }, charArray_o= new char[] { 'o' }, charArray_p= new char[] { 'p' }, charArray_q= new char[] { 'q' }, charArray_r= new char[] { 'r' }, charArray_s= new char[] { 's' }, charArray_t= new char[] { 't' }, charArray_u= new char[] { 'u' }, charArray_v= new char[] { 'v' }, charArray_w= new char[] { 'w' }, charArray_x= new char[] { 'x' }, charArray_y= new char[] { 'y' }, charArray_z= new char[] { 'z' }; static final char[] initCharArray= new char[] { '\u0000', '\u0000', '\u0000', '\u0000', '\u0000', '\u0000' }; static final int TableSize= 30, InternalTableSize= 6; //30*6 =210 entries public static final int OptimizedLength= 7; public/*static*/final char[][][][] charArray_length= new char[OptimizedLength][TableSize][InternalTableSize][]; // support for detecting non-externalized string literals public static final char[] TAG_PREFIX= "//$NON-NLS-".toCharArray(); //$NON-NLS-1$ public static final int TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH= TAG_PREFIX.length; public static final char TAG_POSTFIX= '$'; public static final int TAG_POSTFIX_LENGTH= 1; private NLSTag[] nlsTags= null; protected int nlsTagsPtr; public boolean checkNonExternalizedStringLiterals; protected int lastPosition; // generic support public boolean returnOnlyGreater= false; /*static*/{ for (int i= 0; i < 6; i++) { for (int j= 0; j < TableSize; j++) { for (int k= 0; k < InternalTableSize; k++) { this.charArray_length[i][j][k]= initCharArray; } } } } /*static*/int newEntry2= 0, newEntry3= 0, newEntry4= 0, newEntry5= 0, newEntry6= 0; public boolean insideRecovery= false; public static final int RoundBracket= 0; public static final int SquareBracket= 1; public static final int CurlyBracket= 2; public static final int BracketKinds= 3; // extended unicode support public static final int LOW_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE= 0xDC00; public static final int HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE= 0xD800; public static final int HIGH_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE= 0xDBFF; public static final int LOW_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE= 0xDFFF; public Scanner() { this(false /*comment*/, false /*whitespace*/, false /*nls*/, ClassFileConstants.JDK1_3 /*sourceLevel*/, null/*taskTag*/, null/*taskPriorities*/, true /*taskCaseSensitive*/); } public Scanner( boolean tokenizeComments, boolean tokenizeWhiteSpace, boolean checkNonExternalizedStringLiterals, long sourceLevel, long complianceLevel, char[][] taskTags, char[][] taskPriorities, boolean isTaskCaseSensitive) { this.eofPosition= Integer.MAX_VALUE; this.tokenizeComments= tokenizeComments; this.tokenizeWhiteSpace= tokenizeWhiteSpace; this.sourceLevel= sourceLevel; this.complianceLevel= complianceLevel; this.checkNonExternalizedStringLiterals= checkNonExternalizedStringLiterals; if (taskTags != null) { int taskTagsLength= taskTags.length; int length= taskTagsLength; if (taskPriorities != null) { int taskPrioritiesLength= taskPriorities.length; if (taskPrioritiesLength != taskTagsLength) { if (taskPrioritiesLength > taskTagsLength) { System.arraycopy(taskPriorities, 0, (taskPriorities= new char[taskTagsLength][]), 0, taskTagsLength); } else { System.arraycopy(taskTags, 0, (taskTags= new char[taskPrioritiesLength][]), 0, taskPrioritiesLength); length= taskPrioritiesLength; } } int[] initialIndexes= new int[length]; for (int i= 0; i < length; i++) { initialIndexes[i]= i; } Util.reverseQuickSort(taskTags, 0, length - 1, initialIndexes); char[][] temp= new char[length][]; for (int i= 0; i < length; i++) { temp[i]= taskPriorities[initialIndexes[i]]; } this.taskPriorities= temp; } else { Util.reverseQuickSort(taskTags, 0, length - 1); } this.taskTags= taskTags; this.isTaskCaseSensitive= isTaskCaseSensitive; } } public Scanner( boolean tokenizeComments, boolean tokenizeWhiteSpace, boolean checkNonExternalizedStringLiterals, long sourceLevel, char[][] taskTags, char[][] taskPriorities, boolean isTaskCaseSensitive) { this( tokenizeComments, tokenizeWhiteSpace, checkNonExternalizedStringLiterals, sourceLevel, sourceLevel, taskTags, taskPriorities, isTaskCaseSensitive); } public final boolean atEnd() { // This code is not relevant if source is // Only a part of the real stream input return this.eofPosition <= this.currentPosition; } // chech presence of task: tags // TODO (frederic) see if we need to take unicode characters into account... public void checkTaskTag(int commentStart, int commentEnd) throws InvalidInputException { char[] src= this.source; // only look for newer task: tags if (this.foundTaskCount > 0 && this.foundTaskPositions[this.foundTaskCount - 1][0] >= commentStart) { return; } int foundTaskIndex= this.foundTaskCount; char previous= src[commentStart + 1]; // should be '*' or '/' for (int i= commentStart + 2; i < commentEnd && i < this.eofPosition; i++) { char[] tag= null; char[] priority= null; // check for tag occurrence only if not ambiguous with javadoc tag if (previous != '@') { nextTag: for (int itag= 0; itag < this.taskTags.length; itag++) { tag= this.taskTags[itag]; int tagLength= tag.length; if (tagLength == 0) continue nextTag; // ensure tag is not leaded with letter if tag starts with a letter if (ScannerHelper.isJavaIdentifierStart(tag[0])) { if (ScannerHelper.isJavaIdentifierPart(previous)) { continue nextTag; } } for (int t= 0; t < tagLength; t++) { char sc, tc; int x= i + t; if (x >= this.eofPosition || x >= commentEnd) continue nextTag; // case sensitive check if ((sc= src[i + t]) != (tc= tag[t])) { // case insensitive check if (this.isTaskCaseSensitive || (ScannerHelper.toLowerCase(sc) != ScannerHelper.toLowerCase(tc))) { continue nextTag; } } } // ensure tag is not followed with letter if tag finishes with a letter if (i + tagLength < commentEnd && ScannerHelper.isJavaIdentifierPart(src[i + tagLength - 1])) { if (ScannerHelper.isJavaIdentifierPart(src[i + tagLength])) continue nextTag; } if (this.foundTaskTags == null) { this.foundTaskTags= new char[5][]; this.foundTaskMessages= new char[5][]; this.foundTaskPriorities= new char[5][]; this.foundTaskPositions= new int[5][]; } else if (this.foundTaskCount == this.foundTaskTags.length) { System.arraycopy(this.foundTaskTags, 0, this.foundTaskTags= new char[this.foundTaskCount * 2][], 0, this.foundTaskCount); System.arraycopy(this.foundTaskMessages, 0, this.foundTaskMessages= new char[this.foundTaskCount * 2][], 0, this.foundTaskCount); System.arraycopy(this.foundTaskPriorities, 0, this.foundTaskPriorities= new char[this.foundTaskCount * 2][], 0, this.foundTaskCount); System.arraycopy(this.foundTaskPositions, 0, this.foundTaskPositions= new int[this.foundTaskCount * 2][], 0, this.foundTaskCount); } priority= this.taskPriorities != null && itag < this.taskPriorities.length ? this.taskPriorities[itag] : null; this.foundTaskTags[this.foundTaskCount]= tag; this.foundTaskPriorities[this.foundTaskCount]= priority; this.foundTaskPositions[this.foundTaskCount]= new int[] { i, i + tagLength - 1 }; this.foundTaskMessages[this.foundTaskCount]= CharOperation.NO_CHAR; this.foundTaskCount++; i+= tagLength - 1; // will be incremented when looping break nextTag; } } previous= src[i]; } boolean containsEmptyTask= false; for (int i= foundTaskIndex; i < this.foundTaskCount; i++) { // retrieve message start and end positions int msgStart= this.foundTaskPositions[i][0] + this.foundTaskTags[i].length; int max_value= i + 1 < this.foundTaskCount ? this.foundTaskPositions[i + 1][0] - 1 : commentEnd - 1; // at most beginning of next task if (max_value < msgStart) { max_value= msgStart; // would only occur if tag is before EOF. } int end= -1; char c; for (int j= msgStart; j < max_value; j++) { if ((c= src[j]) == '\n' || c == '\r') { end= j - 1; break; } } if (end == -1) { for (int j= max_value; j > msgStart; j--) { if ((c= src[j]) == '*') { end= j - 1; break; } } if (end == -1) end= max_value; } if (msgStart == end) { // if the description is empty, we might want to see if two tags are not sharing the same message // see https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=110797 containsEmptyTask= true; continue; } // trim the message // we don't trim the beginning of the message to be able to show it after the task tag while (CharOperation.isWhitespace(src[end]) && msgStart <= end) end--; // update the end position of the task this.foundTaskPositions[i][1]= end; // get the message source final int messageLength= end - msgStart + 1; char[] message= new char[messageLength]; System.arraycopy(src, msgStart, message, 0, messageLength); this.foundTaskMessages[i]= message; } if (containsEmptyTask) { for (int i= foundTaskIndex, max= this.foundTaskCount; i < max; i++) { if (this.foundTaskMessages[i].length == 0) { loop: for (int j= i + 1; j < max; j++) { if (this.foundTaskMessages[j].length != 0) { this.foundTaskMessages[i]= this.foundTaskMessages[j]; this.foundTaskPositions[i][1]= this.foundTaskPositions[j][1]; break loop; } } } } } } public char[] getCurrentIdentifierSource() { //return the token REAL source (aka unicodes are precomputed) char[] result; if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { //0 is used as a fast test flag so the real first char is in position 1 System.arraycopy( this.withoutUnicodeBuffer, 1, result= new char[this.withoutUnicodePtr], 0, this.withoutUnicodePtr); } else { int length= this.currentPosition - this.startPosition; if (length == this.eofPosition) return this.source; switch (length) { // see OptimizedLength case 1: return optimizedCurrentTokenSource1(); case 2: return optimizedCurrentTokenSource2(); case 3: return optimizedCurrentTokenSource3(); case 4: return optimizedCurrentTokenSource4(); case 5: return optimizedCurrentTokenSource5(); case 6: return optimizedCurrentTokenSource6(); } //no optimization System.arraycopy(this.source, this.startPosition, result= new char[length], 0, length); } //newIdentCount++; return result; } public int getCurrentTokenEndPosition() { return this.currentPosition - 1; } public char[] getCurrentTokenSource() { // Return the token REAL source (aka unicodes are precomputed) char[] result; if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) // 0 is used as a fast test flag so the real first char is in position 1 System.arraycopy( this.withoutUnicodeBuffer, 1, result= new char[this.withoutUnicodePtr], 0, this.withoutUnicodePtr); else { int length; System.arraycopy( this.source, this.startPosition, result= new char[length= this.currentPosition - this.startPosition], 0, length); } return result; } public final String getCurrentTokenString() { // Return current token as a string if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { // 0 is used as a fast test flag so the real first char is in position 1 return new String( this.withoutUnicodeBuffer, 1, this.withoutUnicodePtr); } return new String( this.source, this.startPosition, this.currentPosition - this.startPosition); } public char[] getCurrentTokenSourceString() { //return the token REAL source (aka unicodes are precomputed). //REMOVE the two " that are at the beginning and the end. char[] result; if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) //0 is used as a fast test flag so the real first char is in position 1 System.arraycopy(this.withoutUnicodeBuffer, 2, //2 is 1 (real start) + 1 (to jump over the ") result= new char[this.withoutUnicodePtr - 2], 0, this.withoutUnicodePtr - 2); else { int length; System.arraycopy( this.source, this.startPosition + 1, result= new char[length= this.currentPosition - this.startPosition - 2], 0, length); } return result; } public final String getCurrentStringLiteral() { //return the token REAL source (aka unicodes are precomputed). //REMOVE the two " that are at the beginning and the end. if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) //0 is used as a fast test flag so the real first char is in position 1 //2 is 1 (real start) + 1 (to jump over the ") return new String(this.withoutUnicodeBuffer, 2, this.withoutUnicodePtr - 2); else { return new String(this.source, this.startPosition + 1, this.currentPosition - this.startPosition - 2); } } public final char[] getRawTokenSource() { int length= this.currentPosition - this.startPosition; char[] tokenSource= new char[length]; System.arraycopy(this.source, this.startPosition, tokenSource, 0, length); return tokenSource; } public final char[] getRawTokenSourceEnd() { int length= this.eofPosition - this.currentPosition - 1; char[] sourceEnd= new char[length]; System.arraycopy(this.source, this.currentPosition, sourceEnd, 0, length); return sourceEnd; } public int getCurrentTokenStartPosition() { return this.startPosition; } /* * Search the source position corresponding to the end of a given line number * * Line numbers are 1-based, and relative to the scanner initialPosition. * Character positions are 0-based. * * In case the given line number is inconsistent, answers -1. */ public final int getLineEnd(int lineNumber) { if (this.lineEnds == null || this.linePtr == -1) return -1; if (lineNumber > this.lineEnds.length + 1) return -1; if (lineNumber <= 0) return -1; if (lineNumber == this.lineEnds.length + 1) return this.eofPosition; return this.lineEnds[lineNumber - 1]; // next line start one character behind the lineEnd of the previous line } public final int[] getLineEnds() { //return a bounded copy of this.lineEnds if (this.linePtr == -1) { return EMPTY_LINE_ENDS; } int[] copy; System.arraycopy(this.lineEnds, 0, copy= new int[this.linePtr + 1], 0, this.linePtr + 1); return copy; } /** * Search the source position corresponding to the beginning of a given line number * * Line numbers are 1-based, and relative to the scanner initialPosition. Character positions * are 0-based. * * e.g. getLineStart(1) --> 0 indicates that the first line starts at character 0. * * In case the given line number is inconsistent, answers -1. * * @param lineNumber int * @return int */ public final int getLineStart(int lineNumber) { if (this.lineEnds == null || this.linePtr == -1) return -1; if (lineNumber > this.lineEnds.length + 1) return -1; if (lineNumber <= 0) return -1; if (lineNumber == 1) return this.initialPosition; return this.lineEnds[lineNumber - 2] + 1; // next line start one character behind the lineEnd of the previous line } public final int getNextChar() { try { if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } return this.currentCharacter; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return -1; } catch (InvalidInputException e) { return -1; } } public final int getNextCharWithBoundChecks() { if (this.currentPosition >= this.eofPosition) { return -1; } this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]; if (this.currentPosition >= this.eofPosition) { this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } return this.currentCharacter; } if (this.currentCharacter == '\\' && this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u') { try { getNextUnicodeChar(); } catch (InvalidInputException e) { return -1; } } else { this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } return this.currentCharacter; } public final boolean getNextChar(char testedChar) { //BOOLEAN //handle the case of unicode. //when a unicode appears then we must use a buffer that holds char internal values //At the end of this method currentCharacter holds the new visited char //and currentPosition points right next after it //Both previous lines are true if the currentCharacter is == to the testedChar //On false, no side effect has occured. //ALL getNextChar.... ARE OPTIMIZED COPIES if (this.currentPosition >= this.eofPosition) { // handle the obvious case upfront this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; return false; } int temp= this.currentPosition; try { if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); if (this.currentCharacter != testedChar) { this.currentPosition= temp; this.withoutUnicodePtr--; return false; } return true; } //-------------end unicode traitement-------------- else { if (this.currentCharacter != testedChar) { this.currentPosition= temp; return false; } this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) unicodeStore(); return true; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; this.currentPosition= temp; return false; } catch (InvalidInputException e) { this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; this.currentPosition= temp; return false; } } public final int getNextChar(char testedChar1, char testedChar2) { //INT 0 : testChar1 \\\\///\\\\ 1 : testedChar2 \\\\///\\\\ -1 : others //test can be done with (x==0) for the first and (x>0) for the second //handle the case of unicode. //when a unicode appears then we must use a buffer that holds char internal values //At the end of this method currentCharacter holds the new visited char //and currentPosition points right next after it //Both previous lines are true if the currentCharacter is == to the testedChar1/2 //On false, no side effect has occured. //ALL getNextChar.... ARE OPTIMIZED COPIES if (this.currentPosition >= this.eofPosition) // handle the obvious case upfront return -1; int temp= this.currentPosition; try { int result; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); if (this.currentCharacter == testedChar1) { result= 0; } else if (this.currentCharacter == testedChar2) { result= 1; } else { this.currentPosition= temp; this.withoutUnicodePtr--; result= -1; } return result; } else { if (this.currentCharacter == testedChar1) { result= 0; } else if (this.currentCharacter == testedChar2) { result= 1; } else { this.currentPosition= temp; return -1; } if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) unicodeStore(); return result; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { this.currentPosition= temp; return -1; } catch (InvalidInputException e) { this.currentPosition= temp; return -1; } } public final boolean getNextCharAsDigit() throws InvalidInputException { //BOOLEAN //handle the case of unicode. //when a unicode appears then we must use a buffer that holds char internal values //At the end of this method currentCharacter holds the new visited char //and currentPosition points right next after it //Both previous lines are true if the currentCharacter is a digit //On false, no side effect has occured. //ALL getNextChar.... ARE OPTIMIZED COPIES if (this.currentPosition >= this.eofPosition) // handle the obvious case upfront return false; int temp= this.currentPosition; try { if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); if (!ScannerHelper.isDigit(this.currentCharacter)) { this.currentPosition= temp; this.withoutUnicodePtr--; return false; } return true; } else { if (!ScannerHelper.isDigit(this.currentCharacter)) { this.currentPosition= temp; return false; } if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) unicodeStore(); return true; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { this.currentPosition= temp; return false; } catch (InvalidInputException e) { this.currentPosition= temp; return false; } } public final boolean getNextCharAsDigit(int radix) { //BOOLEAN //handle the case of unicode. //when a unicode appears then we must use a buffer that holds char internal values //At the end of this method currentCharacter holds the new visited char //and currentPosition points right next after it //Both previous lines are true if the currentCharacter is a digit base on radix //On false, no side effect has occured. //ALL getNextChar.... ARE OPTIMIZED COPIES if (this.currentPosition >= this.eofPosition) // handle the obvious case upfront return false; int temp= this.currentPosition; try { if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); if (ScannerHelper.digit(this.currentCharacter, radix) == -1) { this.currentPosition= temp; this.withoutUnicodePtr--; return false; } return true; } else { if (ScannerHelper.digit(this.currentCharacter, radix) == -1) { this.currentPosition= temp; return false; } if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) unicodeStore(); return true; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { this.currentPosition= temp; return false; } catch (InvalidInputException e) { this.currentPosition= temp; return false; } } public boolean getNextCharAsJavaIdentifierPartWithBoundCheck() { //BOOLEAN //handle the case of unicode. //when a unicode appears then we must use a buffer that holds char internal values //At the end of this method currentCharacter holds the new visited char //and currentPosition points right next after it //Both previous lines are true if the currentCharacter is a JavaIdentifierPart //On false, no side effect has occured. //ALL getNextChar.... ARE OPTIMIZED COPIES int pos= this.currentPosition; if (pos >= this.eofPosition) // handle the obvious case upfront return false; int temp2= this.withoutUnicodePtr; try { boolean unicode= false; this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]; if (this.currentPosition < this.eofPosition) { if (this.currentCharacter == '\\' && this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u') { getNextUnicodeChar(); unicode= true; } } char c= this.currentCharacter; boolean isJavaIdentifierPart= false; if (c >= HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE && c <= HIGH_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { if (this.complianceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) { this.currentPosition= pos; this.withoutUnicodePtr= temp2; return false; } // Unicode 4 detection char low= (char)getNextCharWithBoundChecks(); if (low < LOW_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE || low > LOW_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { // illegal low surrogate this.currentPosition= pos; this.withoutUnicodePtr= temp2; return false; } isJavaIdentifierPart= ScannerHelper.isJavaIdentifierPart(c, low); } else if (c >= LOW_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE && c <= LOW_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { this.currentPosition= pos; this.withoutUnicodePtr= temp2; return false; } else { isJavaIdentifierPart= ScannerHelper.isJavaIdentifierPart(c); } if (unicode) { if (!isJavaIdentifierPart) { this.currentPosition= pos; this.withoutUnicodePtr= temp2; return false; } return true; } else { if (!isJavaIdentifierPart) { this.currentPosition= pos; return false; } if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) unicodeStore(); return true; } } catch (InvalidInputException e) { this.currentPosition= pos; this.withoutUnicodePtr= temp2; return false; } } public boolean getNextCharAsJavaIdentifierPart() { //BOOLEAN //handle the case of unicode. //when a unicode appears then we must use a buffer that holds char internal values //At the end of this method currentCharacter holds the new visited char //and currentPosition points right next after it //Both previous lines are true if the currentCharacter is a JavaIdentifierPart //On false, no side effect has occured. //ALL getNextChar.... ARE OPTIMIZED COPIES int pos; if ((pos= this.currentPosition) >= this.eofPosition) // handle the obvious case upfront return false; int temp2= this.withoutUnicodePtr; try { boolean unicode= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); unicode= true; } char c= this.currentCharacter; boolean isJavaIdentifierPart= false; if (c >= HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE && c <= HIGH_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { if (this.complianceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) { this.currentPosition= pos; this.withoutUnicodePtr= temp2; return false; } // Unicode 4 detection char low= (char)getNextChar(); if (low < LOW_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE || low > LOW_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { // illegal low surrogate this.currentPosition= pos; this.withoutUnicodePtr= temp2; return false; } isJavaIdentifierPart= ScannerHelper.isJavaIdentifierPart(c, low); } else if (c >= LOW_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE && c <= LOW_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { this.currentPosition= pos; this.withoutUnicodePtr= temp2; return false; } else { isJavaIdentifierPart= ScannerHelper.isJavaIdentifierPart(c); } if (unicode) { if (!isJavaIdentifierPart) { this.currentPosition= pos; this.withoutUnicodePtr= temp2; return false; } return true; } else { if (!isJavaIdentifierPart) { this.currentPosition= pos; return false; } if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) unicodeStore(); return true; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { this.currentPosition= pos; this.withoutUnicodePtr= temp2; return false; } catch (InvalidInputException e) { this.currentPosition= pos; this.withoutUnicodePtr= temp2; return false; } } /* * External API in JavaConventions. * This is used to optimize the case where the scanner is used to scan a single identifier. * In this case, the AIOOBE is slower to handle than a bound check */ public int scanIdentifier() throws InvalidInputException { int whiteStart= 0; while (true) { //loop for jumping over comments this.withoutUnicodePtr= 0; //start with a new token (even comment written with unicode ) // ---------Consume white space and handles startPosition--------- whiteStart= this.currentPosition; boolean isWhiteSpace, hasWhiteSpaces= false; int offset; int unicodePtr; boolean checkIfUnicode= false; do { unicodePtr= this.withoutUnicodePtr; offset= this.currentPosition; this.startPosition= this.currentPosition; if (this.currentPosition < this.eofPosition) { this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]; checkIfUnicode= this.currentPosition < this.eofPosition && this.currentCharacter == '\\' && this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u'; } else if (this.tokenizeWhiteSpace && (whiteStart != this.currentPosition - 1)) { // reposition scanner in case we are interested by spaces as tokens this.currentPosition--; this.startPosition= whiteStart; return TokenNameWHITESPACE; } else { return TokenNameEOF; } if (checkIfUnicode) { isWhiteSpace= jumpOverUnicodeWhiteSpace(); offset= this.currentPosition - offset; } else { offset= this.currentPosition - offset; // inline version of: //isWhiteSpace = // (this.currentCharacter == ' ') || ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(this.currentCharacter); switch (this.currentCharacter) { case 10: /* \ u000a: LINE FEED */ case 12: /* \ u000c: FORM FEED */ case 13: /* \ u000d: CARRIAGE RETURN */ case 32: /* \ u0020: SPACE */ case 9: /* \ u0009: HORIZONTAL TABULATION */ isWhiteSpace= true; break; default: isWhiteSpace= false; } } if (isWhiteSpace) { hasWhiteSpaces= true; } } while (isWhiteSpace); if (hasWhiteSpaces) { if (this.tokenizeWhiteSpace) { // reposition scanner in case we are interested by spaces as tokens this.currentPosition-= offset; this.startPosition= whiteStart; if (checkIfUnicode) { this.withoutUnicodePtr= unicodePtr; } return TokenNameWHITESPACE; } else if (checkIfUnicode) { this.withoutUnicodePtr= 0; unicodeStore(); } else { this.withoutUnicodePtr= 0; } } char c= this.currentCharacter; if (c < ScannerHelper.MAX_OBVIOUS) { if ((ScannerHelper.OBVIOUS_IDENT_CHAR_NATURES[c] & ScannerHelper.C_IDENT_START) != 0) { return scanIdentifierOrKeywordWithBoundCheck(); } return TokenNameERROR; } boolean isJavaIdStart; if (c >= HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE && c <= HIGH_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { if (this.complianceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) { throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE); } // Unicode 4 detection char low= (char)getNextCharWithBoundChecks(); if (low < LOW_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE || low > LOW_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { // illegal low surrogate throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_LOW_SURROGATE); } isJavaIdStart= ScannerHelper.isJavaIdentifierStart(c, low); } else if (c >= LOW_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE && c <= LOW_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { if (this.complianceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) { throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE); } throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_HIGH_SURROGATE); } else { // optimized case already checked isJavaIdStart= Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c); } if (isJavaIdStart) return scanIdentifierOrKeywordWithBoundCheck(); return TokenNameERROR; } } public int getNextToken() throws InvalidInputException { this.wasAcr= false; if (this.diet) { jumpOverMethodBody(); this.diet= false; return this.currentPosition > this.eofPosition ? TokenNameEOF : TokenNameRBRACE; } int whiteStart= 0; try { while (true) { //loop for jumping over comments this.withoutUnicodePtr= 0; //start with a new token (even comment written with unicode ) // ---------Consume white space and handles startPosition--------- whiteStart= this.currentPosition; boolean isWhiteSpace, hasWhiteSpaces= false; int offset; int unicodePtr; boolean checkIfUnicode= false; do { unicodePtr= this.withoutUnicodePtr; offset= this.currentPosition; this.startPosition= this.currentPosition; try { checkIfUnicode= ((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u'); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { if (this.tokenizeWhiteSpace && (whiteStart != this.currentPosition - 1)) { // reposition scanner in case we are interested by spaces as tokens this.currentPosition--; this.startPosition= whiteStart; return TokenNameWHITESPACE; } if (this.currentPosition > this.eofPosition) return TokenNameEOF; } if (this.currentPosition > this.eofPosition) { if (this.tokenizeWhiteSpace && (whiteStart != this.currentPosition - 1)) { this.currentPosition--; // reposition scanner in case we are interested by spaces as tokens this.startPosition= whiteStart; return TokenNameWHITESPACE; } return TokenNameEOF; } if (checkIfUnicode) { isWhiteSpace= jumpOverUnicodeWhiteSpace(); offset= this.currentPosition - offset; } else { offset= this.currentPosition - offset; if ((this.currentCharacter == '\r') || (this.currentCharacter == '\n')) { if (this.recordLineSeparator) { pushLineSeparator(); } } // inline version of: //isWhiteSpace = // (this.currentCharacter == ' ') || ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(this.currentCharacter); switch (this.currentCharacter) { case 10: /* \ u000a: LINE FEED */ case 12: /* \ u000c: FORM FEED */ case 13: /* \ u000d: CARRIAGE RETURN */ case 32: /* \ u0020: SPACE */ case 9: /* \ u0009: HORIZONTAL TABULATION */ isWhiteSpace= true; break; default: isWhiteSpace= false; } } if (isWhiteSpace) { hasWhiteSpaces= true; } } while (isWhiteSpace); if (hasWhiteSpaces) { if (this.tokenizeWhiteSpace) { // reposition scanner in case we are interested by spaces as tokens this.currentPosition-= offset; this.startPosition= whiteStart; if (checkIfUnicode) { this.withoutUnicodePtr= unicodePtr; } return TokenNameWHITESPACE; } else if (checkIfUnicode) { this.withoutUnicodePtr= 0; unicodeStore(); } else { this.withoutUnicodePtr= 0; } } // ---------Identify the next token------------- switch (this.currentCharacter) { case '@': /* if (this.sourceLevel >= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) { return TokenNameAT; } else { return TokenNameERROR; }*/ return TokenNameAT; case '(': return TokenNameLPAREN; case ')': return TokenNameRPAREN; case '{': return TokenNameLBRACE; case '}': return TokenNameRBRACE; case '[': return TokenNameLBRACKET; case ']': return TokenNameRBRACKET; case ';': return TokenNameSEMICOLON; case ',': return TokenNameCOMMA; case '.': if (getNextCharAsDigit()) { return scanNumber(true); } int temp= this.currentPosition; if (getNextChar('.')) { if (getNextChar('.')) { return TokenNameELLIPSIS; } else { this.currentPosition= temp; return TokenNameDOT; } } else { this.currentPosition= temp; return TokenNameDOT; } case '+': { int test; if ((test= getNextChar('+', '=')) == 0) return TokenNamePLUS_PLUS; if (test > 0) return TokenNamePLUS_EQUAL; return TokenNamePLUS; } case '-': { int test; if ((test= getNextChar('-', '=')) == 0) return TokenNameMINUS_MINUS; if (test > 0) return TokenNameMINUS_EQUAL; return TokenNameMINUS; } case '~': return TokenNameTWIDDLE; case '!': if (getNextChar('=')) return TokenNameNOT_EQUAL; return TokenNameNOT; case '*': if (getNextChar('=')) return TokenNameMULTIPLY_EQUAL; return TokenNameMULTIPLY; case '%': if (getNextChar('=')) return TokenNameREMAINDER_EQUAL; return TokenNameREMAINDER; case '<': { int test; if ((test= getNextChar('=', '<')) == 0) return TokenNameLESS_EQUAL; if (test > 0) { if (getNextChar('=')) return TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL; return TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT; } return TokenNameLESS; } case '>': { int test; if (this.returnOnlyGreater) { return TokenNameGREATER; } if ((test= getNextChar('=', '>')) == 0) return TokenNameGREATER_EQUAL; if (test > 0) { if ((test= getNextChar('=', '>')) == 0) return TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL; if (test > 0) { if (getNextChar('=')) return TokenNameUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL; return TokenNameUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT; } return TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT; } return TokenNameGREATER; } case '=': if (getNextChar('=')) return TokenNameEQUAL_EQUAL; return TokenNameEQUAL; case '&': { int test; if ((test= getNextChar('&', '=')) == 0) return TokenNameAND_AND; if (test > 0) return TokenNameAND_EQUAL; return TokenNameAND; } case '|': { int test; if ((test= getNextChar('|', '=')) == 0) return TokenNameOR_OR; if (test > 0) return TokenNameOR_EQUAL; return TokenNameOR; } case '^': if (getNextChar('=')) return TokenNameXOR_EQUAL; return TokenNameXOR; case '?': return TokenNameQUESTION; case ':': return TokenNameCOLON; case '\'': { int test; if ((test= getNextChar('\n', '\r')) == 0) { throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_CHARACTER_CONSTANT); } if (test > 0) { // relocate if finding another quote fairly close: thus unicode '/u000D' will be fully consumed for (int lookAhead= 0; lookAhead < 3; lookAhead++) { if (this.currentPosition + lookAhead == this.eofPosition) break; if (this.source[this.currentPosition + lookAhead] == '\n') break; if (this.source[this.currentPosition + lookAhead] == '\'') { this.currentPosition+= lookAhead + 1; break; } } throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_CHARACTER_CONSTANT); } } if (getNextChar('\'')) { // relocate if finding another quote fairly close: thus unicode '/u000D' will be fully consumed for (int lookAhead= 0; lookAhead < 3; lookAhead++) { if (this.currentPosition + lookAhead == this.eofPosition) break; if (this.source[this.currentPosition + lookAhead] == '\n') break; if (this.source[this.currentPosition + lookAhead] == '\'') { this.currentPosition+= lookAhead + 1; break; } } throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_CHARACTER_CONSTANT); } if (getNextChar('\\')) { if (this.unicodeAsBackSlash) { // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } } else { this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]; } scanEscapeCharacter(); } else { // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; checkIfUnicode= false; try { checkIfUnicode= ((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u'); } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { this.currentPosition--; throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_CHARACTER_CONSTANT); } if (checkIfUnicode) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } } if (getNextChar('\'')) return TokenNameCharacterLiteral; // relocate if finding another quote fairly close: thus unicode '/u000D' will be fully consumed for (int lookAhead= 0; lookAhead < 20; lookAhead++) { if (this.currentPosition + lookAhead == this.eofPosition) break; if (this.source[this.currentPosition + lookAhead] == '\n') break; if (this.source[this.currentPosition + lookAhead] == '\'') { this.currentPosition+= lookAhead + 1; break; } } throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_CHARACTER_CONSTANT); case '"': try { // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; boolean isUnicode= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); isUnicode= true; } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } while (this.currentCharacter != '"') { if (this.currentPosition >= this.eofPosition) { throw new InvalidInputException(UNTERMINATED_STRING); } /**** \r and \n are not valid in string literals ****/ if ((this.currentCharacter == '\n') || (this.currentCharacter == '\r')) { // relocate if finding another quote fairly close: thus unicode '/u000D' will be fully consumed if (isUnicode) { int start= this.currentPosition; for (int lookAhead= 0; lookAhead < 50; lookAhead++) { if (this.currentPosition >= this.eofPosition) { this.currentPosition= start; break; } if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { isUnicode= true; getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { isUnicode= false; } if (!isUnicode && this.currentCharacter == '\n') { this.currentPosition--; // set current position on new line character break; } if (this.currentCharacter == '\"') { throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_CHAR_IN_STRING); } } } else { this.currentPosition--; // set current position on new line character } throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_CHAR_IN_STRING); } if (this.currentCharacter == '\\') { if (this.unicodeAsBackSlash) { this.withoutUnicodePtr--; // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); isUnicode= true; this.withoutUnicodePtr--; } else { isUnicode= false; } } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr == 0) { unicodeInitializeBuffer(this.currentPosition - this.startPosition); } this.withoutUnicodePtr--; this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]; } // we need to compute the escape character in a separate buffer scanEscapeCharacter(); if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); isUnicode= true; } else { isUnicode= false; if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { this.currentPosition--; throw new InvalidInputException(UNTERMINATED_STRING); } catch (InvalidInputException e) { if (e.getMessage().equals(INVALID_ESCAPE)) { // relocate if finding another quote fairly close: thus unicode '/u000D' will be fully consumed for (int lookAhead= 0; lookAhead < 50; lookAhead++) { if (this.currentPosition + lookAhead == this.eofPosition) break; if (this.source[this.currentPosition + lookAhead] == '\n') break; if (this.source[this.currentPosition + lookAhead] == '\"') { this.currentPosition+= lookAhead + 1; break; } } } throw e; // rethrow } return TokenNameStringLiteral; case '/': if (!this.skipComments) { int test= getNextChar('/', '*'); if (test == 0) { //line comment this.lastCommentLinePosition= this.currentPosition; try { //get the next char if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } //handle the \\u case manually into comment if (this.currentCharacter == '\\') { if (this.source[this.currentPosition] == '\\') this.currentPosition++; } //jump over the \\ boolean isUnicode= false; while (this.currentCharacter != '\r' && this.currentCharacter != '\n') { if (this.currentPosition >= this.eofPosition) { this.lastCommentLinePosition= this.currentPosition; this.currentPosition++; // this avoids duplicating the code in the catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } this.lastCommentLinePosition= this.currentPosition; //get the next char isUnicode= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); isUnicode= true; } //handle the \\u case manually into comment if (this.currentCharacter == '\\') { if (this.source[this.currentPosition] == '\\') this.currentPosition++; } //jump over the \\ } /* * We need to completely consume the line break */ if (this.currentCharacter == '\r' && this.eofPosition > this.currentPosition) { if (this.source[this.currentPosition] == '\n') { this.currentPosition++; this.currentCharacter= '\n'; } else if ((this.source[this.currentPosition] == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition + 1] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); isUnicode= true; } } recordComment(TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); if (this.taskTags != null) checkTaskTag(this.startPosition, this.currentPosition); if ((this.currentCharacter == '\r') || (this.currentCharacter == '\n')) { if (this.checkNonExternalizedStringLiterals && this.lastPosition < this.currentPosition) { parseTags(); } if (this.recordLineSeparator) { if (isUnicode) { pushUnicodeLineSeparator(); } else { pushLineSeparator(); } } } if (this.tokenizeComments) { return TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { this.currentPosition--; recordComment(TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); if (this.taskTags != null) checkTaskTag(this.startPosition, this.currentPosition); if (this.checkNonExternalizedStringLiterals && this.lastPosition < this.currentPosition) { parseTags(); } if (this.tokenizeComments) { return TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE; } else { this.currentPosition++; } } break; } if (test > 0) { //traditional and javadoc comment try { //get the next char boolean isJavadoc= false, star= false; boolean isUnicode= false; int previous; // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); isUnicode= true; } else { isUnicode= false; if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } if (this.currentCharacter == '*') { isJavadoc= true; star= true; } if ((this.currentCharacter == '\r') || (this.currentCharacter == '\n')) { if (this.recordLineSeparator) { if (isUnicode) { pushUnicodeLineSeparator(); } else { pushLineSeparator(); } } } isUnicode= false; previous= this.currentPosition; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { //-------------unicode traitement ------------ getNextUnicodeChar(); isUnicode= true; } else { isUnicode= false; } //handle the \\u case manually into comment if (this.currentCharacter == '\\') { if (this.source[this.currentPosition] == '\\') this.currentPosition++; //jump over the \\ } // empty comment is not a javadoc /**/ if (this.currentCharacter == '/') { isJavadoc= false; } //loop until end of comment */ int firstTag= 0; while ((this.currentCharacter != '/') || (!star)) { if (this.currentPosition >= this.eofPosition) { throw new InvalidInputException(UNTERMINATED_COMMENT); } if ((this.currentCharacter == '\r') || (this.currentCharacter == '\n')) { if (this.recordLineSeparator) { if (isUnicode) { pushUnicodeLineSeparator(); } else { pushLineSeparator(); } } } switch (this.currentCharacter) { case '*': star= true; break; case '@': if (firstTag == 0 && this.isFirstTag()) { firstTag= previous; } //$FALL-THROUGH$ default case to set star to false default: star= false; } //get next char previous= this.currentPosition; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { //-------------unicode traitement ------------ getNextUnicodeChar(); isUnicode= true; } else { isUnicode= false; } //handle the \\u case manually into comment if (this.currentCharacter == '\\') { if (this.source[this.currentPosition] == '\\') this.currentPosition++; } //jump over the \\ } int token= isJavadoc ? TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC : TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK; recordComment(token); this.commentTagStarts[this.commentPtr]= firstTag; if (this.taskTags != null) checkTaskTag(this.startPosition, this.currentPosition); if (this.tokenizeComments) { /* if (isJavadoc) return TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC; return TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK; */ return token; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { this.currentPosition--; throw new InvalidInputException(UNTERMINATED_COMMENT); } break; } } if (getNextChar('=')) return TokenNameDIVIDE_EQUAL; return TokenNameDIVIDE; case '\u001a': if (atEnd()) return TokenNameEOF; //the atEnd may not be <currentPosition == source.length> if source is only some part of a real (external) stream throw new InvalidInputException("Ctrl-Z"); //$NON-NLS-1$ default: char c= this.currentCharacter; if (c < ScannerHelper.MAX_OBVIOUS) { if ((ScannerHelper.OBVIOUS_IDENT_CHAR_NATURES[c] & ScannerHelper.C_IDENT_START) != 0) { return scanIdentifierOrKeyword(); } else if ((ScannerHelper.OBVIOUS_IDENT_CHAR_NATURES[c] & ScannerHelper.C_DIGIT) != 0) { return scanNumber(false); } else { return TokenNameERROR; } } boolean isJavaIdStart; if (c >= HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE && c <= HIGH_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { if (this.complianceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) { throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE); } // Unicode 4 detection char low= (char)getNextChar(); if (low < LOW_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE || low > LOW_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { // illegal low surrogate throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_LOW_SURROGATE); } isJavaIdStart= ScannerHelper.isJavaIdentifierStart(c, low); } else if (c >= LOW_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE && c <= LOW_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { if (this.complianceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) { throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE); } throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_HIGH_SURROGATE); } else { // optimized case already checked isJavaIdStart= Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c); } if (isJavaIdStart) return scanIdentifierOrKeyword(); if (ScannerHelper.isDigit(this.currentCharacter)) { return scanNumber(false); } return TokenNameERROR; } } } //-----------------end switch while try-------------------- catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { if (this.tokenizeWhiteSpace && (whiteStart != this.currentPosition - 1)) { // reposition scanner in case we are interested by spaces as tokens this.currentPosition--; this.startPosition= whiteStart; return TokenNameWHITESPACE; } } return TokenNameEOF; } public void getNextUnicodeChar() throws InvalidInputException { //VOID //handle the case of unicode. //when a unicode appears then we must use a buffer that holds char internal values //At the end of this method currentCharacter holds the new visited char //and currentPosition points right next after it //ALL getNextChar.... ARE OPTIMIZED COPIES int c1= 0, c2= 0, c3= 0, c4= 0, unicodeSize= 6; this.currentPosition++; if (this.currentPosition < this.eofPosition) { while (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u') { this.currentPosition++; if (this.currentPosition >= this.eofPosition) { this.currentPosition--; throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE); } unicodeSize++; } } else { this.currentPosition--; throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE); } if ((this.currentPosition + 4) > this.eofPosition) { this.currentPosition+= (this.eofPosition - this.currentPosition); throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE); } if ((c1= ScannerHelper.getNumericValue(this.source[this.currentPosition++])) > 15 || c1 < 0 || (c2= ScannerHelper.getNumericValue(this.source[this.currentPosition++])) > 15 || c2 < 0 || (c3= ScannerHelper.getNumericValue(this.source[this.currentPosition++])) > 15 || c3 < 0 || (c4= ScannerHelper.getNumericValue(this.source[this.currentPosition++])) > 15 || c4 < 0) { throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE); } this.currentCharacter= (char)(((c1 * 16 + c2) * 16 + c3) * 16 + c4); //need the unicode buffer if (this.withoutUnicodePtr == 0) { //buffer all the entries that have been left aside.... unicodeInitializeBuffer(this.currentPosition - unicodeSize - this.startPosition); } //fill the buffer with the char unicodeStore(); this.unicodeAsBackSlash= this.currentCharacter == '\\'; } public NLSTag[] getNLSTags() { final int length= this.nlsTagsPtr; if (length != 0) { NLSTag[] result= new NLSTag[length]; System.arraycopy(this.nlsTags, 0, result, 0, length); this.nlsTagsPtr= 0; return result; } return null; } public char[] getSource() { return this.source; } protected boolean isFirstTag() { return true; } public final void jumpOverMethodBody() { this.wasAcr= false; int found= 1; try { while (true) { //loop for jumping over comments this.withoutUnicodePtr= 0; // ---------Consume white space and handles startPosition--------- boolean isWhiteSpace; do { this.startPosition= this.currentPosition; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { isWhiteSpace= jumpOverUnicodeWhiteSpace(); } else { if (this.recordLineSeparator && ((this.currentCharacter == '\r') || (this.currentCharacter == '\n'))) { pushLineSeparator(); } isWhiteSpace= CharOperation.isWhitespace(this.currentCharacter); } } while (isWhiteSpace); // -------consume token until } is found--------- NextToken: switch (this.currentCharacter) { case '{': found++; break NextToken; case '}': found--; if (found == 0) return; break NextToken; case '\'': { boolean test; test= getNextChar('\\'); if (test) { try { if (this.unicodeAsBackSlash) { // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } } else { this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]; } scanEscapeCharacter(); } catch (InvalidInputException ex) { // ignore } } else { try { // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } } catch (InvalidInputException ex) { // ignore } } getNextChar('\''); break NextToken; } case '"': try { try { // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } } catch (InvalidInputException ex) { // ignore } while (this.currentCharacter != '"') { if (this.currentPosition >= this.eofPosition) { return; } if (this.currentCharacter == '\r') { if (this.source[this.currentPosition] == '\n') this.currentPosition++; break NextToken; // the string cannot go further that the line } if (this.currentCharacter == '\n') { break; // the string cannot go further that the line } if (this.currentCharacter == '\\') { try { if (this.unicodeAsBackSlash) { // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } } else { this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]; } scanEscapeCharacter(); } catch (InvalidInputException ex) { // ignore } } try { // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } } catch (InvalidInputException ex) { // ignore } } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return; } break NextToken; case '/': { int test; if ((test= getNextChar('/', '*')) == 0) { //line comment try { this.lastCommentLinePosition= this.currentPosition; //get the next char if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } //handle the \\u case manually into comment if (this.currentCharacter == '\\') { if (this.source[this.currentPosition] == '\\') this.currentPosition++; } //jump over the \\ boolean isUnicode= false; while (this.currentCharacter != '\r' && this.currentCharacter != '\n') { if (this.currentPosition >= this.eofPosition) { this.lastCommentLinePosition= this.currentPosition; this.currentPosition++; // this avoids duplicating the code inside the catch(IndexOutOfBoundsException e) below throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(); } this.lastCommentLinePosition= this.currentPosition; //get the next char isUnicode= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { isUnicode= true; getNextUnicodeChar(); } //handle the \\u case manually into comment if (this.currentCharacter == '\\') { if (this.source[this.currentPosition] == '\\') this.currentPosition++; } //jump over the \\ } /* * We need to completely consume the line break */ if (this.currentCharacter == '\r' && this.eofPosition > this.currentPosition) { if (this.source[this.currentPosition] == '\n') { this.currentPosition++; this.currentCharacter= '\n'; } else if ((this.source[this.currentPosition] == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition + 1] == 'u')) { isUnicode= true; getNextUnicodeChar(); } } recordComment(TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); if (this.recordLineSeparator && ((this.currentCharacter == '\r') || (this.currentCharacter == '\n'))) { if (this.checkNonExternalizedStringLiterals && this.lastPosition < this.currentPosition) { parseTags(); } if (this.recordLineSeparator) { if (isUnicode) { pushUnicodeLineSeparator(); } else { pushLineSeparator(); } } } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { //an eof will then be generated this.currentPosition--; recordComment(TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE); if (this.checkNonExternalizedStringLiterals && this.lastPosition < this.currentPosition) { parseTags(); } if (!this.tokenizeComments) { this.currentPosition++; } } break NextToken; } if (test > 0) { //traditional and javadoc comment boolean isJavadoc= false; try { //get the next char boolean star= false; int previous; boolean isUnicode= false; // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); isUnicode= true; } else { isUnicode= false; if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } if (this.currentCharacter == '*') { isJavadoc= true; star= true; } if ((this.currentCharacter == '\r') || (this.currentCharacter == '\n')) { if (this.recordLineSeparator) { if (isUnicode) { pushUnicodeLineSeparator(); } else { pushLineSeparator(); } } } isUnicode= false; previous= this.currentPosition; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); isUnicode= true; } else { isUnicode= false; } //handle the \\u case manually into comment if (this.currentCharacter == '\\') { if (this.source[this.currentPosition] == '\\') this.currentPosition++; //jump over the \\ } // empty comment is not a javadoc /**/ if (this.currentCharacter == '/') { isJavadoc= false; } //loop until end of comment */ int firstTag= 0; while ((this.currentCharacter != '/') || (!star)) { if (this.currentPosition >= this.eofPosition) { return; } if ((this.currentCharacter == '\r') || (this.currentCharacter == '\n')) { if (this.recordLineSeparator) { if (isUnicode) { pushUnicodeLineSeparator(); } else { pushLineSeparator(); } } } switch (this.currentCharacter) { case '*': star= true; break; case '@': if (firstTag == 0 && this.isFirstTag()) { firstTag= previous; } //$FALL-THROUGH$ default case to set star to false default: star= false; } //get next char previous= this.currentPosition; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); isUnicode= true; } else { isUnicode= false; } //handle the \\u case manually into comment if (this.currentCharacter == '\\') { if (this.source[this.currentPosition] == '\\') this.currentPosition++; } //jump over the \\ } recordComment(isJavadoc ? TokenNameCOMMENT_JAVADOC : TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK); this.commentTagStarts[this.commentPtr]= firstTag; } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { return; } break NextToken; } break NextToken; } default: try { char c= this.currentCharacter; if (c < ScannerHelper.MAX_OBVIOUS) { if ((ScannerHelper.OBVIOUS_IDENT_CHAR_NATURES[c] & ScannerHelper.C_IDENT_START) != 0) { scanIdentifierOrKeyword(); break NextToken; } else if ((ScannerHelper.OBVIOUS_IDENT_CHAR_NATURES[c] & ScannerHelper.C_DIGIT) != 0) { scanNumber(false); break NextToken; } else { break NextToken; } } boolean isJavaIdStart; if (c >= HIGH_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE && c <= HIGH_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { if (this.complianceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) { throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_UNICODE_ESCAPE); } // Unicode 4 detection char low= (char)getNextChar(); if (low < LOW_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE || low > LOW_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { // illegal low surrogate break NextToken; } isJavaIdStart= ScannerHelper.isJavaIdentifierStart(c, low); } else if (c >= LOW_SURROGATE_MIN_VALUE && c <= LOW_SURROGATE_MAX_VALUE) { break NextToken; } else { // optimized case already checked isJavaIdStart= Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(c); } if (isJavaIdStart) { scanIdentifierOrKeyword(); break NextToken; } // if (ScannerHelper.isDigit(this.currentCharacter)) { // scanNumber(false); // break NextToken; // } } catch (InvalidInputException ex) { // ignore } } } //-----------------end switch while try-------------------- } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { // ignore } catch (InvalidInputException e) { // ignore } return; } public final boolean jumpOverUnicodeWhiteSpace() throws InvalidInputException { //BOOLEAN //handle the case of unicode. Jump over the next whiteSpace //making startPosition pointing on the next available char //On false, the currentCharacter is filled up with a potential //correct char this.wasAcr= false; getNextUnicodeChar(); return CharOperation.isWhitespace(this.currentCharacter); } final char[] optimizedCurrentTokenSource1() { //return always the same char[] build only once //optimization at no speed cost of 99.5 % of the singleCharIdentifier char charOne= this.source[this.startPosition]; switch (charOne) { case 'a': return charArray_a; case 'b': return charArray_b; case 'c': return charArray_c; case 'd': return charArray_d; case 'e': return charArray_e; case 'f': return charArray_f; case 'g': return charArray_g; case 'h': return charArray_h; case 'i': return charArray_i; case 'j': return charArray_j; case 'k': return charArray_k; case 'l': return charArray_l; case 'm': return charArray_m; case 'n': return charArray_n; case 'o': return charArray_o; case 'p': return charArray_p; case 'q': return charArray_q; case 'r': return charArray_r; case 's': return charArray_s; case 't': return charArray_t; case 'u': return charArray_u; case 'v': return charArray_v; case 'w': return charArray_w; case 'x': return charArray_x; case 'y': return charArray_y; case 'z': return charArray_z; default: return new char[] { charOne }; } } final char[] optimizedCurrentTokenSource2() { //try to return the same char[] build only once char[] src= this.source; int start= this.startPosition; char c0, c1; int hash= (((c0= src[start]) << 6) + (c1= src[start + 1])) % TableSize; char[][] table= this.charArray_length[0][hash]; int i= this.newEntry2; while (++i < InternalTableSize) { char[] charArray= table[i]; if ((c0 == charArray[0]) && (c1 == charArray[1])) return charArray; } //---------other side--------- i= -1; int max= this.newEntry2; while (++i <= max) { char[] charArray= table[i]; if ((c0 == charArray[0]) && (c1 == charArray[1])) return charArray; } //--------add the entry------- if (++max >= InternalTableSize) max= 0; char[] r; System.arraycopy(src, start, r= new char[2], 0, 2); //newIdentCount++; return table[this.newEntry2= max]= r; //(r = new char[] {c0, c1}); } final char[] optimizedCurrentTokenSource3() { //try to return the same char[] build only once char[] src= this.source; int start= this.startPosition; char c0, c1= src[start + 1], c2; int hash= (((c0= src[start]) << 6) + (c2= src[start + 2])) % TableSize; // int hash = ((c0 << 12) + (c1<< 6) + c2) % TableSize; char[][] table= this.charArray_length[1][hash]; int i= this.newEntry3; while (++i < InternalTableSize) { char[] charArray= table[i]; if ((c0 == charArray[0]) && (c1 == charArray[1]) && (c2 == charArray[2])) return charArray; } //---------other side--------- i= -1; int max= this.newEntry3; while (++i <= max) { char[] charArray= table[i]; if ((c0 == charArray[0]) && (c1 == charArray[1]) && (c2 == charArray[2])) return charArray; } //--------add the entry------- if (++max >= InternalTableSize) max= 0; char[] r; System.arraycopy(src, start, r= new char[3], 0, 3); //newIdentCount++; return table[this.newEntry3= max]= r; //(r = new char[] {c0, c1, c2}); } final char[] optimizedCurrentTokenSource4() { //try to return the same char[] build only once char[] src= this.source; int start= this.startPosition; char c0, c1= src[start + 1], c2, c3= src[start + 3]; int hash= (((c0= src[start]) << 6) + (c2= src[start + 2])) % TableSize; // int hash = (int) (((((long) c0) << 18) + (c1 << 12) + (c2 << 6) + c3) % TableSize); char[][] table= this.charArray_length[2][hash]; int i= this.newEntry4; while (++i < InternalTableSize) { char[] charArray= table[i]; if ((c0 == charArray[0]) && (c1 == charArray[1]) && (c2 == charArray[2]) && (c3 == charArray[3])) return charArray; } //---------other side--------- i= -1; int max= this.newEntry4; while (++i <= max) { char[] charArray= table[i]; if ((c0 == charArray[0]) && (c1 == charArray[1]) && (c2 == charArray[2]) && (c3 == charArray[3])) return charArray; } //--------add the entry------- if (++max >= InternalTableSize) max= 0; char[] r; System.arraycopy(src, start, r= new char[4], 0, 4); //newIdentCount++; return table[this.newEntry4= max]= r; //(r = new char[] {c0, c1, c2, c3}); } final char[] optimizedCurrentTokenSource5() { //try to return the same char[] build only once char[] src= this.source; int start= this.startPosition; char c0, c1= src[start + 1], c2, c3= src[start + 3], c4; int hash= (((c0= src[start]) << 12) + ((c2= src[start + 2]) << 6) + (c4= src[start + 4])) % TableSize; // int hash = (int) (((((long) c0) << 24) + (((long) c1) << 18) + (c2 << 12) + (c3 << 6) + c4) % TableSize); char[][] table= this.charArray_length[3][hash]; int i= this.newEntry5; while (++i < InternalTableSize) { char[] charArray= table[i]; if ((c0 == charArray[0]) && (c1 == charArray[1]) && (c2 == charArray[2]) && (c3 == charArray[3]) && (c4 == charArray[4])) return charArray; } //---------other side--------- i= -1; int max= this.newEntry5; while (++i <= max) { char[] charArray= table[i]; if ((c0 == charArray[0]) && (c1 == charArray[1]) && (c2 == charArray[2]) && (c3 == charArray[3]) && (c4 == charArray[4])) return charArray; } //--------add the entry------- if (++max >= InternalTableSize) max= 0; char[] r; System.arraycopy(src, start, r= new char[5], 0, 5); //newIdentCount++; return table[this.newEntry5= max]= r; //(r = new char[] {c0, c1, c2, c3, c4}); } final char[] optimizedCurrentTokenSource6() { //try to return the same char[] build only once char[] src= this.source; int start= this.startPosition; char c0, c1= src[start + 1], c2, c3= src[start + 3], c4, c5= src[start + 5]; int hash= (((c0= src[start]) << 12) + ((c2= src[start + 2]) << 6) + (c4= src[start + 4])) % TableSize; // int hash = (int)(((((long) c0) << 32) + (((long) c1) << 24) + (((long) c2) << 18) + (c3 << 12) + (c4 << 6) + c5) % TableSize); char[][] table= this.charArray_length[4][hash]; int i= this.newEntry6; while (++i < InternalTableSize) { char[] charArray= table[i]; if ((c0 == charArray[0]) && (c1 == charArray[1]) && (c2 == charArray[2]) && (c3 == charArray[3]) && (c4 == charArray[4]) && (c5 == charArray[5])) return charArray; } //---------other side--------- i= -1; int max= this.newEntry6; while (++i <= max) { char[] charArray= table[i]; if ((c0 == charArray[0]) && (c1 == charArray[1]) && (c2 == charArray[2]) && (c3 == charArray[3]) && (c4 == charArray[4]) && (c5 == charArray[5])) return charArray; } //--------add the entry------- if (++max >= InternalTableSize) max= 0; char[] r; System.arraycopy(src, start, r= new char[6], 0, 6); //newIdentCount++; return table[this.newEntry6= max]= r; //(r = new char[] {c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5}); } private void parseTags() { int position= 0; final int currentStartPosition= this.startPosition; final int currentLinePtr= this.linePtr; if (currentLinePtr >= 0) { position= this.lineEnds[currentLinePtr] + 1; } while (ScannerHelper.isWhitespace(this.source[position])) { position++; } if (currentStartPosition == position) { // the whole line is commented out return; } char[] s= null; int sourceEnd= this.currentPosition; int sourceStart= currentStartPosition; int sourceDelta= 0; if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { // 0 is used as a fast test flag so the real first char is in position 1 System.arraycopy( this.withoutUnicodeBuffer, 1, s= new char[this.withoutUnicodePtr], 0, this.withoutUnicodePtr); sourceEnd= this.withoutUnicodePtr; sourceStart= 1; sourceDelta= currentStartPosition; } else { s= this.source; } int pos= CharOperation.indexOf(TAG_PREFIX, s, true, sourceStart, sourceEnd); if (pos != -1) { if (this.nlsTags == null) { this.nlsTags= new NLSTag[10]; this.nlsTagsPtr= 0; } while (pos != -1) { int start= pos + TAG_PREFIX_LENGTH; int end= CharOperation.indexOf(TAG_POSTFIX, s, start, sourceEnd); if (end != -1) { NLSTag currentTag= null; final int currentLine= currentLinePtr + 1; try { currentTag= new NLSTag(pos + sourceDelta, end + sourceDelta, currentLine, extractInt(s, start, end)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { currentTag= new NLSTag(pos + sourceDelta, end + sourceDelta, currentLine, -1); } if (this.nlsTagsPtr == this.nlsTags.length) { // resize System.arraycopy(this.nlsTags, 0, (this.nlsTags= new NLSTag[this.nlsTagsPtr + 10]), 0, this.nlsTagsPtr); } this.nlsTags[this.nlsTagsPtr++]= currentTag; } else { end= start; } pos= CharOperation.indexOf(TAG_PREFIX, s, true, end, sourceEnd); } } } private int extractInt(char[] array, int start, int end) { int value= 0; for (int i= start; i < end; i++) { final char currentChar= array[i]; int digit= 0; switch (currentChar) { case '0': digit= 0; break; case '1': digit= 1; break; case '2': digit= 2; break; case '3': digit= 3; break; case '4': digit= 4; break; case '5': digit= 5; break; case '6': digit= 6; break; case '7': digit= 7; break; case '8': digit= 8; break; case '9': digit= 9; break; default: throw new NumberFormatException(); } value*= 10; if (digit < 0) throw new NumberFormatException(); value+= digit; } return value; } public final void pushLineSeparator() { //see comment on isLineDelimiter(char) for the use of '\n' and '\r' final int INCREMENT= 250; //currentCharacter is at position currentPosition-1 // cr 000D if (this.currentCharacter == '\r') { int separatorPos= this.currentPosition - 1; if ((this.linePtr >= 0) && (this.lineEnds[this.linePtr] >= separatorPos)) return; int length= this.lineEnds.length; if (++this.linePtr >= length) System.arraycopy(this.lineEnds, 0, this.lineEnds= new int[length + INCREMENT], 0, length); this.lineEnds[this.linePtr]= separatorPos; // look-ahead for merged cr+lf try { if (this.source[this.currentPosition] == '\n') { //System.out.println("look-ahead LF-" + this.currentPosition); this.lineEnds[this.linePtr]= this.currentPosition; this.currentPosition++; this.wasAcr= false; } else { this.wasAcr= true; } } catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) { this.wasAcr= true; } } else { // lf 000A if (this.currentCharacter == '\n') { //must merge eventual cr followed by lf if (this.wasAcr && (this.lineEnds[this.linePtr] == (this.currentPosition - 2))) { //System.out.println("merge LF-" + (this.currentPosition - 1)); this.lineEnds[this.linePtr]= this.currentPosition - 1; } else { int separatorPos= this.currentPosition - 1; if ((this.linePtr >= 0) && (this.lineEnds[this.linePtr] >= separatorPos)) return; int length= this.lineEnds.length; if (++this.linePtr >= length) System.arraycopy(this.lineEnds, 0, this.lineEnds= new int[length + INCREMENT], 0, length); this.lineEnds[this.linePtr]= separatorPos; } this.wasAcr= false; } } } public final void pushUnicodeLineSeparator() { // cr 000D if (this.currentCharacter == '\r') { if (this.source[this.currentPosition] == '\n') { this.wasAcr= false; } else { this.wasAcr= true; } } else { // lf 000A if (this.currentCharacter == '\n') { //must merge eventual cr followed by lf this.wasAcr= false; } } } public void recordComment(int token) { // compute position int commentStart= this.startPosition; int stopPosition= this.currentPosition; switch (token) { case TokenNameCOMMENT_LINE: // both positions are negative commentStart= -this.startPosition; stopPosition= -this.lastCommentLinePosition; break; case TokenNameCOMMENT_BLOCK: // only end position is negative stopPosition= -this.currentPosition; break; } // a new comment is recorded int length= this.commentStops.length; if (++this.commentPtr >= length) { int newLength= length + COMMENT_ARRAYS_SIZE * 10; System.arraycopy(this.commentStops, 0, this.commentStops= new int[newLength], 0, length); System.arraycopy(this.commentStarts, 0, this.commentStarts= new int[newLength], 0, length); System.arraycopy(this.commentTagStarts, 0, this.commentTagStarts= new int[newLength], 0, length); } this.commentStops[this.commentPtr]= stopPosition; this.commentStarts[this.commentPtr]= commentStart; } /** * Reposition the scanner on some portion of the original source. The given endPosition is the * last valid position. Beyond this position, the scanner will answer EOF tokens ( * <code>ITerminalSymbols.TokenNameEOF</code>). * * @param begin the given start position * @param end the given end position */ public void resetTo(int begin, int end) { //reset the scanner to a given position where it may rescan again this.diet= false; this.initialPosition= this.startPosition= this.currentPosition= begin; if (this.source != null && this.source.length < end) { this.eofPosition= this.source.length; } else { this.eofPosition= end < Integer.MAX_VALUE ? end + 1 : end; } this.commentPtr= -1; // reset comment stack this.foundTaskCount= 0; } public final void scanEscapeCharacter() throws InvalidInputException { // the string with "\\u" is a legal string of two chars \ and u //thus we use a direct access to the source (for regular cases). switch (this.currentCharacter) { case 'b': this.currentCharacter= '\b'; break; case 't': this.currentCharacter= '\t'; break; case 'n': this.currentCharacter= '\n'; break; case 'f': this.currentCharacter= '\f'; break; case 'r': this.currentCharacter= '\r'; break; case '\"': this.currentCharacter= '\"'; break; case '\'': this.currentCharacter= '\''; break; case '\\': this.currentCharacter= '\\'; break; default: // -----------octal escape-------------- // OctalDigit // OctalDigit OctalDigit // ZeroToThree OctalDigit OctalDigit int number= ScannerHelper.getNumericValue(this.currentCharacter); if (number >= 0 && number <= 7) { boolean zeroToThreeNot= number > 3; if (ScannerHelper.isDigit(this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++])) { int digit= ScannerHelper.getNumericValue(this.currentCharacter); if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 7) { number= (number * 8) + digit; if (ScannerHelper.isDigit(this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++])) { if (zeroToThreeNot) {// has read \NotZeroToThree OctalDigit Digit --> ignore last character this.currentPosition--; } else { digit= ScannerHelper.getNumericValue(this.currentCharacter); if (digit >= 0 && digit <= 7) { // has read \ZeroToThree OctalDigit OctalDigit number= (number * 8) + digit; } else {// has read \ZeroToThree OctalDigit NonOctalDigit --> ignore last character this.currentPosition--; } } } else { // has read \OctalDigit NonDigit--> ignore last character this.currentPosition--; } } else { // has read \OctalDigit NonOctalDigit--> ignore last character this.currentPosition--; } } else { // has read \OctalDigit --> ignore last character this.currentPosition--; } if (number > 255) throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_ESCAPE); this.currentCharacter= (char)number; } else throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_ESCAPE); } } public int scanIdentifierOrKeywordWithBoundCheck() { //test keywords //first dispatch on the first char. //then the length. If there are several //keywors with the same length AND the same first char, then do another //dispatch on the second char this.useAssertAsAnIndentifier= false; this.useEnumAsAnIndentifier= false; char[] src= this.source; identLoop: { int pos; int srcLength= this.eofPosition; while (true) { if ((pos= this.currentPosition) >= srcLength) // handle the obvious case upfront break identLoop; char c= src[pos]; if (c < ScannerHelper.MAX_OBVIOUS) { if ((ScannerHelper.OBVIOUS_IDENT_CHAR_NATURES[c] & (ScannerHelper.C_UPPER_LETTER | ScannerHelper.C_LOWER_LETTER | ScannerHelper.C_IDENT_PART | ScannerHelper.C_DIGIT)) != 0) { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { this.currentCharacter= c; unicodeStore(); } this.currentPosition++; } else if ((ScannerHelper.OBVIOUS_IDENT_CHAR_NATURES[c] & (ScannerHelper.C_SEPARATOR | ScannerHelper.C_JLS_SPACE)) != 0) { this.currentCharacter= c; break identLoop; } else { //System.out.println("slow<=128: "+ c); while (getNextCharAsJavaIdentifierPartWithBoundCheck()) {/*empty*/ } break identLoop; } } else { //System.out.println("slow>>128: "+ c); while (getNextCharAsJavaIdentifierPartWithBoundCheck()) {/*empty*/ } break identLoop; } } } int index, length; char[] data; if (this.withoutUnicodePtr == 0) { //quick test on length == 1 but not on length > 12 while most identifier //have a length which is <= 12...but there are lots of identifier with //only one char.... if ((length= this.currentPosition - this.startPosition) == 1) { return TokenNameIdentifier; } data= this.source; index= this.startPosition; } else { if ((length= this.withoutUnicodePtr) == 1) return TokenNameIdentifier; data= this.withoutUnicodeBuffer; index= 1; } return internalScanIdentifierOrKeyword(index, length, data); } public int scanIdentifierOrKeyword() { //test keywords //first dispatch on the first char. //then the length. If there are several //keywors with the same length AND the same first char, then do another //dispatch on the second char this.useAssertAsAnIndentifier= false; this.useEnumAsAnIndentifier= false; char[] src= this.source; identLoop: { int pos; int srcLength= this.eofPosition; while (true) { if ((pos= this.currentPosition) >= srcLength) // handle the obvious case upfront break identLoop; char c= src[pos]; if (c < ScannerHelper.MAX_OBVIOUS) { if ((ScannerHelper.OBVIOUS_IDENT_CHAR_NATURES[c] & (ScannerHelper.C_UPPER_LETTER | ScannerHelper.C_LOWER_LETTER | ScannerHelper.C_IDENT_PART | ScannerHelper.C_DIGIT)) != 0) { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { this.currentCharacter= c; unicodeStore(); } this.currentPosition++; } else if ((ScannerHelper.OBVIOUS_IDENT_CHAR_NATURES[c] & (ScannerHelper.C_SEPARATOR | ScannerHelper.C_JLS_SPACE)) != 0) { this.currentCharacter= c; break identLoop; } else { //System.out.println("slow<=128: "+ c); while (getNextCharAsJavaIdentifierPart()) {/*empty*/ } break identLoop; } } else { //System.out.println("slow>>128: "+ c); while (getNextCharAsJavaIdentifierPart()) {/*empty*/ } break identLoop; } } } int index, length; char[] data; if (this.withoutUnicodePtr == 0) { //quick test on length == 1 but not on length > 12 while most identifier //have a length which is <= 12...but there are lots of identifier with //only one char.... if ((length= this.currentPosition - this.startPosition) == 1) { return TokenNameIdentifier; } data= this.source; index= this.startPosition; } else { if ((length= this.withoutUnicodePtr) == 1) return TokenNameIdentifier; data= this.withoutUnicodeBuffer; index= 1; } return internalScanIdentifierOrKeyword(index, length, data); } private int internalScanIdentifierOrKeyword(int index, int length, char[] data) { switch (data[index]) { case 'a': switch (length) { case 8: //abstract if ((data[++index] == 'b') && (data[++index] == 's') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'r') && (data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 'c') && (data[++index] == 't')) { return TokenNameabstract; } else { return TokenNameIdentifier; } case 6: // assert if ((data[++index] == 's') && (data[++index] == 's') && (data[++index] == 'e') && (data[++index] == 'r') && (data[++index] == 't')) { if (this.sourceLevel >= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_4) { this.containsAssertKeyword= true; return TokenNameassert; } else { this.useAssertAsAnIndentifier= true; return TokenNameIdentifier; } } else { return TokenNameIdentifier; } default: return TokenNameIdentifier; } case 'b': //boolean break byte switch (length) { case 4: if ((data[++index] == 'y') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'e')) return TokenNamebyte; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 5: if ((data[++index] == 'r') && (data[++index] == 'e') && (data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 'k')) return TokenNamebreak; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 7: if ((data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 'l') && (data[++index] == 'e') && (data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 'n')) return TokenNameboolean; else return TokenNameIdentifier; default: return TokenNameIdentifier; } case 'c': //case char catch const class continue switch (length) { case 4: if (data[++index] == 'a') if ((data[++index] == 's') && (data[++index] == 'e')) return TokenNamecase; else return TokenNameIdentifier; else if ((data[index] == 'h') && (data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 'r')) return TokenNamechar; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 5: if (data[++index] == 'a') if ((data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'c') && (data[++index] == 'h')) return TokenNamecatch; else return TokenNameIdentifier; else if (data[index] == 'l') if ((data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 's') && (data[++index] == 's')) return TokenNameclass; else return TokenNameIdentifier; else if ((data[index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 's') && (data[++index] == 't')) return TokenNameconst; //const is not used in java ??????? else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 8: if ((data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'i') && (data[++index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 'u') && (data[++index] == 'e')) return TokenNamecontinue; else return TokenNameIdentifier; default: return TokenNameIdentifier; } case 'd': //default do double switch (length) { case 2: if ((data[++index] == 'o')) return TokenNamedo; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 6: if ((data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 'u') && (data[++index] == 'b') && (data[++index] == 'l') && (data[++index] == 'e')) return TokenNamedouble; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 7: if ((data[++index] == 'e') && (data[++index] == 'f') && (data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 'u') && (data[++index] == 'l') && (data[++index] == 't')) return TokenNamedefault; else return TokenNameIdentifier; default: return TokenNameIdentifier; } case 'e': //else extends switch (length) { case 4: if ((data[++index] == 'l') && (data[++index] == 's') && (data[++index] == 'e')) return TokenNameelse; else if ((data[index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 'u') && (data[++index] == 'm')) { if (this.sourceLevel >= ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) { return TokenNameenum; } else { this.useEnumAsAnIndentifier= true; return TokenNameIdentifier; } } else { return TokenNameIdentifier; } case 7: if ((data[++index] == 'x') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'e') && (data[++index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 'd') && (data[++index] == 's')) return TokenNameextends; else return TokenNameIdentifier; default: return TokenNameIdentifier; } case 'f': //final finally float for false switch (length) { case 3: if ((data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 'r')) return TokenNamefor; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 5: if (data[++index] == 'i') if ((data[++index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 'l')) { return TokenNamefinal; } else return TokenNameIdentifier; else if (data[index] == 'l') if ((data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 't')) return TokenNamefloat; else return TokenNameIdentifier; else if ((data[index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 'l') && (data[++index] == 's') && (data[++index] == 'e')) return TokenNamefalse; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 7: if ((data[++index] == 'i') && (data[++index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 'l') && (data[++index] == 'l') && (data[++index] == 'y')) return TokenNamefinally; else return TokenNameIdentifier; default: return TokenNameIdentifier; } case 'g': //goto if (length == 4) { if ((data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'o')) { return TokenNamegoto; } } //no goto in java are allowed, so why java removes this keyword ??? return TokenNameIdentifier; case 'i': //if implements import instanceof int interface switch (length) { case 2: if (data[++index] == 'f') return TokenNameif; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 3: if ((data[++index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 't')) return TokenNameint; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 6: if ((data[++index] == 'm') && (data[++index] == 'p') && (data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 'r') && (data[++index] == 't')) return TokenNameimport; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 9: if ((data[++index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'e') && (data[++index] == 'r') && (data[++index] == 'f') && (data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 'c') && (data[++index] == 'e')) return TokenNameinterface; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 10: if (data[++index] == 'm') if ((data[++index] == 'p') && (data[++index] == 'l') && (data[++index] == 'e') && (data[++index] == 'm') && (data[++index] == 'e') && (data[++index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 's')) return TokenNameimplements; else return TokenNameIdentifier; else if ((data[index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 's') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 'c') && (data[++index] == 'e') && (data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 'f')) return TokenNameinstanceof; else return TokenNameIdentifier; default: return TokenNameIdentifier; } case 'l': //long if (length == 4) { if ((data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 'g')) { return TokenNamelong; } } return TokenNameIdentifier; case 'n': //native new null switch (length) { case 3: if ((data[++index] == 'e') && (data[++index] == 'w')) return TokenNamenew; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 4: if ((data[++index] == 'u') && (data[++index] == 'l') && (data[++index] == 'l')) return TokenNamenull; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 6: if ((data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'i') && (data[++index] == 'v') && (data[++index] == 'e')) { return TokenNamenative; } else return TokenNameIdentifier; default: return TokenNameIdentifier; } case 'p': //package private protected public switch (length) { case 6: if ((data[++index] == 'u') && (data[++index] == 'b') && (data[++index] == 'l') && (data[++index] == 'i') && (data[++index] == 'c')) { return TokenNamepublic; } else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 7: if (data[++index] == 'a') if ((data[++index] == 'c') && (data[++index] == 'k') && (data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 'g') && (data[++index] == 'e')) return TokenNamepackage; else return TokenNameIdentifier; else if ((data[index] == 'r') && (data[++index] == 'i') && (data[++index] == 'v') && (data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'e')) { return TokenNameprivate; } else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 9: if ((data[++index] == 'r') && (data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'e') && (data[++index] == 'c') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'e') && (data[++index] == 'd')) { return TokenNameprotected; } else return TokenNameIdentifier; default: return TokenNameIdentifier; } case 'r': //return if (length == 6) { if ((data[++index] == 'e') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'u') && (data[++index] == 'r') && (data[++index] == 'n')) { return TokenNamereturn; } } return TokenNameIdentifier; case 's': //short static super switch synchronized strictfp switch (length) { case 5: if (data[++index] == 'h') if ((data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 'r') && (data[++index] == 't')) return TokenNameshort; else return TokenNameIdentifier; else if ((data[index] == 'u') && (data[++index] == 'p') && (data[++index] == 'e') && (data[++index] == 'r')) return TokenNamesuper; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 6: if (data[++index] == 't') if ((data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'i') && (data[++index] == 'c')) { return TokenNamestatic; } else return TokenNameIdentifier; else if ((data[index] == 'w') && (data[++index] == 'i') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'c') && (data[++index] == 'h')) return TokenNameswitch; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 8: if ((data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'r') && (data[++index] == 'i') && (data[++index] == 'c') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'f') && (data[++index] == 'p')) return TokenNamestrictfp; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 12: if ((data[++index] == 'y') && (data[++index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 'c') && (data[++index] == 'h') && (data[++index] == 'r') && (data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 'i') && (data[++index] == 'z') && (data[++index] == 'e') && (data[++index] == 'd')) { return TokenNamesynchronized; } else return TokenNameIdentifier; default: return TokenNameIdentifier; } case 't': //try throw throws transient this true switch (length) { case 3: if ((data[++index] == 'r') && (data[++index] == 'y')) return TokenNametry; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 4: if (data[++index] == 'h') if ((data[++index] == 'i') && (data[++index] == 's')) return TokenNamethis; else return TokenNameIdentifier; else if ((data[index] == 'r') && (data[++index] == 'u') && (data[++index] == 'e')) return TokenNametrue; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 5: if ((data[++index] == 'h') && (data[++index] == 'r') && (data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 'w')) return TokenNamethrow; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 6: if ((data[++index] == 'h') && (data[++index] == 'r') && (data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 'w') && (data[++index] == 's')) return TokenNamethrows; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 9: if ((data[++index] == 'r') && (data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 's') && (data[++index] == 'i') && (data[++index] == 'e') && (data[++index] == 'n') && (data[++index] == 't')) { return TokenNametransient; } else return TokenNameIdentifier; default: return TokenNameIdentifier; } case 'v': //void volatile switch (length) { case 4: if ((data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 'i') && (data[++index] == 'd')) return TokenNamevoid; else return TokenNameIdentifier; case 8: if ((data[++index] == 'o') && (data[++index] == 'l') && (data[++index] == 'a') && (data[++index] == 't') && (data[++index] == 'i') && (data[++index] == 'l') && (data[++index] == 'e')) { return TokenNamevolatile; } else return TokenNameIdentifier; default: return TokenNameIdentifier; } case 'w': //while widefp switch (length) { case 5: if ((data[++index] == 'h') && (data[++index] == 'i') && (data[++index] == 'l') && (data[++index] == 'e')) return TokenNamewhile; else return TokenNameIdentifier; //case 6:if ( (data[++index] =='i') && (data[++index]=='d') && (data[++index]=='e') && (data[++index]=='f')&& (data[++index]=='p')) //return TokenNamewidefp ; //else //return TokenNameIdentifier; default: return TokenNameIdentifier; } default: return TokenNameIdentifier; } } public int scanNumber(boolean dotPrefix) throws InvalidInputException { //when entering this method the currentCharacter is the first //digit of the number. It may be preceeded by a '.' when //dotPrefix is true boolean floating= dotPrefix; if ((!dotPrefix) && (this.currentCharacter == '0')) { if (getNextChar('x', 'X') >= 0) { //----------hexa----------------- int start= this.currentPosition; while (getNextCharAsDigit(16)) {/*empty*/ } int end= this.currentPosition; if (getNextChar('l', 'L') >= 0) { if (end == start) { throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_HEXA); } return TokenNameLongLiteral; } else if (getNextChar('.')) { if (this.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) { if (end == start) { throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_HEXA); } this.currentPosition= end; return TokenNameIntegerLiteral; } // hexadecimal floating point literal // read decimal part boolean hasNoDigitsBeforeDot= end == start; start= this.currentPosition; while (getNextCharAsDigit(16)) {/*empty*/ } end= this.currentPosition; if (hasNoDigitsBeforeDot && end == start) { throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_HEXA); } if (getNextChar('p', 'P') >= 0) { // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } if ((this.currentCharacter == '-') || (this.currentCharacter == '+')) { // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } } if (!ScannerHelper.isDigit(this.currentCharacter)) { throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_HEXA); } while (getNextCharAsDigit()) {/*empty*/ } if (getNextChar('f', 'F') >= 0) { return TokenNameFloatingPointLiteral; } if (getNextChar('d', 'D') >= 0) { return TokenNameDoubleLiteral; } if (getNextChar('l', 'L') >= 0) { throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_HEXA); } return TokenNameDoubleLiteral; } else { throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_HEXA); } } else if (getNextChar('p', 'P') >= 0) { // consume next character if (this.sourceLevel < ClassFileConstants.JDK1_5) { // if we are in source level < 1.5 we report an integer literal this.currentPosition= end; return TokenNameIntegerLiteral; } this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } if ((this.currentCharacter == '-') || (this.currentCharacter == '+')) { // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } } if (!ScannerHelper.isDigit(this.currentCharacter)) throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_FLOAT); while (getNextCharAsDigit()) {/*empty*/ } if (getNextChar('f', 'F') >= 0) return TokenNameFloatingPointLiteral; if (getNextChar('d', 'D') >= 0) return TokenNameDoubleLiteral; if (getNextChar('l', 'L') >= 0) { throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_HEXA); } return TokenNameDoubleLiteral; } else { if (end == start) throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_HEXA); return TokenNameIntegerLiteral; } } //there is x or X in the number //potential octal ! ... some one may write 000099.0 ! thus 00100 < 00078.0 is true !!!!! crazy language if (getNextCharAsDigit()) { //-------------potential octal----------------- while (getNextCharAsDigit()) {/*empty*/ } if (getNextChar('l', 'L') >= 0) { return TokenNameLongLiteral; } if (getNextChar('f', 'F') >= 0) { return TokenNameFloatingPointLiteral; } if (getNextChar('d', 'D') >= 0) { return TokenNameDoubleLiteral; } else { //make the distinction between octal and float .... boolean isInteger= true; if (getNextChar('.')) { isInteger= false; while (getNextCharAsDigit()) {/*empty*/ } } if (getNextChar('e', 'E') >= 0) { // consume next character isInteger= false; this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } if ((this.currentCharacter == '-') || (this.currentCharacter == '+')) { // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } } if (!ScannerHelper.isDigit(this.currentCharacter)) throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_FLOAT); while (getNextCharAsDigit()) {/*empty*/ } } if (getNextChar('f', 'F') >= 0) return TokenNameFloatingPointLiteral; if (getNextChar('d', 'D') >= 0 || !isInteger) return TokenNameDoubleLiteral; return TokenNameIntegerLiteral; } } else { /* carry on */ } } while (getNextCharAsDigit()) {/*empty*/ } if ((!dotPrefix) && (getNextChar('l', 'L') >= 0)) return TokenNameLongLiteral; if ((!dotPrefix) && (getNextChar('.'))) { //decimal part that can be empty while (getNextCharAsDigit()) {/*empty*/ } floating= true; } //if floating is true both exponant and suffix may be optional if (getNextChar('e', 'E') >= 0) { floating= true; // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } if ((this.currentCharacter == '-') || (this.currentCharacter == '+')) { // consume next character this.unicodeAsBackSlash= false; if (((this.currentCharacter= this.source[this.currentPosition++]) == '\\') && (this.source[this.currentPosition] == 'u')) { getNextUnicodeChar(); } else { if (this.withoutUnicodePtr != 0) { unicodeStore(); } } } if (!ScannerHelper.isDigit(this.currentCharacter)) throw new InvalidInputException(INVALID_FLOAT); while (getNextCharAsDigit()) {/*empty*/ } } if (getNextChar('d', 'D') >= 0) return TokenNameDoubleLiteral; if (getNextChar('f', 'F') >= 0) return TokenNameFloatingPointLiteral; //the long flag has been tested before return floating ? TokenNameDoubleLiteral : TokenNameIntegerLiteral; } /** * Search the line number corresponding to a specific position * * @param position int * @return int */ public final int getLineNumber(int position) { return Util.getLineNumber(position, this.lineEnds, 0, this.linePtr); } public final void setSource(char[] sourceString) { //the source-buffer is set to sourceString int sourceLength; if (sourceString == null) { this.source= CharOperation.NO_CHAR; sourceLength= 0; } else { this.source= sourceString; sourceLength= sourceString.length; } this.startPosition= -1; this.eofPosition= sourceLength; this.initialPosition= this.currentPosition= 0; this.containsAssertKeyword= false; this.linePtr= -1; } /* * Should be used if a parse (usually a diet parse) has already been performed on the unit, * so as to get the already computed line end positions. */ public final void setSource(char[] contents, CompilationResult compilationResult) { if (contents == null) { char[] cuContents= compilationResult.compilationUnit.getContents(); setSource(cuContents); } else { setSource(contents); } int[] lineSeparatorPositions= compilationResult.lineSeparatorPositions; if (lineSeparatorPositions != null) { this.lineEnds= lineSeparatorPositions; this.linePtr= lineSeparatorPositions.length - 1; } } /* * Should be used if a parse (usually a diet parse) has already been performed on the unit, * so as to get the already computed line end positions. */ public final void setSource(CompilationResult compilationResult) { setSource(null, compilationResult); } public String toString() { if (this.startPosition == this.eofPosition) return "EOF\n\n" + new String(this.source); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (this.currentPosition > this.eofPosition) return "behind the EOF\n\n" + new String(this.source); //$NON-NLS-1$ if (this.currentPosition <= 0) return "NOT started!\n\n" + new String(this.source); //$NON-NLS-1$ StringBuffer buffer= new StringBuffer(); if (this.startPosition < 1000) { buffer.append(this.source, 0, this.startPosition); } else { buffer.append("<source beginning>\n...\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ int line= Util.getLineNumber(this.startPosition - 1000, this.lineEnds, 0, this.linePtr); int lineStart= getLineStart(line); buffer.append(this.source, lineStart, this.startPosition - lineStart); } buffer.append("\n===============================\nStarts here -->"); //$NON-NLS-1$ int middleLength= (this.currentPosition - 1) - this.startPosition + 1; if (middleLength > -1) { buffer.append(this.source, this.startPosition, middleLength); } buffer.append("<-- Ends here\n===============================\n"); //$NON-NLS-1$ buffer.append(this.source, (this.currentPosition - 1) + 1, this.eofPosition - (this.currentPosition - 1) - 1); return buffer.toString(); } public String toStringAction(int act) { switch (act) { case TokenNameIdentifier: return "Identifier(" + new String(getCurrentTokenSource()) + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ case TokenNameabstract: return "abstract"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameboolean: return "boolean"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamebreak: return "break"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamebyte: return "byte"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamecase: return "case"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamecatch: return "catch"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamechar: return "char"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameclass: return "class"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamecontinue: return "continue"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamedefault: return "default"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamedo: return "do"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamedouble: return "double"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameelse: return "else"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameextends: return "extends"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamefalse: return "false"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamefinal: return "final"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamefinally: return "finally"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamefloat: return "float"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamefor: return "for"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameif: return "if"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameimplements: return "implements"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameimport: return "import"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameinstanceof: return "instanceof"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameint: return "int"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameinterface: return "interface"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamelong: return "long"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamenative: return "native"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamenew: return "new"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamenull: return "null"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamepackage: return "package"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameprivate: return "private"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameprotected: return "protected"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamepublic: return "public"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamereturn: return "return"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameshort: return "short"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamestatic: return "static"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamesuper: return "super"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameswitch: return "switch"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamesynchronized: return "synchronized"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamethis: return "this"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamethrow: return "throw"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamethrows: return "throws"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNametransient: return "transient"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNametrue: return "true"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNametry: return "try"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamevoid: return "void"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamevolatile: return "volatile"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamewhile: return "while"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameIntegerLiteral: return "Integer(" + new String(getCurrentTokenSource()) + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ case TokenNameLongLiteral: return "Long(" + new String(getCurrentTokenSource()) + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ case TokenNameFloatingPointLiteral: return "Float(" + new String(getCurrentTokenSource()) + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ case TokenNameDoubleLiteral: return "Double(" + new String(getCurrentTokenSource()) + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ case TokenNameCharacterLiteral: return "Char(" + new String(getCurrentTokenSource()) + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ case TokenNameStringLiteral: return "String(" + new String(getCurrentTokenSource()) + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ case TokenNamePLUS_PLUS: return "++"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameMINUS_MINUS: return "--"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameEQUAL_EQUAL: return "=="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameLESS_EQUAL: return "<="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameGREATER_EQUAL: return ">="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameNOT_EQUAL: return "!="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT: return "<<"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT: return ">>"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT: return ">>>"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamePLUS_EQUAL: return "+="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameMINUS_EQUAL: return "-="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameMULTIPLY_EQUAL: return "*="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameDIVIDE_EQUAL: return "/="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameAND_EQUAL: return "&="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameOR_EQUAL: return "|="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameXOR_EQUAL: return "^="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameREMAINDER_EQUAL: return "%="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameLEFT_SHIFT_EQUAL: return "<<="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameRIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL: return ">>="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameUNSIGNED_RIGHT_SHIFT_EQUAL: return ">>>="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameOR_OR: return "||"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameAND_AND: return "&&"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNamePLUS: return "+"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameMINUS: return "-"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameNOT: return "!"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameREMAINDER: return "%"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameXOR: return "^"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameAND: return "&"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameMULTIPLY: return "*"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameOR: return "|"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameTWIDDLE: return "~"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameDIVIDE: return "/"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameGREATER: return ">"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameLESS: return "<"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameLPAREN: return "("; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameRPAREN: return ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameLBRACE: return "{"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameRBRACE: return "}"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameLBRACKET: return "["; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameRBRACKET: return "]"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameSEMICOLON: return ";"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameQUESTION: return "?"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameCOLON: return ":"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameCOMMA: return ","; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameDOT: return "."; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameEQUAL: return "="; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameEOF: return "EOF"; //$NON-NLS-1$ case TokenNameWHITESPACE: return "white_space(" + new String(getCurrentTokenSource()) + ")"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ default: return "not-a-token"; //$NON-NLS-1$ } } public void unicodeInitializeBuffer(int length) { this.withoutUnicodePtr= length; if (this.withoutUnicodeBuffer == null) this.withoutUnicodeBuffer= new char[length + (1 + 10)]; int bLength= this.withoutUnicodeBuffer.length; if (1 + length >= bLength) { System.arraycopy(this.withoutUnicodeBuffer, 0, this.withoutUnicodeBuffer= new char[length + (1 + 10)], 0, bLength); } System.arraycopy(this.source, this.startPosition, this.withoutUnicodeBuffer, 1, length); } public void unicodeStore() { int pos= ++this.withoutUnicodePtr; if (this.withoutUnicodeBuffer == null) this.withoutUnicodeBuffer= new char[10]; int length= this.withoutUnicodeBuffer.length; if (pos == length) { System.arraycopy(this.withoutUnicodeBuffer, 0, this.withoutUnicodeBuffer= new char[length * 2], 0, length); } this.withoutUnicodeBuffer[pos]= this.currentCharacter; } }