package com.farata.java_test.service; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.List; import clear.transaction.identity.PropertyRack; import; import com.farata.java_test.dto.AssociateDTO; import com.farata.java_test.service.generated._AssociateService; import; public class AssociateService extends _AssociateService { DataEngine dataEngine = DataEngine.getInstance(); public List<AssociateDTO> fill(Long companyId) { List<AssociateDTO> associateList = dataEngine .getAssociateList(companyId); System.out.println("fill method has returned " + associateList.size() + " AssociateDTO records"); return associateList; } public void fill_doCreate(ChangeObject changeObject) { // This sample code illustrates how to extract data from the newly // created object. // Please replace it with your own code. AssociateDTO dto = (AssociateDTO) changeObject.getNewVersion(); System.out.println("doCreate method adding new object:"); System.out.println(dto); Long parentCompanyId = (Long)PropertyRack.getEntity("com.farata.test.dto.CompanyDTO", "id", dto.getCompanyId()); dto.setCompanyId(parentCompanyId); Long companyId = dto.getCompanyId(); List<AssociateDTO> associateList = dataEngine.getAssociateList(companyId); //Check "autoincrement" field - id - and, when null, set it to max+1 //Please note that Farata translator must be plugged in to AMF channel // in order to guarantee ActionsScript NaN will come as "null", otherwise // default BlazeDS/LCDS behavior would deliver it as 0: if ((dto.getId() == null) || (dto.getId() <= 0)) { dto.setId(dataEngine.getMaxAssociateId() + 1); changeObject.addChangedPropertyName("id"); } associateList.add(dto); } public void fill_doUpdate(ChangeObject changeObject) { // This sample code illustrates how to extract data from the updated // object. // Please replace it with your own code. System.out.println("doUpdate method executing"); AssociateDTO newVersion = (AssociateDTO)changeObject.getNewVersion(); AssociateDTO previousVersion = (AssociateDTO)changeObject.getPreviousVersion(); AssociateDTO originalDTO = dataEngine.findAssociate(previousVersion); if (originalDTO != null) { String[] changedPropertyNames = changeObject.getChangedPropertyNames(); Class<?extends AssociateDTO> clazz = AssociateDTO.class; for (String propertyName: changedPropertyNames) { try { Field field = clazz.getField(propertyName); Object originalValue = field.get(originalDTO); Object newValue = field.get(newVersion); field.set(originalDTO, newValue); System.out.println("Changed: " + propertyName + ", Original Value: " + originalValue + ", New Value: " + newValue); } catch (Exception e) { new RuntimeException("Failed updating property '" + propertyName +"'" ); } } } } public void fill_doDelete(ChangeObject changeObject) { // This sample code illustrates how to extract data from the deleted // object. // Please replace it with your own code. System.out.print("doDelete method "); AssociateDTO dto = (AssociateDTO) changeObject.getPreviousVersion(); AssociateDTO removed = dataEngine.removeAssociate(dto); if (removed != null) { System.out.println("removed: " + removed); } } }