package com.neoranga55.cleanguitestarchitecture.test; import cucumber.api.CucumberOptions; /** * This class configures the Cucumber test framework and Java glue code * * Flavors' support: When you have multiple flavors the best configuration is to follow this steps: * 1- Create a copy of this file on each flavor's specific test package and delete the original file * i.e. androidTestFlavor/java/com/neoranga55/cleanguitestarchitecture/test/ * 2- Modify the original report path to include the flavor /mnt/sdcard/cucumber-reports/FLAVOR/cucumber-html-report * 3- Tag your scenarios in the feature files with new specific tags for each flavor and include them in the flavor's version of this file * i.e. Add tag @flavor-one to a test scenario and modify the flavor's with tags={"~@manual", "@flavor-one"} */ @CucumberOptions(features = "features", // Test scenarios glue = {"com.neoranga55.cleanguitestarchitecture.cucumber.steps"}, // Steps definitions format = {"pretty", // Cucumber report formats and location to store them in phone "html:/data/data/com.neoranga55.cleanguitestarchitecture/cucumber-reports/cucumber-html-report", "json:/data/data/com.neoranga55.cleanguitestarchitecture/cucumber-reports/cucumber.json", "junit:/data/data/com.neoranga55.cleanguitestarchitecture/cucumber-reports/cucumber.xml" }, tags={"~@manual", "@login-scenarios"} ) // This class must be in a different package than the glue code // (this class is in '...cucumber.test' and glue is in '...cucumber.steps') class CucumberTestCase { }