package com.xiaomi.infra.chronos.client; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.thrift.TException; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TBinaryProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.protocol.TProtocol; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TSocket; import org.apache.thrift.transport.TTransport; import org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException; import org.apache.zookeeper.WatchedEvent; import org.apache.zookeeper.Watcher; import org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper; import com.xiaomi.infra.chronos.client.ChronosClientWatcher; import com.xiaomi.infra.chronos.generated.ChronosService; /** * ChronosClientWatcher listens to the change of master znode and always connect with the active * chronos server. */ public class ChronosClientWatcher implements Watcher { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(ChronosClientWatcher.class); private final String zkQuorum; private final String baseZnode; private final String masterZnode; private final int sessionTimeout; private final int connectRetryTimes; private ZooKeeper zooKeeper; private TTransport transport; private TProtocol protocol; private ChronosService.Client client; /** * Construct ChronosClientWatcher with properties. * * @param properties the properties of ChronosClientWatcher * @throws IOException when error to connect ZooKeeper or ChronosServer */ public ChronosClientWatcher(Properties properties) throws IOException { zkQuorum = properties.getProperty(ChronosClient.ZK_QUORUM, ""); baseZnode = "/chronos/" + properties.getProperty(ChronosClient.CLUSTER_NAME, "default-cluster"); masterZnode = baseZnode + "/master"; sessionTimeout = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(ChronosClient.SESSION_TIMEOUT, "5000")); connectRetryTimes = Integer.parseInt(properties.getProperty(ChronosClient.CONNECT_RETRY_TIMES, "10")); connectZooKeeper(); connectChronosServer(); } /** * Initialize ZooKeeper object and connect with ZooKeeper with retries. * * @throws IOException when error to connect with ZooKeeper after retrying */ private void connectZooKeeper() throws IOException { for (int i = 0; i <= connectRetryTimes; i++) { try { zooKeeper = new ZooKeeper(zkQuorum, sessionTimeout, this);"Connected ZooKeeper " + zkQuorum); break; } catch (IOException e) { if (i == connectRetryTimes) { throw new IOException("Can't connect ZooKeeper after retrying", e); }"Exception to connect ZooKeeper, retry " + (i + 1) + " times"); } } } /** * Reconnect with ZooKeeper. * * @throws InterruptedException when interrupt close ZooKeeper object * @throws IOException when error to connect with ZooKeeper */ private void reconnectZooKeeper() throws InterruptedException, IOException {"Try to reconnect ZooKeeper " + zkQuorum); if (zooKeeper != null) { zooKeeper.close(); } connectZooKeeper(); } /** * Access ZooKeeper to get current master ChronosServer and connect with it. * * @throws IOException when error to access ZooKeeper or connect with ChronosServer */ private void connectChronosServer() throws IOException {"Try to connect chronos server"); byte[] hostPortBytes = getData(this, masterZnode); if (hostPortBytes != null) { String hostPort = new String(hostPortBytes); // e.g."Find the active chronos server in " + hostPort); try { transport = new TSocket(hostPort.split("_")[0], Integer.parseInt(hostPort.split("_")[1]));; protocol = new TBinaryProtocol(transport); client = new ChronosService.Client(protocol); } catch (TException e) { new IOException("Exception to connect chronos server in " + hostPort); } } else { throw new IOException("The data of " + masterZnode + " is null"); } } /** * Reconnect with ChronosServer. * * @throws IOException when error to connect ChronosServer */ private void reconnectChronosServer() throws IOException {"Try to reconnect chronos server"); if (transport != null) { transport.close(); } connectChronosServer(); } /** * Send RPC request to get timestamp from ChronosServer. Use lazy strategy to detect failure. * If request fails, reconnect ChronosServer. If request fails again, reconnect ZooKeeper. * * @param range the number of timestamps * @return the first timestamp to use * @throws IOException when error to connect ChronosServer or ZooKeeper */ public long getTimestamps(int range) throws IOException { long timestamp; try { timestamp = client.getTimestamps(range); } catch (TException e) {"Can't get timestamp, try to connect the active chronos server"); try { reconnectChronosServer(); return client.getTimestamps(range); } catch (Exception e1) {"Can't connect chronos server, try to connect ZooKeeper firstly"); try { reconnectZooKeeper(); reconnectChronosServer(); return client.getTimestamps(range); } catch (Exception e2) { throw new IOException("Error to get timestamp after reconnecting ZooKeeper and chronos server", e2); } } } return timestamp; } /** * Provider the convenient method to get single timestamp. * * @return the allocated timestamp * @throws IOException when error to get timestamp from ChronosServer */ public long getTimestamp() throws IOException { return getTimestamps(1); } /** * Deal with connection event, just wait for a while when connected. * * @param event ZooKeeper events */ @Override public void process(WatchedEvent event) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {"Received ZooKeeper Event, " + "type=" + event.getType() + ", " + "state=" + event.getState() + ", " + "path=" + event.getPath()); } switch (event.getType()) { case None: { switch (event.getState()) { case SyncConnected: { try { waitToInitZooKeeper(2000); // init zookeeper in another thread, wait for a while } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error to init ZooKeeper object after sleeping 2000 ms, reconnect ZooKeeper"); try { reconnectZooKeeper(); } catch (Exception e1) { LOG.error("Error to reconnect with ZooKeeper", e1); } } break; } default: break; } break; } default: break; } } /** * Wait to init ZooKeeper object, only sleep when it's null. * * @param maxWaitMillis the max sleep time * @throws Exception if ZooKeeper object is still null */ public void waitToInitZooKeeper(long maxWaitMillis) throws Exception { long finished = System.currentTimeMillis() + maxWaitMillis; while (System.currentTimeMillis() < finished) { if (this.zooKeeper != null) { return; } try { Thread.sleep(1); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new Exception(e); } } throw new Exception(); } /** * Get the data from znode. * * @param chronosClientWatcher the ZooKeeper watcher * @param znode the znode you want to access * @return the byte array of value in znode * @throws IOException when error to access ZooKeeper */ public byte[] getData(ChronosClientWatcher chronosClientWatcher, String znode) throws IOException { byte[] data = null; for (int i = 0; i <= connectRetryTimes; i++) { try { data = chronosClientWatcher.getZooKeeper().getData(znode, null, null); break; } catch (Exception e) {"Exceptioin to get data from ZooKeeper, retry " + i +" times"); if (i == connectRetryTimes) { throw new IOException("Error when getting data from " + znode + " after retrying"); } } } return data; } /** * Close the ZooKeeper object. */ public void close() { if (zooKeeper != null) { try { zooKeeper.close(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error("Interrupt to close zookeeper connection", e); } } } public ZooKeeper getZooKeeper() { return zooKeeper; } }