package net.certware.argument.language.parser.antlr.internal; import org.eclipse.xtext.*; import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.*; import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.impl.*; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util.EcoreUtil; import org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject; import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AbstractInternalAntlrParser; import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream; import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.XtextTokenStream.HiddenTokens; import org.eclipse.xtext.parser.antlr.AntlrDatatypeRuleToken; import; import org.antlr.runtime.*; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; @SuppressWarnings("all") public class InternalLParser extends AbstractInternalAntlrParser { public static final String[] tokenNames = new String[] { "<invalid>", "<EOR>", "<DOWN>", "<UP>", "RULE_UID", "RULE_LID", "RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT", "RULE_ID", "RULE_INT", "RULE_STRING", "RULE_ML_COMMENT", "RULE_SL_COMMENT", "RULE_WS", "RULE_ANY_OTHER", "'+'", "'-'", "'*'", "'/'", "'%'", "'('", "')'", "','", "'every'", "'some'", "'const'", "'='", "'.'", "'type'", "'{'", "'}'", "'where'", "'in'", "'\\\\'", "'>'", "'<'", "'>='", "'<='", "'!='", "'or'", "'and'", "'not'", "'maybe'", "'|'", "'if'" }; public static final int T__19=19; public static final int T__15=15; public static final int T__16=16; public static final int T__17=17; public static final int T__18=18; public static final int T__14=14; public static final int RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT=6; public static final int RULE_LID=5; public static final int RULE_ID=7; public static final int T__26=26; public static final int T__27=27; public static final int T__28=28; public static final int RULE_INT=8; public static final int T__29=29; public static final int T__22=22; public static final int RULE_ML_COMMENT=10; public static final int T__23=23; public static final int T__24=24; public static final int T__25=25; public static final int T__20=20; public static final int T__21=21; public static final int RULE_STRING=9; public static final int RULE_SL_COMMENT=11; public static final int T__37=37; public static final int T__38=38; public static final int T__39=39; public static final int RULE_UID=4; public static final int T__33=33; public static final int T__34=34; public static final int T__35=35; public static final int T__36=36; public static final int EOF=-1; public static final int T__30=30; public static final int T__31=31; public static final int T__32=32; public static final int RULE_WS=12; public static final int RULE_ANY_OTHER=13; public static final int T__40=40; public static final int T__41=41; public static final int T__42=42; public static final int T__43=43; // delegates // delegators public InternalLParser(TokenStream input) { this(input, new RecognizerSharedState()); } public InternalLParser(TokenStream input, RecognizerSharedState state) { super(input, state); } public String[] getTokenNames() { return InternalLParser.tokenNames; } public String getGrammarFileName() { return "InternalL.g"; } /* This grammar contains a lot of empty actions to work around a bug in ANTLR. Otherwise the ANTLR tool will create synpreds that cannot be compiled in some rare cases. */ private LGrammarAccess grammarAccess; public InternalLParser(TokenStream input, LGrammarAccess grammarAccess) { this(input); this.grammarAccess = grammarAccess; registerRules(grammarAccess.getGrammar()); } @Override protected String getFirstRuleName() { return "Program"; } @Override protected LGrammarAccess getGrammarAccess() { return grammarAccess; } // $ANTLR start "entryRuleProgram" // InternalL.g:73:1: entryRuleProgram returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleProgram= ruleProgram EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleProgram() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleProgram = null; try { // InternalL.g:74:2: (iv_ruleProgram= ruleProgram EOF ) // InternalL.g:75:2: iv_ruleProgram= ruleProgram EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getProgramRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleProgram=ruleProgram(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleProgram; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleProgram" // $ANTLR start "ruleProgram" // InternalL.g:82:1: ruleProgram returns [EObject current=null] : ( (lv_statements_0_0= ruleStatement ) )* ; public final EObject ruleProgram() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject lv_statements_0_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:85:28: ( ( (lv_statements_0_0= ruleStatement ) )* ) // InternalL.g:86:1: ( (lv_statements_0_0= ruleStatement ) )* { // InternalL.g:86:1: ( (lv_statements_0_0= ruleStatement ) )* loop1: do { int alt1=2; int LA1_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA1_0>=RULE_UID && LA1_0<=RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT)||LA1_0==19||LA1_0==24||LA1_0==27||(LA1_0>=40 && LA1_0<=41)) ) { alt1=1; } switch (alt1) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:87:1: (lv_statements_0_0= ruleStatement ) { // InternalL.g:87:1: (lv_statements_0_0= ruleStatement ) // InternalL.g:88:3: lv_statements_0_0= ruleStatement { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getProgramAccess().getStatementsStatementParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_3); lv_statements_0_0=ruleStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getProgramRule()); } add( current, "statements", lv_statements_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Statement"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } break; default : break loop1; } } while (true); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleProgram" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleBasicTerm" // InternalL.g:112:1: entryRuleBasicTerm returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleBasicTerm= ruleBasicTerm EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleBasicTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleBasicTerm = null; try { // InternalL.g:113:2: (iv_ruleBasicTerm= ruleBasicTerm EOF ) // InternalL.g:114:2: iv_ruleBasicTerm= ruleBasicTerm EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBasicTermRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleBasicTerm=ruleBasicTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleBasicTerm; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleBasicTerm" // $ANTLR start "ruleBasicTerm" // InternalL.g:121:1: ruleBasicTerm returns [EObject current=null] : (this_TypedVariable_0= ruleTypedVariable | this_ArithmeticTerm_1= ruleArithmeticTerm | this_FunctionalTerm_2= ruleFunctionalTerm ) ; public final EObject ruleBasicTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject this_TypedVariable_0 = null; EObject this_ArithmeticTerm_1 = null; EObject this_FunctionalTerm_2 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:124:28: ( (this_TypedVariable_0= ruleTypedVariable | this_ArithmeticTerm_1= ruleArithmeticTerm | this_FunctionalTerm_2= ruleFunctionalTerm ) ) // InternalL.g:125:1: (this_TypedVariable_0= ruleTypedVariable | this_ArithmeticTerm_1= ruleArithmeticTerm | this_FunctionalTerm_2= ruleFunctionalTerm ) { // InternalL.g:125:1: (this_TypedVariable_0= ruleTypedVariable | this_ArithmeticTerm_1= ruleArithmeticTerm | this_FunctionalTerm_2= ruleFunctionalTerm ) int alt2=3; int LA2_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA2_0==RULE_LID) ) { switch ( input.LA(2) ) { case RULE_UID: { int LA2_3 = input.LA(3); if ( (synpred2_InternalL()) ) { alt2=1; } else if ( (synpred3_InternalL()) ) { alt2=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 2, 3, input); throw nvae; } } break; case EOF: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 20: case 21: case 25: case 26: case 30: case 33: case 34: case 35: case 36: case 37: case 38: case 39: { alt2=2; } break; case 19: { alt2=3; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 2, 1, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA2_0==RULE_UID||LA2_0==RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT||LA2_0==19) ) { alt2=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 2, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt2) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:126:2: this_TypedVariable_0= ruleTypedVariable { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBasicTermAccess().getTypedVariableParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_TypedVariable_0=ruleTypedVariable(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_TypedVariable_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:139:2: this_ArithmeticTerm_1= ruleArithmeticTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBasicTermAccess().getArithmeticTermParserRuleCall_1()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_ArithmeticTerm_1=ruleArithmeticTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_ArithmeticTerm_1; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 3 : // InternalL.g:152:2: this_FunctionalTerm_2= ruleFunctionalTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBasicTermAccess().getFunctionalTermParserRuleCall_2()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_FunctionalTerm_2=ruleFunctionalTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_FunctionalTerm_2; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleBasicTerm" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleVariable" // InternalL.g:171:1: entryRuleVariable returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleVariable= ruleVariable EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleVariable() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleVariable = null; try { // InternalL.g:172:2: (iv_ruleVariable= ruleVariable EOF ) // InternalL.g:173:2: iv_ruleVariable= ruleVariable EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getVariableRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleVariable=ruleVariable(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleVariable; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleVariable" // $ANTLR start "ruleVariable" // InternalL.g:180:1: ruleVariable returns [EObject current=null] : ( (lv_identifier_0_0= RULE_UID ) ) ; public final EObject ruleVariable() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token lv_identifier_0_0=null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:183:28: ( ( (lv_identifier_0_0= RULE_UID ) ) ) // InternalL.g:184:1: ( (lv_identifier_0_0= RULE_UID ) ) { // InternalL.g:184:1: ( (lv_identifier_0_0= RULE_UID ) ) // InternalL.g:185:1: (lv_identifier_0_0= RULE_UID ) { // InternalL.g:185:1: (lv_identifier_0_0= RULE_UID ) // InternalL.g:186:3: lv_identifier_0_0= RULE_UID { lv_identifier_0_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_UID,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(lv_identifier_0_0, grammarAccess.getVariableAccess().getIdentifierUIDTerminalRuleCall_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getVariableRule()); } setWithLastConsumed( current, "identifier", lv_identifier_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.UID"); } } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleVariable" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleTypedVariable" // InternalL.g:210:1: entryRuleTypedVariable returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTypedVariable= ruleTypedVariable EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleTypedVariable() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleTypedVariable = null; try { // InternalL.g:211:2: (iv_ruleTypedVariable= ruleTypedVariable EOF ) // InternalL.g:212:2: iv_ruleTypedVariable= ruleTypedVariable EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTypedVariableRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleTypedVariable=ruleTypedVariable(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleTypedVariable; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleTypedVariable" // $ANTLR start "ruleTypedVariable" // InternalL.g:219:1: ruleTypedVariable returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_name_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) ( (lv_var_1_0= ruleVariable ) ) ) ; public final EObject ruleTypedVariable() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token lv_name_0_0=null; EObject lv_var_1_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:222:28: ( ( ( (lv_name_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) ( (lv_var_1_0= ruleVariable ) ) ) ) // InternalL.g:223:1: ( ( (lv_name_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) ( (lv_var_1_0= ruleVariable ) ) ) { // InternalL.g:223:1: ( ( (lv_name_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) ( (lv_var_1_0= ruleVariable ) ) ) // InternalL.g:223:2: ( (lv_name_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) ( (lv_var_1_0= ruleVariable ) ) { // InternalL.g:223:2: ( (lv_name_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) // InternalL.g:224:1: (lv_name_0_0= RULE_LID ) { // InternalL.g:224:1: (lv_name_0_0= RULE_LID ) // InternalL.g:225:3: lv_name_0_0= RULE_LID { lv_name_0_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_LID,FOLLOW_4); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(lv_name_0_0, grammarAccess.getTypedVariableAccess().getNameLIDTerminalRuleCall_0_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getTypedVariableRule()); } setWithLastConsumed( current, "name", lv_name_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.LID"); } } } // InternalL.g:241:2: ( (lv_var_1_0= ruleVariable ) ) // InternalL.g:242:1: (lv_var_1_0= ruleVariable ) { // InternalL.g:242:1: (lv_var_1_0= ruleVariable ) // InternalL.g:243:3: lv_var_1_0= ruleVariable { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTypedVariableAccess().getVarVariableParserRuleCall_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); lv_var_1_0=ruleVariable(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getTypedVariableRule()); } set( current, "var", lv_var_1_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Variable"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleTypedVariable" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleArithmeticTerm" // InternalL.g:267:1: entryRuleArithmeticTerm returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleArithmeticTerm= ruleArithmeticTerm EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleArithmeticTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleArithmeticTerm = null; try { // InternalL.g:268:2: (iv_ruleArithmeticTerm= ruleArithmeticTerm EOF ) // InternalL.g:269:2: iv_ruleArithmeticTerm= ruleArithmeticTerm EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getArithmeticTermRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleArithmeticTerm=ruleArithmeticTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleArithmeticTerm; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleArithmeticTerm" // $ANTLR start "ruleArithmeticTerm" // InternalL.g:276:1: ruleArithmeticTerm returns [EObject current=null] : this_Addition_0= ruleAddition ; public final EObject ruleArithmeticTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject this_Addition_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:279:28: (this_Addition_0= ruleAddition ) // InternalL.g:281:2: this_Addition_0= ruleAddition { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getArithmeticTermAccess().getAdditionParserRuleCall()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_Addition_0=ruleAddition(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_Addition_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleArithmeticTerm" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleAddition" // InternalL.g:300:1: entryRuleAddition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleAddition= ruleAddition EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleAddition() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleAddition = null; try { // InternalL.g:301:2: (iv_ruleAddition= ruleAddition EOF ) // InternalL.g:302:2: iv_ruleAddition= ruleAddition EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAdditionRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleAddition=ruleAddition(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleAddition; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleAddition" // $ANTLR start "ruleAddition" // InternalL.g:309:1: ruleAddition returns [EObject current=null] : (this_Multiplication_0= ruleMultiplication ( () (otherlv_2= '+' | otherlv_3= '-' ) ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleMultiplication ) ) )* ) ; public final EObject ruleAddition() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_2=null; Token otherlv_3=null; EObject this_Multiplication_0 = null; EObject lv_rhs_4_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:312:28: ( (this_Multiplication_0= ruleMultiplication ( () (otherlv_2= '+' | otherlv_3= '-' ) ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleMultiplication ) ) )* ) ) // InternalL.g:313:1: (this_Multiplication_0= ruleMultiplication ( () (otherlv_2= '+' | otherlv_3= '-' ) ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleMultiplication ) ) )* ) { // InternalL.g:313:1: (this_Multiplication_0= ruleMultiplication ( () (otherlv_2= '+' | otherlv_3= '-' ) ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleMultiplication ) ) )* ) // InternalL.g:314:2: this_Multiplication_0= ruleMultiplication ( () (otherlv_2= '+' | otherlv_3= '-' ) ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleMultiplication ) ) )* { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAdditionAccess().getMultiplicationParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); this_Multiplication_0=ruleMultiplication(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_Multiplication_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } // InternalL.g:325:1: ( () (otherlv_2= '+' | otherlv_3= '-' ) ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleMultiplication ) ) )* loop4: do { int alt4=2; int LA4_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA4_0>=14 && LA4_0<=15)) ) { alt4=1; } switch (alt4) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:325:2: () (otherlv_2= '+' | otherlv_3= '-' ) ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleMultiplication ) ) { // InternalL.g:325:2: () // InternalL.g:326:2: { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = forceCreateModelElementAndSet( grammarAccess.getAdditionAccess().getAdditionLhsAction_1_0(), current); } } // InternalL.g:334:2: (otherlv_2= '+' | otherlv_3= '-' ) int alt3=2; int LA3_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA3_0==14) ) { alt3=1; } else if ( (LA3_0==15) ) { alt3=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 3, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt3) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:334:4: otherlv_2= '+' { otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getAdditionAccess().getPlusSignKeyword_1_1_0()); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:339:7: otherlv_3= '-' { otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getAdditionAccess().getHyphenMinusKeyword_1_1_1()); } } break; } // InternalL.g:343:2: ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleMultiplication ) ) // InternalL.g:344:1: (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleMultiplication ) { // InternalL.g:344:1: (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleMultiplication ) // InternalL.g:345:3: lv_rhs_4_0= ruleMultiplication { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAdditionAccess().getRhsMultiplicationParserRuleCall_1_2_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); lv_rhs_4_0=ruleMultiplication(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getAdditionRule()); } set( current, "rhs", lv_rhs_4_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Multiplication"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; default : break loop4; } } while (true); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleAddition" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleMultiplication" // InternalL.g:369:1: entryRuleMultiplication returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleMultiplication= ruleMultiplication EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleMultiplication() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleMultiplication = null; try { // InternalL.g:370:2: (iv_ruleMultiplication= ruleMultiplication EOF ) // InternalL.g:371:2: iv_ruleMultiplication= ruleMultiplication EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMultiplicationRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleMultiplication=ruleMultiplication(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleMultiplication; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleMultiplication" // $ANTLR start "ruleMultiplication" // InternalL.g:378:1: ruleMultiplication returns [EObject current=null] : (this_Primary_0= rulePrimary ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '/' | otherlv_4= '%' ) ( (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) ) )* ) ; public final EObject ruleMultiplication() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_2=null; Token otherlv_3=null; Token otherlv_4=null; EObject this_Primary_0 = null; EObject lv_rhs_5_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:381:28: ( (this_Primary_0= rulePrimary ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '/' | otherlv_4= '%' ) ( (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) ) )* ) ) // InternalL.g:382:1: (this_Primary_0= rulePrimary ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '/' | otherlv_4= '%' ) ( (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) ) )* ) { // InternalL.g:382:1: (this_Primary_0= rulePrimary ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '/' | otherlv_4= '%' ) ( (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) ) )* ) // InternalL.g:383:2: this_Primary_0= rulePrimary ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '/' | otherlv_4= '%' ) ( (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) ) )* { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMultiplicationAccess().getPrimaryParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_7); this_Primary_0=rulePrimary(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_Primary_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } // InternalL.g:394:1: ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '/' | otherlv_4= '%' ) ( (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) ) )* loop6: do { int alt6=2; int LA6_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA6_0>=16 && LA6_0<=18)) ) { alt6=1; } switch (alt6) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:394:2: () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '/' | otherlv_4= '%' ) ( (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) ) { // InternalL.g:394:2: () // InternalL.g:395:2: { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = forceCreateModelElementAndSet( grammarAccess.getMultiplicationAccess().getMultiplicationLhsAction_1_0(), current); } } // InternalL.g:403:2: (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '/' | otherlv_4= '%' ) int alt5=3; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case 16: { alt5=1; } break; case 17: { alt5=2; } break; case 18: { alt5=3; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 5, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt5) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:403:4: otherlv_2= '*' { otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getMultiplicationAccess().getAsteriskKeyword_1_1_0()); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:408:7: otherlv_3= '/' { otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,17,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getMultiplicationAccess().getSolidusKeyword_1_1_1()); } } break; case 3 : // InternalL.g:413:7: otherlv_4= '%' { otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,18,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getMultiplicationAccess().getPercentSignKeyword_1_1_2()); } } break; } // InternalL.g:417:2: ( (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) ) // InternalL.g:418:1: (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) { // InternalL.g:418:1: (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) // InternalL.g:419:3: lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMultiplicationAccess().getRhsPrimaryParserRuleCall_1_2_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_7); lv_rhs_5_0=rulePrimary(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getMultiplicationRule()); } set( current, "rhs", lv_rhs_5_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Primary"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; default : break loop6; } } while (true); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleMultiplication" // $ANTLR start "entryRulePrimary" // InternalL.g:443:1: entryRulePrimary returns [EObject current=null] : iv_rulePrimary= rulePrimary EOF ; public final EObject entryRulePrimary() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_rulePrimary = null; try { // InternalL.g:444:2: (iv_rulePrimary= rulePrimary EOF ) // InternalL.g:445:2: iv_rulePrimary= rulePrimary EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPrimaryRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_rulePrimary=rulePrimary(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_rulePrimary; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRulePrimary" // $ANTLR start "rulePrimary" // InternalL.g:452:1: rulePrimary returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_term_0_0= ruleArithmeticLiteral ) ) | (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) ) otherlv_3= ')' ) ) ; public final EObject rulePrimary() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_1=null; Token otherlv_3=null; EObject lv_term_0_0 = null; EObject lv_term_2_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:455:28: ( ( ( (lv_term_0_0= ruleArithmeticLiteral ) ) | (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) ) otherlv_3= ')' ) ) ) // InternalL.g:456:1: ( ( (lv_term_0_0= ruleArithmeticLiteral ) ) | (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) ) otherlv_3= ')' ) ) { // InternalL.g:456:1: ( ( (lv_term_0_0= ruleArithmeticLiteral ) ) | (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) ) otherlv_3= ')' ) ) int alt7=2; int LA7_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA7_0>=RULE_UID && LA7_0<=RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT)) ) { alt7=1; } else if ( (LA7_0==19) ) { alt7=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 7, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt7) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:456:2: ( (lv_term_0_0= ruleArithmeticLiteral ) ) { // InternalL.g:456:2: ( (lv_term_0_0= ruleArithmeticLiteral ) ) // InternalL.g:457:1: (lv_term_0_0= ruleArithmeticLiteral ) { // InternalL.g:457:1: (lv_term_0_0= ruleArithmeticLiteral ) // InternalL.g:458:3: lv_term_0_0= ruleArithmeticLiteral { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPrimaryAccess().getTermArithmeticLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); lv_term_0_0=ruleArithmeticLiteral(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPrimaryRule()); } set( current, "term", lv_term_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.ArithmeticLiteral"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:475:6: (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) ) otherlv_3= ')' ) { // InternalL.g:475:6: (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) ) otherlv_3= ')' ) // InternalL.g:475:8: otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) ) otherlv_3= ')' { otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getPrimaryAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0()); } // InternalL.g:479:1: ( (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) ) // InternalL.g:480:1: (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) { // InternalL.g:480:1: (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) // InternalL.g:481:3: lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPrimaryAccess().getTermAdditionParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_8); lv_term_2_0=ruleAddition(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPrimaryRule()); } set( current, "term", lv_term_2_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Addition"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,20,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getPrimaryAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_2()); } } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "rulePrimary" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleArithmeticLiteral" // InternalL.g:509:1: entryRuleArithmeticLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleArithmeticLiteral= ruleArithmeticLiteral EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleArithmeticLiteral() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleArithmeticLiteral = null; try { // InternalL.g:510:2: (iv_ruleArithmeticLiteral= ruleArithmeticLiteral EOF ) // InternalL.g:511:2: iv_ruleArithmeticLiteral= ruleArithmeticLiteral EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getArithmeticLiteralRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleArithmeticLiteral=ruleArithmeticLiteral(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleArithmeticLiteral; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleArithmeticLiteral" // $ANTLR start "ruleArithmeticLiteral" // InternalL.g:518:1: ruleArithmeticLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_v_0_0= ruleVariable ) ) | ( (lv_tv_1_0= ruleTypedVariable ) ) | ( (lv_const_2_0= RULE_LID ) ) | ( (lv_value_3_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT ) ) ) ; public final EObject ruleArithmeticLiteral() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token lv_const_2_0=null; Token lv_value_3_0=null; EObject lv_v_0_0 = null; EObject lv_tv_1_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:521:28: ( ( ( (lv_v_0_0= ruleVariable ) ) | ( (lv_tv_1_0= ruleTypedVariable ) ) | ( (lv_const_2_0= RULE_LID ) ) | ( (lv_value_3_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT ) ) ) ) // InternalL.g:522:1: ( ( (lv_v_0_0= ruleVariable ) ) | ( (lv_tv_1_0= ruleTypedVariable ) ) | ( (lv_const_2_0= RULE_LID ) ) | ( (lv_value_3_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT ) ) ) { // InternalL.g:522:1: ( ( (lv_v_0_0= ruleVariable ) ) | ( (lv_tv_1_0= ruleTypedVariable ) ) | ( (lv_const_2_0= RULE_LID ) ) | ( (lv_value_3_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT ) ) ) int alt8=4; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case RULE_UID: { alt8=1; } break; case RULE_LID: { int LA8_2 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA8_2==EOF||(LA8_2>=14 && LA8_2<=18)||(LA8_2>=20 && LA8_2<=21)||(LA8_2>=25 && LA8_2<=26)||(LA8_2>=29 && LA8_2<=30)||(LA8_2>=33 && LA8_2<=39)||LA8_2==43) ) { alt8=3; } else if ( (LA8_2==RULE_UID) ) { alt8=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 8, 2, input); throw nvae; } } break; case RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT: { alt8=4; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 8, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt8) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:522:2: ( (lv_v_0_0= ruleVariable ) ) { // InternalL.g:522:2: ( (lv_v_0_0= ruleVariable ) ) // InternalL.g:523:1: (lv_v_0_0= ruleVariable ) { // InternalL.g:523:1: (lv_v_0_0= ruleVariable ) // InternalL.g:524:3: lv_v_0_0= ruleVariable { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getArithmeticLiteralAccess().getVVariableParserRuleCall_0_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); lv_v_0_0=ruleVariable(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getArithmeticLiteralRule()); } set( current, "v", lv_v_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Variable"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:541:6: ( (lv_tv_1_0= ruleTypedVariable ) ) { // InternalL.g:541:6: ( (lv_tv_1_0= ruleTypedVariable ) ) // InternalL.g:542:1: (lv_tv_1_0= ruleTypedVariable ) { // InternalL.g:542:1: (lv_tv_1_0= ruleTypedVariable ) // InternalL.g:543:3: lv_tv_1_0= ruleTypedVariable { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getArithmeticLiteralAccess().getTvTypedVariableParserRuleCall_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); lv_tv_1_0=ruleTypedVariable(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getArithmeticLiteralRule()); } set( current, "tv", lv_tv_1_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.TypedVariable"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; case 3 : // InternalL.g:560:6: ( (lv_const_2_0= RULE_LID ) ) { // InternalL.g:560:6: ( (lv_const_2_0= RULE_LID ) ) // InternalL.g:561:1: (lv_const_2_0= RULE_LID ) { // InternalL.g:561:1: (lv_const_2_0= RULE_LID ) // InternalL.g:562:3: lv_const_2_0= RULE_LID { lv_const_2_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_LID,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(lv_const_2_0, grammarAccess.getArithmeticLiteralAccess().getConstLIDTerminalRuleCall_2_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getArithmeticLiteralRule()); } setWithLastConsumed( current, "const", lv_const_2_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.LID"); } } } } break; case 4 : // InternalL.g:579:6: ( (lv_value_3_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT ) ) { // InternalL.g:579:6: ( (lv_value_3_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT ) ) // InternalL.g:580:1: (lv_value_3_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT ) { // InternalL.g:580:1: (lv_value_3_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT ) // InternalL.g:581:3: lv_value_3_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT { lv_value_3_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(lv_value_3_0, grammarAccess.getArithmeticLiteralAccess().getValueNUMERIC_CONSTANTTerminalRuleCall_3_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getArithmeticLiteralRule()); } setWithLastConsumed( current, "value", lv_value_3_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.NUMERIC_CONSTANT"); } } } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleArithmeticLiteral" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleGroundArithmeticTerm" // InternalL.g:605:1: entryRuleGroundArithmeticTerm returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleGroundArithmeticTerm= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleGroundArithmeticTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleGroundArithmeticTerm = null; try { // InternalL.g:606:2: (iv_ruleGroundArithmeticTerm= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm EOF ) // InternalL.g:607:2: iv_ruleGroundArithmeticTerm= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundArithmeticTermRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleGroundArithmeticTerm=ruleGroundArithmeticTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleGroundArithmeticTerm; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleGroundArithmeticTerm" // $ANTLR start "ruleGroundArithmeticTerm" // InternalL.g:614:1: ruleGroundArithmeticTerm returns [EObject current=null] : this_GroundAddition_0= ruleGroundAddition ; public final EObject ruleGroundArithmeticTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject this_GroundAddition_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:617:28: (this_GroundAddition_0= ruleGroundAddition ) // InternalL.g:619:2: this_GroundAddition_0= ruleGroundAddition { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundArithmeticTermAccess().getGroundAdditionParserRuleCall()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_GroundAddition_0=ruleGroundAddition(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_GroundAddition_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleGroundArithmeticTerm" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleGroundAddition" // InternalL.g:638:1: entryRuleGroundAddition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleGroundAddition= ruleGroundAddition EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleGroundAddition() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleGroundAddition = null; try { // InternalL.g:639:2: (iv_ruleGroundAddition= ruleGroundAddition EOF ) // InternalL.g:640:2: iv_ruleGroundAddition= ruleGroundAddition EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundAdditionRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleGroundAddition=ruleGroundAddition(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleGroundAddition; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleGroundAddition" // $ANTLR start "ruleGroundAddition" // InternalL.g:647:1: ruleGroundAddition returns [EObject current=null] : (this_GroundMultiplication_0= ruleGroundMultiplication ( () (otherlv_2= '+' | otherlv_3= '-' ) ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleGroundMultiplication ) ) )* ) ; public final EObject ruleGroundAddition() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_2=null; Token otherlv_3=null; EObject this_GroundMultiplication_0 = null; EObject lv_rhs_4_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:650:28: ( (this_GroundMultiplication_0= ruleGroundMultiplication ( () (otherlv_2= '+' | otherlv_3= '-' ) ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleGroundMultiplication ) ) )* ) ) // InternalL.g:651:1: (this_GroundMultiplication_0= ruleGroundMultiplication ( () (otherlv_2= '+' | otherlv_3= '-' ) ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleGroundMultiplication ) ) )* ) { // InternalL.g:651:1: (this_GroundMultiplication_0= ruleGroundMultiplication ( () (otherlv_2= '+' | otherlv_3= '-' ) ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleGroundMultiplication ) ) )* ) // InternalL.g:652:2: this_GroundMultiplication_0= ruleGroundMultiplication ( () (otherlv_2= '+' | otherlv_3= '-' ) ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleGroundMultiplication ) ) )* { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundAdditionAccess().getGroundMultiplicationParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); this_GroundMultiplication_0=ruleGroundMultiplication(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_GroundMultiplication_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } // InternalL.g:663:1: ( () (otherlv_2= '+' | otherlv_3= '-' ) ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleGroundMultiplication ) ) )* loop10: do { int alt10=2; int LA10_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA10_0>=14 && LA10_0<=15)) ) { alt10=1; } switch (alt10) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:663:2: () (otherlv_2= '+' | otherlv_3= '-' ) ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleGroundMultiplication ) ) { // InternalL.g:663:2: () // InternalL.g:664:2: { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = forceCreateModelElementAndSet( grammarAccess.getGroundAdditionAccess().getGroundAdditionLhsAction_1_0(), current); } } // InternalL.g:672:2: (otherlv_2= '+' | otherlv_3= '-' ) int alt9=2; int LA9_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA9_0==14) ) { alt9=1; } else if ( (LA9_0==15) ) { alt9=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 9, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt9) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:672:4: otherlv_2= '+' { otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_9); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getGroundAdditionAccess().getPlusSignKeyword_1_1_0()); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:677:7: otherlv_3= '-' { otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,15,FOLLOW_9); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getGroundAdditionAccess().getHyphenMinusKeyword_1_1_1()); } } break; } // InternalL.g:681:2: ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleGroundMultiplication ) ) // InternalL.g:682:1: (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleGroundMultiplication ) { // InternalL.g:682:1: (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleGroundMultiplication ) // InternalL.g:683:3: lv_rhs_4_0= ruleGroundMultiplication { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundAdditionAccess().getRhsGroundMultiplicationParserRuleCall_1_2_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_5); lv_rhs_4_0=ruleGroundMultiplication(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getGroundAdditionRule()); } set( current, "rhs", lv_rhs_4_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.GroundMultiplication"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; default : break loop10; } } while (true); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleGroundAddition" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleGroundMultiplication" // InternalL.g:707:1: entryRuleGroundMultiplication returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleGroundMultiplication= ruleGroundMultiplication EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleGroundMultiplication() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleGroundMultiplication = null; try { // InternalL.g:708:2: (iv_ruleGroundMultiplication= ruleGroundMultiplication EOF ) // InternalL.g:709:2: iv_ruleGroundMultiplication= ruleGroundMultiplication EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundMultiplicationRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleGroundMultiplication=ruleGroundMultiplication(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleGroundMultiplication; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleGroundMultiplication" // $ANTLR start "ruleGroundMultiplication" // InternalL.g:716:1: ruleGroundMultiplication returns [EObject current=null] : (this_GroundPrimary_0= ruleGroundPrimary ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '/' | otherlv_4= '%' ) ( (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) ) )* ) ; public final EObject ruleGroundMultiplication() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_2=null; Token otherlv_3=null; Token otherlv_4=null; EObject this_GroundPrimary_0 = null; EObject lv_rhs_5_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:719:28: ( (this_GroundPrimary_0= ruleGroundPrimary ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '/' | otherlv_4= '%' ) ( (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) ) )* ) ) // InternalL.g:720:1: (this_GroundPrimary_0= ruleGroundPrimary ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '/' | otherlv_4= '%' ) ( (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) ) )* ) { // InternalL.g:720:1: (this_GroundPrimary_0= ruleGroundPrimary ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '/' | otherlv_4= '%' ) ( (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) ) )* ) // InternalL.g:721:2: this_GroundPrimary_0= ruleGroundPrimary ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '/' | otherlv_4= '%' ) ( (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) ) )* { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundMultiplicationAccess().getGroundPrimaryParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_7); this_GroundPrimary_0=ruleGroundPrimary(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_GroundPrimary_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } // InternalL.g:732:1: ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '/' | otherlv_4= '%' ) ( (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) ) )* loop12: do { int alt12=2; int LA12_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA12_0>=16 && LA12_0<=18)) ) { alt12=1; } switch (alt12) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:732:2: () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '/' | otherlv_4= '%' ) ( (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) ) { // InternalL.g:732:2: () // InternalL.g:733:2: { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = forceCreateModelElementAndSet( grammarAccess.getGroundMultiplicationAccess().getGroundMultiplicationLhsAction_1_0(), current); } } // InternalL.g:741:2: (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '/' | otherlv_4= '%' ) int alt11=3; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case 16: { alt11=1; } break; case 17: { alt11=2; } break; case 18: { alt11=3; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 11, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt11) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:741:4: otherlv_2= '*' { otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getGroundMultiplicationAccess().getAsteriskKeyword_1_1_0()); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:746:7: otherlv_3= '/' { otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,17,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getGroundMultiplicationAccess().getSolidusKeyword_1_1_1()); } } break; case 3 : // InternalL.g:751:7: otherlv_4= '%' { otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,18,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getGroundMultiplicationAccess().getPercentSignKeyword_1_1_2()); } } break; } // InternalL.g:755:2: ( (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) ) // InternalL.g:756:1: (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) { // InternalL.g:756:1: (lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary ) // InternalL.g:757:3: lv_rhs_5_0= rulePrimary { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundMultiplicationAccess().getRhsPrimaryParserRuleCall_1_2_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_7); lv_rhs_5_0=rulePrimary(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getGroundMultiplicationRule()); } set( current, "rhs", lv_rhs_5_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Primary"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; default : break loop12; } } while (true); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleGroundMultiplication" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleGroundPrimary" // InternalL.g:781:1: entryRuleGroundPrimary returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleGroundPrimary= ruleGroundPrimary EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleGroundPrimary() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleGroundPrimary = null; try { // InternalL.g:782:2: (iv_ruleGroundPrimary= ruleGroundPrimary EOF ) // InternalL.g:783:2: iv_ruleGroundPrimary= ruleGroundPrimary EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundPrimaryRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleGroundPrimary=ruleGroundPrimary(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleGroundPrimary; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleGroundPrimary" // $ANTLR start "ruleGroundPrimary" // InternalL.g:790:1: ruleGroundPrimary returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_term_0_0= ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral ) ) | (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) ) otherlv_3= ')' ) ) ; public final EObject ruleGroundPrimary() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_1=null; Token otherlv_3=null; EObject lv_term_0_0 = null; EObject lv_term_2_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:793:28: ( ( ( (lv_term_0_0= ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral ) ) | (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) ) otherlv_3= ')' ) ) ) // InternalL.g:794:1: ( ( (lv_term_0_0= ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral ) ) | (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) ) otherlv_3= ')' ) ) { // InternalL.g:794:1: ( ( (lv_term_0_0= ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral ) ) | (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) ) otherlv_3= ')' ) ) int alt13=2; int LA13_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA13_0>=RULE_LID && LA13_0<=RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT)) ) { alt13=1; } else if ( (LA13_0==19) ) { alt13=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 13, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt13) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:794:2: ( (lv_term_0_0= ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral ) ) { // InternalL.g:794:2: ( (lv_term_0_0= ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral ) ) // InternalL.g:795:1: (lv_term_0_0= ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral ) { // InternalL.g:795:1: (lv_term_0_0= ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral ) // InternalL.g:796:3: lv_term_0_0= ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundPrimaryAccess().getTermGroundArithmeticLiteralParserRuleCall_0_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); lv_term_0_0=ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getGroundPrimaryRule()); } set( current, "term", lv_term_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.GroundArithmeticLiteral"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:813:6: (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) ) otherlv_3= ')' ) { // InternalL.g:813:6: (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) ) otherlv_3= ')' ) // InternalL.g:813:8: otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) ) otherlv_3= ')' { otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getGroundPrimaryAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0()); } // InternalL.g:817:1: ( (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) ) // InternalL.g:818:1: (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) { // InternalL.g:818:1: (lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition ) // InternalL.g:819:3: lv_term_2_0= ruleAddition { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundPrimaryAccess().getTermAdditionParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_8); lv_term_2_0=ruleAddition(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getGroundPrimaryRule()); } set( current, "term", lv_term_2_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Addition"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,20,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getGroundPrimaryAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_2()); } } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleGroundPrimary" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleGroundArithmeticLiteral" // InternalL.g:847:1: entryRuleGroundArithmeticLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral= ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleGroundArithmeticLiteral() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral = null; try { // InternalL.g:848:2: (iv_ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral= ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral EOF ) // InternalL.g:849:2: iv_ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral= ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundArithmeticLiteralRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral=ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleGroundArithmeticLiteral" // $ANTLR start "ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral" // InternalL.g:856:1: ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_identifier_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) | ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT ) ) ) ; public final EObject ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token lv_identifier_0_0=null; Token lv_value_1_0=null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:859:28: ( ( ( (lv_identifier_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) | ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT ) ) ) ) // InternalL.g:860:1: ( ( (lv_identifier_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) | ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT ) ) ) { // InternalL.g:860:1: ( ( (lv_identifier_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) | ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT ) ) ) int alt14=2; int LA14_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA14_0==RULE_LID) ) { alt14=1; } else if ( (LA14_0==RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT) ) { alt14=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 14, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt14) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:860:2: ( (lv_identifier_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) { // InternalL.g:860:2: ( (lv_identifier_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) // InternalL.g:861:1: (lv_identifier_0_0= RULE_LID ) { // InternalL.g:861:1: (lv_identifier_0_0= RULE_LID ) // InternalL.g:862:3: lv_identifier_0_0= RULE_LID { lv_identifier_0_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_LID,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(lv_identifier_0_0, grammarAccess.getGroundArithmeticLiteralAccess().getIdentifierLIDTerminalRuleCall_0_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getGroundArithmeticLiteralRule()); } setWithLastConsumed( current, "identifier", lv_identifier_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.LID"); } } } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:879:6: ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT ) ) { // InternalL.g:879:6: ( (lv_value_1_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT ) ) // InternalL.g:880:1: (lv_value_1_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT ) { // InternalL.g:880:1: (lv_value_1_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT ) // InternalL.g:881:3: lv_value_1_0= RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT { lv_value_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(lv_value_1_0, grammarAccess.getGroundArithmeticLiteralAccess().getValueNUMERIC_CONSTANTTerminalRuleCall_1_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getGroundArithmeticLiteralRule()); } setWithLastConsumed( current, "value", lv_value_1_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.NUMERIC_CONSTANT"); } } } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleGroundArithmeticLiteral" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleFunctionalTerm" // InternalL.g:905:1: entryRuleFunctionalTerm returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleFunctionalTerm= ruleFunctionalTerm EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleFunctionalTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleFunctionalTerm = null; try { // InternalL.g:906:2: (iv_ruleFunctionalTerm= ruleFunctionalTerm EOF ) // InternalL.g:907:2: iv_ruleFunctionalTerm= ruleFunctionalTerm EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getFunctionalTermRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleFunctionalTerm=ruleFunctionalTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleFunctionalTerm; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleFunctionalTerm" // $ANTLR start "ruleFunctionalTerm" // InternalL.g:914:1: ruleFunctionalTerm returns [EObject current=null] : (this_LID_0= RULE_LID otherlv_1= '(' this_Terms_2= ruleTerms otherlv_3= ')' ) ; public final EObject ruleFunctionalTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token this_LID_0=null; Token otherlv_1=null; Token otherlv_3=null; EObject this_Terms_2 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:917:28: ( (this_LID_0= RULE_LID otherlv_1= '(' this_Terms_2= ruleTerms otherlv_3= ')' ) ) // InternalL.g:918:1: (this_LID_0= RULE_LID otherlv_1= '(' this_Terms_2= ruleTerms otherlv_3= ')' ) { // InternalL.g:918:1: (this_LID_0= RULE_LID otherlv_1= '(' this_Terms_2= ruleTerms otherlv_3= ')' ) // InternalL.g:918:2: this_LID_0= RULE_LID otherlv_1= '(' this_Terms_2= ruleTerms otherlv_3= ')' { this_LID_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_LID,FOLLOW_10); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(this_LID_0, grammarAccess.getFunctionalTermAccess().getLIDTerminalRuleCall_0()); } otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_11); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getFunctionalTermAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getFunctionalTermAccess().getTermsParserRuleCall_2()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_8); this_Terms_2=ruleTerms(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_Terms_2; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,20,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getFunctionalTermAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3()); } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleFunctionalTerm" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleGroundFunctionalTerm" // InternalL.g:950:1: entryRuleGroundFunctionalTerm returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleGroundFunctionalTerm= ruleGroundFunctionalTerm EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleGroundFunctionalTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleGroundFunctionalTerm = null; try { // InternalL.g:951:2: (iv_ruleGroundFunctionalTerm= ruleGroundFunctionalTerm EOF ) // InternalL.g:952:2: iv_ruleGroundFunctionalTerm= ruleGroundFunctionalTerm EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundFunctionalTermRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleGroundFunctionalTerm=ruleGroundFunctionalTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleGroundFunctionalTerm; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleGroundFunctionalTerm" // $ANTLR start "ruleGroundFunctionalTerm" // InternalL.g:959:1: ruleGroundFunctionalTerm returns [EObject current=null] : (this_LID_0= RULE_LID otherlv_1= '(' this_GroundTerms_2= ruleGroundTerms otherlv_3= ')' ) ; public final EObject ruleGroundFunctionalTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token this_LID_0=null; Token otherlv_1=null; Token otherlv_3=null; EObject this_GroundTerms_2 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:962:28: ( (this_LID_0= RULE_LID otherlv_1= '(' this_GroundTerms_2= ruleGroundTerms otherlv_3= ')' ) ) // InternalL.g:963:1: (this_LID_0= RULE_LID otherlv_1= '(' this_GroundTerms_2= ruleGroundTerms otherlv_3= ')' ) { // InternalL.g:963:1: (this_LID_0= RULE_LID otherlv_1= '(' this_GroundTerms_2= ruleGroundTerms otherlv_3= ')' ) // InternalL.g:963:2: this_LID_0= RULE_LID otherlv_1= '(' this_GroundTerms_2= ruleGroundTerms otherlv_3= ')' { this_LID_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_LID,FOLLOW_10); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(this_LID_0, grammarAccess.getGroundFunctionalTermAccess().getLIDTerminalRuleCall_0()); } otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_9); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getGroundFunctionalTermAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundFunctionalTermAccess().getGroundTermsParserRuleCall_2()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_8); this_GroundTerms_2=ruleGroundTerms(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_GroundTerms_2; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,20,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getGroundFunctionalTermAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_3()); } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleGroundFunctionalTerm" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleBasicTerms" // InternalL.g:995:1: entryRuleBasicTerms returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleBasicTerms= ruleBasicTerms EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleBasicTerms() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleBasicTerms = null; try { // InternalL.g:996:2: (iv_ruleBasicTerms= ruleBasicTerms EOF ) // InternalL.g:997:2: iv_ruleBasicTerms= ruleBasicTerms EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBasicTermsRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleBasicTerms=ruleBasicTerms(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleBasicTerms; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleBasicTerms" // $ANTLR start "ruleBasicTerms" // InternalL.g:1004:1: ruleBasicTerms returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) )* ) ; public final EObject ruleBasicTerms() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_1=null; EObject lv_car_0_0 = null; EObject lv_cdr_2_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1007:28: ( ( ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) )* ) ) // InternalL.g:1008:1: ( ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) )* ) { // InternalL.g:1008:1: ( ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) )* ) // InternalL.g:1008:2: ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) )* { // InternalL.g:1008:2: ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) // InternalL.g:1009:1: (lv_car_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) { // InternalL.g:1009:1: (lv_car_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) // InternalL.g:1010:3: lv_car_0_0= ruleBasicTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBasicTermsAccess().getCarBasicTermParserRuleCall_0_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_12); lv_car_0_0=ruleBasicTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getBasicTermsRule()); } set( current, "car", lv_car_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.BasicTerm"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } // InternalL.g:1026:2: (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) )* loop15: do { int alt15=2; int LA15_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA15_0==21) ) { alt15=1; } switch (alt15) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:1026:4: otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) { otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,21,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getBasicTermsAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_0()); } // InternalL.g:1030:1: ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) // InternalL.g:1031:1: (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) { // InternalL.g:1031:1: (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) // InternalL.g:1032:3: lv_cdr_2_0= ruleBasicTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBasicTermsAccess().getCdrBasicTermParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_12); lv_cdr_2_0=ruleBasicTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getBasicTermsRule()); } add( current, "cdr", lv_cdr_2_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.BasicTerm"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; default : break loop15; } } while (true); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleBasicTerms" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleGroundTerms" // InternalL.g:1056:1: entryRuleGroundTerms returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleGroundTerms= ruleGroundTerms EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleGroundTerms() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleGroundTerms = null; try { // InternalL.g:1057:2: (iv_ruleGroundTerms= ruleGroundTerms EOF ) // InternalL.g:1058:2: iv_ruleGroundTerms= ruleGroundTerms EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundTermsRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleGroundTerms=ruleGroundTerms(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleGroundTerms; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleGroundTerms" // $ANTLR start "ruleGroundTerms" // InternalL.g:1065:1: ruleGroundTerms returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleGroundTerm ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleGroundTerm ) ) )* ) ; public final EObject ruleGroundTerms() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_1=null; EObject lv_car_0_0 = null; EObject lv_cdr_2_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1068:28: ( ( ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleGroundTerm ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleGroundTerm ) ) )* ) ) // InternalL.g:1069:1: ( ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleGroundTerm ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleGroundTerm ) ) )* ) { // InternalL.g:1069:1: ( ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleGroundTerm ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleGroundTerm ) ) )* ) // InternalL.g:1069:2: ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleGroundTerm ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleGroundTerm ) ) )* { // InternalL.g:1069:2: ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleGroundTerm ) ) // InternalL.g:1070:1: (lv_car_0_0= ruleGroundTerm ) { // InternalL.g:1070:1: (lv_car_0_0= ruleGroundTerm ) // InternalL.g:1071:3: lv_car_0_0= ruleGroundTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundTermsAccess().getCarGroundTermParserRuleCall_0_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_12); lv_car_0_0=ruleGroundTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getGroundTermsRule()); } set( current, "car", lv_car_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.GroundTerm"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } // InternalL.g:1087:2: (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleGroundTerm ) ) )* loop16: do { int alt16=2; int LA16_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA16_0==21) ) { alt16=1; } switch (alt16) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:1087:4: otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleGroundTerm ) ) { otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,21,FOLLOW_9); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getGroundTermsAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_0()); } // InternalL.g:1091:1: ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleGroundTerm ) ) // InternalL.g:1092:1: (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleGroundTerm ) { // InternalL.g:1092:1: (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleGroundTerm ) // InternalL.g:1093:3: lv_cdr_2_0= ruleGroundTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundTermsAccess().getCdrGroundTermParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_12); lv_cdr_2_0=ruleGroundTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getGroundTermsRule()); } add( current, "cdr", lv_cdr_2_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.GroundTerm"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; default : break loop16; } } while (true); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleGroundTerms" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleGroundTerm" // InternalL.g:1117:1: entryRuleGroundTerm returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleGroundTerm= ruleGroundTerm EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleGroundTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleGroundTerm = null; try { // InternalL.g:1118:2: (iv_ruleGroundTerm= ruleGroundTerm EOF ) // InternalL.g:1119:2: iv_ruleGroundTerm= ruleGroundTerm EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundTermRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleGroundTerm=ruleGroundTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleGroundTerm; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleGroundTerm" // $ANTLR start "ruleGroundTerm" // InternalL.g:1126:1: ruleGroundTerm returns [EObject current=null] : (this_GroundArithmeticTerm_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm | this_GroundFunctionalTerm_1= ruleGroundFunctionalTerm ) ; public final EObject ruleGroundTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject this_GroundArithmeticTerm_0 = null; EObject this_GroundFunctionalTerm_1 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1129:28: ( (this_GroundArithmeticTerm_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm | this_GroundFunctionalTerm_1= ruleGroundFunctionalTerm ) ) // InternalL.g:1130:1: (this_GroundArithmeticTerm_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm | this_GroundFunctionalTerm_1= ruleGroundFunctionalTerm ) { // InternalL.g:1130:1: (this_GroundArithmeticTerm_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm | this_GroundFunctionalTerm_1= ruleGroundFunctionalTerm ) int alt17=2; int LA17_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA17_0==RULE_LID) ) { int LA17_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (LA17_1==EOF||(LA17_1>=14 && LA17_1<=18)||(LA17_1>=20 && LA17_1<=21)||LA17_1==29) ) { alt17=1; } else if ( (LA17_1==19) ) { alt17=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 17, 1, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA17_0==RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT||LA17_0==19) ) { alt17=1; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 17, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt17) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:1131:2: this_GroundArithmeticTerm_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundTermAccess().getGroundArithmeticTermParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_GroundArithmeticTerm_0=ruleGroundArithmeticTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_GroundArithmeticTerm_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:1144:2: this_GroundFunctionalTerm_1= ruleGroundFunctionalTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getGroundTermAccess().getGroundFunctionalTermParserRuleCall_1()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_GroundFunctionalTerm_1=ruleGroundFunctionalTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_GroundFunctionalTerm_1; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleGroundTerm" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleQuantifiedTerm" // InternalL.g:1163:1: entryRuleQuantifiedTerm returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleQuantifiedTerm= ruleQuantifiedTerm EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleQuantifiedTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleQuantifiedTerm = null; try { // InternalL.g:1164:2: (iv_ruleQuantifiedTerm= ruleQuantifiedTerm EOF ) // InternalL.g:1165:2: iv_ruleQuantifiedTerm= ruleQuantifiedTerm EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getQuantifiedTermRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleQuantifiedTerm=ruleQuantifiedTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleQuantifiedTerm; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleQuantifiedTerm" // $ANTLR start "ruleQuantifiedTerm" // InternalL.g:1172:1: ruleQuantifiedTerm returns [EObject current=null] : (this_UniversalQuantifiedTerm_0= ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm | this_ExistentialQuantifiedTerm_1= ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm ) ; public final EObject ruleQuantifiedTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject this_UniversalQuantifiedTerm_0 = null; EObject this_ExistentialQuantifiedTerm_1 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1175:28: ( (this_UniversalQuantifiedTerm_0= ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm | this_ExistentialQuantifiedTerm_1= ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm ) ) // InternalL.g:1176:1: (this_UniversalQuantifiedTerm_0= ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm | this_ExistentialQuantifiedTerm_1= ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm ) { // InternalL.g:1176:1: (this_UniversalQuantifiedTerm_0= ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm | this_ExistentialQuantifiedTerm_1= ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm ) int alt18=2; int LA18_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA18_0==22) ) { alt18=1; } else if ( (LA18_0==23) ) { alt18=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 18, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt18) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:1177:2: this_UniversalQuantifiedTerm_0= ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getQuantifiedTermAccess().getUniversalQuantifiedTermParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_UniversalQuantifiedTerm_0=ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_UniversalQuantifiedTerm_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:1190:2: this_ExistentialQuantifiedTerm_1= ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getQuantifiedTermAccess().getExistentialQuantifiedTermParserRuleCall_1()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_ExistentialQuantifiedTerm_1=ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_ExistentialQuantifiedTerm_1; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleQuantifiedTerm" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleUniversalQuantifiedTerm" // InternalL.g:1209:1: entryRuleUniversalQuantifiedTerm returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm= ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleUniversalQuantifiedTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm = null; try { // InternalL.g:1210:2: (iv_ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm= ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm EOF ) // InternalL.g:1211:2: iv_ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm= ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getUniversalQuantifiedTermRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm=ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleUniversalQuantifiedTerm" // $ANTLR start "ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm" // InternalL.g:1218:1: ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'every' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) ) ; public final EObject ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_0=null; EObject lv_name_1_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1221:28: ( (otherlv_0= 'every' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) ) ) // InternalL.g:1222:1: (otherlv_0= 'every' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) ) { // InternalL.g:1222:1: (otherlv_0= 'every' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) ) // InternalL.g:1222:3: otherlv_0= 'every' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) { otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,22,FOLLOW_13); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getUniversalQuantifiedTermAccess().getEveryKeyword_0()); } // InternalL.g:1226:1: ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) // InternalL.g:1227:1: (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) { // InternalL.g:1227:1: (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) // InternalL.g:1228:3: lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getUniversalQuantifiedTermAccess().getNameTypeIdParserRuleCall_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); lv_name_1_0=ruleTypeId(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getUniversalQuantifiedTermRule()); } set( current, "name", lv_name_1_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.TypeId"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleUniversalQuantifiedTerm" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleExistentialQuantifiedTerm" // InternalL.g:1252:1: entryRuleExistentialQuantifiedTerm returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm= ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleExistentialQuantifiedTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm = null; try { // InternalL.g:1253:2: (iv_ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm= ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm EOF ) // InternalL.g:1254:2: iv_ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm= ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getExistentialQuantifiedTermRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm=ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleExistentialQuantifiedTerm" // $ANTLR start "ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm" // InternalL.g:1261:1: ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'some' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) ) ; public final EObject ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_0=null; EObject lv_name_1_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1264:28: ( (otherlv_0= 'some' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) ) ) // InternalL.g:1265:1: (otherlv_0= 'some' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) ) { // InternalL.g:1265:1: (otherlv_0= 'some' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) ) // InternalL.g:1265:3: otherlv_0= 'some' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) { otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,23,FOLLOW_13); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getExistentialQuantifiedTermAccess().getSomeKeyword_0()); } // InternalL.g:1269:1: ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) // InternalL.g:1270:1: (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) { // InternalL.g:1270:1: (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) // InternalL.g:1271:3: lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getExistentialQuantifiedTermAccess().getNameTypeIdParserRuleCall_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); lv_name_1_0=ruleTypeId(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getExistentialQuantifiedTermRule()); } set( current, "name", lv_name_1_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.TypeId"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleExistentialQuantifiedTerm" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleTerm" // InternalL.g:1295:1: entryRuleTerm returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTerm= ruleTerm EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleTerm = null; try { // InternalL.g:1296:2: (iv_ruleTerm= ruleTerm EOF ) // InternalL.g:1297:2: iv_ruleTerm= ruleTerm EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTermRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleTerm=ruleTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleTerm; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleTerm" // $ANTLR start "ruleTerm" // InternalL.g:1304:1: ruleTerm returns [EObject current=null] : (this_BasicTerm_0= ruleBasicTerm | this_QuantifiedTerm_1= ruleQuantifiedTerm ) ; public final EObject ruleTerm() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject this_BasicTerm_0 = null; EObject this_QuantifiedTerm_1 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1307:28: ( (this_BasicTerm_0= ruleBasicTerm | this_QuantifiedTerm_1= ruleQuantifiedTerm ) ) // InternalL.g:1308:1: (this_BasicTerm_0= ruleBasicTerm | this_QuantifiedTerm_1= ruleQuantifiedTerm ) { // InternalL.g:1308:1: (this_BasicTerm_0= ruleBasicTerm | this_QuantifiedTerm_1= ruleQuantifiedTerm ) int alt19=2; int LA19_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA19_0>=RULE_UID && LA19_0<=RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT)||LA19_0==19) ) { alt19=1; } else if ( ((LA19_0>=22 && LA19_0<=23)) ) { alt19=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 19, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt19) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:1309:2: this_BasicTerm_0= ruleBasicTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTermAccess().getBasicTermParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_BasicTerm_0=ruleBasicTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_BasicTerm_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:1322:2: this_QuantifiedTerm_1= ruleQuantifiedTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTermAccess().getQuantifiedTermParserRuleCall_1()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_QuantifiedTerm_1=ruleQuantifiedTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_QuantifiedTerm_1; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleTerm" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleTerms" // InternalL.g:1341:1: entryRuleTerms returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTerms= ruleTerms EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleTerms() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleTerms = null; try { // InternalL.g:1342:2: (iv_ruleTerms= ruleTerms EOF ) // InternalL.g:1343:2: iv_ruleTerms= ruleTerms EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTermsRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleTerms=ruleTerms(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleTerms; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleTerms" // $ANTLR start "ruleTerms" // InternalL.g:1350:1: ruleTerms returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleTerm ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTerm ) ) )* ) ; public final EObject ruleTerms() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_1=null; EObject lv_car_0_0 = null; EObject lv_cdr_2_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1353:28: ( ( ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleTerm ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTerm ) ) )* ) ) // InternalL.g:1354:1: ( ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleTerm ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTerm ) ) )* ) { // InternalL.g:1354:1: ( ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleTerm ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTerm ) ) )* ) // InternalL.g:1354:2: ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleTerm ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTerm ) ) )* { // InternalL.g:1354:2: ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleTerm ) ) // InternalL.g:1355:1: (lv_car_0_0= ruleTerm ) { // InternalL.g:1355:1: (lv_car_0_0= ruleTerm ) // InternalL.g:1356:3: lv_car_0_0= ruleTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTermsAccess().getCarTermParserRuleCall_0_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_12); lv_car_0_0=ruleTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getTermsRule()); } set( current, "car", lv_car_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Term"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } // InternalL.g:1372:2: (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTerm ) ) )* loop20: do { int alt20=2; int LA20_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA20_0==21) ) { alt20=1; } switch (alt20) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:1372:4: otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTerm ) ) { otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,21,FOLLOW_11); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getTermsAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_0()); } // InternalL.g:1376:1: ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTerm ) ) // InternalL.g:1377:1: (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTerm ) { // InternalL.g:1377:1: (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTerm ) // InternalL.g:1378:3: lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTermsAccess().getCdrTermParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_12); lv_cdr_2_0=ruleTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getTermsRule()); } add( current, "cdr", lv_cdr_2_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Term"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; default : break loop20; } } while (true); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleTerms" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleConstantDeclaration" // InternalL.g:1402:1: entryRuleConstantDeclaration returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleConstantDeclaration= ruleConstantDeclaration EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleConstantDeclaration() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleConstantDeclaration = null; try { // InternalL.g:1403:2: (iv_ruleConstantDeclaration= ruleConstantDeclaration EOF ) // InternalL.g:1404:2: iv_ruleConstantDeclaration= ruleConstantDeclaration EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConstantDeclarationRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleConstantDeclaration=ruleConstantDeclaration(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleConstantDeclaration; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleConstantDeclaration" // $ANTLR start "ruleConstantDeclaration" // InternalL.g:1411:1: ruleConstantDeclaration returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'const' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_LID ) ) otherlv_2= '=' ( (lv_cv_3_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm ) ) otherlv_4= '.' ) ; public final EObject ruleConstantDeclaration() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_0=null; Token lv_name_1_0=null; Token otherlv_2=null; Token otherlv_4=null; EObject lv_cv_3_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1414:28: ( (otherlv_0= 'const' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_LID ) ) otherlv_2= '=' ( (lv_cv_3_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm ) ) otherlv_4= '.' ) ) // InternalL.g:1415:1: (otherlv_0= 'const' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_LID ) ) otherlv_2= '=' ( (lv_cv_3_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm ) ) otherlv_4= '.' ) { // InternalL.g:1415:1: (otherlv_0= 'const' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_LID ) ) otherlv_2= '=' ( (lv_cv_3_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm ) ) otherlv_4= '.' ) // InternalL.g:1415:3: otherlv_0= 'const' ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_LID ) ) otherlv_2= '=' ( (lv_cv_3_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm ) ) otherlv_4= '.' { otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,24,FOLLOW_13); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getConstantDeclarationAccess().getConstKeyword_0()); } // InternalL.g:1419:1: ( (lv_name_1_0= RULE_LID ) ) // InternalL.g:1420:1: (lv_name_1_0= RULE_LID ) { // InternalL.g:1420:1: (lv_name_1_0= RULE_LID ) // InternalL.g:1421:3: lv_name_1_0= RULE_LID { lv_name_1_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_LID,FOLLOW_14); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(lv_name_1_0, grammarAccess.getConstantDeclarationAccess().getNameLIDTerminalRuleCall_1_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getConstantDeclarationRule()); } setWithLastConsumed( current, "name", lv_name_1_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.LID"); } } } otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,25,FOLLOW_9); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getConstantDeclarationAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_2()); } // InternalL.g:1441:1: ( (lv_cv_3_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm ) ) // InternalL.g:1442:1: (lv_cv_3_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm ) { // InternalL.g:1442:1: (lv_cv_3_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm ) // InternalL.g:1443:3: lv_cv_3_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getConstantDeclarationAccess().getCvGroundArithmeticTermParserRuleCall_3_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_15); lv_cv_3_0=ruleGroundArithmeticTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getConstantDeclarationRule()); } set( current, "cv", lv_cv_3_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.GroundArithmeticTerm"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,26,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getConstantDeclarationAccess().getFullStopKeyword_4()); } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleConstantDeclaration" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleTypeId" // InternalL.g:1471:1: entryRuleTypeId returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTypeId= ruleTypeId EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleTypeId() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleTypeId = null; try { // InternalL.g:1472:2: (iv_ruleTypeId= ruleTypeId EOF ) // InternalL.g:1473:2: iv_ruleTypeId= ruleTypeId EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTypeIdRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleTypeId=ruleTypeId(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleTypeId; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleTypeId" // $ANTLR start "ruleTypeId" // InternalL.g:1480:1: ruleTypeId returns [EObject current=null] : ( (lv_name_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) ; public final EObject ruleTypeId() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token lv_name_0_0=null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1483:28: ( ( (lv_name_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) ) // InternalL.g:1484:1: ( (lv_name_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) { // InternalL.g:1484:1: ( (lv_name_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) // InternalL.g:1485:1: (lv_name_0_0= RULE_LID ) { // InternalL.g:1485:1: (lv_name_0_0= RULE_LID ) // InternalL.g:1486:3: lv_name_0_0= RULE_LID { lv_name_0_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_LID,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(lv_name_0_0, grammarAccess.getTypeIdAccess().getNameLIDTerminalRuleCall_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getTypeIdRule()); } setWithLastConsumed( current, "name", lv_name_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.LID"); } } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleTypeId" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleTypeDeclaration" // InternalL.g:1510:1: entryRuleTypeDeclaration returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTypeDeclaration= ruleTypeDeclaration EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleTypeDeclaration() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleTypeDeclaration = null; try { // InternalL.g:1511:2: (iv_ruleTypeDeclaration= ruleTypeDeclaration EOF ) // InternalL.g:1512:2: iv_ruleTypeDeclaration= ruleTypeDeclaration EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTypeDeclarationRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleTypeDeclaration=ruleTypeDeclaration(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleTypeDeclaration; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleTypeDeclaration" // $ANTLR start "ruleTypeDeclaration" // InternalL.g:1519:1: ruleTypeDeclaration returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'type' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) otherlv_2= '=' ( (lv_exp_3_0= ruleSetExpression ) ) otherlv_4= '.' ) ; public final EObject ruleTypeDeclaration() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_0=null; Token otherlv_2=null; Token otherlv_4=null; EObject lv_name_1_0 = null; EObject lv_exp_3_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1522:28: ( (otherlv_0= 'type' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) otherlv_2= '=' ( (lv_exp_3_0= ruleSetExpression ) ) otherlv_4= '.' ) ) // InternalL.g:1523:1: (otherlv_0= 'type' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) otherlv_2= '=' ( (lv_exp_3_0= ruleSetExpression ) ) otherlv_4= '.' ) { // InternalL.g:1523:1: (otherlv_0= 'type' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) otherlv_2= '=' ( (lv_exp_3_0= ruleSetExpression ) ) otherlv_4= '.' ) // InternalL.g:1523:3: otherlv_0= 'type' ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) otherlv_2= '=' ( (lv_exp_3_0= ruleSetExpression ) ) otherlv_4= '.' { otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,27,FOLLOW_13); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getTypeDeclarationAccess().getTypeKeyword_0()); } // InternalL.g:1527:1: ( (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) ) // InternalL.g:1528:1: (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) { // InternalL.g:1528:1: (lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId ) // InternalL.g:1529:3: lv_name_1_0= ruleTypeId { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTypeDeclarationAccess().getNameTypeIdParserRuleCall_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_14); lv_name_1_0=ruleTypeId(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getTypeDeclarationRule()); } set( current, "name", lv_name_1_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.TypeId"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,25,FOLLOW_16); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getTypeDeclarationAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_2()); } // InternalL.g:1549:1: ( (lv_exp_3_0= ruleSetExpression ) ) // InternalL.g:1550:1: (lv_exp_3_0= ruleSetExpression ) { // InternalL.g:1550:1: (lv_exp_3_0= ruleSetExpression ) // InternalL.g:1551:3: lv_exp_3_0= ruleSetExpression { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTypeDeclarationAccess().getExpSetExpressionParserRuleCall_3_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_15); lv_exp_3_0=ruleSetExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getTypeDeclarationRule()); } set( current, "exp", lv_exp_3_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.SetExpression"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } otherlv_4=(Token)match(input,26,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_4, grammarAccess.getTypeDeclarationAccess().getFullStopKeyword_4()); } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleTypeDeclaration" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleLimit" // InternalL.g:1579:1: entryRuleLimit returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleLimit= ruleLimit EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleLimit() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleLimit = null; try { // InternalL.g:1580:2: (iv_ruleLimit= ruleLimit EOF ) // InternalL.g:1581:2: iv_ruleLimit= ruleLimit EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getLimitRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleLimit=ruleLimit(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleLimit; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleLimit" // $ANTLR start "ruleLimit" // InternalL.g:1588:1: ruleLimit returns [EObject current=null] : ( (lv_cv_0_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm ) ) ; public final EObject ruleLimit() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject lv_cv_0_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1591:28: ( ( (lv_cv_0_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm ) ) ) // InternalL.g:1592:1: ( (lv_cv_0_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm ) ) { // InternalL.g:1592:1: ( (lv_cv_0_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm ) ) // InternalL.g:1593:1: (lv_cv_0_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm ) { // InternalL.g:1593:1: (lv_cv_0_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm ) // InternalL.g:1594:3: lv_cv_0_0= ruleGroundArithmeticTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getLimitAccess().getCvGroundArithmeticTermParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); lv_cv_0_0=ruleGroundArithmeticTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getLimitRule()); } set( current, "cv", lv_cv_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.GroundArithmeticTerm"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleLimit" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleSet" // InternalL.g:1618:1: entryRuleSet returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSet= ruleSet EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleSet() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleSet = null; try { // InternalL.g:1619:2: (iv_ruleSet= ruleSet EOF ) // InternalL.g:1620:2: iv_ruleSet= ruleSet EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleSet=ruleSet(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleSet; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleSet" // $ANTLR start "ruleSet" // InternalL.g:1627:1: ruleSet returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_lhs_0_0= '{' ) ) ( (lv_terms_1_0= ruleGroundTerms ) ) otherlv_2= '}' ) ; public final EObject ruleSet() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token lv_lhs_0_0=null; Token otherlv_2=null; EObject lv_terms_1_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1630:28: ( ( ( (lv_lhs_0_0= '{' ) ) ( (lv_terms_1_0= ruleGroundTerms ) ) otherlv_2= '}' ) ) // InternalL.g:1631:1: ( ( (lv_lhs_0_0= '{' ) ) ( (lv_terms_1_0= ruleGroundTerms ) ) otherlv_2= '}' ) { // InternalL.g:1631:1: ( ( (lv_lhs_0_0= '{' ) ) ( (lv_terms_1_0= ruleGroundTerms ) ) otherlv_2= '}' ) // InternalL.g:1631:2: ( (lv_lhs_0_0= '{' ) ) ( (lv_terms_1_0= ruleGroundTerms ) ) otherlv_2= '}' { // InternalL.g:1631:2: ( (lv_lhs_0_0= '{' ) ) // InternalL.g:1632:1: (lv_lhs_0_0= '{' ) { // InternalL.g:1632:1: (lv_lhs_0_0= '{' ) // InternalL.g:1633:3: lv_lhs_0_0= '{' { lv_lhs_0_0=(Token)match(input,28,FOLLOW_9); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(lv_lhs_0_0, grammarAccess.getSetAccess().getLhsLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getSetRule()); } setWithLastConsumed(current, "lhs", lv_lhs_0_0, "{"); } } } // InternalL.g:1646:2: ( (lv_terms_1_0= ruleGroundTerms ) ) // InternalL.g:1647:1: (lv_terms_1_0= ruleGroundTerms ) { // InternalL.g:1647:1: (lv_terms_1_0= ruleGroundTerms ) // InternalL.g:1648:3: lv_terms_1_0= ruleGroundTerms { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetAccess().getTermsGroundTermsParserRuleCall_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_17); lv_terms_1_0=ruleGroundTerms(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getSetRule()); } set( current, "terms", lv_terms_1_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.GroundTerms"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,29,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getSetAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_2()); } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleSet" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleRange" // InternalL.g:1676:1: entryRuleRange returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRange= ruleRange EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleRange() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleRange = null; try { // InternalL.g:1677:2: (iv_ruleRange= ruleRange EOF ) // InternalL.g:1678:2: iv_ruleRange= ruleRange EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRangeRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleRange=ruleRange(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleRange; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleRange" // $ANTLR start "ruleRange" // InternalL.g:1685:1: ruleRange returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= '{' ( (lv_lhs_1_0= ruleLimit ) ) otherlv_2= '.' otherlv_3= '.' ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleLimit ) ) otherlv_5= '}' ) ; public final EObject ruleRange() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_0=null; Token otherlv_2=null; Token otherlv_3=null; Token otherlv_5=null; EObject lv_lhs_1_0 = null; EObject lv_rhs_4_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1688:28: ( (otherlv_0= '{' ( (lv_lhs_1_0= ruleLimit ) ) otherlv_2= '.' otherlv_3= '.' ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleLimit ) ) otherlv_5= '}' ) ) // InternalL.g:1689:1: (otherlv_0= '{' ( (lv_lhs_1_0= ruleLimit ) ) otherlv_2= '.' otherlv_3= '.' ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleLimit ) ) otherlv_5= '}' ) { // InternalL.g:1689:1: (otherlv_0= '{' ( (lv_lhs_1_0= ruleLimit ) ) otherlv_2= '.' otherlv_3= '.' ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleLimit ) ) otherlv_5= '}' ) // InternalL.g:1689:3: otherlv_0= '{' ( (lv_lhs_1_0= ruleLimit ) ) otherlv_2= '.' otherlv_3= '.' ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleLimit ) ) otherlv_5= '}' { otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,28,FOLLOW_9); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getRangeAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_0()); } // InternalL.g:1693:1: ( (lv_lhs_1_0= ruleLimit ) ) // InternalL.g:1694:1: (lv_lhs_1_0= ruleLimit ) { // InternalL.g:1694:1: (lv_lhs_1_0= ruleLimit ) // InternalL.g:1695:3: lv_lhs_1_0= ruleLimit { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRangeAccess().getLhsLimitParserRuleCall_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_15); lv_lhs_1_0=ruleLimit(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getRangeRule()); } set( current, "lhs", lv_lhs_1_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Limit"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,26,FOLLOW_15); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getRangeAccess().getFullStopKeyword_2()); } otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,26,FOLLOW_9); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getRangeAccess().getFullStopKeyword_3()); } // InternalL.g:1719:1: ( (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleLimit ) ) // InternalL.g:1720:1: (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleLimit ) { // InternalL.g:1720:1: (lv_rhs_4_0= ruleLimit ) // InternalL.g:1721:3: lv_rhs_4_0= ruleLimit { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRangeAccess().getRhsLimitParserRuleCall_4_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_17); lv_rhs_4_0=ruleLimit(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getRangeRule()); } set( current, "rhs", lv_rhs_4_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Limit"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,29,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getRangeAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_5()); } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleRange" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleSetExpression" // InternalL.g:1749:1: entryRuleSetExpression returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSetExpression= ruleSetExpression EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleSetExpression() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleSetExpression = null; try { // InternalL.g:1750:2: (iv_ruleSetExpression= ruleSetExpression EOF ) // InternalL.g:1751:2: iv_ruleSetExpression= ruleSetExpression EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetExpressionRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleSetExpression=ruleSetExpression(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleSetExpression; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleSetExpression" // $ANTLR start "ruleSetExpression" // InternalL.g:1758:1: ruleSetExpression returns [EObject current=null] : this_SetAddition_0= ruleSetAddition ; public final EObject ruleSetExpression() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject this_SetAddition_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1761:28: (this_SetAddition_0= ruleSetAddition ) // InternalL.g:1763:2: this_SetAddition_0= ruleSetAddition { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetExpressionAccess().getSetAdditionParserRuleCall()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_SetAddition_0=ruleSetAddition(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_SetAddition_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleSetExpression" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleSetConstruct" // InternalL.g:1782:1: entryRuleSetConstruct returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSetConstruct= ruleSetConstruct EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleSetConstruct() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleSetConstruct = null; try { // InternalL.g:1783:2: (iv_ruleSetConstruct= ruleSetConstruct EOF ) // InternalL.g:1784:2: iv_ruleSetConstruct= ruleSetConstruct EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetConstructRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleSetConstruct=ruleSetConstruct(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleSetConstruct; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleSetConstruct" // $ANTLR start "ruleSetConstruct" // InternalL.g:1791:1: ruleSetConstruct returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) otherlv_1= 'where' ( (lv_rhs_2_0= ruleTVars ) ) ) ; public final EObject ruleSetConstruct() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_1=null; EObject lv_lhs_0_0 = null; EObject lv_rhs_2_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1794:28: ( ( ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) otherlv_1= 'where' ( (lv_rhs_2_0= ruleTVars ) ) ) ) // InternalL.g:1795:1: ( ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) otherlv_1= 'where' ( (lv_rhs_2_0= ruleTVars ) ) ) { // InternalL.g:1795:1: ( ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) otherlv_1= 'where' ( (lv_rhs_2_0= ruleTVars ) ) ) // InternalL.g:1795:2: ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) otherlv_1= 'where' ( (lv_rhs_2_0= ruleTVars ) ) { // InternalL.g:1795:2: ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) // InternalL.g:1796:1: (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) { // InternalL.g:1796:1: (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) // InternalL.g:1797:3: lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetConstructAccess().getLhsBasicTermParserRuleCall_0_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_18); lv_lhs_0_0=ruleBasicTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getSetConstructRule()); } set( current, "lhs", lv_lhs_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.BasicTerm"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,30,FOLLOW_4); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getSetConstructAccess().getWhereKeyword_1()); } // InternalL.g:1817:1: ( (lv_rhs_2_0= ruleTVars ) ) // InternalL.g:1818:1: (lv_rhs_2_0= ruleTVars ) { // InternalL.g:1818:1: (lv_rhs_2_0= ruleTVars ) // InternalL.g:1819:3: lv_rhs_2_0= ruleTVars { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetConstructAccess().getRhsTVarsParserRuleCall_2_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); lv_rhs_2_0=ruleTVars(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getSetConstructRule()); } set( current, "rhs", lv_rhs_2_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.TVars"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleSetConstruct" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleTVars" // InternalL.g:1843:1: entryRuleTVars returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTVars= ruleTVars EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleTVars() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleTVars = null; try { // InternalL.g:1844:2: (iv_ruleTVars= ruleTVars EOF ) // InternalL.g:1845:2: iv_ruleTVars= ruleTVars EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTVarsRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleTVars=ruleTVars(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleTVars; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleTVars" // $ANTLR start "ruleTVars" // InternalL.g:1852:1: ruleTVars returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleTVar ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTVar ) ) )* ) ; public final EObject ruleTVars() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_1=null; EObject lv_car_0_0 = null; EObject lv_cdr_2_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1855:28: ( ( ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleTVar ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTVar ) ) )* ) ) // InternalL.g:1856:1: ( ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleTVar ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTVar ) ) )* ) { // InternalL.g:1856:1: ( ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleTVar ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTVar ) ) )* ) // InternalL.g:1856:2: ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleTVar ) ) (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTVar ) ) )* { // InternalL.g:1856:2: ( (lv_car_0_0= ruleTVar ) ) // InternalL.g:1857:1: (lv_car_0_0= ruleTVar ) { // InternalL.g:1857:1: (lv_car_0_0= ruleTVar ) // InternalL.g:1858:3: lv_car_0_0= ruleTVar { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTVarsAccess().getCarTVarParserRuleCall_0_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_12); lv_car_0_0=ruleTVar(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getTVarsRule()); } set( current, "car", lv_car_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.TVar"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } // InternalL.g:1874:2: (otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTVar ) ) )* loop21: do { int alt21=2; int LA21_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA21_0==21) ) { alt21=1; } switch (alt21) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:1874:4: otherlv_1= ',' ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTVar ) ) { otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,21,FOLLOW_4); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getTVarsAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_0()); } // InternalL.g:1878:1: ( (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTVar ) ) // InternalL.g:1879:1: (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTVar ) { // InternalL.g:1879:1: (lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTVar ) // InternalL.g:1880:3: lv_cdr_2_0= ruleTVar { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTVarsAccess().getCdrTVarParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_12); lv_cdr_2_0=ruleTVar(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getTVarsRule()); } add( current, "cdr", lv_cdr_2_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.TVar"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; default : break loop21; } } while (true); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleTVars" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleTVar" // InternalL.g:1904:1: entryRuleTVar returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleTVar= ruleTVar EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleTVar() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleTVar = null; try { // InternalL.g:1905:2: (iv_ruleTVar= ruleTVar EOF ) // InternalL.g:1906:2: iv_ruleTVar= ruleTVar EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTVarRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleTVar=ruleTVar(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleTVar; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleTVar" // $ANTLR start "ruleTVar" // InternalL.g:1913:1: ruleTVar returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_var_0_0= ruleVariable ) ) otherlv_1= 'in' ( (lv_id_2_0= ruleTypeId ) ) ) ; public final EObject ruleTVar() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_1=null; EObject lv_var_0_0 = null; EObject lv_id_2_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1916:28: ( ( ( (lv_var_0_0= ruleVariable ) ) otherlv_1= 'in' ( (lv_id_2_0= ruleTypeId ) ) ) ) // InternalL.g:1917:1: ( ( (lv_var_0_0= ruleVariable ) ) otherlv_1= 'in' ( (lv_id_2_0= ruleTypeId ) ) ) { // InternalL.g:1917:1: ( ( (lv_var_0_0= ruleVariable ) ) otherlv_1= 'in' ( (lv_id_2_0= ruleTypeId ) ) ) // InternalL.g:1917:2: ( (lv_var_0_0= ruleVariable ) ) otherlv_1= 'in' ( (lv_id_2_0= ruleTypeId ) ) { // InternalL.g:1917:2: ( (lv_var_0_0= ruleVariable ) ) // InternalL.g:1918:1: (lv_var_0_0= ruleVariable ) { // InternalL.g:1918:1: (lv_var_0_0= ruleVariable ) // InternalL.g:1919:3: lv_var_0_0= ruleVariable { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTVarAccess().getVarVariableParserRuleCall_0_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_19); lv_var_0_0=ruleVariable(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getTVarRule()); } set( current, "var", lv_var_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Variable"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,31,FOLLOW_13); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getTVarAccess().getInKeyword_1()); } // InternalL.g:1939:1: ( (lv_id_2_0= ruleTypeId ) ) // InternalL.g:1940:1: (lv_id_2_0= ruleTypeId ) { // InternalL.g:1940:1: (lv_id_2_0= ruleTypeId ) // InternalL.g:1941:3: lv_id_2_0= ruleTypeId { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getTVarAccess().getIdTypeIdParserRuleCall_2_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); lv_id_2_0=ruleTypeId(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getTVarRule()); } set( current, "id", lv_id_2_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.TypeId"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleTVar" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleSetAddition" // InternalL.g:1965:1: entryRuleSetAddition returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSetAddition= ruleSetAddition EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleSetAddition() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleSetAddition = null; try { // InternalL.g:1966:2: (iv_ruleSetAddition= ruleSetAddition EOF ) // InternalL.g:1967:2: iv_ruleSetAddition= ruleSetAddition EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetAdditionRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleSetAddition=ruleSetAddition(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleSetAddition; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleSetAddition" // $ANTLR start "ruleSetAddition" // InternalL.g:1974:1: ruleSetAddition returns [EObject current=null] : (this_SetMultiplication_0= ruleSetMultiplication ( () otherlv_2= '+' ( (lv_right_3_0= ruleSetMultiplication ) ) )* ) ; public final EObject ruleSetAddition() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_2=null; EObject this_SetMultiplication_0 = null; EObject lv_right_3_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:1977:28: ( (this_SetMultiplication_0= ruleSetMultiplication ( () otherlv_2= '+' ( (lv_right_3_0= ruleSetMultiplication ) ) )* ) ) // InternalL.g:1978:1: (this_SetMultiplication_0= ruleSetMultiplication ( () otherlv_2= '+' ( (lv_right_3_0= ruleSetMultiplication ) ) )* ) { // InternalL.g:1978:1: (this_SetMultiplication_0= ruleSetMultiplication ( () otherlv_2= '+' ( (lv_right_3_0= ruleSetMultiplication ) ) )* ) // InternalL.g:1979:2: this_SetMultiplication_0= ruleSetMultiplication ( () otherlv_2= '+' ( (lv_right_3_0= ruleSetMultiplication ) ) )* { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetAdditionAccess().getSetMultiplicationParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_20); this_SetMultiplication_0=ruleSetMultiplication(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_SetMultiplication_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } // InternalL.g:1990:1: ( () otherlv_2= '+' ( (lv_right_3_0= ruleSetMultiplication ) ) )* loop22: do { int alt22=2; int LA22_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA22_0==14) ) { alt22=1; } switch (alt22) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:1990:2: () otherlv_2= '+' ( (lv_right_3_0= ruleSetMultiplication ) ) { // InternalL.g:1990:2: () // InternalL.g:1991:2: { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = forceCreateModelElementAndSet( grammarAccess.getSetAdditionAccess().getSetAdditionLeftAction_1_0(), current); } } otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,14,FOLLOW_16); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getSetAdditionAccess().getPlusSignKeyword_1_1()); } // InternalL.g:2003:1: ( (lv_right_3_0= ruleSetMultiplication ) ) // InternalL.g:2004:1: (lv_right_3_0= ruleSetMultiplication ) { // InternalL.g:2004:1: (lv_right_3_0= ruleSetMultiplication ) // InternalL.g:2005:3: lv_right_3_0= ruleSetMultiplication { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetAdditionAccess().getRightSetMultiplicationParserRuleCall_1_2_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_20); lv_right_3_0=ruleSetMultiplication(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getSetAdditionRule()); } set( current, "right", lv_right_3_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.SetMultiplication"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; default : break loop22; } } while (true); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleSetAddition" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleSetMultiplication" // InternalL.g:2029:1: entryRuleSetMultiplication returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSetMultiplication= ruleSetMultiplication EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleSetMultiplication() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleSetMultiplication = null; try { // InternalL.g:2030:2: (iv_ruleSetMultiplication= ruleSetMultiplication EOF ) // InternalL.g:2031:2: iv_ruleSetMultiplication= ruleSetMultiplication EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetMultiplicationRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleSetMultiplication=ruleSetMultiplication(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleSetMultiplication; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleSetMultiplication" // $ANTLR start "ruleSetMultiplication" // InternalL.g:2038:1: ruleSetMultiplication returns [EObject current=null] : (this_SetPrimary_0= ruleSetPrimary ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '\\\\' ) ( (lv_right_4_0= ruleSetPrimary ) ) )* ) ; public final EObject ruleSetMultiplication() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_2=null; Token otherlv_3=null; EObject this_SetPrimary_0 = null; EObject lv_right_4_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2041:28: ( (this_SetPrimary_0= ruleSetPrimary ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '\\\\' ) ( (lv_right_4_0= ruleSetPrimary ) ) )* ) ) // InternalL.g:2042:1: (this_SetPrimary_0= ruleSetPrimary ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '\\\\' ) ( (lv_right_4_0= ruleSetPrimary ) ) )* ) { // InternalL.g:2042:1: (this_SetPrimary_0= ruleSetPrimary ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '\\\\' ) ( (lv_right_4_0= ruleSetPrimary ) ) )* ) // InternalL.g:2043:2: this_SetPrimary_0= ruleSetPrimary ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '\\\\' ) ( (lv_right_4_0= ruleSetPrimary ) ) )* { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetMultiplicationAccess().getSetPrimaryParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_21); this_SetPrimary_0=ruleSetPrimary(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_SetPrimary_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } // InternalL.g:2054:1: ( () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '\\\\' ) ( (lv_right_4_0= ruleSetPrimary ) ) )* loop24: do { int alt24=2; int LA24_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA24_0==16||LA24_0==32) ) { alt24=1; } switch (alt24) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:2054:2: () (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '\\\\' ) ( (lv_right_4_0= ruleSetPrimary ) ) { // InternalL.g:2054:2: () // InternalL.g:2055:2: { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = forceCreateModelElementAndSet( grammarAccess.getSetMultiplicationAccess().getSetMultiplicationLeftAction_1_0(), current); } } // InternalL.g:2063:2: (otherlv_2= '*' | otherlv_3= '\\\\' ) int alt23=2; int LA23_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA23_0==16) ) { alt23=1; } else if ( (LA23_0==32) ) { alt23=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 23, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt23) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:2063:4: otherlv_2= '*' { otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,16,FOLLOW_16); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getSetMultiplicationAccess().getAsteriskKeyword_1_1_0()); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:2068:7: otherlv_3= '\\\\' { otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,32,FOLLOW_16); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getSetMultiplicationAccess().getReverseSolidusKeyword_1_1_1()); } } break; } // InternalL.g:2072:2: ( (lv_right_4_0= ruleSetPrimary ) ) // InternalL.g:2073:1: (lv_right_4_0= ruleSetPrimary ) { // InternalL.g:2073:1: (lv_right_4_0= ruleSetPrimary ) // InternalL.g:2074:3: lv_right_4_0= ruleSetPrimary { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetMultiplicationAccess().getRightSetPrimaryParserRuleCall_1_2_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_21); lv_right_4_0=ruleSetPrimary(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getSetMultiplicationRule()); } set( current, "right", lv_right_4_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.SetPrimary"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; default : break loop24; } } while (true); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleSetMultiplication" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleSetPrimary" // InternalL.g:2098:1: entryRuleSetPrimary returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSetPrimary= ruleSetPrimary EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleSetPrimary() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleSetPrimary = null; try { // InternalL.g:2099:2: (iv_ruleSetPrimary= ruleSetPrimary EOF ) // InternalL.g:2100:2: iv_ruleSetPrimary= ruleSetPrimary EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetPrimaryRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleSetPrimary=ruleSetPrimary(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleSetPrimary; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleSetPrimary" // $ANTLR start "ruleSetPrimary" // InternalL.g:2107:1: ruleSetPrimary returns [EObject current=null] : (this_SetLiteral_0= ruleSetLiteral | (otherlv_1= '(' this_SetAddition_2= ruleSetAddition otherlv_3= ')' ) ) ; public final EObject ruleSetPrimary() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_1=null; Token otherlv_3=null; EObject this_SetLiteral_0 = null; EObject this_SetAddition_2 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2110:28: ( (this_SetLiteral_0= ruleSetLiteral | (otherlv_1= '(' this_SetAddition_2= ruleSetAddition otherlv_3= ')' ) ) ) // InternalL.g:2111:1: (this_SetLiteral_0= ruleSetLiteral | (otherlv_1= '(' this_SetAddition_2= ruleSetAddition otherlv_3= ')' ) ) { // InternalL.g:2111:1: (this_SetLiteral_0= ruleSetLiteral | (otherlv_1= '(' this_SetAddition_2= ruleSetAddition otherlv_3= ')' ) ) int alt25=2; int LA25_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA25_0>=RULE_UID && LA25_0<=RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT)||LA25_0==28) ) { alt25=1; } else if ( (LA25_0==19) ) { int LA25_5 = input.LA(2); if ( (synpred30_InternalL()) ) { alt25=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt25=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 25, 5, input); throw nvae; } } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 25, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt25) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:2112:2: this_SetLiteral_0= ruleSetLiteral { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetPrimaryAccess().getSetLiteralParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_SetLiteral_0=ruleSetLiteral(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_SetLiteral_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:2124:6: (otherlv_1= '(' this_SetAddition_2= ruleSetAddition otherlv_3= ')' ) { // InternalL.g:2124:6: (otherlv_1= '(' this_SetAddition_2= ruleSetAddition otherlv_3= ')' ) // InternalL.g:2124:8: otherlv_1= '(' this_SetAddition_2= ruleSetAddition otherlv_3= ')' { otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_16); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getSetPrimaryAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetPrimaryAccess().getSetAdditionParserRuleCall_1_1()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_8); this_SetAddition_2=ruleSetAddition(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_SetAddition_2; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,20,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getSetPrimaryAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_2()); } } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleSetPrimary" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleSetLiteral" // InternalL.g:2152:1: entryRuleSetLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSetLiteral= ruleSetLiteral EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleSetLiteral() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleSetLiteral = null; try { // InternalL.g:2153:2: (iv_ruleSetLiteral= ruleSetLiteral EOF ) // InternalL.g:2154:2: iv_ruleSetLiteral= ruleSetLiteral EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetLiteralRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleSetLiteral=ruleSetLiteral(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleSetLiteral; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleSetLiteral" // $ANTLR start "ruleSetLiteral" // InternalL.g:2161:1: ruleSetLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : (this_Set_0= ruleSet | this_Range_1= ruleRange | this_SetConstruct_2= ruleSetConstruct | this_LID_3= RULE_LID ) ; public final EObject ruleSetLiteral() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token this_LID_3=null; EObject this_Set_0 = null; EObject this_Range_1 = null; EObject this_SetConstruct_2 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2164:28: ( (this_Set_0= ruleSet | this_Range_1= ruleRange | this_SetConstruct_2= ruleSetConstruct | this_LID_3= RULE_LID ) ) // InternalL.g:2165:1: (this_Set_0= ruleSet | this_Range_1= ruleRange | this_SetConstruct_2= ruleSetConstruct | this_LID_3= RULE_LID ) { // InternalL.g:2165:1: (this_Set_0= ruleSet | this_Range_1= ruleRange | this_SetConstruct_2= ruleSetConstruct | this_LID_3= RULE_LID ) int alt26=4; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case 28: { int LA26_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (synpred31_InternalL()) ) { alt26=1; } else if ( (synpred32_InternalL()) ) { alt26=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 26, 1, input); throw nvae; } } break; case RULE_LID: { int LA26_2 = input.LA(2); if ( (synpred33_InternalL()) ) { alt26=3; } else if ( (true) ) { alt26=4; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 26, 2, input); throw nvae; } } break; case RULE_UID: case RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT: case 19: { alt26=3; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 26, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt26) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:2166:2: this_Set_0= ruleSet { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetLiteralAccess().getSetParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_Set_0=ruleSet(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_Set_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:2179:2: this_Range_1= ruleRange { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetLiteralAccess().getRangeParserRuleCall_1()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_Range_1=ruleRange(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_Range_1; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 3 : // InternalL.g:2192:2: this_SetConstruct_2= ruleSetConstruct { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSetLiteralAccess().getSetConstructParserRuleCall_2()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_SetConstruct_2=ruleSetConstruct(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_SetConstruct_2; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 4 : // InternalL.g:2204:6: this_LID_3= RULE_LID { this_LID_3=(Token)match(input,RULE_LID,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(this_LID_3, grammarAccess.getSetLiteralAccess().getLIDTerminalRuleCall_3()); } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleSetLiteral" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleAtom" // InternalL.g:2216:1: entryRuleAtom returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleAtom= ruleAtom EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleAtom() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleAtom = null; try { // InternalL.g:2217:2: (iv_ruleAtom= ruleAtom EOF ) // InternalL.g:2218:2: iv_ruleAtom= ruleAtom EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAtomRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleAtom=ruleAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleAtom; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleAtom" // $ANTLR start "ruleAtom" // InternalL.g:2225:1: ruleAtom returns [EObject current=null] : (this_PredicateAtom_0= rulePredicateAtom | this_BuiltInAtom_1= ruleBuiltInAtom ) ; public final EObject ruleAtom() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject this_PredicateAtom_0 = null; EObject this_BuiltInAtom_1 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2228:28: ( (this_PredicateAtom_0= rulePredicateAtom | this_BuiltInAtom_1= ruleBuiltInAtom ) ) // InternalL.g:2229:1: (this_PredicateAtom_0= rulePredicateAtom | this_BuiltInAtom_1= ruleBuiltInAtom ) { // InternalL.g:2229:1: (this_PredicateAtom_0= rulePredicateAtom | this_BuiltInAtom_1= ruleBuiltInAtom ) int alt27=2; int LA27_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA27_0==RULE_LID) ) { int LA27_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (synpred34_InternalL()) ) { alt27=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt27=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 27, 1, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA27_0==RULE_UID||LA27_0==RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT||LA27_0==19) ) { alt27=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 27, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt27) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:2230:2: this_PredicateAtom_0= rulePredicateAtom { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getPredicateAtomParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_PredicateAtom_0=rulePredicateAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_PredicateAtom_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:2243:2: this_BuiltInAtom_1= ruleBuiltInAtom { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAtomAccess().getBuiltInAtomParserRuleCall_1()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_BuiltInAtom_1=ruleBuiltInAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_BuiltInAtom_1; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleAtom" // $ANTLR start "entryRulePredicateAtom" // InternalL.g:2262:1: entryRulePredicateAtom returns [EObject current=null] : iv_rulePredicateAtom= rulePredicateAtom EOF ; public final EObject entryRulePredicateAtom() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_rulePredicateAtom = null; try { // InternalL.g:2263:2: (iv_rulePredicateAtom= rulePredicateAtom EOF ) // InternalL.g:2264:2: iv_rulePredicateAtom= rulePredicateAtom EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPredicateAtomRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_rulePredicateAtom=rulePredicateAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_rulePredicateAtom; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRulePredicateAtom" // $ANTLR start "rulePredicateAtom" // InternalL.g:2271:1: rulePredicateAtom returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_terms_2_0= ruleTerms ) ) otherlv_3= ')' )? ) ; public final EObject rulePredicateAtom() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token lv_fid_0_0=null; Token otherlv_1=null; Token otherlv_3=null; EObject lv_terms_2_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2274:28: ( ( ( (lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_terms_2_0= ruleTerms ) ) otherlv_3= ')' )? ) ) // InternalL.g:2275:1: ( ( (lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_terms_2_0= ruleTerms ) ) otherlv_3= ')' )? ) { // InternalL.g:2275:1: ( ( (lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_terms_2_0= ruleTerms ) ) otherlv_3= ')' )? ) // InternalL.g:2275:2: ( (lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_terms_2_0= ruleTerms ) ) otherlv_3= ')' )? { // InternalL.g:2275:2: ( (lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) // InternalL.g:2276:1: (lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID ) { // InternalL.g:2276:1: (lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID ) // InternalL.g:2277:3: lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID { lv_fid_0_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_LID,FOLLOW_22); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(lv_fid_0_0, grammarAccess.getPredicateAtomAccess().getFidLIDTerminalRuleCall_0_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getPredicateAtomRule()); } setWithLastConsumed( current, "fid", lv_fid_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.LID"); } } } // InternalL.g:2293:2: (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_terms_2_0= ruleTerms ) ) otherlv_3= ')' )? int alt28=2; int LA28_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA28_0==19) ) { alt28=1; } switch (alt28) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:2293:4: otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_terms_2_0= ruleTerms ) ) otherlv_3= ')' { otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_11); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getPredicateAtomAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0()); } // InternalL.g:2297:1: ( (lv_terms_2_0= ruleTerms ) ) // InternalL.g:2298:1: (lv_terms_2_0= ruleTerms ) { // InternalL.g:2298:1: (lv_terms_2_0= ruleTerms ) // InternalL.g:2299:3: lv_terms_2_0= ruleTerms { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPredicateAtomAccess().getTermsTermsParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_8); lv_terms_2_0=ruleTerms(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPredicateAtomRule()); } set( current, "terms", lv_terms_2_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Terms"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,20,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getPredicateAtomAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_2()); } } break; } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "rulePredicateAtom" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleBasicPredicateAtom" // InternalL.g:2327:1: entryRuleBasicPredicateAtom returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleBasicPredicateAtom= ruleBasicPredicateAtom EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleBasicPredicateAtom() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleBasicPredicateAtom = null; try { // InternalL.g:2328:2: (iv_ruleBasicPredicateAtom= ruleBasicPredicateAtom EOF ) // InternalL.g:2329:2: iv_ruleBasicPredicateAtom= ruleBasicPredicateAtom EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBasicPredicateAtomRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleBasicPredicateAtom=ruleBasicPredicateAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleBasicPredicateAtom; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleBasicPredicateAtom" // $ANTLR start "ruleBasicPredicateAtom" // InternalL.g:2336:1: ruleBasicPredicateAtom returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_terms_2_0= ruleBasicTerms ) ) otherlv_3= ')' )? ) ; public final EObject ruleBasicPredicateAtom() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token lv_fid_0_0=null; Token otherlv_1=null; Token otherlv_3=null; EObject lv_terms_2_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2339:28: ( ( ( (lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_terms_2_0= ruleBasicTerms ) ) otherlv_3= ')' )? ) ) // InternalL.g:2340:1: ( ( (lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_terms_2_0= ruleBasicTerms ) ) otherlv_3= ')' )? ) { // InternalL.g:2340:1: ( ( (lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_terms_2_0= ruleBasicTerms ) ) otherlv_3= ')' )? ) // InternalL.g:2340:2: ( (lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_terms_2_0= ruleBasicTerms ) ) otherlv_3= ')' )? { // InternalL.g:2340:2: ( (lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID ) ) // InternalL.g:2341:1: (lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID ) { // InternalL.g:2341:1: (lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID ) // InternalL.g:2342:3: lv_fid_0_0= RULE_LID { lv_fid_0_0=(Token)match(input,RULE_LID,FOLLOW_22); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(lv_fid_0_0, grammarAccess.getBasicPredicateAtomAccess().getFidLIDTerminalRuleCall_0_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getBasicPredicateAtomRule()); } setWithLastConsumed( current, "fid", lv_fid_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.LID"); } } } // InternalL.g:2358:2: (otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_terms_2_0= ruleBasicTerms ) ) otherlv_3= ')' )? int alt29=2; int LA29_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA29_0==19) ) { alt29=1; } switch (alt29) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:2358:4: otherlv_1= '(' ( (lv_terms_2_0= ruleBasicTerms ) ) otherlv_3= ')' { otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getBasicPredicateAtomAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0()); } // InternalL.g:2362:1: ( (lv_terms_2_0= ruleBasicTerms ) ) // InternalL.g:2363:1: (lv_terms_2_0= ruleBasicTerms ) { // InternalL.g:2363:1: (lv_terms_2_0= ruleBasicTerms ) // InternalL.g:2364:3: lv_terms_2_0= ruleBasicTerms { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBasicPredicateAtomAccess().getTermsBasicTermsParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_8); lv_terms_2_0=ruleBasicTerms(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getBasicPredicateAtomRule()); } set( current, "terms", lv_terms_2_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.BasicTerms"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,20,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getBasicPredicateAtomAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_2()); } } break; } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleBasicPredicateAtom" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleBuiltInAtom" // InternalL.g:2392:1: entryRuleBuiltInAtom returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleBuiltInAtom= ruleBuiltInAtom EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleBuiltInAtom() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleBuiltInAtom = null; try { // InternalL.g:2393:2: (iv_ruleBuiltInAtom= ruleBuiltInAtom EOF ) // InternalL.g:2394:2: iv_ruleBuiltInAtom= ruleBuiltInAtom EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBuiltInAtomRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleBuiltInAtom=ruleBuiltInAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleBuiltInAtom; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleBuiltInAtom" // $ANTLR start "ruleBuiltInAtom" // InternalL.g:2401:1: ruleBuiltInAtom returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) ( (lv_op_1_0= ruleAtomOp ) ) ( (lv_rhs_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) ) ; public final EObject ruleBuiltInAtom() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject lv_lhs_0_0 = null; AntlrDatatypeRuleToken lv_op_1_0 = null; EObject lv_rhs_2_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2404:28: ( ( ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) ( (lv_op_1_0= ruleAtomOp ) ) ( (lv_rhs_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) ) ) // InternalL.g:2405:1: ( ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) ( (lv_op_1_0= ruleAtomOp ) ) ( (lv_rhs_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) ) { // InternalL.g:2405:1: ( ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) ( (lv_op_1_0= ruleAtomOp ) ) ( (lv_rhs_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) ) // InternalL.g:2405:2: ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) ( (lv_op_1_0= ruleAtomOp ) ) ( (lv_rhs_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) { // InternalL.g:2405:2: ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) // InternalL.g:2406:1: (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) { // InternalL.g:2406:1: (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm ) // InternalL.g:2407:3: lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBasicTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBuiltInAtomAccess().getLhsBasicTermParserRuleCall_0_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_23); lv_lhs_0_0=ruleBasicTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getBuiltInAtomRule()); } set( current, "lhs", lv_lhs_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.BasicTerm"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } // InternalL.g:2423:2: ( (lv_op_1_0= ruleAtomOp ) ) // InternalL.g:2424:1: (lv_op_1_0= ruleAtomOp ) { // InternalL.g:2424:1: (lv_op_1_0= ruleAtomOp ) // InternalL.g:2425:3: lv_op_1_0= ruleAtomOp { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBuiltInAtomAccess().getOpAtomOpParserRuleCall_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_6); lv_op_1_0=ruleAtomOp(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getBuiltInAtomRule()); } set( current, "op", lv_op_1_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.AtomOp"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } // InternalL.g:2441:2: ( (lv_rhs_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) ) // InternalL.g:2442:1: (lv_rhs_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) { // InternalL.g:2442:1: (lv_rhs_2_0= ruleBasicTerm ) // InternalL.g:2443:3: lv_rhs_2_0= ruleBasicTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBuiltInAtomAccess().getRhsBasicTermParserRuleCall_2_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); lv_rhs_2_0=ruleBasicTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getBuiltInAtomRule()); } set( current, "rhs", lv_rhs_2_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.BasicTerm"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleBuiltInAtom" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleBasicAtom" // InternalL.g:2467:1: entryRuleBasicAtom returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleBasicAtom= ruleBasicAtom EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleBasicAtom() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleBasicAtom = null; try { // InternalL.g:2468:2: (iv_ruleBasicAtom= ruleBasicAtom EOF ) // InternalL.g:2469:2: iv_ruleBasicAtom= ruleBasicAtom EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBasicAtomRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleBasicAtom=ruleBasicAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleBasicAtom; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleBasicAtom" // $ANTLR start "ruleBasicAtom" // InternalL.g:2476:1: ruleBasicAtom returns [EObject current=null] : (this_BasicPredicateAtom_0= ruleBasicPredicateAtom | this_BuiltInAtom_1= ruleBuiltInAtom ) ; public final EObject ruleBasicAtom() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject this_BasicPredicateAtom_0 = null; EObject this_BuiltInAtom_1 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2479:28: ( (this_BasicPredicateAtom_0= ruleBasicPredicateAtom | this_BuiltInAtom_1= ruleBuiltInAtom ) ) // InternalL.g:2480:1: (this_BasicPredicateAtom_0= ruleBasicPredicateAtom | this_BuiltInAtom_1= ruleBuiltInAtom ) { // InternalL.g:2480:1: (this_BasicPredicateAtom_0= ruleBasicPredicateAtom | this_BuiltInAtom_1= ruleBuiltInAtom ) int alt30=2; int LA30_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA30_0==RULE_LID) ) { int LA30_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (synpred37_InternalL()) ) { alt30=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt30=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 30, 1, input); throw nvae; } } else if ( (LA30_0==RULE_UID||LA30_0==RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT||LA30_0==19) ) { alt30=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 30, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt30) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:2481:2: this_BasicPredicateAtom_0= ruleBasicPredicateAtom { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBasicAtomAccess().getBasicPredicateAtomParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_BasicPredicateAtom_0=ruleBasicPredicateAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_BasicPredicateAtom_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:2494:2: this_BuiltInAtom_1= ruleBuiltInAtom { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBasicAtomAccess().getBuiltInAtomParserRuleCall_1()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_BuiltInAtom_1=ruleBuiltInAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_BuiltInAtom_1; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleBasicAtom" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleAtomOp" // InternalL.g:2513:1: entryRuleAtomOp returns [String current=null] : iv_ruleAtomOp= ruleAtomOp EOF ; public final String entryRuleAtomOp() throws RecognitionException { String current = null; AntlrDatatypeRuleToken iv_ruleAtomOp = null; try { // InternalL.g:2514:2: (iv_ruleAtomOp= ruleAtomOp EOF ) // InternalL.g:2515:2: iv_ruleAtomOp= ruleAtomOp EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAtomOpRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleAtomOp=ruleAtomOp(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleAtomOp.getText(); } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleAtomOp" // $ANTLR start "ruleAtomOp" // InternalL.g:2522:1: ruleAtomOp returns [AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current=new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken()] : (kw= '>' | kw= '<' | kw= '>=' | kw= '<=' | kw= '=' | kw= '!=' ) ; public final AntlrDatatypeRuleToken ruleAtomOp() throws RecognitionException { AntlrDatatypeRuleToken current = new AntlrDatatypeRuleToken(); Token kw=null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2525:28: ( (kw= '>' | kw= '<' | kw= '>=' | kw= '<=' | kw= '=' | kw= '!=' ) ) // InternalL.g:2526:1: (kw= '>' | kw= '<' | kw= '>=' | kw= '<=' | kw= '=' | kw= '!=' ) { // InternalL.g:2526:1: (kw= '>' | kw= '<' | kw= '>=' | kw= '<=' | kw= '=' | kw= '!=' ) int alt31=6; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case 33: { alt31=1; } break; case 34: { alt31=2; } break; case 35: { alt31=3; } break; case 36: { alt31=4; } break; case 25: { alt31=5; } break; case 37: { alt31=6; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 31, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt31) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:2527:2: kw= '>' { kw=(Token)match(input,33,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current.merge(kw); newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getAtomOpAccess().getGreaterThanSignKeyword_0()); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:2534:2: kw= '<' { kw=(Token)match(input,34,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current.merge(kw); newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getAtomOpAccess().getLessThanSignKeyword_1()); } } break; case 3 : // InternalL.g:2541:2: kw= '>=' { kw=(Token)match(input,35,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current.merge(kw); newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getAtomOpAccess().getGreaterThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_2()); } } break; case 4 : // InternalL.g:2548:2: kw= '<=' { kw=(Token)match(input,36,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current.merge(kw); newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getAtomOpAccess().getLessThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_3()); } } break; case 5 : // InternalL.g:2555:2: kw= '=' { kw=(Token)match(input,25,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current.merge(kw); newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getAtomOpAccess().getEqualsSignKeyword_4()); } } break; case 6 : // InternalL.g:2562:2: kw= '!=' { kw=(Token)match(input,37,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current.merge(kw); newLeafNode(kw, grammarAccess.getAtomOpAccess().getExclamationMarkEqualsSignKeyword_5()); } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleAtomOp" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleSentence" // InternalL.g:2575:1: entryRuleSentence returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSentence= ruleSentence EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleSentence() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleSentence = null; try { // InternalL.g:2576:2: (iv_ruleSentence= ruleSentence EOF ) // InternalL.g:2577:2: iv_ruleSentence= ruleSentence EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSentenceRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleSentence=ruleSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleSentence; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleSentence" // $ANTLR start "ruleSentence" // InternalL.g:2584:1: ruleSentence returns [EObject current=null] : this_OrSentence_0= ruleOrSentence ; public final EObject ruleSentence() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject this_OrSentence_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2587:28: (this_OrSentence_0= ruleOrSentence ) // InternalL.g:2589:2: this_OrSentence_0= ruleOrSentence { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSentenceAccess().getOrSentenceParserRuleCall()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_OrSentence_0=ruleOrSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_OrSentence_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleSentence" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleOrSentence" // InternalL.g:2608:1: entryRuleOrSentence returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleOrSentence= ruleOrSentence EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleOrSentence() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleOrSentence = null; try { // InternalL.g:2609:2: (iv_ruleOrSentence= ruleOrSentence EOF ) // InternalL.g:2610:2: iv_ruleOrSentence= ruleOrSentence EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOrSentenceRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleOrSentence=ruleOrSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleOrSentence; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleOrSentence" // $ANTLR start "ruleOrSentence" // InternalL.g:2617:1: ruleOrSentence returns [EObject current=null] : (this_AndSentence_0= ruleAndSentence ( () otherlv_2= 'or' ( (lv_right_3_0= ruleAndSentence ) ) )* ) ; public final EObject ruleOrSentence() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_2=null; EObject this_AndSentence_0 = null; EObject lv_right_3_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2620:28: ( (this_AndSentence_0= ruleAndSentence ( () otherlv_2= 'or' ( (lv_right_3_0= ruleAndSentence ) ) )* ) ) // InternalL.g:2621:1: (this_AndSentence_0= ruleAndSentence ( () otherlv_2= 'or' ( (lv_right_3_0= ruleAndSentence ) ) )* ) { // InternalL.g:2621:1: (this_AndSentence_0= ruleAndSentence ( () otherlv_2= 'or' ( (lv_right_3_0= ruleAndSentence ) ) )* ) // InternalL.g:2622:2: this_AndSentence_0= ruleAndSentence ( () otherlv_2= 'or' ( (lv_right_3_0= ruleAndSentence ) ) )* { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOrSentenceAccess().getAndSentenceParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_24); this_AndSentence_0=ruleAndSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_AndSentence_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } // InternalL.g:2633:1: ( () otherlv_2= 'or' ( (lv_right_3_0= ruleAndSentence ) ) )* loop32: do { int alt32=2; int LA32_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA32_0==38) ) { alt32=1; } switch (alt32) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:2633:2: () otherlv_2= 'or' ( (lv_right_3_0= ruleAndSentence ) ) { // InternalL.g:2633:2: () // InternalL.g:2634:2: { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = forceCreateModelElementAndSet( grammarAccess.getOrSentenceAccess().getOrSentenceLeftAction_1_0(), current); } } otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,38,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getOrSentenceAccess().getOrKeyword_1_1()); } // InternalL.g:2646:1: ( (lv_right_3_0= ruleAndSentence ) ) // InternalL.g:2647:1: (lv_right_3_0= ruleAndSentence ) { // InternalL.g:2647:1: (lv_right_3_0= ruleAndSentence ) // InternalL.g:2648:3: lv_right_3_0= ruleAndSentence { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getOrSentenceAccess().getRightAndSentenceParserRuleCall_1_2_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_24); lv_right_3_0=ruleAndSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getOrSentenceRule()); } set( current, "right", lv_right_3_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.AndSentence"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; default : break loop32; } } while (true); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleOrSentence" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleAndSentence" // InternalL.g:2672:1: entryRuleAndSentence returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleAndSentence= ruleAndSentence EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleAndSentence() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleAndSentence = null; try { // InternalL.g:2673:2: (iv_ruleAndSentence= ruleAndSentence EOF ) // InternalL.g:2674:2: iv_ruleAndSentence= ruleAndSentence EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAndSentenceRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleAndSentence=ruleAndSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleAndSentence; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleAndSentence" // $ANTLR start "ruleAndSentence" // InternalL.g:2681:1: ruleAndSentence returns [EObject current=null] : (this_PrimarySentence_0= rulePrimarySentence ( () (otherlv_2= 'and' | otherlv_3= ',' ) ( (lv_right_4_0= rulePrimarySentence ) ) )* ) ; public final EObject ruleAndSentence() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_2=null; Token otherlv_3=null; EObject this_PrimarySentence_0 = null; EObject lv_right_4_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2684:28: ( (this_PrimarySentence_0= rulePrimarySentence ( () (otherlv_2= 'and' | otherlv_3= ',' ) ( (lv_right_4_0= rulePrimarySentence ) ) )* ) ) // InternalL.g:2685:1: (this_PrimarySentence_0= rulePrimarySentence ( () (otherlv_2= 'and' | otherlv_3= ',' ) ( (lv_right_4_0= rulePrimarySentence ) ) )* ) { // InternalL.g:2685:1: (this_PrimarySentence_0= rulePrimarySentence ( () (otherlv_2= 'and' | otherlv_3= ',' ) ( (lv_right_4_0= rulePrimarySentence ) ) )* ) // InternalL.g:2686:2: this_PrimarySentence_0= rulePrimarySentence ( () (otherlv_2= 'and' | otherlv_3= ',' ) ( (lv_right_4_0= rulePrimarySentence ) ) )* { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAndSentenceAccess().getPrimarySentenceParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_25); this_PrimarySentence_0=rulePrimarySentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_PrimarySentence_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } // InternalL.g:2697:1: ( () (otherlv_2= 'and' | otherlv_3= ',' ) ( (lv_right_4_0= rulePrimarySentence ) ) )* loop34: do { int alt34=2; int LA34_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA34_0==21||LA34_0==39) ) { alt34=1; } switch (alt34) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:2697:2: () (otherlv_2= 'and' | otherlv_3= ',' ) ( (lv_right_4_0= rulePrimarySentence ) ) { // InternalL.g:2697:2: () // InternalL.g:2698:2: { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = forceCreateModelElementAndSet( grammarAccess.getAndSentenceAccess().getAndSentenceLeftAction_1_0(), current); } } // InternalL.g:2706:2: (otherlv_2= 'and' | otherlv_3= ',' ) int alt33=2; int LA33_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA33_0==39) ) { alt33=1; } else if ( (LA33_0==21) ) { alt33=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 33, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt33) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:2706:4: otherlv_2= 'and' { otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,39,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getAndSentenceAccess().getAndKeyword_1_1_0()); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:2711:7: otherlv_3= ',' { otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,21,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getAndSentenceAccess().getCommaKeyword_1_1_1()); } } break; } // InternalL.g:2715:2: ( (lv_right_4_0= rulePrimarySentence ) ) // InternalL.g:2716:1: (lv_right_4_0= rulePrimarySentence ) { // InternalL.g:2716:1: (lv_right_4_0= rulePrimarySentence ) // InternalL.g:2717:3: lv_right_4_0= rulePrimarySentence { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getAndSentenceAccess().getRightPrimarySentenceParserRuleCall_1_2_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_25); lv_right_4_0=rulePrimarySentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getAndSentenceRule()); } set( current, "right", lv_right_4_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.PrimarySentence"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; default : break loop34; } } while (true); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleAndSentence" // $ANTLR start "entryRulePrimarySentence" // InternalL.g:2741:1: entryRulePrimarySentence returns [EObject current=null] : iv_rulePrimarySentence= rulePrimarySentence EOF ; public final EObject entryRulePrimarySentence() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_rulePrimarySentence = null; try { // InternalL.g:2742:2: (iv_rulePrimarySentence= rulePrimarySentence EOF ) // InternalL.g:2743:2: iv_rulePrimarySentence= rulePrimarySentence EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPrimarySentenceRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_rulePrimarySentence=rulePrimarySentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_rulePrimarySentence; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRulePrimarySentence" // $ANTLR start "rulePrimarySentence" // InternalL.g:2750:1: rulePrimarySentence returns [EObject current=null] : (this_SentenceLiteral_0= ruleSentenceLiteral | (otherlv_1= '(' this_OrSentence_2= ruleOrSentence otherlv_3= ')' ) ) ; public final EObject rulePrimarySentence() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_1=null; Token otherlv_3=null; EObject this_SentenceLiteral_0 = null; EObject this_OrSentence_2 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2753:28: ( (this_SentenceLiteral_0= ruleSentenceLiteral | (otherlv_1= '(' this_OrSentence_2= ruleOrSentence otherlv_3= ')' ) ) ) // InternalL.g:2754:1: (this_SentenceLiteral_0= ruleSentenceLiteral | (otherlv_1= '(' this_OrSentence_2= ruleOrSentence otherlv_3= ')' ) ) { // InternalL.g:2754:1: (this_SentenceLiteral_0= ruleSentenceLiteral | (otherlv_1= '(' this_OrSentence_2= ruleOrSentence otherlv_3= ')' ) ) int alt35=2; int LA35_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA35_0>=RULE_UID && LA35_0<=RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT)||LA35_0==40) ) { alt35=1; } else if ( (LA35_0==19) ) { int LA35_4 = input.LA(2); if ( (synpred46_InternalL()) ) { alt35=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt35=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 35, 4, input); throw nvae; } } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 35, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt35) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:2755:2: this_SentenceLiteral_0= ruleSentenceLiteral { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPrimarySentenceAccess().getSentenceLiteralParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_SentenceLiteral_0=ruleSentenceLiteral(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_SentenceLiteral_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:2767:6: (otherlv_1= '(' this_OrSentence_2= ruleOrSentence otherlv_3= ')' ) { // InternalL.g:2767:6: (otherlv_1= '(' this_OrSentence_2= ruleOrSentence otherlv_3= ')' ) // InternalL.g:2767:8: otherlv_1= '(' this_OrSentence_2= ruleOrSentence otherlv_3= ')' { otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getPrimarySentenceAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPrimarySentenceAccess().getOrSentenceParserRuleCall_1_1()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_8); this_OrSentence_2=ruleOrSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_OrSentence_2; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,20,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getPrimarySentenceAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_2()); } } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "rulePrimarySentence" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleSentenceLiteral" // InternalL.g:2795:1: entryRuleSentenceLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleSentenceLiteral= ruleSentenceLiteral EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleSentenceLiteral() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleSentenceLiteral = null; try { // InternalL.g:2796:2: (iv_ruleSentenceLiteral= ruleSentenceLiteral EOF ) // InternalL.g:2797:2: iv_ruleSentenceLiteral= ruleSentenceLiteral EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSentenceLiteralRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleSentenceLiteral=ruleSentenceLiteral(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleSentenceLiteral; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleSentenceLiteral" // $ANTLR start "ruleSentenceLiteral" // InternalL.g:2804:1: ruleSentenceLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : (this_Atom_0= ruleAtom | (otherlv_1= 'not' this_BasicAtom_2= ruleBasicAtom ) ) ; public final EObject ruleSentenceLiteral() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_1=null; EObject this_Atom_0 = null; EObject this_BasicAtom_2 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2807:28: ( (this_Atom_0= ruleAtom | (otherlv_1= 'not' this_BasicAtom_2= ruleBasicAtom ) ) ) // InternalL.g:2808:1: (this_Atom_0= ruleAtom | (otherlv_1= 'not' this_BasicAtom_2= ruleBasicAtom ) ) { // InternalL.g:2808:1: (this_Atom_0= ruleAtom | (otherlv_1= 'not' this_BasicAtom_2= ruleBasicAtom ) ) int alt36=2; int LA36_0 = input.LA(1); if ( ((LA36_0>=RULE_UID && LA36_0<=RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT)||LA36_0==19) ) { alt36=1; } else if ( (LA36_0==40) ) { alt36=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 36, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt36) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:2809:2: this_Atom_0= ruleAtom { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSentenceLiteralAccess().getAtomParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_Atom_0=ruleAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_Atom_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:2821:6: (otherlv_1= 'not' this_BasicAtom_2= ruleBasicAtom ) { // InternalL.g:2821:6: (otherlv_1= 'not' this_BasicAtom_2= ruleBasicAtom ) // InternalL.g:2821:8: otherlv_1= 'not' this_BasicAtom_2= ruleBasicAtom { otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,40,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getSentenceLiteralAccess().getNotKeyword_1_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getSentenceLiteralAccess().getBasicAtomParserRuleCall_1_1()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_BasicAtom_2=ruleBasicAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_BasicAtom_2; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleSentenceLiteral" // $ANTLR start "entryRulepSentence" // InternalL.g:2845:1: entryRulepSentence returns [EObject current=null] : iv_rulepSentence= rulepSentence EOF ; public final EObject entryRulepSentence() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_rulepSentence = null; try { // InternalL.g:2846:2: (iv_rulepSentence= rulepSentence EOF ) // InternalL.g:2847:2: iv_rulepSentence= rulepSentence EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPSentenceRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_rulepSentence=rulepSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_rulepSentence; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRulepSentence" // $ANTLR start "rulepSentence" // InternalL.g:2854:1: rulepSentence returns [EObject current=null] : this_pOrSentence_0= rulepOrSentence ; public final EObject rulepSentence() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject this_pOrSentence_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2857:28: (this_pOrSentence_0= rulepOrSentence ) // InternalL.g:2859:2: this_pOrSentence_0= rulepOrSentence { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPSentenceAccess().getPOrSentenceParserRuleCall()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_pOrSentence_0=rulepOrSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_pOrSentence_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "rulepSentence" // $ANTLR start "entryRulepOrSentence" // InternalL.g:2878:1: entryRulepOrSentence returns [EObject current=null] : iv_rulepOrSentence= rulepOrSentence EOF ; public final EObject entryRulepOrSentence() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_rulepOrSentence = null; try { // InternalL.g:2879:2: (iv_rulepOrSentence= rulepOrSentence EOF ) // InternalL.g:2880:2: iv_rulepOrSentence= rulepOrSentence EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPOrSentenceRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_rulepOrSentence=rulepOrSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_rulepOrSentence; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRulepOrSentence" // $ANTLR start "rulepOrSentence" // InternalL.g:2887:1: rulepOrSentence returns [EObject current=null] : (this_pAndSentence_0= rulepAndSentence ( () otherlv_2= 'or' ( (lv_right_3_0= rulepAndSentence ) ) )* ) ; public final EObject rulepOrSentence() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_2=null; EObject this_pAndSentence_0 = null; EObject lv_right_3_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2890:28: ( (this_pAndSentence_0= rulepAndSentence ( () otherlv_2= 'or' ( (lv_right_3_0= rulepAndSentence ) ) )* ) ) // InternalL.g:2891:1: (this_pAndSentence_0= rulepAndSentence ( () otherlv_2= 'or' ( (lv_right_3_0= rulepAndSentence ) ) )* ) { // InternalL.g:2891:1: (this_pAndSentence_0= rulepAndSentence ( () otherlv_2= 'or' ( (lv_right_3_0= rulepAndSentence ) ) )* ) // InternalL.g:2892:2: this_pAndSentence_0= rulepAndSentence ( () otherlv_2= 'or' ( (lv_right_3_0= rulepAndSentence ) ) )* { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPOrSentenceAccess().getPAndSentenceParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_24); this_pAndSentence_0=rulepAndSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_pAndSentence_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } // InternalL.g:2903:1: ( () otherlv_2= 'or' ( (lv_right_3_0= rulepAndSentence ) ) )* loop37: do { int alt37=2; int LA37_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA37_0==38) ) { alt37=1; } switch (alt37) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:2903:2: () otherlv_2= 'or' ( (lv_right_3_0= rulepAndSentence ) ) { // InternalL.g:2903:2: () // InternalL.g:2904:2: { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = forceCreateModelElementAndSet( grammarAccess.getPOrSentenceAccess().getPOrSentenceLeftAction_1_0(), current); } } otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,38,FOLLOW_26); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getPOrSentenceAccess().getOrKeyword_1_1()); } // InternalL.g:2916:1: ( (lv_right_3_0= rulepAndSentence ) ) // InternalL.g:2917:1: (lv_right_3_0= rulepAndSentence ) { // InternalL.g:2917:1: (lv_right_3_0= rulepAndSentence ) // InternalL.g:2918:3: lv_right_3_0= rulepAndSentence { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPOrSentenceAccess().getRightPAndSentenceParserRuleCall_1_2_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_24); lv_right_3_0=rulepAndSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPOrSentenceRule()); } set( current, "right", lv_right_3_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.pAndSentence"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; default : break loop37; } } while (true); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "rulepOrSentence" // $ANTLR start "entryRulepAndSentence" // InternalL.g:2942:1: entryRulepAndSentence returns [EObject current=null] : iv_rulepAndSentence= rulepAndSentence EOF ; public final EObject entryRulepAndSentence() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_rulepAndSentence = null; try { // InternalL.g:2943:2: (iv_rulepAndSentence= rulepAndSentence EOF ) // InternalL.g:2944:2: iv_rulepAndSentence= rulepAndSentence EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPAndSentenceRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_rulepAndSentence=rulepAndSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_rulepAndSentence; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRulepAndSentence" // $ANTLR start "rulepAndSentence" // InternalL.g:2951:1: rulepAndSentence returns [EObject current=null] : (this_pPrimarySentence_0= rulepPrimarySentence ( () otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_right_3_0= rulepPrimarySentence ) ) )* ) ; public final EObject rulepAndSentence() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_2=null; EObject this_pPrimarySentence_0 = null; EObject lv_right_3_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:2954:28: ( (this_pPrimarySentence_0= rulepPrimarySentence ( () otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_right_3_0= rulepPrimarySentence ) ) )* ) ) // InternalL.g:2955:1: (this_pPrimarySentence_0= rulepPrimarySentence ( () otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_right_3_0= rulepPrimarySentence ) ) )* ) { // InternalL.g:2955:1: (this_pPrimarySentence_0= rulepPrimarySentence ( () otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_right_3_0= rulepPrimarySentence ) ) )* ) // InternalL.g:2956:2: this_pPrimarySentence_0= rulepPrimarySentence ( () otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_right_3_0= rulepPrimarySentence ) ) )* { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPAndSentenceAccess().getPPrimarySentenceParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_27); this_pPrimarySentence_0=rulepPrimarySentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_pPrimarySentence_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } // InternalL.g:2967:1: ( () otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_right_3_0= rulepPrimarySentence ) ) )* loop38: do { int alt38=2; int LA38_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA38_0==39) ) { alt38=1; } switch (alt38) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:2967:2: () otherlv_2= 'and' ( (lv_right_3_0= rulepPrimarySentence ) ) { // InternalL.g:2967:2: () // InternalL.g:2968:2: { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = forceCreateModelElementAndSet( grammarAccess.getPAndSentenceAccess().getPAndSentenceLeftAction_1_0(), current); } } otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,39,FOLLOW_26); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getPAndSentenceAccess().getAndKeyword_1_1()); } // InternalL.g:2980:1: ( (lv_right_3_0= rulepPrimarySentence ) ) // InternalL.g:2981:1: (lv_right_3_0= rulepPrimarySentence ) { // InternalL.g:2981:1: (lv_right_3_0= rulepPrimarySentence ) // InternalL.g:2982:3: lv_right_3_0= rulepPrimarySentence { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPAndSentenceAccess().getRightPPrimarySentenceParserRuleCall_1_2_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_27); lv_right_3_0=rulepPrimarySentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getPAndSentenceRule()); } set( current, "right", lv_right_3_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.pPrimarySentence"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; default : break loop38; } } while (true); } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "rulepAndSentence" // $ANTLR start "entryRulepPrimarySentence" // InternalL.g:3006:1: entryRulepPrimarySentence returns [EObject current=null] : iv_rulepPrimarySentence= rulepPrimarySentence EOF ; public final EObject entryRulepPrimarySentence() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_rulepPrimarySentence = null; try { // InternalL.g:3007:2: (iv_rulepPrimarySentence= rulepPrimarySentence EOF ) // InternalL.g:3008:2: iv_rulepPrimarySentence= rulepPrimarySentence EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPPrimarySentenceRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_rulepPrimarySentence=rulepPrimarySentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_rulepPrimarySentence; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRulepPrimarySentence" // $ANTLR start "rulepPrimarySentence" // InternalL.g:3015:1: rulepPrimarySentence returns [EObject current=null] : (this_pSentenceLiteral_0= rulepSentenceLiteral | (otherlv_1= '(' this_pOrSentence_2= rulepOrSentence otherlv_3= ')' ) ) ; public final EObject rulepPrimarySentence() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_1=null; Token otherlv_3=null; EObject this_pSentenceLiteral_0 = null; EObject this_pOrSentence_2 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:3018:28: ( (this_pSentenceLiteral_0= rulepSentenceLiteral | (otherlv_1= '(' this_pOrSentence_2= rulepOrSentence otherlv_3= ')' ) ) ) // InternalL.g:3019:1: (this_pSentenceLiteral_0= rulepSentenceLiteral | (otherlv_1= '(' this_pOrSentence_2= rulepOrSentence otherlv_3= ')' ) ) { // InternalL.g:3019:1: (this_pSentenceLiteral_0= rulepSentenceLiteral | (otherlv_1= '(' this_pOrSentence_2= rulepOrSentence otherlv_3= ')' ) ) int alt39=2; int LA39_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA39_0==RULE_LID||LA39_0==40) ) { alt39=1; } else if ( (LA39_0==19) ) { alt39=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 39, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt39) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:3020:2: this_pSentenceLiteral_0= rulepSentenceLiteral { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPPrimarySentenceAccess().getPSentenceLiteralParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_pSentenceLiteral_0=rulepSentenceLiteral(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_pSentenceLiteral_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:3032:6: (otherlv_1= '(' this_pOrSentence_2= rulepOrSentence otherlv_3= ')' ) { // InternalL.g:3032:6: (otherlv_1= '(' this_pOrSentence_2= rulepOrSentence otherlv_3= ')' ) // InternalL.g:3032:8: otherlv_1= '(' this_pOrSentence_2= rulepOrSentence otherlv_3= ')' { otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,19,FOLLOW_26); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getPPrimarySentenceAccess().getLeftParenthesisKeyword_1_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPPrimarySentenceAccess().getPOrSentenceParserRuleCall_1_1()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_8); this_pOrSentence_2=rulepOrSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_pOrSentence_2; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,20,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getPPrimarySentenceAccess().getRightParenthesisKeyword_1_2()); } } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "rulepPrimarySentence" // $ANTLR start "entryRulepSentenceLiteral" // InternalL.g:3060:1: entryRulepSentenceLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_rulepSentenceLiteral= rulepSentenceLiteral EOF ; public final EObject entryRulepSentenceLiteral() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_rulepSentenceLiteral = null; try { // InternalL.g:3061:2: (iv_rulepSentenceLiteral= rulepSentenceLiteral EOF ) // InternalL.g:3062:2: iv_rulepSentenceLiteral= rulepSentenceLiteral EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPSentenceLiteralRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_rulepSentenceLiteral=rulepSentenceLiteral(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_rulepSentenceLiteral; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRulepSentenceLiteral" // $ANTLR start "rulepSentenceLiteral" // InternalL.g:3069:1: rulepSentenceLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : (this_PredicateAtom_0= rulePredicateAtom | (otherlv_1= 'not' this_BasicPredicateAtom_2= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) ) ; public final EObject rulepSentenceLiteral() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_1=null; EObject this_PredicateAtom_0 = null; EObject this_BasicPredicateAtom_2 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:3072:28: ( (this_PredicateAtom_0= rulePredicateAtom | (otherlv_1= 'not' this_BasicPredicateAtom_2= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) ) ) // InternalL.g:3073:1: (this_PredicateAtom_0= rulePredicateAtom | (otherlv_1= 'not' this_BasicPredicateAtom_2= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) ) { // InternalL.g:3073:1: (this_PredicateAtom_0= rulePredicateAtom | (otherlv_1= 'not' this_BasicPredicateAtom_2= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) ) int alt40=2; int LA40_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA40_0==RULE_LID) ) { alt40=1; } else if ( (LA40_0==40) ) { alt40=2; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 40, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt40) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:3074:2: this_PredicateAtom_0= rulePredicateAtom { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPSentenceLiteralAccess().getPredicateAtomParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_PredicateAtom_0=rulePredicateAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_PredicateAtom_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:3086:6: (otherlv_1= 'not' this_BasicPredicateAtom_2= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) { // InternalL.g:3086:6: (otherlv_1= 'not' this_BasicPredicateAtom_2= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) // InternalL.g:3086:8: otherlv_1= 'not' this_BasicPredicateAtom_2= ruleBasicPredicateAtom { otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,40,FOLLOW_13); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getPSentenceLiteralAccess().getNotKeyword_1_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getPSentenceLiteralAccess().getBasicPredicateAtomParserRuleCall_1_1()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_BasicPredicateAtom_2=ruleBasicPredicateAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_BasicPredicateAtom_2; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "rulepSentenceLiteral" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleMaybeLiteral" // InternalL.g:3110:1: entryRuleMaybeLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleMaybeLiteral= ruleMaybeLiteral EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleMaybeLiteral() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleMaybeLiteral = null; try { // InternalL.g:3111:2: (iv_ruleMaybeLiteral= ruleMaybeLiteral EOF ) // InternalL.g:3112:2: iv_ruleMaybeLiteral= ruleMaybeLiteral EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMaybeLiteralRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleMaybeLiteral=ruleMaybeLiteral(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleMaybeLiteral; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleMaybeLiteral" // $ANTLR start "ruleMaybeLiteral" // InternalL.g:3119:1: ruleMaybeLiteral returns [EObject current=null] : (otherlv_0= 'maybe' this_BasicPredicateAtom_1= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) ; public final EObject ruleMaybeLiteral() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_0=null; EObject this_BasicPredicateAtom_1 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:3122:28: ( (otherlv_0= 'maybe' this_BasicPredicateAtom_1= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) ) // InternalL.g:3123:1: (otherlv_0= 'maybe' this_BasicPredicateAtom_1= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) { // InternalL.g:3123:1: (otherlv_0= 'maybe' this_BasicPredicateAtom_1= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) // InternalL.g:3123:3: otherlv_0= 'maybe' this_BasicPredicateAtom_1= ruleBasicPredicateAtom { otherlv_0=(Token)match(input,41,FOLLOW_13); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_0, grammarAccess.getMaybeLiteralAccess().getMaybeKeyword_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getMaybeLiteralAccess().getBasicPredicateAtomParserRuleCall_1()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_BasicPredicateAtom_1=ruleBasicPredicateAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_BasicPredicateAtom_1; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleMaybeLiteral" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleCardinalityConstraint" // InternalL.g:3147:1: entryRuleCardinalityConstraint returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleCardinalityConstraint= ruleCardinalityConstraint EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleCardinalityConstraint() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleCardinalityConstraint = null; try { // InternalL.g:3148:2: (iv_ruleCardinalityConstraint= ruleCardinalityConstraint EOF ) // InternalL.g:3149:2: iv_ruleCardinalityConstraint= ruleCardinalityConstraint EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getCardinalityConstraintRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleCardinalityConstraint=ruleCardinalityConstraint(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleCardinalityConstraint; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleCardinalityConstraint" // $ANTLR start "ruleCardinalityConstraint" // InternalL.g:3156:1: ruleCardinalityConstraint returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBound ) ) otherlv_1= '<=' otherlv_2= '|' otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_atom_4_0= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) ) otherlv_5= '}' otherlv_6= '|' otherlv_7= '<=' ( (lv_rhs_8_0= ruleBound ) ) ) ; public final EObject ruleCardinalityConstraint() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token otherlv_1=null; Token otherlv_2=null; Token otherlv_3=null; Token otherlv_5=null; Token otherlv_6=null; Token otherlv_7=null; EObject lv_lhs_0_0 = null; EObject lv_atom_4_0 = null; EObject lv_rhs_8_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:3159:28: ( ( ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBound ) ) otherlv_1= '<=' otherlv_2= '|' otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_atom_4_0= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) ) otherlv_5= '}' otherlv_6= '|' otherlv_7= '<=' ( (lv_rhs_8_0= ruleBound ) ) ) ) // InternalL.g:3160:1: ( ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBound ) ) otherlv_1= '<=' otherlv_2= '|' otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_atom_4_0= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) ) otherlv_5= '}' otherlv_6= '|' otherlv_7= '<=' ( (lv_rhs_8_0= ruleBound ) ) ) { // InternalL.g:3160:1: ( ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBound ) ) otherlv_1= '<=' otherlv_2= '|' otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_atom_4_0= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) ) otherlv_5= '}' otherlv_6= '|' otherlv_7= '<=' ( (lv_rhs_8_0= ruleBound ) ) ) // InternalL.g:3160:2: ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBound ) ) otherlv_1= '<=' otherlv_2= '|' otherlv_3= '{' ( (lv_atom_4_0= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) ) otherlv_5= '}' otherlv_6= '|' otherlv_7= '<=' ( (lv_rhs_8_0= ruleBound ) ) { // InternalL.g:3160:2: ( (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBound ) ) // InternalL.g:3161:1: (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBound ) { // InternalL.g:3161:1: (lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBound ) // InternalL.g:3162:3: lv_lhs_0_0= ruleBound { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getCardinalityConstraintAccess().getLhsBoundParserRuleCall_0_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_28); lv_lhs_0_0=ruleBound(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getCardinalityConstraintRule()); } set( current, "lhs", lv_lhs_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Bound"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } otherlv_1=(Token)match(input,36,FOLLOW_29); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_1, grammarAccess.getCardinalityConstraintAccess().getLessThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_1()); } otherlv_2=(Token)match(input,42,FOLLOW_30); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_2, grammarAccess.getCardinalityConstraintAccess().getVerticalLineKeyword_2()); } otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,28,FOLLOW_13); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getCardinalityConstraintAccess().getLeftCurlyBracketKeyword_3()); } // InternalL.g:3190:1: ( (lv_atom_4_0= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) ) // InternalL.g:3191:1: (lv_atom_4_0= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) { // InternalL.g:3191:1: (lv_atom_4_0= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) // InternalL.g:3192:3: lv_atom_4_0= ruleBasicPredicateAtom { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getCardinalityConstraintAccess().getAtomBasicPredicateAtomParserRuleCall_4_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_17); lv_atom_4_0=ruleBasicPredicateAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getCardinalityConstraintRule()); } set( current, "atom", lv_atom_4_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.BasicPredicateAtom"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } otherlv_5=(Token)match(input,29,FOLLOW_29); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_5, grammarAccess.getCardinalityConstraintAccess().getRightCurlyBracketKeyword_5()); } otherlv_6=(Token)match(input,42,FOLLOW_28); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_6, grammarAccess.getCardinalityConstraintAccess().getVerticalLineKeyword_6()); } otherlv_7=(Token)match(input,36,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_7, grammarAccess.getCardinalityConstraintAccess().getLessThanSignEqualsSignKeyword_7()); } // InternalL.g:3220:1: ( (lv_rhs_8_0= ruleBound ) ) // InternalL.g:3221:1: (lv_rhs_8_0= ruleBound ) { // InternalL.g:3221:1: (lv_rhs_8_0= ruleBound ) // InternalL.g:3222:3: lv_rhs_8_0= ruleBound { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getCardinalityConstraintAccess().getRhsBoundParserRuleCall_8_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); lv_rhs_8_0=ruleBound(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getCardinalityConstraintRule()); } set( current, "rhs", lv_rhs_8_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Bound"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleCardinalityConstraint" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleBound" // InternalL.g:3246:1: entryRuleBound returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleBound= ruleBound EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleBound() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleBound = null; try { // InternalL.g:3247:2: (iv_ruleBound= ruleBound EOF ) // InternalL.g:3248:2: iv_ruleBound= ruleBound EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBoundRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleBound=ruleBound(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleBound; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleBound" // $ANTLR start "ruleBound" // InternalL.g:3255:1: ruleBound returns [EObject current=null] : ( (lv_av_0_0= ruleArithmeticTerm ) ) ; public final EObject ruleBound() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject lv_av_0_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:3258:28: ( ( (lv_av_0_0= ruleArithmeticTerm ) ) ) // InternalL.g:3259:1: ( (lv_av_0_0= ruleArithmeticTerm ) ) { // InternalL.g:3259:1: ( (lv_av_0_0= ruleArithmeticTerm ) ) // InternalL.g:3260:1: (lv_av_0_0= ruleArithmeticTerm ) { // InternalL.g:3260:1: (lv_av_0_0= ruleArithmeticTerm ) // InternalL.g:3261:3: lv_av_0_0= ruleArithmeticTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getBoundAccess().getAvArithmeticTermParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); lv_av_0_0=ruleArithmeticTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getBoundRule()); } set( current, "av", lv_av_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.ArithmeticTerm"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleBound" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleRule" // InternalL.g:3285:1: entryRuleRule returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleRule= ruleRule EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleRule() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleRule = null; try { // InternalL.g:3286:2: (iv_ruleRule= ruleRule EOF ) // InternalL.g:3287:2: iv_ruleRule= ruleRule EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRuleRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleRule=ruleRule(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleRule; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleRule" // $ANTLR start "ruleRule" // InternalL.g:3294:1: ruleRule returns [EObject current=null] : ( ( (lv_head_0_0= ruleHead ) ) ( ( (lv_condition_1_0= 'if' ) ) ( (lv_body_2_0= ruleSentence ) ) )? otherlv_3= '.' ) ; public final EObject ruleRule() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; Token lv_condition_1_0=null; Token otherlv_3=null; EObject lv_head_0_0 = null; EObject lv_body_2_0 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:3297:28: ( ( ( (lv_head_0_0= ruleHead ) ) ( ( (lv_condition_1_0= 'if' ) ) ( (lv_body_2_0= ruleSentence ) ) )? otherlv_3= '.' ) ) // InternalL.g:3298:1: ( ( (lv_head_0_0= ruleHead ) ) ( ( (lv_condition_1_0= 'if' ) ) ( (lv_body_2_0= ruleSentence ) ) )? otherlv_3= '.' ) { // InternalL.g:3298:1: ( ( (lv_head_0_0= ruleHead ) ) ( ( (lv_condition_1_0= 'if' ) ) ( (lv_body_2_0= ruleSentence ) ) )? otherlv_3= '.' ) // InternalL.g:3298:2: ( (lv_head_0_0= ruleHead ) ) ( ( (lv_condition_1_0= 'if' ) ) ( (lv_body_2_0= ruleSentence ) ) )? otherlv_3= '.' { // InternalL.g:3298:2: ( (lv_head_0_0= ruleHead ) ) // InternalL.g:3299:1: (lv_head_0_0= ruleHead ) { // InternalL.g:3299:1: (lv_head_0_0= ruleHead ) // InternalL.g:3300:3: lv_head_0_0= ruleHead { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRuleAccess().getHeadHeadParserRuleCall_0_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_31); lv_head_0_0=ruleHead(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getRuleRule()); } set( current, "head", lv_head_0_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Head"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } // InternalL.g:3316:2: ( ( (lv_condition_1_0= 'if' ) ) ( (lv_body_2_0= ruleSentence ) ) )? int alt41=2; int LA41_0 = input.LA(1); if ( (LA41_0==43) ) { alt41=1; } switch (alt41) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:3316:3: ( (lv_condition_1_0= 'if' ) ) ( (lv_body_2_0= ruleSentence ) ) { // InternalL.g:3316:3: ( (lv_condition_1_0= 'if' ) ) // InternalL.g:3317:1: (lv_condition_1_0= 'if' ) { // InternalL.g:3317:1: (lv_condition_1_0= 'if' ) // InternalL.g:3318:3: lv_condition_1_0= 'if' { lv_condition_1_0=(Token)match(input,43,FOLLOW_6); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(lv_condition_1_0, grammarAccess.getRuleAccess().getConditionIfKeyword_1_0_0()); } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElement(grammarAccess.getRuleRule()); } setWithLastConsumed(current, "condition", lv_condition_1_0, "if"); } } } // InternalL.g:3331:2: ( (lv_body_2_0= ruleSentence ) ) // InternalL.g:3332:1: (lv_body_2_0= ruleSentence ) { // InternalL.g:3332:1: (lv_body_2_0= ruleSentence ) // InternalL.g:3333:3: lv_body_2_0= ruleSentence { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getRuleAccess().getBodySentenceParserRuleCall_1_1_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_15); lv_body_2_0=ruleSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { if (current==null) { current = createModelElementForParent(grammarAccess.getRuleRule()); } set( current, "body", lv_body_2_0, "net.certware.argument.language.L.Sentence"); afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } } } break; } otherlv_3=(Token)match(input,26,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newLeafNode(otherlv_3, grammarAccess.getRuleAccess().getFullStopKeyword_2()); } } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleRule" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleHead" // InternalL.g:3361:1: entryRuleHead returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleHead= ruleHead EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleHead() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleHead = null; try { // InternalL.g:3362:2: (iv_ruleHead= ruleHead EOF ) // InternalL.g:3363:2: iv_ruleHead= ruleHead EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getHeadRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleHead=ruleHead(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleHead; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleHead" // $ANTLR start "ruleHead" // InternalL.g:3370:1: ruleHead returns [EObject current=null] : (this_pSentence_0= rulepSentence | this_MaybeLiteral_1= ruleMaybeLiteral | this_CardinalityConstraint_2= ruleCardinalityConstraint ) ; public final EObject ruleHead() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject this_pSentence_0 = null; EObject this_MaybeLiteral_1 = null; EObject this_CardinalityConstraint_2 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:3373:28: ( (this_pSentence_0= rulepSentence | this_MaybeLiteral_1= ruleMaybeLiteral | this_CardinalityConstraint_2= ruleCardinalityConstraint ) ) // InternalL.g:3374:1: (this_pSentence_0= rulepSentence | this_MaybeLiteral_1= ruleMaybeLiteral | this_CardinalityConstraint_2= ruleCardinalityConstraint ) { // InternalL.g:3374:1: (this_pSentence_0= rulepSentence | this_MaybeLiteral_1= ruleMaybeLiteral | this_CardinalityConstraint_2= ruleCardinalityConstraint ) int alt42=3; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case RULE_LID: { int LA42_1 = input.LA(2); if ( (synpred53_InternalL()) ) { alt42=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt42=3; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 42, 1, input); throw nvae; } } break; case 40: { alt42=1; } break; case 19: { int LA42_3 = input.LA(2); if ( (synpred53_InternalL()) ) { alt42=1; } else if ( (true) ) { alt42=3; } else { if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 42, 3, input); throw nvae; } } break; case 41: { alt42=2; } break; case RULE_UID: case RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT: { alt42=3; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 42, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt42) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:3375:2: this_pSentence_0= rulepSentence { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getHeadAccess().getPSentenceParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_pSentence_0=rulepSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_pSentence_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:3388:2: this_MaybeLiteral_1= ruleMaybeLiteral { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getHeadAccess().getMaybeLiteralParserRuleCall_1()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_MaybeLiteral_1=ruleMaybeLiteral(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_MaybeLiteral_1; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 3 : // InternalL.g:3401:2: this_CardinalityConstraint_2= ruleCardinalityConstraint { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getHeadAccess().getCardinalityConstraintParserRuleCall_2()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_CardinalityConstraint_2=ruleCardinalityConstraint(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_CardinalityConstraint_2; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleHead" // $ANTLR start "entryRuleStatement" // InternalL.g:3420:1: entryRuleStatement returns [EObject current=null] : iv_ruleStatement= ruleStatement EOF ; public final EObject entryRuleStatement() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject iv_ruleStatement = null; try { // InternalL.g:3421:2: (iv_ruleStatement= ruleStatement EOF ) // InternalL.g:3422:2: iv_ruleStatement= ruleStatement EOF { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getStatementRule()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_1); iv_ruleStatement=ruleStatement(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current =iv_ruleStatement; } match(input,EOF,FOLLOW_2); if (state.failed) return current; } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "entryRuleStatement" // $ANTLR start "ruleStatement" // InternalL.g:3429:1: ruleStatement returns [EObject current=null] : (this_Rule_0= ruleRule | this_TypeDeclaration_1= ruleTypeDeclaration | this_ConstantDeclaration_2= ruleConstantDeclaration ) ; public final EObject ruleStatement() throws RecognitionException { EObject current = null; EObject this_Rule_0 = null; EObject this_TypeDeclaration_1 = null; EObject this_ConstantDeclaration_2 = null; enterRule(); try { // InternalL.g:3432:28: ( (this_Rule_0= ruleRule | this_TypeDeclaration_1= ruleTypeDeclaration | this_ConstantDeclaration_2= ruleConstantDeclaration ) ) // InternalL.g:3433:1: (this_Rule_0= ruleRule | this_TypeDeclaration_1= ruleTypeDeclaration | this_ConstantDeclaration_2= ruleConstantDeclaration ) { // InternalL.g:3433:1: (this_Rule_0= ruleRule | this_TypeDeclaration_1= ruleTypeDeclaration | this_ConstantDeclaration_2= ruleConstantDeclaration ) int alt43=3; switch ( input.LA(1) ) { case RULE_UID: case RULE_LID: case RULE_NUMERIC_CONSTANT: case 19: case 40: case 41: { alt43=1; } break; case 27: { alt43=2; } break; case 24: { alt43=3; } break; default: if (state.backtracking>0) {state.failed=true; return current;} NoViableAltException nvae = new NoViableAltException("", 43, 0, input); throw nvae; } switch (alt43) { case 1 : // InternalL.g:3434:2: this_Rule_0= ruleRule { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getStatementAccess().getRuleParserRuleCall_0()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_Rule_0=ruleRule(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_Rule_0; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 2 : // InternalL.g:3447:2: this_TypeDeclaration_1= ruleTypeDeclaration { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getStatementAccess().getTypeDeclarationParserRuleCall_1()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_TypeDeclaration_1=ruleTypeDeclaration(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_TypeDeclaration_1; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; case 3 : // InternalL.g:3460:2: this_ConstantDeclaration_2= ruleConstantDeclaration { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { newCompositeNode(grammarAccess.getStatementAccess().getConstantDeclarationParserRuleCall_2()); } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_ConstantDeclaration_2=ruleConstantDeclaration(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return current; if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { current = this_ConstantDeclaration_2; afterParserOrEnumRuleCall(); } } break; } } if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { leaveRule(); } } catch (RecognitionException re) { recover(input,re); appendSkippedTokens(); } finally { } return current; } // $ANTLR end "ruleStatement" // $ANTLR start synpred2_InternalL public final void synpred2_InternalL_fragment() throws RecognitionException { EObject this_TypedVariable_0 = null; // InternalL.g:126:2: (this_TypedVariable_0= ruleTypedVariable ) // InternalL.g:126:2: this_TypedVariable_0= ruleTypedVariable { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_TypedVariable_0=ruleTypedVariable(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred2_InternalL // $ANTLR start synpred3_InternalL public final void synpred3_InternalL_fragment() throws RecognitionException { EObject this_ArithmeticTerm_1 = null; // InternalL.g:139:2: (this_ArithmeticTerm_1= ruleArithmeticTerm ) // InternalL.g:139:2: this_ArithmeticTerm_1= ruleArithmeticTerm { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_ArithmeticTerm_1=ruleArithmeticTerm(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred3_InternalL // $ANTLR start synpred30_InternalL public final void synpred30_InternalL_fragment() throws RecognitionException { EObject this_SetLiteral_0 = null; // InternalL.g:2112:2: (this_SetLiteral_0= ruleSetLiteral ) // InternalL.g:2112:2: this_SetLiteral_0= ruleSetLiteral { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_SetLiteral_0=ruleSetLiteral(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred30_InternalL // $ANTLR start synpred31_InternalL public final void synpred31_InternalL_fragment() throws RecognitionException { EObject this_Set_0 = null; // InternalL.g:2166:2: (this_Set_0= ruleSet ) // InternalL.g:2166:2: this_Set_0= ruleSet { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_Set_0=ruleSet(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred31_InternalL // $ANTLR start synpred32_InternalL public final void synpred32_InternalL_fragment() throws RecognitionException { EObject this_Range_1 = null; // InternalL.g:2179:2: (this_Range_1= ruleRange ) // InternalL.g:2179:2: this_Range_1= ruleRange { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_Range_1=ruleRange(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred32_InternalL // $ANTLR start synpred33_InternalL public final void synpred33_InternalL_fragment() throws RecognitionException { EObject this_SetConstruct_2 = null; // InternalL.g:2192:2: (this_SetConstruct_2= ruleSetConstruct ) // InternalL.g:2192:2: this_SetConstruct_2= ruleSetConstruct { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_SetConstruct_2=ruleSetConstruct(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred33_InternalL // $ANTLR start synpred34_InternalL public final void synpred34_InternalL_fragment() throws RecognitionException { EObject this_PredicateAtom_0 = null; // InternalL.g:2230:2: (this_PredicateAtom_0= rulePredicateAtom ) // InternalL.g:2230:2: this_PredicateAtom_0= rulePredicateAtom { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_PredicateAtom_0=rulePredicateAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred34_InternalL // $ANTLR start synpred37_InternalL public final void synpred37_InternalL_fragment() throws RecognitionException { EObject this_BasicPredicateAtom_0 = null; // InternalL.g:2481:2: (this_BasicPredicateAtom_0= ruleBasicPredicateAtom ) // InternalL.g:2481:2: this_BasicPredicateAtom_0= ruleBasicPredicateAtom { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_BasicPredicateAtom_0=ruleBasicPredicateAtom(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred37_InternalL // $ANTLR start synpred46_InternalL public final void synpred46_InternalL_fragment() throws RecognitionException { EObject this_SentenceLiteral_0 = null; // InternalL.g:2755:2: (this_SentenceLiteral_0= ruleSentenceLiteral ) // InternalL.g:2755:2: this_SentenceLiteral_0= ruleSentenceLiteral { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_SentenceLiteral_0=ruleSentenceLiteral(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred46_InternalL // $ANTLR start synpred53_InternalL public final void synpred53_InternalL_fragment() throws RecognitionException { EObject this_pSentence_0 = null; // InternalL.g:3375:2: (this_pSentence_0= rulepSentence ) // InternalL.g:3375:2: this_pSentence_0= rulepSentence { if ( state.backtracking==0 ) { /* */ } pushFollow(FOLLOW_2); this_pSentence_0=rulepSentence(); state._fsp--; if (state.failed) return ; } } // $ANTLR end synpred53_InternalL // Delegated rules public final boolean synpred31_InternalL() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred31_InternalL_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred32_InternalL() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred32_InternalL_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred30_InternalL() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred30_InternalL_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred53_InternalL() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred53_InternalL_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred2_InternalL() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred2_InternalL_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred33_InternalL() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred33_InternalL_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred46_InternalL() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred46_InternalL_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred3_InternalL() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred3_InternalL_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred37_InternalL() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred37_InternalL_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public final boolean synpred34_InternalL() { state.backtracking++; int start = input.mark(); try { synpred34_InternalL_fragment(); // can never throw exception } catch (RecognitionException re) { System.err.println("impossible: "+re); } boolean success = !state.failed; input.rewind(start); state.backtracking--; state.failed=false; return success; } public static final BitSet FOLLOW_1 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_2 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_3 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000030009080072L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_4 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000010L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_5 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x000000000000C002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_6 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000030000080070L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_7 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000070002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_8 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000100000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_9 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080060L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_10 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_11 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000030000C80070L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_12 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000200002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_13 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000000020L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_14 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000002000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_15 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000004000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_16 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000030010080070L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_17 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000020000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_18 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000040000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_19 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000080000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_20 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000004002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_21 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000100010002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_22 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000000080002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_23 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000003E02000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_24 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000004000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_25 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000008000200002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_26 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000010000080020L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_27 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000008000000002L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_28 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000001000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_29 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000040000000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_30 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000000010000000L}); public static final BitSet FOLLOW_31 = new BitSet(new long[]{0x0000080004000000L}); }