package in.twizmwaz.cardinal.repository; import; import; import; import; import in.twizmwaz.cardinal.util.ChatUtil; import in.twizmwaz.cardinal.util.Contributor; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import; import java.util.List; import java.util.function.Consumer; import; public class LoadedMap implements Consumer<LoadedMap> { private String name, version, objective; private List<Contributor> authors, contributors; private List<String> rules; private int maxPlayers; private final File folder; private int id = -1; private static int maxId = 0; /** * @param name The name of the map * @param authors The authors of the map * @param folder The folder where the map can be found */ public LoadedMap(String name, String version, String objective, List<Contributor> authors, List<Contributor> contributors, List<String> rules, int maxPlayers, File folder) { this.folder = folder; update(name, version, objective, authors, contributors, rules, maxPlayers); } private void update(String name, String version, String objective, List<Contributor> authors, List<Contributor> contributors, List<String> rules, int maxPlayers) { = name; this.version = version; this.objective = objective; this.authors = authors; this.contributors = contributors; this.rules = rules; this.maxPlayers = maxPlayers; } @Override public void accept(LoadedMap map) { update(map); } public void update(LoadedMap map) { update(, map.version, map.objective, map.authors, map.contributors, map.rules, map.maxPlayers); } public void load() { if (id == -1) id = maxId++; } public int getId() { return id; } /** * @return Returns the name of the map */ public String getName() { return name; } /** * @return Returns the map version as a String */ public String getVersion() { return version; } /** * @return Returns the objective of the map */ public String getObjective() { return objective; } /** * @return Returns the authors of the map with their contributions */ public List<Contributor> getAuthors() { return authors; } /** * @return Returns the contributors of the map with their contributions */ public List<Contributor> getContributors() { return contributors; } /** * @return Returns the custom map rules */ public List<String> getRules() { return rules; } /** * @return Returns the maximum number of players for the map */ public int getMaxPlayers() { return maxPlayers; } /** * @return Returns the folder where the map can be found */ public File getFolder() { return folder; } @Override public boolean equals(Object other) { return other instanceof LoadedMap && folder.equals(((LoadedMap) other).folder); } public String toShortMessage(ChatColor color, boolean showId, boolean showVersion) { return toShortMessage(color + "", showId, showVersion); } public String toShortMessage(String color, boolean showId, boolean showVersion) { return (showId ? ChatColor.YELLOW + "#" + id + " " : "") + color + getName() + (showVersion ? " " + ChatColor.GRAY + getVersion() : ""); } public ChatMessage toChatMessage(boolean showId) { return new LocalizedChatMessage(ChatConstant.MISC_BY, new UnlocalizedChatMessage(toShortMessage(ChatColor.GOLD, showId, false) + ChatColor.DARK_PURPLE), ChatUtil.toChatMessage(getAuthors().stream() .map(Contributor::getName).collect(Collectors.toList()))); } public ChatMessage toIndexedMessage(boolean showId) { return new UnlocalizedChatMessage("${index}. {0}", toChatMessage(showId)); } }