package in.twizmwaz.cardinal.command; import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.Command; import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandContext; import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandException; import com.sk89q.minecraft.util.commands.CommandPermissionsException; import in.twizmwaz.cardinal.GameHandler; import in.twizmwaz.cardinal.module.GameObjective; import in.twizmwaz.cardinal.module.modules.cores.CoreObjective; import in.twizmwaz.cardinal.module.modules.score.ScoreModule; import; import in.twizmwaz.cardinal.module.modules.timeLimit.TimeLimit; import in.twizmwaz.cardinal.module.modules.wools.WoolObjective; import in.twizmwaz.cardinal.util.MiscUtils; import in.twizmwaz.cardinal.util.TeamUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.WordUtils; import org.bukkit.ChatColor; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; public class ScoreCommand { @Command(aliases = {"score"}, desc = "Shows the score of the current match.", usage = "") public static void map(final CommandContext args, CommandSender sender) throws CommandException { if (sender.hasPermission("cardinal.score") || (sender instanceof Player && TeamUtils.getTeamByPlayer((Player) sender) != null && TeamUtils.getTeamByPlayer((Player) sender).isObserver())) { TimeLimit.Result result = GameHandler.getGameHandler().getMatch().getModules().getModule(TimeLimit.class).getResult(); if (result.equals(TimeLimit.Result.HIGHEST_SCORE)) { int score = 0; for (TeamModule team : TeamUtils.getTeams()) { if (!team.isObserver()) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Calculating scores for " + team.getCompleteName()); for (ScoreModule scoreModule : GameHandler.getGameHandler().getMatch().getModules().getModules(ScoreModule.class)) { if (scoreModule.getScore() > score) { score = scoreModule.getScore(); } } } } if (TimeLimit.getMatchWinner() == null) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Teams are tied with " + score + " points"); } else { sender.sendMessage(TimeLimit.getMatchWinner().getCompleteName() + ChatColor.GOLD + " is winning with " + score + " points"); } } else if (result.equals(TimeLimit.Result.TIE)) { for (TeamModule team : TeamUtils.getTeams()) { if (!team.isObserver()) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Calculating scores for " + team.getCompleteName()); } } sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Teams are tied"); } else if (result.equals(TimeLimit.Result.TEAM)) { for (TeamModule team : TeamUtils.getTeams()) { if (!team.isObserver()) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Calculating scores for " + team.getCompleteName()); } } sender.sendMessage(GameHandler.getGameHandler().getMatch().getModules().getModule(TimeLimit.class).getTeam().getCompleteName() + ChatColor.GOLD + " is winning"); } else if (result.equals(TimeLimit.Result.MOST_PLAYERS)) { int players = 0; for (TeamModule team : TeamUtils.getTeams()) { if (!team.isObserver()) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Calculating scores for " + team.getCompleteName()); if (team.size() > players) { players = team.size(); } } } if (TimeLimit.getMatchWinner() == null) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Teams are tied with " + players + " players"); } else { sender.sendMessage(TimeLimit.getMatchWinner().getCompleteName() + ChatColor.GOLD + " is winning with " + players + " players"); } } else if (result.equals(TimeLimit.Result.MOST_OBJECTIVES)) { for (TeamModule team : TeamUtils.getTeams()) { if (!team.isObserver()) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.RED + "Calculating scores for " + team.getCompleteName()); for (GameObjective obj : TeamUtils.getShownObjectives(team)) { if (obj.isComplete()) { sender.sendMessage((obj instanceof WoolObjective ? MiscUtils.convertDyeColorToChatColor(((WoolObjective) obj).getColor()) : (obj instanceof CoreObjective ? ChatColor.RED : ChatColor.AQUA)) + WordUtils.capitalizeFully(obj.getName().replaceAll("_", " ")) + ChatColor.GRAY + " was completed!"); } else if (obj.isTouched()) { sender.sendMessage((obj instanceof WoolObjective ? MiscUtils.convertDyeColorToChatColor(((WoolObjective) obj).getColor()) : (obj instanceof CoreObjective ? ChatColor.RED : ChatColor.AQUA)) + WordUtils.capitalizeFully(obj.getName().replaceAll("_", " ")) + ChatColor.GRAY + " was touched!"); } else { sender.sendMessage((obj instanceof WoolObjective ? MiscUtils.convertDyeColorToChatColor(((WoolObjective) obj).getColor()) : (obj instanceof CoreObjective ? ChatColor.RED : ChatColor.AQUA)) + WordUtils.capitalizeFully(obj.getName().replaceAll("_", " ")) + ChatColor.GRAY + " is untouched!"); } } } } if (TimeLimit.getMatchWinner() == null) { sender.sendMessage(ChatColor.GOLD + "Teams are tied"); } else { int completed = 0; int touched = 0; for (GameObjective obj : TeamUtils.getShownObjectives(TimeLimit.getMatchWinner())) { if (obj.isComplete()) completed ++; else if (obj.isTouched()) touched ++; } sender.sendMessage(TimeLimit.getMatchWinner().getCompleteName() + ChatColor.GOLD + " is winning with " + completed + " completed and " + touched + " touched objectives"); } } else { throw new CommandException("Could not calculate scores for teams!"); } } else throw new CommandPermissionsException(); } }