package; import static; import static org.junit.Assert.assertThat; import; import java.nio.ByteBuffer; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import org.junit.Test; import; import; import; import; import; import ch.unibe.scg.cells.InMemoryStorage; import ch.unibe.scg.cells.LocalCounterModule; import ch.unibe.scg.cells.LocalExecutionModule; import; import; import; import; // @formatter:off /** * Test {@link CloneExpander}. * @author Niko Schwarz */ @SuppressWarnings("javadoc") public final class SnippetSimilarTest { final Comparator<Clone> cloneComparator = new CloneExpander.CloneComparator(); final Comparator<Snippet> snippetLocationComparator = new SnippetLocationComparator(); static class SnippetLocationComparator implements Comparator<Snippet>, Serializable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public int compare(Snippet o1, Snippet o2) { return o1.getHash().asReadOnlyByteBuffer().compareTo( o2.getHash().asReadOnlyByteBuffer()); } } @Test public void testAreSimilar() throws CannotBeHashedException { // Not fully refactored, so we easily add println statements // to make an example for the paper. final ReplacerNormalizer n1 = new ReplacerNormalizer(new JavaType1ReplacerFactory().get()); final ReplacerNormalizer n2 = new ReplacerNormalizer(new Type2ReplacerFactory().get()); final ShingleHasher ss = Guice.createInjector(new CCModule(new InMemoryStorage(), new LocalCounterModule()), new LocalExecutionModule()).getInstance(ShingleHasher.class); final StringBuilder s1 = snippet1(); final StringBuilder s2 = snippet2(); final StringBuilder s3 = snippet3(); // type-1 normalization n1.normalize(s1); n1.normalize(s2); n1.normalize(s3); // type-2 normalization n2.normalize(s1); n2.normalize(s2); n2.normalize(s3); final StringOfLinesFactory solFactory = StringOfLinesFactory.getInstance(); List<List<Snippet>> table = ImmutableList.of( allSnippets(solFactory.make(s1.toString(), '\n'), ss, new byte[] { 1 }), allSnippets(solFactory.make(s2.toString(), '\n'), ss, new byte[] { 2 }), allSnippets(solFactory.make(s3.toString(), '\n'), ss, new byte[] { 3 })); table = filterCollisions(table); final List<List<Clone>> matches = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = 0; i < table.size(); i++) { matches.add(new ArrayList<Clone>()); // only look at j > i to avoid outputting the same match twice. for (int j = i + 1; j < table.size(); j++) { for (final Snippet e : table.get(i)) { final int pos = Collections.binarySearch(table.get(j), e, snippetLocationComparator); if (pos >= 0) { matches.get(i).add(Clone.newBuilder() .setThisSnippet(e) .setThatSnippet(table.get(j).get(pos)) .build()); } } } Collections.sort(matches.get(matches.size() - 1), cloneComparator); } assertThat(matches.size(), is(3)); assertThat(printString(matches.get(0)), is("(1-2|5$bb3e@3, 1-2|13$20a4@12, 1-2|14$6f45@13, 1-3|13$20a4@9, 1-3|14$6f45@10, )")); assertThat(printString(matches.get(1)), is("(2-3|0$9721@0, 2-3|7$a037@4, 2-3|8$fc06@5, " + "2-3|9$03d8@6, 2-3|10$4fe1@8, 2-3|11$4fe1@8, 2-3|12$20a4@9, 2-3|13$6f45@10, " + "2-3|14$bfea@11, 2-3|15$abb0@12, 2-3|16$d0af@13, 2-3|17$c751@14, )")); assertThat(printString(matches.get(2)), is("()")); // Extract matches final CloneExpander expanderWithoutLongRows = new CloneExpander( new PopularSnippetMaps(null) { final private static long serialVersionUID = 1L; @Override public ImmutableMultimap<ByteBuffer, Snippet> getFunction2PopularSnippets() { return ImmutableMultimap.of(); } @Override public ImmutableMultimap<ByteBuffer, Snippet> getSnippet2PopularSnippets() { return ImmutableMultimap.of(); } }); Collection<Clone> builtClones = expanderWithoutLongRows.expandClones(matches.get(0)); assertThat(builtClones.toString(), is("[thisSnippet {\n function: \"\\001\"\n position: 5\n length: 14\n}\n" + "thatSnippet {\n function: \"\\002\"\n position: 3\n length: 15\n}\n, " + "thisSnippet {\n function: \"\\001\"\n position: 13\n length: 6\n}\n" + "thatSnippet {\n function: \"\\003\"\n position: 9\n length: 6\n}\n]")); builtClones = expanderWithoutLongRows.expandClones(matches.get(1)); assertThat(builtClones.toString(), is("[thisSnippet {\n function: \"\\002\"\n position: 0\n length: 22\n}\n" + "thatSnippet {\n function: \"\\003\"\n position: 0\n length: 19\n}\n]")); builtClones = expanderWithoutLongRows.expandClones(matches.get(2)); assertThat(builtClones.toString(), is("[]")); } /** Filter to keep only snippets that collide. */ private List<List<Snippet>> filterCollisions(List<List<Snippet>> table) { final List<Snippet> filtering = new ArrayList<>(); for (final List<Snippet> subTable : table) { filtering.addAll(subTable); } Collections.sort(filtering, new Comparator<Snippet>() { @Override public int compare(Snippet o1, Snippet o2) { return o1.getHash().asReadOnlyByteBuffer().compareTo( o2.getHash().asReadOnlyByteBuffer()); }}); table = ImmutableList.<List<Snippet>>of( new ArrayList<Snippet>(), new ArrayList<Snippet>(), new ArrayList<Snippet>()); Snippet last = filtering.get(0); Snippet next = filtering.get(1); if (last.getHash().asReadOnlyByteBuffer().equals(next.getHash().asReadOnlyByteBuffer())) { table.get(last.getFunction().asReadOnlyByteBuffer().get(0) - 1).add(last); } for (int i = 1; i < filtering.size() - 1; i++) { final Snippet cur = next; next = filtering.get(i + 1); if (cur.getHash().asReadOnlyByteBuffer().equals(last.getHash().asReadOnlyByteBuffer()) || cur.getHash().asReadOnlyByteBuffer().equals(next.getHash().asReadOnlyByteBuffer())) { table.get(cur.getFunction().asReadOnlyByteBuffer().get(0) - 1).add(cur); } last = cur; } final Snippet cur = filtering.get(filtering.size() - 1); if (cur.getHash().asReadOnlyByteBuffer().equals(last.getHash().asReadOnlyByteBuffer())) { table.get(cur.getFunction().asReadOnlyByteBuffer().get(0) - 1).add(cur); } assertThat(filtering.size(), is(51)); assertThat(table.get(0).size() + table.get(1).size() + table.get(2).size(), is(32)); for (final List<Snippet> subTable : table) { Collections.sort(subTable, snippetLocationComparator); } return table; } List<Snippet> allSnippets(StringOfLines sol, Hasher hasher, byte[] function) throws CannotBeHashedException { final List<Snippet> ret = new ArrayList<>(); for (int frameStart = 0; frameStart + Populator.MINIMUM_LINES < sol.getNumberOfLines(); frameStart++) { final String value = sol.getLines(frameStart, Populator.MINIMUM_LINES); final ByteBuffer newHash = ByteBuffer.wrap(hasher.hash(value)); ret.add(Snippet.newBuilder() .setHash(ByteString.copyFrom(newHash)) .setFunction(ByteString.copyFrom(function)) .setPosition(frameStart) .build()); } Collections.sort(ret, snippetLocationComparator); return ImmutableList.copyOf(ret); // compresses ret. } StringBuilder snippet1() { return new StringBuilder(" public static int log10(int x, RoundingMode mode) {\n" + " checkPositive(\"x\", x);\n" + " int logFloor = log10Floor(x);\n" + " int floorPow = POWERS_OF_10[logFloor];\n" + " int result = -1;\n" + " switch (mode) {\n" + " case UNNECESSARY:\n" + " checkRoundingUnnecessary(x == floorPow);\n" + " // fall through\n" + " case DOWN:\n" + " result = logFloor;\n" + " case CEILING:\n" + " case UP:\n" + " result = (x == floorPow) ? logFloor : logFloor - 1;\n" + " case HALF_DOWN:\n" + " case HALF_UP:\n" + " case HALF_EVEN:\n" + " // sqrt(10) is irrational, so log10(x) - logFloor is never exactly\n" + " // 0.5\n" + " result = (x <= HALF_POWERS_OF_10[logFloor]) ? logFloor : logFloor - 1;\n" + " }\n" + " return result;\n" + " }"); } StringBuilder snippet2() { return new StringBuilder(" public static int log10(int x, RoundingMode mode) {\n" + " int logFloor = log10Floor(x);\n" + " int floorPow = powers_Of_10[logFloor];\n" + " switch (mode) {\n" + " case UNNECESSARY:\n" + " checkRoundingUnnecessary(x == floorPow);\n" + " // fall through\n" + " case FLOOR:\n" + " case DOWN:\n" + " return logFloor;\n" + " case CEILING:\n" + " case UP:\n" + " return (x == floorPow) ? logFloor : logFloor + 1;\n" + " case HALF_DOWN:\n" + " case HALF_UP:\n" + " case HALF_EVEN:\n" + " // sqrt(10) is irrational, so log10(x) - logFloor is never exactly\n" + " // 0.5\n" + " return (x <= half_Powers_Of_10[logFloor]) ? logFloor : logFloor + 1;\n" + " default:\n" + " throw new AssertionError();\n" + " }\n" + " }"); } StringBuilder snippet3() { return new StringBuilder(" public static int log10(int x, RoundingMode mode) {\n" + " int logFloor = log10Floor(x);\n" + " int floorPow = powers_Of_10[logFloor];\n" + " switch (mode) {\n" + " case FLOOR:\n" + " case DOWN:\n" + " return logFloor;\n" + " case CEILING:\n" + " case UP:\n" + " return (x == floorPow) ? logFloor : logFloor + 1;\n" + " case HALF_DOWN:\n" + " case HALF_UP:\n" + " case HALF_EVEN:\n" + " // sqrt(10) is irrational, so log10(x) - logFloor is never exactly\n" + " // 0.5\n" + " return (x <= half_Powers_Of_10[logFloor]) ? logFloor : logFloor + 1;\n" + " default:\n" + " throw new AssertionError();\n" + " }\n" + " }"); } private String printString(Iterable<Clone> matches) { final StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder("("); for (final Clone e : matches) { final ByteBuffer hash = e.getThisSnippet().getHash().asReadOnlyByteBuffer(); ret.append(String.format("%d-%d|%d$%02x%02x@%d, ", e.getThisSnippet().getFunction().asReadOnlyByteBuffer().get(0), e.getThatSnippet().getFunction().asReadOnlyByteBuffer().get(0), e.getThisSnippet().getPosition(), hash.get(0), hash.get(1), e.getThatSnippet().getPosition())); } ret.append(')'); return ret.toString(); } }