package eu.se_bastiaan.popcorntimeremote.utils; import android.content.res.Resources; import; import; import; import; import android.os.Build; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Looper; import; import; import android.view.View; import eu.se_bastiaan.popcorntimeremote.R; public class ActionBarBackground { private final int mNewColor; private final Handler mHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper()); private Drawable mOldBackground; private AppCompatActivity mActivity; private View mToolbar; private ActionBar mActionBar; private final Drawable.Callback drawableCallback = new Drawable.Callback() { @Override public void invalidateDrawable(Drawable who) { mActionBar.setBackgroundDrawable(who); } @Override public void scheduleDrawable(Drawable who, Runnable what, long when) { mHandler.postAtTime(what, when); } @Override public void unscheduleDrawable(Drawable who, Runnable what) { mHandler.removeCallbacks(what); } }; public ActionBarBackground(AppCompatActivity AppCompatActivity) { mNewColor = Color.parseColor("#FFFFFF"); init(AppCompatActivity); } public ActionBarBackground(AppCompatActivity AppCompatActivity, int newColor) { mNewColor = newColor; init(AppCompatActivity); } private void init(AppCompatActivity AppCompatActivity) { mActionBar = AppCompatActivity.getSupportActionBar(); mActivity = AppCompatActivity; getToolbar(AppCompatActivity); if(mToolbar == null || mToolbar.getBackground() == null) { mOldBackground = getColoredBackground(R.color.primary); } else { mOldBackground = mToolbar.getBackground(); } } private Resources getResources() { return mActivity.getResources(); } private View getToolbar(AppCompatActivity AppCompatActivity) { final int toolBarId = getResources().getIdentifier("toolbar", "id", AppCompatActivity.getPackageName()); mToolbar = AppCompatActivity.findViewById(toolBarId); return mToolbar; } /** * Change color of ActionBar to mNewColor * @return Instance of this class */ private ActionBarBackground changeColor(Boolean fade) { if(fade) { fadeBackground(mOldBackground, getColoredBackground(mNewColor)); } else { mActionBar.setBackgroundDrawable(getColoredBackground(mNewColor)); } return this; } /** * Fade the ActionBar background to zero opacity * @return Instance of this class */ private ActionBarBackground fadeOut() { Drawable background = getColoredBackground(android.R.color.transparent); background.setAlpha(0); fadeBackground(mOldBackground, background); return this; } /** * Fade the ActionBar background to solid opacity * @return Instance of this class */ private ActionBarBackground fadeIn(Integer color) { Drawable transBackground = getColoredBackground(android.R.color.transparent); Drawable background = getColoredBackground(color); background.setAlpha(1); fadeBackground(transBackground, background); return this; } /** * Fade the ActionBar background to the provided newDrawable * @param newDrawable New background of ActionBar * @return Instance of this class */ private ActionBarBackground fadeBackground(Drawable newDrawable) { fadeBackground(mOldBackground, newDrawable); return this; } /** * Fade the ActionBar background from oldDrawable to newDrawable * @param oldDrawable Drawable to be faded from * @param newDrawable Drawable to be faded to * @return Instance of this class */ private ActionBarBackground fadeBackground(Drawable oldDrawable, Drawable newDrawable) { if (oldDrawable == null) { if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) { newDrawable.setCallback(drawableCallback); } else { mActionBar.setBackgroundDrawable(newDrawable); } } else { TransitionDrawable td = new TransitionDrawable(new Drawable[] { oldDrawable, newDrawable }); td.setCrossFadeEnabled(true); // workaround for broken ActionBarContainer drawable handling on // pre-API 17 builds // if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < Build.VERSION_CODES.JELLY_BEAN_MR1) { td.setCallback(drawableCallback); } else { int paddingTop = mToolbar.getPaddingTop(); mActionBar.setBackgroundDrawable(td); mToolbar.setPadding(0, paddingTop, 0, 0); // fix for fitSystemWindows } td.startTransition(500); } mOldBackground = newDrawable; // //mActionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(false); //mActionBar.setDisplayShowTitleEnabled(true); return this; } /** * Get new drawable with provided color. * @param color Color of the new drawable * @return Drawable with provided color */ public static Drawable getColoredBackground(int color) { return new ColorDrawable(color); } /** * Fade the ActionBar background to zero opacity * @param activity Activity where the ActionBar has to change * @return Instance of this class */ public static ActionBarBackground fadeOut(AppCompatActivity activity) { ActionBarBackground abColor = new ActionBarBackground(activity); abColor.fadeOut(); return abColor; } /** * Fade the ActionBar background to solid opacity * @param activity Activity where the ActionBar has to change * @return Instance of this class */ public static ActionBarBackground fadeIn(AppCompatActivity activity, Integer color) { ActionBarBackground abColor = new ActionBarBackground(activity); abColor.fadeIn(color); return abColor; } /** * Change the background color of the ActionBar to newColor * @param activity Activity where the ActionBar has to change * @param newColor New background color of the ActionBar * @return Instance of this class */ public static ActionBarBackground changeColor(AppCompatActivity activity, int newColor) { return changeColor(activity, newColor, true); } /** * Change the background color of the ActionBar to newColor, fading or not * @param activity Activity where the ActionBar has to change * @param newColor New background color of the ActionBar * @return Instance of this class */ public static ActionBarBackground changeColor(AppCompatActivity activity, int newColor, Boolean fade) { ActionBarBackground abColor = new ActionBarBackground(activity, newColor); abColor.changeColor(fade); return abColor; } /** * Fade background of the ActionBar to newDrawable * @param activity Activity where the ActionBar has to change * @param newDrawable New background color of the ActionBar * @return Instance of this class */ public static ActionBarBackground fadeDrawable(AppCompatActivity activity, Drawable newDrawable) { ActionBarBackground abColor = new ActionBarBackground(activity); abColor.fadeBackground(newDrawable); return abColor; } }