package; import java.util.Arrays; import; import; import; import; import; /** * Parses the Manufactured Data field of an iBeacon * <p> * The parsing is based on the following schema: * <pre> * Byte|Value * ------------------------------------------------- * 0 4C - Byte 1 (LSB) of Company identifier code * 1 00 - Byte 0 (MSB) of Company identifier code (0x004C == Apple) * 2 02 - Byte 0 of iBeacon advertisement indicator * 3 15 - Byte 1 of iBeacon advertisement indicator * 4 e2 |\ * 5 c5 |\\ * 6 6d |#\\ * 7 b5 |##\\ * 8 df |###\\ * 9 fb |####\\ * 10 48 |#####\\ * 11 d2 |#####|| iBeacon * 12 b0 |#####|| Proximity UUID * 13 60 |#####// * 14 d0 |####// * 15 f5 |###// * 16 a7 |##// * 17 10 |#// * 18 96 |// * 19 e0 |/ * 20 00 - major * 21 00 * 22 00 - minor * 23 00 * 24 c5 - The 2's complement of the calibrated Tx Power * </pre> * @author Alexandros Schillings */ public final class IBeaconManufacturerData extends BeaconManufacturerData{ private final int mCalibratedTxPower; private final int mCompanyIdentidier; private final int mIBeaconAdvertisment; private final int mMajor; private final int mMinor; private final String mUUID; /** * Instantiates a new iBeacon manufacturer data object. * * @param device a {@link BluetoothLeDevice} * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the data is not from an iBeacon. */ public IBeaconManufacturerData(final BluetoothLeDevice device) { this(device.getAdRecordStore().getRecord(AdRecord.TYPE_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_DATA).getData()); } /** * Instantiates a new iBeacon manufacturer data object. * * @param manufacturerData the {@link AdRecord#TYPE_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_DATA} data array * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the data is not from an iBeacon. */ public IBeaconManufacturerData(final byte[] manufacturerData) { super(BeaconType.IBEACON, manufacturerData); final byte[] intArray = Arrays.copyOfRange(manufacturerData, 0, 2); ByteUtils.invertArray(intArray); mCompanyIdentidier = ByteUtils.getIntFrom2ByteArray(intArray); mIBeaconAdvertisment = ByteUtils.getIntFrom2ByteArray(Arrays.copyOfRange(manufacturerData, 2, 4)); mUUID = IBeaconUtils.calculateUuidString(Arrays.copyOfRange(manufacturerData, 4, 20)); mMajor = ByteUtils.getIntFrom2ByteArray(Arrays.copyOfRange(manufacturerData, 20, 22)); mMinor = ByteUtils.getIntFrom2ByteArray(Arrays.copyOfRange(manufacturerData, 22, 24)); mCalibratedTxPower = manufacturerData[24]; } /** * Gets the calibrated TX power of the iBeacon device as reported. * * @return the calibrated TX power */ public int getCalibratedTxPower() { return mCalibratedTxPower; } /** * Gets the iBeacon company identifier. * * @return the company identifier */ public int getCompanyIdentifier() { return mCompanyIdentidier; } public int getIBeaconAdvertisement() { return mIBeaconAdvertisment; } /** * Gets the iBeacon Major value. * * @return the Major value */ public int getMajor() { return mMajor; } /** * Gets the iBeacon Minor value. * * @return the Minor value */ public int getMinor() { return mMinor; } /** * Gets the iBeacon UUID. * * @return the UUID */ public String getUUID() { return mUUID; } }