package de.rwth.idsg.bikeman.repository; import de.rwth.idsg.bikeman.domain.Address; import de.rwth.idsg.bikeman.domain.Address_; import de.rwth.idsg.bikeman.domain.OperationState; import de.rwth.idsg.bikeman.domain.Pedelec; import de.rwth.idsg.bikeman.domain.Pedelec_; import de.rwth.idsg.bikeman.domain.Station; import de.rwth.idsg.bikeman.domain.StationSlot; import de.rwth.idsg.bikeman.domain.StationSlot_; import de.rwth.idsg.bikeman.domain.Station_; import; import; import; import; import; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.springframework.stereotype.Repository; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import javax.persistence.EntityExistsException; import javax.persistence.EntityManager; import javax.persistence.PersistenceContext; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaBuilder; import javax.persistence.criteria.CriteriaQuery; import javax.persistence.criteria.Join; import javax.persistence.criteria.JoinType; import javax.persistence.criteria.Path; import javax.persistence.criteria.Root; import java.util.List; /** * Created by sgokay on 26.05.14. */ @Repository @Slf4j public class StationRepositoryImpl implements StationRepository { private enum Operation {CREATE, UPDATE} @PersistenceContext private EntityManager em; @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public Station findByManufacturerId(String manufacturerId) throws DatabaseException { final String q = "SELECT s FROM Station s WHERE s.manufacturerId = :manufacturerId"; try { return em.createQuery(q, Station.class) .setParameter("manufacturerId", manufacturerId) .getSingleResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DatabaseException("Failed to find station with manufacturerId " + manufacturerId, e); } } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<ViewStationDTO> findAll() throws DatabaseException { try { CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); CriteriaQuery<ViewStationDTO> criteria = this.getStationQuery(builder, null); return em.createQuery(criteria).getResultList(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DatabaseException("Failed during database operation.", e); } } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public ViewStationDTO findOne(long stationId) throws DatabaseException { CriteriaBuilder builder = em.getCriteriaBuilder(); // get station info CriteriaQuery<ViewStationDTO> criteria = this.getStationQuery(builder, stationId); ViewStationDTO stat; try { stat = em.createQuery(criteria).getSingleResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DatabaseException("Failed to find station with stationId " + stationId, e); } // get slots for the station CriteriaQuery<ViewStationSlotDTO> slotCriteria = builder.createQuery(ViewStationSlotDTO.class); Root<StationSlot> stationSlot = slotCriteria.from(StationSlot.class); Join<StationSlot, Pedelec> pedelec = stationSlot.join(StationSlot_.pedelec, JoinType.LEFT); builder.construct( ViewStationSlotDTO.class, stationSlot.get(StationSlot_.stationSlotId), stationSlot.get(StationSlot_.manufacturerId), stationSlot.get(StationSlot_.stationSlotPosition), stationSlot.get(StationSlot_.state), stationSlot.get(StationSlot_.isOccupied), pedelec.get(Pedelec_.pedelecId), pedelec.get(Pedelec_.manufacturerId) ) ).where(builder.equal(stationSlot.get(StationSlot_.station).get(Station_.stationId), stationId)); try { List<ViewStationSlotDTO> list = em.createQuery(slotCriteria).getResultList(); stat.setSlots(list); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DatabaseException("Failed to get slots for the station", e); } return stat; } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public List<ViewErrorDTO> findErrors() throws DatabaseException { final String q = "SELECT new" + "s.stationId, s.manufacturerId,, s.errorCode, s.errorInfo, s.updated) " + "FROM Station s where not (s.errorCode = '') and s.errorCode is not null"; try { return em.createQuery(q, ViewErrorDTO.class) .getResultList(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DatabaseException("Failed to find stations with error messages"); } } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = true) public String getEndpointAddress(long stationId) throws DatabaseException { final String q = "SELECT s.endpointAddress FROM Station s WHERE s.stationId = :stationId"; try { return em.createQuery(q, String.class) .setParameter("stationId", stationId) .getSingleResult(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DatabaseException("Failed to find station with stationId " + stationId, e); } } @Override @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class) public void create(CreateEditStationDTO dto) throws DatabaseException { Station station = new Station(); setFields(station, dto, Operation.CREATE); try { em.persist(station); log.debug("Created new manager {}", station); } catch (EntityExistsException e) { throw new DatabaseException("This station exists already.", e); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DatabaseException("Failed to create a new station.", e); } } @Override @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class) public void update(CreateEditStationDTO dto) throws DatabaseException { final Long stationId = dto.getStationId(); if (stationId == null) { return; } Station station = getStationEntity(stationId); setFields(station, dto, Operation.UPDATE); try { em.merge(station); log.debug("Updated station {}", station); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DatabaseException("Failed to update station with stationId " + stationId, e); } } @Override @Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class) public void changeSlotState(long stationId, int slotPosition, OperationState state) { final String query = "UPDATE StationSlot ss " + "SET ss.state = :state " + "WHERE ss.stationSlotPosition = :slotPosition " + "AND ss.station = (SELECT s FROM Station s WHERE s.stationId = :stationId)"; int count = em.createQuery(query) .setParameter("state", state) .setParameter("slotPosition", slotPosition) .setParameter("stationId", stationId) .executeUpdate(); if (count == 1) { log.debug("[StationId: {}] Slot with position {} is updated", stationId, slotPosition); } else { log.error("[StationId: {}] Slot with position {} update FAILED", stationId, slotPosition); } } /** * Returns a station, or throws exception when no station exists. */ @Transactional(readOnly = true) private Station getStationEntity(long stationId) throws DatabaseException { Station station = em.find(Station.class, stationId); if (station == null) { throw new DatabaseException("No station with stationId " + stationId); } else { return station; } } /** * This method sets the fields of the station to the values in DTO. * <p/> * Important: The ID is not set! */ private void setFields(Station station, CreateEditStationDTO dto, Operation operation) { station.setManufacturerId(dto.getManufacturerId()); station.setName(dto.getName()); station.setLocationLatitude(dto.getLocationLatitude()); station.setLocationLongitude(dto.getLocationLongitude()); station.setNote(dto.getNote()); station.setState(dto.getState()); switch (operation) { case CREATE: // for create (brand new address entity) Address newAdd = new Address(); CreateEditAddressDTO newDtoAdd = dto.getAddress(); newAdd.setStreetAndHousenumber(newDtoAdd.getStreetAndHousenumber()); newAdd.setZip(newDtoAdd.getZip()); newAdd.setCity(newDtoAdd.getCity()); newAdd.setCountry(newDtoAdd.getCountry()); station.setAddress(newAdd); break; case UPDATE: // for edit (keep the address ID) Address add = station.getAddress(); CreateEditAddressDTO dtoAdd = dto.getAddress(); add.setStreetAndHousenumber(dtoAdd.getStreetAndHousenumber()); add.setZip(dtoAdd.getZip()); add.setCity(dtoAdd.getCity()); add.setCountry(dtoAdd.getCountry()); break; } } /** * This method returns the query to get information of all the stations or only the specified station (by stationId) */ private CriteriaQuery<ViewStationDTO> getStationQuery(CriteriaBuilder builder, Long stationId) { CriteriaQuery<ViewStationDTO> criteria = builder.createQuery(ViewStationDTO.class); Root<Station> station = criteria.from(Station.class); Join<Station, StationSlot> stationSlot = station.join(Station_.stationSlots, JoinType.LEFT); Join<Station, Address> address = station.join(Station_.address, JoinType.LEFT); Path<Boolean> occ = stationSlot.get(StationSlot_.isOccupied); builder.construct( ViewStationDTO.class, station.get(Station_.stationId), station.get(Station_.manufacturerId), station.get(, address.get(Address_.streetAndHousenumber), address.get(, address.get(, address.get(, station.get(Station_.locationLatitude), station.get(Station_.locationLongitude), station.get(Station_.note), station.get(Station_.state), builder.sum(builder.<Integer>selectCase() .when(builder.isFalse(occ), 1) .otherwise(0) ), builder.count(occ) ) ); if (stationId != null) { criteria.where(builder.equal(station.get(Station_.stationId), stationId)); } criteria.groupBy(station.get(Station_.stationId), address.get(Address_.addressId)); return criteria; } }