/* * This is public domain software - that is, you can do whatever you want * with it, and include it software that is licensed under the GNU or the * BSD license, or whatever other licence you choose, including proprietary * closed source licenses. I do ask that you leave this header in tact. * * If you make modifications to this code that you think would benefit the * wider community, please send me a copy and I'll post it on my site. * * If you make use of this code, I'd appreciate hearing about it. * metadata_extractor [at] drewnoakes [dot] com * Latest version of this software kept at * http://drewnoakes.com/ * * Created by dnoakes 09-Oct-2003 15:22:23 using IntelliJ IDEA. */ package com.drew.metadata.jpeg.test; import com.drew.metadata.MetadataException; import com.drew.metadata.jpeg.JpegComponent; import com.drew.metadata.jpeg.JpegDescriptor; import com.drew.metadata.jpeg.JpegDirectory; import junit.framework.TestCase; /** * */ public class JpegDescriptorTest extends TestCase { private JpegDirectory _directory; private JpegDescriptor _descriptor; public JpegDescriptorTest(String s) { super(s); } public void setUp() throws Exception { _directory = new JpegDirectory(); _descriptor = new JpegDescriptor(_directory); } public void testGetComponentDataDescription_InvalidComponentNumber() throws Exception { try { _descriptor.getComponentDataDescription(1); fail("Excepted exception"); } catch (MetadataException e) { // expect exception } } public void testGetImageWidthDescription() throws Exception { _directory.setInt(JpegDirectory.TAG_JPEG_IMAGE_WIDTH, 123); assertEquals("123 pixels", _descriptor.getImageWidthDescription()); assertEquals("123 pixels", _directory.getDescription(JpegDirectory.TAG_JPEG_IMAGE_WIDTH)); } public void testGetImageHeightDescription() throws Exception { _directory.setInt(JpegDirectory.TAG_JPEG_IMAGE_HEIGHT, 123); assertEquals("123 pixels", _descriptor.getImageHeightDescription()); assertEquals("123 pixels", _directory.getDescription(JpegDirectory.TAG_JPEG_IMAGE_HEIGHT)); } public void testGetDataPrecisionDescription() throws Exception { _directory.setInt(JpegDirectory.TAG_JPEG_DATA_PRECISION, 8); assertEquals("8 bits", _descriptor.getDataPrecisionDescription()); assertEquals("8 bits", _directory.getDescription(JpegDirectory.TAG_JPEG_DATA_PRECISION)); } public void testGetComponentDescription() throws MetadataException { JpegComponent component1 = new JpegComponent(1, 0x22, 0); _directory.setObject(JpegDirectory.TAG_JPEG_COMPONENT_DATA_1, component1); assertEquals("Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 2 horiz/2 vert", _directory.getDescription(JpegDirectory.TAG_JPEG_COMPONENT_DATA_1)); assertEquals("Y component: Quantization table 0, Sampling factors 2 horiz/2 vert", _descriptor.getComponentDataDescription(0)); } }